Using angular 1 module in angular 2 app [duplicate] - angularjs

Can I use Angular libraries, for example angular-cookies in Angular 2 app?
Seems that this is not possible, but I want to know this cause I'm planning to upgrade project to Angular2

In general, no. If you're interested in following the migration guide by running Angular 1 and 2 simultaneously, you may be able to get an Angular 1 library functioning, but it's likely not worth your trouble.
I'd encourage you not to be scared of rewriting common libraries for yourself. You'll be surprised by how easy it is - in many instances you'd spend more time trying to figure out a library's documentation, and you gain an intimate understanding of the code.


In 2019, how much is it necessary to migrate a site from Angularjs to another framework?

I'm a project manager of a market place and I'm trying to find solution for my concerns. For two years a ago we decided to develop market place.
In front layer we decide to use angularjs and our team professional implement front layer using AngularJS. We add dependency injection for first time to angularjs 1.3 and solve google analytic crawling in SPA website.
But when google announce On July 1, 2018 AngularJS entered a 3 year Long Term Support period. As a project manager I have a big concern because We living in 2019 and after two years whats happen for our website ?
But my biggest question is how optimistic how long can we use Angularjs?
how much migration is necessary for this framework and
Is it possible that the sites written with Angularjs are not able to work after 2021?
Google announced:
All AngularJS applications that work now, will continue to work in the future. All published versions of AngularJS, on npm, bower, CDNs, etc will continue to be available.
For more information, see
Angular Blog - Stable AngularJS and Long Term Support
AngularJS Version Support Status
It’s out of date now, and new projects should absolutely not be built using it. This isn’t to say it was ever a particularly great choice. AngularJS came out of nowhere and became popular by default, rather than because it had particularly great design. It has a difficulty curve better suited to a great roller coaster than a decent framework, and a bunch of weird architectural and terminology choices. What the hell is a $scope, anyway? And what is a directive? What does transclusion actually mean? Meaningless terms that AngularJS has created. AngularJS does some things that are fundamentally wrong, such as creating invalid attributes on HTML markup. Even Google doesn’t use Angular for their own apps, like Gmail, and there’s a reason for that.
In fairness, AngularJS was always a poor choice. Its idiosyncratic code means that unlike other frameworks, it’s not good at implementing an agnostic, javascript solution. AngularJS code looks unfamiliar to anyone not super experienced with the weird intricacies of AngularJS itself.
Thankfully, this decision is well made for you – AngularJS is now quite thoroughly dead, and only legacy projects will continue to be using it. We should be grateful for what AngularJS has given us, and respect the position it held, but we should be just as pleased that it’s gone.1
The change is only about "support" and it means, no more bug fixes and no more improvements. Other than that, everything will be the same. Although, you should consider some disaster scenarios after LTS.
I saw some posts about running AngularJS and Angular side by side and I think it can be a good solution for your problem. Since you have enough time to migrate, your team can develop new features on Angular and you can also maintain your current AngularJS. Eventually you can get rid of AngularJS depending on your project size and development capacity.
Please check these scenarios.
Running AngularJS 1.6 in Angular 5 (side by side)
Running Angular and AngularJS frameworks side by side
For Angularjs support, you can find the previous discussion on this portal: angularjs 1.x support lifecycle and end-of-life
And the question regarding migration, in my personal opinion migration is a better option as the latest Angular version provides Boost in performance, Mobile-driven approach, code Maintainability & optimization, and most importantly Reduced development time and costs with better support.
And if asked about the migration approach, I would suggest a complete re-write that can be the most cost-effective strategy. If you’re a manager, put your team through Angular training (live, online, videos, books). Allocate time and budget for getting your developers up to speed with Angular as the learning curve is steep and prior experience with AngularJS is not overly helpful. Then your developers will write the new version of the app as per best practices recommended for Angular/TypeScript projects.
And finally, it’ll definitely pay off in the end. And, secondly, the newer versions of Angular won’t let you systems become outdated or irrelevant.
There is a team called who are providing extended support for AngularJS beyond December 2021.
We have used Angular JS extensively in our company for enterprise projects, mobile applications and continue to use it. Google's decision to stop development of AngularJS and put it on a EOL will definitely make developers to panic. But 3 years to migrate away from it is a long time and you can plan accordingly.
If your plan is to migrate to Angular, then you can follow their official guide to upgrade using ngUpgrade. You can find numerous articles online that explain how they upgraded existing AngularJS apps to Angular.
If your plan is to consider migrating to a totally new framework, then this will involve some work. You should take a look Web Components spec. Your existing directives/components can be re-written, with less effort, as web components (shadow DOM) or custom components (without shadow DOM). There are libraries that help you write these generic components - supported on most browsers today - Stencil JS, lit element and a few others.
The advantage of using Stencil JS is that it provides tools to compile your web components to target different frameworks (Angular, React, Vue, Ember).
The latter solution seems feasible as it allows you to migrate directives one by one over a period of time, without having to re-write the whole application in one go. In the future you can also re-use your components in the framework of your choice.
As for your question about will it continue to work after 2021 - yes it will continue to work. The problems you might face might not really be of technical nature, but related to hiring resources to work on it or maintain it.
I am AngularJS developer and I do continue to use this framework for some of my projects. I am aware that in not too distant future this library will be completely outdated (as some of you can say it's the case now), however:
AngularJS ecosystem gives you still lots of choice/support (as framework is very mature)
my main libraries as ag-grid, highChart or others, help to build great apps out of the box with little time
I still do enjoy to work with this framework for it's simplicity and flexibility
If you should build brand new app I would recommend React or Vue (or other framework) especially if you do not have significant experience with Angularjs. However if Angularjs is not new for you, you need to go fast - just use your experience and go for Angular.
Taking into account what you wrote:
My main concern is after 3 years of support. Whether after the 3 year end of support, Angularjs sites can continue to work without problems
Angularjs apps won't just stop to work like that, from one day to another.
As your project requires long-term maintenance, needs to be built from scratch and will take lots of effort - Angularjs ecosystem is then probably not the best choice for you (I do insist "for you").

