Refresh the data in controller when scope gets changed in AngularJS - angularjs

I'm pretty new with angular and I've read a lot of threads here and googled this topic but I cannot get a clear answer. what i am really trying to achieve is. lets suppose I have a controller A, this is a actual source for data. I passed it to one directive through binding it to a HTML. From this directive I am acually getting the source at another controller.
So I need to find out the way where I can change the data of controller when the data of controller A gets changed.
Controller A
angular.module('page.leadAndOpportunity.ctrl', []).controller('LeadAndOpportunityController', ['$scope', '$rootScope', '$timeout', function ($scope, $rootScope, $timeout, leadAndOpportunityService) {
$scope.selectDataSource = function (condition) {
var dataSource = [];
var dataSource = $scope.leadsDataSource.filter(function (item) {
return item.typeName === condition;
$scope.leadsDataSource = [];
$scope.leadsDataSource = dataSource;
<ng-senab-grid datasource="{{ leadsDataSource }}" defaultdata="{{defaultColumns}}" skipdata="{{ skipColumns }}" enablepersonalisation="true"></ng-senab-grid>
angular.module('page.gridView.drct', []).directive("ngSenabGrid", ["$rootScope", function ($rootScope) {
return {
restrict: "E",
templateUrl: "pages/gridView/page.gridView.tpl.html",
scope: {
enablePersonalisation: "#enablepersonalisation",
datasource: "#datasource",
defaultdata: "#defaultdata",
skipdata: "#skipdata"
Controller B
var _datasource = JSON.parse($scope.datasource);
//rest the data follows
So when $scope.leadsDataSource gets changes on Controller A, then the
var _datasource = JSON.parse($scope.datasource);
also should get changed
I dont know if it is possible or not. But I need to change the data
Thanks in advance

remove the curly brackets of the variable.since this is a directive no need to add curly brackets
<ng-senab-grid datasource="leadsDataSource" defaultdata="defaultColumns" skipdata="skipColumns" enablepersonalisation="true"></ng-senab-grid>
if u want to get the value of the variable then use "=" if u use "&" it will only get the string
scope: {
enablePersonalisation: "=enablepersonalisation",
datasource: "=datasource",
defaultdata: "=defaultdata",
skipdata: "=skipdata"
also inject the directive module to ur angular module
angular.module('page.leadAndOpportunity.ctrl', ['page.gridView.drct'])

A simple explanation to keep in mind about different types of scopes would be below.
# Attribute string binding (String)
= Two-way model binding (model)
& Callback method binding (method)
According this you should be using Two-way binding instead of Attribute string binding because The model in parent scope is linked to the model in the directive's isolated scope. Changes to one model affects the other, and vice versa.
I would prefer using bindToController property definition in the directive. When set to true in a directive with isolated scope that uses controllerAs, the component’s properties are bound to the controller rather than to the scope.
That means, Angular makes sure that, when the controller is instantiated, the initial values of the isolated scope bindings are available on this, and future changes are also automatically available.
Check the Below sample fiddle example for more understanding
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
myApp.controller('MyController', function($scope) {
$scope.change = function() {
$scope.fullname = 'Keshan';
$scope.reset = function() {
$scope.fullname = 'Fill Your Name';
myApp.directive('myDirective', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
name: '='
controller: function($scope) { = 'Fill Your Name';
controllerAs: 'ctrl',
bindToController: true,
template: '{{}}',
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="MyController">
<button ng-click="change()">Change</button>
<button ng-click="reset()">Reset</button>
<my-directive name="fullname"></my-directive>
Further Reading


