Anygantt Project Plan Change Scale - anychart

Is it possible yet to set the scale of timeline in a ganttProject graph in Anychart - for example, to be only quarters? I couldn't find it anywhere in the docs.

You can customize timeline header using the header() method:
var timeline = chart.getTimeline();
var currentHeader = timeline.header();
Timeline header supports levels customization, like:


The prediction has HUGE different compared with Custom Vision

I've trained a model(object detection) using Azure Custom Vision, and export the model as ONNX,
then import the model to my WPF(.net core) project.
I use to get prediction from my model, And I found the result has HUGE different compared with the prediction I saw on Custom Vision.
I've tried different order of extraction (ABGR, ARGB...etc), but the result is very disappointed, can any one give me some advice as there are not so much document online about Using Custom Vision's ONNX model with WPF to do object detection.
Here's some snippet:
// Model creation and pipeline definition for images needs to run just once, so calling it from the constructor:
var pipeline = mlContext.Transforms
resizing: ImageResizingEstimator.ResizingKind.Fill,
outputColumnName: MLObjectDetectionSettings.InputTensorName,
imageWidth: MLObjectDetectionSettings.ImageWidth,
imageHeight: MLObjectDetectionSettings.ImageHeight,
inputColumnName: nameof(MLObjectDetectionInputData.Image))
colorsToExtract: ImagePixelExtractingEstimator.ColorBits.Rgb,
orderOfExtraction: ImagePixelExtractingEstimator.ColorsOrder.ABGR,
outputColumnName: MLObjectDetectionSettings.InputTensorName))
.Append(mlContext.Transforms.ApplyOnnxModel(modelFile: modelPath, outputColumnName: MLObjectDetectionSettings.OutputTensorName, inputColumnName: MLObjectDetectionSettings.InputTensorName));
//Create empty DataView. We just need the schema to call fit()
var emptyData = new List<MLObjectDetectionInputData>();
var dataView = mlContext.Data.LoadFromEnumerable(emptyData);
//Generate a model.
var model = pipeline.Fit(dataView);
Then I use the model to create context.
//Create prediction engine.
var predictionEngine = _mlObjectDetectionContext.Model.CreatePredictionEngine<MLObjectDetectionInputData, MLObjectDetectionPrediction>(_mlObjectDetectionModel);
//Load tag labels.
var labels = File.ReadAllLines(LABELS_OBJECT_DETECTION_FILE_PATH);
//Create input data.
var imageInput = new MLObjectDetectionInputData { Image = this.originalImage };
var prediction = predictionEngine.Predict(imageInput);
Can you check on the image input (imageInput) is resized with the same size as in the model requirements when you prepare the pipeline for both Resize parameters:
imageWidth: MLObjectDetectionSettings.ImageWidth,
imageHeight: MLObjectDetectionSettings.ImageHeight.
Also for the ExtractPixels parameters especially on the ColorBits and ColorsOrder should follow the model requirements.
Hope this help
Maybe because the aspect ratio is not preserved during the resize.
Try with an image with the size of:
MLObjectDetectionSettings.ImageWidth * MLObjectDetectionSettings.ImageHeight
And you will see much better results.
I think Azure does preliminary processing on the image, maybe Padding (also during training?), or Cropping.
Maybe during the processing it also uses a moving window(the size that the model expects) and then do some aggregation

Plotly in R Power BI

How I can create interactive R plots in Power BI (for example Plotly)? Below code doesn't return any error, but also doesn't show chart:
z = ggplot(data = dataset) + geom_point(mapping = aes(x = Console, y = Search))
Data source:
source <- ""
game.console <- read.csv(source, header = TRUE)
According to this question in Power BI's Community forums
Plotly lib is supported as part of HTML support for R powered Custom
Visuals only, not R Visuals in general currently.
Plotly can only be used if it produces an IMAGE\PNG for R visuals in
For Custom Visuals we have an upcoming feature which will also enable R-based custom visuals to render as htmls.
Hope this helps.
The reason is that right now Power BI only supports render charts created by R visualization component as PNG.
Try the following:
p <- plot_ly(x = dataset$period, y = dataset$mean, name = "spline", line = list(shape = "spline"))
plotly_IMAGE(p, format = "png", out_file = "out.png")
But the problem with this is that, though rendered by plotly, the visualizations will not be interactive since its just a PNG image.
If you want to create interactive visualizations using plotly. The only way you can do is to create a custom Power BI visualization and import it to your report. See this post for a good introduction.
PowerBI only supports charts rendered as PNG while plotly format is in HTML. You can try to save the chart as PNG then print it in the R console inside PowerBI.
You first have to register a plotly account here.
After registration, on the top right corner arrow next to your account name and click on Settings -> API keys. You will be able to generate API key. Copy and paste your username and API key using this code.
Then add this code in to turn the plot into png format and print it out.
fig <- plot_ly(x = dataset$Console, y = dataset$Search)
Png <- plotly_IMAGE(fig, out_file = "plotly-test-image.png")
As mentioned in another answer, this plot won't be interactive as plot in PowerBI. To create an interactive plot in PowerBI, you have to create a custom visual. Follow an R custom visual example here or radacad example here.

