SQL Server find column difference from different tables and fill intermediate dates - sql-server

I have the purchase entry in one table #temp1 and sales history in another table #temp2 for multiple stores. There might be no sales, no purchase, or both/either of them in a day. I need to build a graph of daily stock.
Basically, I am stuck in the query part. For first part I need to combine both tables to view the data together...
Secondly, I need to find the cumulative values for the stock ; something like ...
After I get I need to plot it finally... help out !!! QUERY MASTER !!!

If you start out by using a Union something like:
SELECT Store, Date, Purchase, 0 Sales FROM #temp1
SELECT Store, Date, 0, Sales FROM #temp2
You have all the data in one table/view. From there, you can get things consolidated by
Store, Date,
Sum(Purchase) Purchase,
Sum(Sales) Sales,
Sum(Purchase) - Sum(Sales) InStock
Store, Date
That will give you a view with the Store, Date, Purchases, Sales and In Stock in one row. If you work things via query rather than temp tables, you can easily use the final view to feed SSRS and draw your graph.
Hope that helps.

Yes, the hint by #mark worked...
select store,date,ISNULL(purchase,0) as purchase,0 as sales
into #tbl
from temp1
union all
select store,date,0 as purchase,ISNULL(sales,0) as sales from temp2
select store,sum(purchase) as PUR,sum(sales) as SAL,sum(purchase-sales) as STOCK from #tbl
group by store,date
order by storename
drop table #tbl
And, the empty dates in between are automatically managed by the SSRS reporting tool.
But, the cumulative sums are not able to solve till now...


How do you efficiently pull data from multiple records into 1 record

I currently have data in a table related to transactions. Each record has a purchase ID, a Transaction Number, and up to 5 purchases assigned to the transaction. Associated with each purchase there can be up to 10 transactions. For the first transaction of each purchase I need a field that is a string of each unique purchase concatenated. My solution was slow I estimated it would take 40 days to complete. What would be the most effective way to do this?
What you are looking for can be achieved in 2 steps:
Step1: Extracting the first transaction of each purchase
Depending upon your table configuration this can be done in a couple of different ways.
If your transaction IDs are sequential, you can use something like:
select * from table a
inner join
(select purchaseid,min(transactionid) as transactionid
from table group by purchaseid) b
on a.purchaseid-b.purchaseid and a.transactionid=b.transactionid
If there is a date variable driving the transaction sequence, then:
select a.* from
(select *,row_number() over(partition by purchaseid order by date) as rownum from table)a
where a.rownum=1
Step2: Concatenating the Purchase details
This can be done by using the String_agg function if you are using the latest version of SQL server. If not, the following link highlights a couple of different ways you can do this:
Optimal way to concatenate/aggregate strings
Hope this helps.

Customer Attrition in SQL Server

I am trying to find churned customer in the adventureworks2012 sample database. Churned customer in my case is a customer who used to be active in a period of six months, then has not made any transaction in a later period of time.
My attributes are customer ID, product category, product subcategories, price, order dates, online order flag etc
Can you please provide some hints on how to define teacher customer as either churned or not churned.
Thank you in advance.
If you're trying to loop through them all:
Will give you each teachers last order date, and then you can loop through and compare them to whatever date range you want (if you're doing a loop).
If you're trying to figure out an individual teacher just see if the count is > 0:
Best I can do w\o a better idea what language you're using and what the application is.

t sql sort by calculated column

I'm on T-SQL 2014 and try to order products by their price. Now here is the problem: the price is a calculated field. Eg. I have created a function which evaluates a number of pricing rules (maybe about 4 tables with each about 4,000,000 records combined with JOINs to fit to the current login) and returns the users price for the product. While this is OK if I just want to return the price for a limited number of products it is way to slow if I want to sort by this.
I was thinking about having an additional table like UserProductPrice which will get calculated in the background but this will obviously not always have the correct price in it as the rules etc. could change in between the calculation.
Any suggestion on how I could sort by the price would be most appreciated.
You could use the ROW_NUMBER() function and place this into a temp table:
dbo.ufnPrice(Price) as Price,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Product ORDER BY dbo.ufnPrice(Price) DESC) AS Ranking
INTO #Products
FROM dbo.Products
FROM #Products
WHERE Ranking = 1
DROP TABLE #Products
Should give you what you need.

How can I create a table that combines the date for multiple users even if it's null date for that user?

I'm trying to create a table that shows the history of every users purchase history. I have one table that shows the date, #DateTable and another table that shows each individual purchase with columns, "UserNumber" and "PurchaseDate" and "Purchaseamount"
How can I join these two together to get the sum of each users Purchaseamount for every single day, even if they don't make a purchase that day?
Maybe you can accomplish this by using only your second table?
SELECT UserNumber,
WHEN PurchaseAmount IS NULL THEN '0'
ELSE SUM(PurchaseAmount)
END) PurchaseAmount
FROM PurchaseTable
GROUP BY UserNumber, DAY(PurchaseDate)
If the above doesn't work, try modifying to WHEN SUM(PurchaseAmount) IS NULL...

SQL Query to determine VAT rate

I'm looking to create a 3 column VAT_Parameter table with the following columns:
VATID, VATRate, EffectiveDate
However, I can't get my head around how I would identify which vat rate applies to an invoice date.
for example if the table was populated with:
1, 17.5, 1/4/1991
2, 15, 1/1/2009
3, 20, 4/1/2011
Say for example I have an invoice dated 4/5/2010, how would an SQL query select the correct VAT rate for that date?
select top 1 *
from VatRate
where EffectiveDate<=#InvoiceDate
order by EffectiveDate desc
Or, with a table of invoices
select id, invoicedate, rate
inv.id, inv.invoicedate, vatrate.rate, ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by inv.id order by vatrate.effectivedate desc) rn
from inv
inner join vatrate
on inv.invoicedate>=vatrate.effectivedate
) v
where rn = 1
PS. The rules for the rate of VAT to be charged when the rate changes are more complicated than just the invoice date. For example, the date of supply also matters.
I've run into this kind of thing before. There are two choices I can think of:
1. Expand the table to have two dates: EffectiveFrom and EffectiveTo. (You'll have to have a convention about whether each of these is exclusive or inclusive - but that's always a problem when using dates). This raises the problem of validating that the table population, as a whole, makes sense. e.g. that you don't end up with one row with Rate1 effective from 1/1/2000-1/1/2002, and another (overlapping) with Rate2 effective from 30/10/2001-1/1/2003. Or an uncovered gap in time, where no rate applies. Since this sounds like a very slowly-changing table, populated occasionally (by people who know what they're doing?), this could be the best solution. The SQL to get the effective rate would then be simple:
SELECT VATRate FROM VATTable WHERE (EffectiveFrom<=[YourInvoiceDate]) AND (EffectiveTo>=[YourInvoiceDate])
2. Use your existing table structure, and use some slightly more complicated SQL to determine the effective rate for an invoice.
Using your existing structure, something like this would work:
(SELECT Max(EffectiveDate) AS LatestDate FROM VATTable WHERE EffectiveDate<=
YourInvoiceDate) latest
ON VATTable.EffectiveDate=latest.LatestDate
An easier option may just be to denormalise your data structure and store the VAT rate in the invoice table itself.