Inserting a function into directive without isolate scope

I'm not sure if I'm going about this the right way. I am using the ui-select directive which does not seem to support the HTML required directive. So I built my own, ui-select-required. It seems I am unable to use isolate scope because ui-select already instantiates an isolate scope.
I want to make ui-select-required take in a function as an attribute. If the attribute is present, the it should validate with the return value of this function. If the attribute is not present then it should validate on presence of a value. This is all a part of a component.
.component('productDetails', {
product: '=product',
templateUrl: "/template/admin/products/details",
controllerAs: 'prodDetails',
controller: [
var prodDetails = this;
prodDetails.templateRequired = function(){
// Product types requiring a template
// 3 - customizable_downloadable
// 6 - static_variable_downloadable
var productTypes = [3, 6];
// Specification types requiring a template
var specificationTypes = ["print_on_demand"];
if(productTypes.indexOf(prodDetails.product.product_type) > -1){
return true;
if(specificationTypes.indexOf(prodDetails.specification.specification_type) > -1){
console.log('here'); // this gets called
return true;
return false;
return {
link:function(scope, elem, attrs, ctrl){
var form = angular.element(document).find('form');
var input = angular.element(elem.find('input')[0]);
var requiredFn = scope[attrs['requiredFn']];
ctrl.$validators.uiSelectRequired = function(){
return requiredFn();
} else {
ctrl.$validators.uiSelectRequired = function(modelValue){
return !ctrl.$isEmpty(modelValue)
form.on('submit', function(){
elem.on('change', function(){
label(ng-class="{'label label-danger': prodDetails.templateRequired()}")
| Template
ui-select(ng-model="prodDetails.product.template_id" name="template" ng-model-options="{ debounce: { default:500, blur: 0 } }" ui-select-required required-fn="prodDetails.templateRequired")
ui-select-match(placeholder="Search Templates...")
| {{$}}
ui-select-choices(position="down" repeat=" as template in prodDetails.templates" refresh="prodDetails.refreshTemplates($" minimum-input-length="1" refresh-delay="0")
| {{ }}
| id: {{}}
| created: {{template.created_at | date : 'yyyy-MM-dd'}}
The problem I'm having is that the variable requireFn is undefined. However, if in the HTML I send in the controller variable prodDetails alone then requireFn has the correct value of the controller variable.
I think your problem is that:
You are doing controllerAs: 'prodDetails' in your isolate scope and
You are looking to reference the function directly on the scope in your uiSelectRequired directive
I think if you switch this:
var requiredFn = scope[attrs['requiredFn']];
var requiredFn = scope.$eval(attrs.requiredFn);
You should get what you are looking for. This is assuming that templateRequired property has been added to the productDetails component's controller instance.
To reiterate, your issue was that you were looking for the property directly on the isolate scope itself, where it has been added to the controller reference. By doing a scope.$eval, you will essentially be parsing the path prodDetails.templateRequired -- which will hopefully resolve to the function reference you were hoping to get in the first place.
Edit: So the second part of your question in the comments lead me to believe you never needed a function into a directive with isolate scope. I think what you are trying to do is make the template model required conditionally. Angular already gives you this functionality through required and ng-required directives. You state in your question these are not available on ui-select, but they are "helper" directives with ngModel. I believe this is a mostly working example of what you want to do where I switch to required/ng-required and eliminate the need for your custom directive.

Why is binding value not available in controller immediately in angular

I'm trying to bind some values in an angular 1.6 component that should be available to the controller code.
I must be misunderstanding it, but the variables aren't available when the controller runs. The only way I've managed it is by putting a $timeout in to push the code into the next digest cycle.
What am I doing wrong here?
The relevant section is here:
var SelectorCtrl = ['$scope', '$http', '$timeout',
function ($scope, $http, $timeout) {
var self = this;
alert("1: " + self.hierarchyId);
// I'm not 100% sure why this has to be in the next digest cycle
$scope.categories = self.categories;
alert("2: " + self.hierarchyId);
app.component('categorySelector', {
templateUrl: 'categorySelector.html',
controller: SelectorCtrl,
bindings: {
hierarchyId: "#",
disabled: "=",
categories: "=",
onSelectionChanged: "&"
See plunker:
This is because of $compileProvider.preAssignBindingsEnabled(flag) introduced in Angular 1.6, you can configure it on config cycle on $compileProvider
If disabled (false), the compiler calls the constructor first before
assigning bindings.
The default value is true in Angular 1.5.x but will switch to false in
Angular 1.6.x.
You will get all bindings inside $onInit lifecycle event of Angular component, where all the bindings would be available(if binding passed synchronously).
self.$onInit = function() {
$scope.categories = self.categories;
alert("2: " + self.hierarchyId);
Note: It's bad practice to mix $scope with this. Rather avoid using $scope to make your code Angular 2 migration proof.
If you want binding to be available when controller function instantiate then you could set $compileProvider.preAssignBindingsEnabled(true). Which will make self.categories(bindings) value.
Similar answer
Angular 1.7.x update
As of Angular 1.7.x, the $compileProvider.preAssignBindingsEnabled(flag) is gone, and it is no longer possible to assign bindings before the constructor.
To work around this, you need to define a link function in your directive definition. You can make this function call a method on your controller like this:
app.directive("directive", function() {
return {
controller: DirectiveController, // bind controller any way you want
controllerAs: "ctrl",
bindToController: true,
link: function(scope) {
scope.ctrl.init(); // this will call an init() function on your controller

What is the correct way to access controller that was required inside directive controller?