How to upgrade from angular 1.4 to angular 5?

To upgrade from angular 1.4 to Angular 5 is it possible to use ngupgrade and follow incremental approach or it is strictly applicable to use ngupgrade from version 1.5. According to the image the prerequisites mentioned 1.5 is used for ngUpgrade.
There is official upgrade guide: or
But as a person who have written a big AngularJS application and now is working on a big Angular project, I recommend to start a new fresh project and step-by-step write a complete new application in the newest Angular. By my experience, switching between both frameworks is really hard and time-consuming.
In Angular things work totally different (better) and the framework itself offers much more than AngularJS.
If you still want to go the upgrade way, do it in 2 steps:
Upgrade to 1.5 (because there must be a reason why it is required)
Upgrade to Angular
Take a look at this article:
And you can upgrade or downgrade services and components between two frameworks.
You should know that there are two ways to bootstrap a Hybrid App:
Using UpgradeModule - Bootstraps both the AngularJS (v1) and Angular (v6) frameworks in the Angular zone
Using DowngradeModule - Bootstraps AngularJS outside of the Angular zone and keeps the two change detection systems separate.
I have tried both ways. And I recommend using DowngradeModule - it's better for performance and memory leaks.
If you google angular hybrid you will find a lot of articles and examples on github
Certainly look at to start. It's been a while since I've looked at it and it appears to have significant updates, which is nice. The "Preparation" section still reminds me of the joke: "How to be a millionaire and not pay taxes? Step 1: Get a million dollars." One section of preparation is "Using a Module Loader" which tells you why, but you're still on your own to figure out how to go from, say, grunt to webpack. It's beyond the scope of that page, sure, but that feels like big amorphous step to sort out.
I did find a developer, Sam Julien, that put together a guided video "course" which takes an app and walks through converting it. It is at and is certainly more comprehensive than any blog post I've seen. I'm not affiliated but it has gotten me started on laying out some of what we need to change.
It's not a trivial undertaking but being able to see the stages laid out ahead of time has made it seem incrementally possible. (Luckily, we are pretty close to the angularjs style guide already, which is another preparation step.) Good luck!