Dynamically populate GraphSource through PopulateGraphSource method - RadDiagram

I am facing an issue where my graph is tree layout and looks fine initially. However, if I choose to change GraphSource upon user input/ clicks using PopulateGraphSource like in the OrgChart example, I get all the nodes stacked on top of each other with no links and all in corner.
I tried resetting graphSource by creating a new one
this.graphSource = new GraphSource();
I also tried to use the Clear method for GraphSource. Neither did solve the problem, I keep having the same issue.
I am using
ObservableCollection<Node> hierarchicalDataSource;
to fill up my GraphSource object.
All I do is create a new one and then call
Similar issues: question in telerik support , telerik support different question
Try calling the Layout method on the diagram control. Here is a little fragment of code
TreeLayoutSettings settings = new TreeLayoutSettings()
TreeLayoutType = TreeLayoutType.TreeDown,
VerticalSeparation = 60,
if (this.diagram.Shapes.Count > 0)
this.diagram.Layout(LayoutType.Tree, settings);
//this.diagram.Zoom = 1;

Exporting Jfreechart image to excel

I am looking for options to export a jfreechart (available in a JSP+struts) to an excel sheet.
I have tried 'setting the response header to type msexcel' to export the entire JSP to excel, but it is not rendering the jfreechart image.
Is there anyother option to export the jfreechart to excel?
I have generated the chart using jfreechart and used POI for exporting it to excel.
ServletOutputStream stream=resp.getOutputStream();
ByteArrayOutputStream outStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
int imageWidth= 700;
int imageHeigth = 400;
JFreeChart chart=ChartFactory.createBarChart("Test Chart", "", "", dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, true, false);
ChartUtilities.writeChartAsJPEG(outStream, chart, imageWidth, imageHeigth);
byte[] imageInByte = outStream.toByteArray();
int pictureIdx =wb.addPicture(imageInByte,Workbook.PICTURE_TYPE_JPEG);
Drawing drawing = sheet.createDrawingPatriarch();
CreationHelper helper = wb.getCreationHelper();
//add a picture shape
ClientAnchor anchor = helper.createClientAnchor();
//set top-left corner of the picture,
//subsequent call of Picture#resize() will operate relative to it
Picture pict = drawing.createPicture(anchor, pictureIdx);
//auto-size picture relative to its top-left corner
Apache POI will not help you because it has a limitiation (read the manual at Apache website). It can plot line and scattered charts only, that's look very poor.
Library good for working with excel but not for building a graphs. My suggestion is use prepared in advance templates, adjust it and just transfer necessary data from Java to template.
Another way it is use rendered JPEG, but it is horrible things and do not do this.

Windows Forms .NET 3.5 using resource images for a Treeview control

When populating my treeview I would like to use the same images that I use in my toolbar etc which are stored in a resource file.
The treeview seems to on accept images via an image list.
I was thinking of reflecting and adding the resources to an image list on load...
How do you guyz n girlz generally do this?
Just for completeness, that "sledge hammer" approach to add all images from a resource
foreach (var propertyInfo in
typeof(Resources).GetProperties(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
.Where(info => info.PropertyType == typeof (Bitmap))) {
(Bitmap)propertyInfo.GetValue(null, null));
I usually have an image list that I populate using images from the resource file. This can easily be done when initializing the form.
Example (with three images in Resources.resx, called one, two and three):
private void PopulateImageList()
_treeViewImageList.Images.Add("two", Resources.two);
_treeViewImageList.Images.Add("three", Resources.three);