I have a directive with require property:
require: '^testBox'
now I want to get testBox controller inside controller of my directive. How should I do it?
I was trying to do so:
controller: function(){
but looks like it does not work.
It's clear for me how to get required controller inside link function. But is there a way to get it inside controller without using link?
Code on plunker.
This is still an open issue. So at the moment you can not just inject the required controller into your directive controller. I have updated your Plunker. It's definitely a bit hacky but the problem is; You cannot expose the TextBoxCtrl to the UserCtrl in either the pre or post link function because the controller gets executed first. So my idea is to use a watcher to observe a scope varibale called textBox. Once the value is defined I declare a variable on the UserCtrl and remove the watcher. Now you can simply use it in your template like so:
{{ }}
Here is the code for the link function and the controller of the user directive:
link: function($scope, $element, $attrs, ctrl) {
$scope.textBox = ctrl
controller: function($scope) {
var vm = this;
var watcher = $scope.$watch('textBox', function(newVal) {
if(newVal) {
vm.textBox = newVal;
However, you can also go with a link function instead. The required controller will be injected as the fourth parameter.
When you use controllerAs it's just added as a property of the underlying scope object (using the name you've defined). Knowing this, you can attach the parent controller instance as a property of your child controller instance as follows:
function exampleDirective() {
return {
require: '^testBox',
link: function (scope, element, attrs, testBox) {
scope.example.testBox = testBox;
controllerAs: 'example',
controller: function() {
// silly example, but you get the idea!
this.user = this.testBox.user;

Explaining the order of the ngModel pipeline, parsers, formatters, viewChangeListeners, and $watchers