Angular 2 or 4 or 5 [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is Angular 4 and from where I can learn more about it?
(6 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I am posting this question to get some opinion from fellow developers on which version of Angular to start to learn when migrating from AngularJS to Angular.
I have been working with AngularJS 1.3.7. I have realized that AngularJS 1 is pretty old now and there have been more than significant changes in Angular 2 and higher versions. Also Angular 5 just come out.
I have plans of learning Angular and currently confused with which version to start. I am assuming that Angular 2 is currently trending in market now followed by Angular 4(I might be wrong though).
Should I take a sequential approach and start from Angular 2 and then higher versions or is is safe to jump directly to Angular 4 or 5 without having any Angular 2 knowledge ? Or probably my question should be, can I learn Angular 4+ directly without have any prior knowledge of Angular 2 ?
A lot of companies that have now been using AngularJS for years are still using it, and don't have immediate plans to migrate to 2+. So there's marketability, plus the inevitable requirement of knowing both as an Angular developer.
I know my question is broad and might get some downvotes and red flags, but I am curious to hear from folks who have experienced the transition from 2 to 4+.
Also, I wanted to know about the key differences between AngularJS 1 and Angular 2+. Are they completely different, or will some of the knowledge transfer?
And lastly, I would like to know some of the good resources/tutorial to learn Angular.
They are basically the same. The Angular project moved to Semantic Versioning, which means every breaking change results in the major version to be increased.
Angular 5 is just a newer version of Angular2.
Just use the newest.
You should use the newest version of Angular for new projects and for learning.
Difference between versions
The difference between Angular v1 and Angular v2/3/4/5+ is drastic, as the platform was completely rewritten in TypeScript, and with different conventions.
The difference between Angular v2/3/4/5+ is simply that breaking changes were released between each major revision; however, they're still the same platform and tutorials / documentation will generally remain applicable between these 4 versions.
Semantic Versioning
Angular now follows the semantic versioning scheme. Patch releases (e.g. 5.0.X) will not change the functionality, minor releases (e.g. 5.X.0) will contain only additive changes, and breaking changes (e.g. X.0.0) are reserved for major releases.
Originally, the rewrite of AngularJS was called "Angular 2" by the team, but this led to confusion among developers. To clarify, the team announced that separate terms should be used for each framework with "AngularJS" referring to the 1.X versions and "Angular" without the "JS" referring to versions 2 and up.

How to easily switch to angular 2

So I learn angularJs not long ago, and I'm just getting started to get comfortable with it. But angular 2 is on the way and I have 2 major question:
1) Should I stop learning and working with angular 1 and start learning angular 2 instead?
I know a little about angular 2 and I know almost every thing has changed. So
2) What I know from angular 1 is any good in learning angular 2? Or should I learn angular 2 like it's a whole new framework? Is there any good way or guide to switch from angular 1 to 2?
Thanks in advance for your answers.
I learn angularJs not long ago
Then, this is the perfect time to start learning Angular 2, too. Starting a new language version while you have not already spend a lot of time on another one is a good choice in my opinion. However since Angular 2 is still in RC you should not completely leave learning Angular 1.x and start with Angular 2.
1) Should I stop learning and working with angular 1 and start
learning angular 2 instead?
No, even though the future of Angular framework seems to be Angular 2, this version is still in RC and building large apps using it would be a high risk.Angular 1.x compared to Angular 2 is more stable on this aspect. Angular 2 is constantly evolving, every few weeks there are totally new concepts included.
You should not stop learning Angular 1.x but, you should start learning Angular 2, too.
2) What I know from angular 1 is any good in learning angular 2?
Although there are a lot of changes like between these versions they still have similarities.For instance, in Angular 2 the concept of controllers does not exist, but they use Components. ng-if and ng-for directives from Angular 1.x look like *ngIf and *ngFor in Angular 2. The best resource to compare the two versions is their official website which you can find here here.
Is there any good way or guide to switch from angular 1 to 2?
Although you can still find very useful information about upgrading from Angular 1.x to Angular 2 on their official website
I would suggest that you treat Angular 2 as a completely new framework and start it from zero.Also the knowledge you already have about Angular 1.x will be helpful since there are concepts that have not changed that much. There are plenty of tutorials available online for free that you could use.
My favorite YouTube playlists are:
Angular 2 Start
Angular 2 Basics Course
Build Angular 2 Weather App
Well , This is the major question for all angular2 beginners who knows angular1 ... ,
Just imagine you don't know angularjs1 then Definitely you are more comfortable with angular2 ... The thing is Angular is the future that is the unwritten truth ... Definitely Angular1 is not going to die ...but It may be loose from the competition ... You have to consider following things to choose angular2 ...
Type Script (Great Coding Structure)
Componets (Great Library Support )
Rich Third party library Support
Creator the Giant (Google )
Finally You have to go with the future ... (Angular2)