It's not easy to frame this question, so I will try to explain what I want to know with an example:
Consider this simple angularjs app: PLUNKER
angular.module('testApp', [])
.controller('mainCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.isChecked = false;
.directive("testDirective", function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
isChecked: '='
template: '<label><input type="checkbox" ng-model="isChecked" /> Is it Checked?</label>'+
'<p>In the <b>directive\'s</b> scope <b>{{isChecked?"it\'s checked":"it isn\'t checked"}}</b>.</p>'
With this html:
<body ng-controller="mainCtrl">
<test-directive is-checked="isChecked"></test-directive>
<p>In the <b>controller's</b> scope <b>{{isChecked?"it\'s checked":"it isn\'t checked"}}</b>.</p>
The app:
Has one controller called: "mainCtrl" where we have defined a scope variable called "isChecked"
It also has one directive called "testDirective" with an isolated scope and a binding property called "isChecked".
And in the html we are instantiating the "testDirective" inside of the "mainCtrl" and binding the "isChecked" property of the "mainCtrl" scope with the "isChecked" property of the isolated scope of the directive.
The directive renders a checkbox which has the "isChecked" scope property as a model.
When we check or un-check the checkbox we can see that both properties of both scopes are updated simultaneously.
So far, so good.
Now let's make a little change, like this: PLUNKER
angular.module('testApp', [])
.controller('mainCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.isChecked = false;
$scope.doingSomething = function(){alert("In the controller's scope is " + ($scope.isChecked?"checked!":"not checked"))};
.directive("testDirective", function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
isChecked: '=',
doSomething: '&'
template: '<label><input type="checkbox" ng-change="doSomething()" ng-model="isChecked" /> Is it Checked?</label>'+
'<p>In the <b>directive\'s</b> scope <b>{{isChecked?"it\'s checked":"it isn\'t checked"}}</b>.</p>'
and this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="testApp">
<script data-require="angular.js#1.3.0-beta.5" data-semver="1.3.0-beta.5" src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
<script src="script.js"></script>
<body ng-controller="mainCtrl">
<test-directive is-checked="isChecked" do-something="doingSomething()"></test-directive>
<p>In the <b>controller's</b> scope <b>{{isChecked?"it\'s checked":"it isn\'t checked"}}</b>.</p>
The only thing that we have done is:
Define a function in the scope of the controller that does a window.alert indicating if the 'isChecked' attribute of the controller's scope is checked or unchecked. (I'm doing a window.alert on purpose, because I want the execution to stop)
Bind that function into the directive
In the "ng-change" of the checkbox of the directive trigger that function.
Now, when we check or uncheck the checkbox we get an alert, and in that alert we can see that the scope of the directive hasn't been updated yet. Ok, so one would think that the ng-change gets triggered before the model gets updated, also while the alert is being displayed we can see that according to the text rendered in the browser "isChecked" has the same value in both scopes. All right, no big deal, if that's how the "ng-change" behave, so be it, we can always set a $watch and run the function there... But lets do another experiment:
Like this: PLUNKER
.directive("testDirective", function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
isChecked: '=',
doSomething: '&'
controller: function($scope){
$scope.internalDoSomething = function(){alert("In the directive's scope is " + ($scope.isChecked?"checked!":"not checked"))};
template: '<label><input type="checkbox" ng-change="internalDoSomething()" ng-model="isChecked" /> Is it Checked?</label>'+
'<p>In the <b>directive\'s</b> scope <b>{{isChecked?"it\'s checked":"it isn\'t checked"}}</b>.</p>'
Now we are just using a function of the scope of the directive to do the same thing that the function of the scope of the controller was doing, but this time it turns out that the model has been updated, so it seems that at this point the scope of the directive is updated but the scope of the controller is not updated... Weird!
Let's make sure that that's the case: PLUNKER
angular.module('testApp', [])
.controller('mainCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.isChecked = false;
$scope.doingSomething = function(directiveIsChecked){
alert("In the controller's scope is " + ($scope.isChecked?"checked!":"not checked") + "\n"
+ "In the directive's scope is " + (directiveIsChecked?"checked!":"not checked") );
.directive("testDirective", function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
isChecked: '=',
doSomething: '&'
controller: function($scope){
$scope.internalDoSomething = function(){ $scope.doSomething({directiveIsChecked:$scope.isChecked}) };
template: '<label><input type="checkbox" ng-change="internalDoSomething()" ng-model="isChecked" /> Is it Checked?</label>'+
'<p>In the <b>directive\'s</b> scope <b>{{isChecked?"it\'s checked":"it isn\'t checked"}}</b>.</p>'
This time we are using the function of the scope of the directive to trigger the bound function of the controller, and we are passing an argument to the controller's function with the value of the directive's scope. Now in the controller's function we can confirm what we already suspected in the previous step, which is: that the isolated scope gets updated first, then the ng-change gets triggered, and it's not after that, that the bindings of the directive's scope get updated.
Now, finally, my question/s:
Shouldn't angularjs update all the bound properties at the same time, before doing anything else?
Could anyone give me a detailed explanation of what's happening internally in order to justify this behavior?
In other words: if the "ng-change" got triggered before the model gets updated, I could understand that, but I'm having a very hard time understanding that a function gets triggered after updating the model and before finishing to populate the changes of the bound properties.
If you read this far: congratulations and thanks for your patience!
To summarize the problem, ngModelController has a process to go through before watches will be fired. You're logging the outer $scope property before ngModelController has processed the change and caused a $digest cycle, which would in turn fire $watchers. I wouldn't consider the model updated until that point.
This is a complex system. I made this demo as a reference. I recommend changing the return values, typing, and clicking - just messing around with it in all kinds of ways and checking the log. This makes it clear very quickly how everything works.
Demo (have fun!)
ngModelController has it's own arrays of functions to run as responses to different changes.
ngModelController has two kinds of "pipelines" for determining what to do with a kind of change. These allow the developer to control the flow of values.
If the scope property assigned as ngModel changes, the $formatter pipeline will run. This pipeline is used to determine how the value coming from $scope should be displayed in the view, but leaves the model alone. So, ng-model="foo" and $ = '123', would typically display 123 in the input, but the formatter could return 1-2-3 or any value. $ is still 123, but it is displayed as whatever the formatter returned.
$parsers deal with the same thing, but in reverse. When the user types something, the $parser pipeline is run. Whatever a $parser returns is what will be set to ngModel.$modelValue. So, if the user types abc and the $parser returns a-b-c, then the view won't change, but $ now is a-b-c.
After either a $formatter or $parser runs, $validators will be run. The validity of whatever property name is used for the validator will be set by the return value of the validation function (true or false).
$viewChangeListeners are fired after view changes, not model changes. This one is especially confusing because we're referring to $ and NOT ngModel.$modelValue. A view will inevitably update ngModel.$modelValue (unless prevented in the pipeline), but that is not the model change we're referring to. Basically, $viewChangeListeners are fired after $parsers and NOT after $formatters. So, when the view value changes (user types), $parsers, $validators, then $viewChangeListeners. Fun times =D
All of this happens internally from ngModelController. During the process, the ngModel object is not updated like you might expect. The pipeline is passing around values that will affect that object. At the end of the process, the ngModel object will be updated with the proper $viewValue and $modelValue.
Finally, the ngModelController is done and a $digest cycle will occur to allow the rest of the application to respond to the resulting changes.
Here's the code from the demo in case anything should happen to it:
<form name="form">
<input type="text" name="foo" ng-model="foo" my-directive>
<button ng-click="changeModel()">Change Model</button>
<p>$ = {{foo}}</p>
<p>Valid: {{!$error.test}}</p>
angular.module('myApp', [])
.controller('myCtrl', function($scope) {
$ = '123';
console.log('------ MODEL CHANGED ($ = "123") ------');
$scope.changeModel = function() {
$ = 'abc';
console.log('------ MODEL CHANGED ($ = "abc") ------');
.directive('myDirective', function() {
var directive = {
require: 'ngModel',
link: function($scope, $elememt, $attrs, $ngModel) {
$ngModel.$formatters.unshift(function(modelVal) {
console.log('-- Formatter --', JSON.stringify({
ngModel: {
viewVal: $ngModel.$viewValue,
modelVal: $ngModel.$modelValue
}, null, 2))
return modelVal;
$ngModel.$validators.test = function(modelVal, viewVal) {
console.log('-- Validator --', JSON.stringify({
ngModel: {
viewVal: $ngModel.$viewValue,
modelVal: $ngModel.$modelValue
}, null, 2))
return true;
$ngModel.$parsers.unshift(function(inputVal) {
console.log('------ VIEW VALUE CHANGED (user typed in input)------');
console.log('-- Parser --', JSON.stringify({
ngModel: {
viewVal: $ngModel.$viewValue,
modelVal: $ngModel.$modelValue
}, null, 2))
return inputVal;
$ngModel.$viewChangeListeners.push(function() {
console.log('-- viewChangeListener --', JSON.stringify({
ngModel: {
viewVal: $ngModel.$viewValue,
modelVal: $ngModel.$modelValue
}, null, 2))
// same as $watch('foo')
$scope.$watch(function() {
return $ngModel.$viewValue;
}, function(newVal) {
console.log('-- $watch "foo" --', JSON.stringify({
ngModel: {
viewVal: $ngModel.$viewValue,
modelVal: $ngModel.$modelValue
}, null, 2))
return directive;

AngularJS: What is the best way to bind a directive value to a service value changed via a controller?

I want to create a "Header" service to handle the title, buttons, and color of it.
The main idea is to be able to customize this header with a single line in my controllers like this:
function HomeCtrl($scope, Header) {
Header.config('Header title', 'red', {'left': 'backBtn', 'right': 'menuBtn'});
So I created a service (for now I'm only focussing on the title):
app.service('Header', function() {
this.config = function(title, color, buttons) {
this.title = title;
...And a directive:
app.directive('header', ['Header', function(Header) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
template: '<div class="header">{{title}}</div>',
controller: function($scope, $element, $attrs) {
$scope.$watch(function() { return Header.title }, function() {
$scope.title = Header.title;
So, this actually works but I'm wondering if there are no better way to do it.
Especially the $watch on the Header.title property. Doesn't seem really clean to me.
Any idea on how to optimize this ?
Edit: My header is not in my view. So I can't directly change the $scope value from my controller.
Edit2: Here is some of my markup
<div class="app-container">
<div class="content" ng-view></div>
(Not sure this piece of html will help but I don't know which part would actually...)
If you are using title in your view, why use scope to hold the object, rather than the service? This way you would not need a directive to update scope.header, as the binding would update it if this object changes
function HomeCtrl($scope, Header) {
$scope.header = Header.config('Header title', 'red', {'left': 'backBtn', 'right': 'menuBtn'});
and refer to title as
Put this in a controller that encapsulates the tags to bind to the header:
$scope.$on("$routeChangeSuccess", function($currentRoute, $previousRoute) {
//assume you can set this based on your $routeParams
$scope.header = Header.config($routeParams);
Simple solution may be to just add to rootScope. I always do this with a few truly global variables that every controller will need, mainly user login data etc.$rootScope){
"header" : {"title" : "foo"},
"user" :{}
.. then inject $rootScope into your controllers as warranted.