Replacing angular with standard web technologies

I'm working on a project which has the luxury of using ECMA 6 on the latest browsers for a product that will be shipped in 1.5 years. So we thought why not use Web Components now that Angular 2 isn't available (which is going to be ECMA 6). And while we are at it, can we replace Angular altogether without having to go back to stone age?
How to replace Angular?
There's this site called which is basically about how modern browsers actually have most of the stuff that jQuery was traditionally used for. I'm interested to see something like that for Angular.
We mainly use four Angular features. What are my options for replacing them?
Angular Directives --> Web Components
Angular Modules --> ECMA 6 Modules (not exactly the same thing)
Angular Routes --> ???
Angular 2-way databinding --> ???
PS. We don't want to replace Angular with something similar like Backbone or Ember. We want to replace it with standard web technologies but if we have to use small tools to fill the gap, we'll consider it.
I've been researching in the past 3 weeks and turns out many people are thinking about an alternative after Angular took a drastic change path. Fortunately the upcomming W3C Web Components standard actually has all we need and it works right now with polyfills from the Polymer project. So to answer the question:
Angular Directives --> Web Components use the polyfill until all browsers support it.
Angular Modules --> ECMA 6 Modules part of the problem is solved with HTML imports. But you can also use Traceur until the browsers support it.
Angular Routes --> There's a component for that™ use <app-router>.
Angular 2-way databinding --> Polymer adds a "magic" layer on top of the plain standard web components. This includes many features including data-binding.
+Plus More
If you're wondering about the build process for concatenating files in order to reduce the number of HTTP requests, take a look at Addy Osmani's post about Vulcanize. Spoiler: you may not need it with the upcoming HTTP 2 optimizations.
Many Angular projects use Twitter Bootstrap for the layout. Polymer can do that plus it plays nicely with Google's Paper elements (totally optional but superbly awesome).
If you want to make yourself familiar with web components in general, here is a bunch of nice articles:
And here is a wealth of web components: I don't know if it's going to be a new NPM, but the list components is pretty impressive and growing.
It's relatively complicated to expose an API for an Angular component. People have come up with all sorts of methods from link function to emitting events. In Web Components, however, it's really easy to make your component interact with the world outside and indeed the API and events you expose aren't much different from standard HTML tags like <audio>.
Just like Angular, you can use Polymer with Dart as well.
Overall, I don't see any reason to use Angular except if:
You have a huge source code investment in angular and don't want to port everything to standard web. (Angular 2.0 will deprecate your code anyway, so you're stuck with Angular 1.*)
Your team is too lazy to learn a new technology (in that case web might not be the right platform for this attitude anyway).
Angular was good for what it was doing and had its own Hype cycle. Web components solve many of the issues Angular was trying to address. Probably Angular had a role as a proof of concept for the Web components. But now it's time to move on. Web is reinventing itself everyday and it's inevitable to moves someone's cheese.
I'm not saying that Polymer is the ultimate answer to everything. At best it's another Angular which will render useless in a couple of years, but now it's a good time to learn and use it. The W3C standards don't die easily though, and Polymer tends to be much closer to them.
There's an element for that™ is the new There's an app for that™
TLDR: seriously consider writing an almost Angular 2.0-compatable Angular 1.3 app before rolling your own framework
It seems as if you've identified that Angular does a lot of things the right way and that's why you're attempting to replicate it, so basically you're going to roll your own by combining a hodgepodge of libraries. Unless you have an enormous investment of Engineering hours, the framework you build will likely be:
Lightly documented
A cross-browser maintenance nightmare and (worst of all)
Difficult for new hires to learn
If there wasn't a framework out there that did what you want to do already, I think rolling your own makes sense, but by trying to recreate Angular you're:
Taking on a lot of Engineering work that has already been done by a dedicated team, that could have been spent on building product
Made it MUCH more difficult to onboard new employees because you have to:
Find candidates that are willing to use a home-grown framework instead of growing their skills at an open source framework they could use elsewhere
Train these employees to use your framework (and good luck unless your documentation is mature)
I know your question asks how to replace Angular, but I've seen too many companies go the route of rolling their own and paying for it down the road. Again, if your budget includes a ton of core resources to build out (and document, and maintain) the framework and you don't think there is any chance corners will get cut when push comes to shove later if timelines get tight, then rolling your own might make sense. However, I think you should seriously consider reading up on how to write Angular 1.3 apps so that they're easy to port to Angular 2.0 and go the Angular route. Just look at the size of the community you're missing out on:
