Get Array Value on Loop - arrays

Based on How can I declare a two dimensional string array? I've made my own array but am struggling to retrieve the values.
I get a syntax error which appears to relate to the second (0) line (0) = (((1) / total) * (100 - (vPercentChanger))) but the error might occur on the line above this (see code below).
Error: Syntax error.
'Test values
Dim highPer As Double = 5
Dim high As Double = 10
Dim medPer As Double = 15
Dim medium As Double = 20
Dim lowPer As Double = 1
Dim low As Double = 2
Dim naPer As Double = 3
Dim na As Double = 4
Dim array1 As Double(,) = New Double(3, 1) {{highPer, high}, {medPer, medium}, {lowPer, low}, {naPer, na}}
Dim tmpList As New List(Of Double)
For i As Integer = 0 To array1.Rank - 1
If (0) > 5 + vPercentChanger Then
(0) = (((1) / total) * (100 - (vPercentChanger)))
End If
Further notes:
I've tried array1(0) and tmpList(0) but both create errors. I believe I am close. I've tried the C# to VB converter but this does not resolve this issue.

As written, there are a few problems with the code.
We have declared array1 as an array with 3 rows with 1 entry in each but the given data is 4 rows with 2 entries in each.
I afraid that I couldn't understand the Values as strings... note. Unless the highPer, high et al. are variable names, they need quotations marks around them. If they are variable names, the variables should have been included in the example to meet the Minimal, Complete, Verifiable example standards.
You have tried both array1(0) and tmpList(0) - what are you trying to achieve?
array1 is a 2D array so we need to address it with 2 indices, e.g. array1(0,0).
Both tmpList and array1 contain strings, comparing the values with numbers or assigning numbers into them seems wrong (does VB perform some sort of implicit conversion? Are you sure that you want to work with strings, perhaps they should be arrays/lists of numbers?
From the comments, it looks like we have an array representing a list of pairs
{valPct, val}
and we want to iterate through them and check
if valPct > (5 + vtPercentChanger) then
valPct = (val / total) * (100 - vPercentChanger)
We can do this with
dim values as double(,) = {{v1Pct, v1}, {v2Pct, v2}, {v3Pct, v3}}
for index as integer = 0 to values.GetUpperBound(1) -1
if (values(index,0) > (5 + vtPercentChanger)) then
values(index,0) = (values(index,1) / total) * (100 - vPercentChanger)
This is unfortunately done with no code checking - using phone on bus - but should give the general shape.


Arrays in Excel VBA. At some point it puts NA instead of the value

I am trying to make a simple simulation in Excel VBA in which we roll two dices. What is the probability of getting "1"+"2" or "1"+"3"?
This is my code:
Sub ProbabilityMeyerArray()
Dim i As Long
Dim ArrayDices(1 To 100000, 1 To 2) As Variant
Dim ArrayResult(1 To 100000) As Variant
For i = 1 To 100000
ArrayDices(i, 1) = WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(1, 6)
ArrayDices(i, 2) = WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(1, 6)
If (ArrayDices(i, 1) = 1 And ArrayDices(i, 2) = 3) _
Or (ArrayDices(i, 1) = 1 And ArrayDices(i, 2) = 2) _
Or (ArrayDices(i, 1) = 3 And ArrayDices(i, 2) = 1) _
Or (ArrayDices(i, 1) = 2 And ArrayDices(i, 2) = 1) Then
ArrayResult(i) = 1
ArrayResult(i) = 0
End If
Next i
'print the values to cells
Range("A1:B100000").Value = ArrayDices
Range("C1:C100000").Value = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(ArrayResult)
'Calculate the probability
Probability = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(ArrayResult) / 100000
MsgBox "The Probability is " & Probability
End Sub
The problem is that when I print the values from arrays to the cells, then in column C I have 0 and 1 (as it should be), but then from row 34465 I get NA. Here is a screenshot:
So, for some reason it starts putting NA instead of 0 and 1. The calculation does not work properly either, because the probability is too low, and I guess this is because it only counts the first 34464 zeros and ones, while dividing with 100 000. Can you help me understand what is wrong here? It seems to be a problem with (my understanding of) arrays, since I can run a similar simulation without arrays (by simply using cells), and it works.
Thanks in advance!
As #RaymondWu said in the comments, the problem is that the Transpose function has a limit to the length of the array it can manipulate. This limit is somewhere between 65k and 66k columns.
Indeed, your code will run as expected for 65k iterations.
You can easily avoid using transpose and to be honest I don't see the reason to use it in the first place.
Instead of declaring your array as Dim ArrayResult(1 To 100000) As Variant which by default makes it 1 row x 100000 columns, you can declare it as so:
Dim ArrayResult(1 To 100000, 1 To 1) As Variant
This will make it 100000 rows x 1 columns, which can now be written in a column in excel easily like so:
Range("C1:C100000").Value = ArrayResult
Of course you will also need to change the code accordingly where needed:
ArrayResult(i,1) = 1
ArrayResult(i,1) = 0
A few other tips:
Always use Option Explicit at the very top of the code. It makes the declaration of variables mandatory and it helps to avoid mistakes
Always use explicit references. When referencing Ranges the best practice is to define the worksheet to which they belong e.g. ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("C1:C100000").Value = ArrayResult

How do I remove all null or empty elements from my array in

The code block computes two values for speeds; Vsf and Vro using their corresponding parameter values: Angle, Super-elevation and Radius for each iteration of the for- loop statement. During each loop, it selects the minimum of both speed values. In some scenario's, Angle, super-elevation but most of all, Radius are all null values, leading to Vsf and Vro values of null and hence Vmin of null. I want to eliminate these scenarios and produce just non-zero values for Vmin hence my question.
For i = 1 To CInt(txtNumSections.Text)
ReDim Preserve Vsf(i)
ReDim Preserve Vro(i)
ReDim Preserve Vmin(i)
Vsf(i) = (((0.91544 - 0.00166 * Angle(i) - 0.000002 * W - 0.054248 * Superelevation(i) - Sidefrictionfactor) / 0.013939) * Radius(i)) ^ 0.5
Vro(i) = (((1.05653 - 0.004861 * Angle(i) - 0.000004 * W - 0.314653 * Superelevation(i) - rolloverthreshold) / 0.012729) * Radius(i)) ^ 0.5
Vmin(i) = Math.Min(Vsf(i), Vro(i))
If Vmin(i) <= "0" Then
Vmin(i) = "0"
End If
Dim myList = New List(Of Double)
For Each s In Vmin
If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s) Then
End If
Vmin = myList.ToArray()
Since arrays are immutable(you can't add or remove items) you can just re-create it:
myArray = myArray.Where(Function(s) Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(s)).ToArray()
This is a String() but this LINQ query works similar with any other type of array.
A non-LINQ appproach would be to fill a List(of T) and then use ToArray:
Dim myList = New List(Of String)
For Each s In myArray
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(s)
End If
myArray = myList.ToArray()
You see that LINQ can make your code more readable and understandable.
Alright guys, I found a workaround this, based on the purpose of the code piece. I simply set all null or negative values to the maximum allowable values. There's some context to it which makes it a sensible approach but I would need to explain the entire operation of the code block which I'm not sure you would have any interest in. Anyway, thanks for your contributions. They are very much appreciated

How to Pass an Array to and from a Function?

(Fair Warning, I am self taught on VBA so I apologize in advance for any cringe-worthy coding or notations.)
I have an estimating worksheet in excel. The worksheet will have a section for the user to input variables (which will be an array). The first input variable will "reset" the remaining input variables to a standard value when the first variable is changed. The standard values for the input variables are stored in a function in a module. I am attempting to fill the input variable array with the standard values from the function and then display those values on the sheet. I was easily able to do this without arrays but have had no luck in moving everything into arrays.
This is for excel 2010. I previously did not use arrays and created a new variable when needed, however the estimating sheet has grown much larger and it would be better to use arrays at this point. I have googled this question quite a bit, played around with removing and adding parenthesis, changing the type to Variant, trying to set the input variable array to be a variable that is an array (if that makes sense?), and briefly looked into ParamArray but that does not seem applicable here.
Dim BearingDim(1 To 9, 1 To 4, 1 To 8) As Range
Dim arrBearingGeneral(1 To 5, 1 To 8) As Range
Dim Test As Variant
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'Set General Variable array to cells on the worksheet
For i = 1 To 5
For j = 1 To 8
Set arrBearingGeneral(i, j) = Cells(9 + i, 3 + j)
Next j
Next i
'Set Bearing Input Variables to Cells on the Worksheet
For p = 1 To 4
For i = 1 To 9
Select Case p
Case Is = 1
Set BearingDim(i, p, 1) = Cells(16 + i, 4)
Case Is = 2
Set BearingDim(i, p, 1) = Cells(27 + i, 4)
Case Is = 3
Set BearingDim(i, p, 1) = Cells(37 + i, 4)
Case Is = 4
Set BearingDim(i, p, 1) = Cells(49 + i, 4)
End Select
Next i
Next p
'Autopopulate standard input variables based on Bearing Type
inputMD_StdRocker BearingType:=arrBearingGeneral(1, 1), _
End Sub
Sub inputMD_StdRocker(ByVal BearingType As String, ByRef _
arrBearingDim() As Variant)
Dim arrBearingDim(1 To 9, 1 To 4)
Select Case BearingType
Case Is = "MF50-I"
For j = 1 To 2
arrBearingDim(2, j) = 20
arrBearingDim(3, j) = 9
arrBearingDim(4, j) = 1.75
Next j
arrBearingDim(5, 1) = 15
'There are numerous more select case, but those were removed to keep it
End Select
End Sub
The expected output is my "BearingDim" Array will have certain array index values set to a standard value from the "inputMD_StdRocker" function. Then those values will be displayed in the cell that corresponds to the array index.
Currently, I get a compile error "Type Mismatch, Array or User-Defined Type Expected". I have been able to get around the type mismatch by removing the () from "arrBearingDim()" in the function title for "inputMD_StdRocker" however, it will not pass the values back to my "BearingDim" array.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This is a partial answer to what (I think) is a misunderstanding you have of how to use arrays. There are a few problems in your code.
First, you're defining a two-dimensional and a three-dimensional array of Ranges when I believe you really only want to store the values captured from the worksheet. (If I'm wrong, then you are never initializing the array of Ranges, so none of the ranges in the array actually point to anything.)
Secondly, it looks as if your initial array arrBearingGeneral is always filled from the same (static) area of the worksheet. If this is so (and you really do want the values from the cells, not an array of Range objects), then you can create a memory-based array (read this website, especially section 19). So the first part of your code can be reduced to
'--- create and populate a memory-based array
Dim bearingDataArea As Range
Dim arrBearingGeneral(1 To 5, 1 To 8) As Variant
Set bearingDataArea = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("D10:K14")
arrBearingGeneral = bearingDataArea.Value
Optionally of course you can calculate the range of your data instead of hard-coding it ("D10:K14"), but this example follows your own example.
While this isn't a complete answer, hopefully it clears up an issue to get you farther down the road.

Math operation with an array but having problems with negative numbers

I got a few arrays and I want to do the following math operation:
For i As Integer = 10 To 100
TransmissionArray(i) = (maxFirstArray(i) - mintranArray(i)) / (maxSecondArray(i) - mintranArray(i))
i = i + 1
The problem is that sometimes mintranArray(i) has higher values than maxFirstArray(i) and maxSecondArray(i). So the program crashes.
With Try Catch the program is not shutting down but I only get TransmissionArray() = Nothing.
Sounds like your TransmissionArray isn't being initialized properly. If you just Dim it like this:
Dim TransmissionArray() As Double
Then it will be Nothing. If you try to assign a value to it in this way, you will get an exception. Normally you can insert a number in the parenthesis (Dim TransmissionArray(10) As Double) and you would have an array of length 10 that you could immediately start assigning values to. But, if you don't know the length before hand, I can think of two options that would work:
Dim TransmissionArray() As Double
For i As Integer = 10 To 100
ReDim Preserve TransmissionArray(i) 'This will increase the size of the array to the value of i, the Preserve keyword also saves the data already stored in the array
TransmissionArray(i) = (maxFirstArray(i) - mintranArray(i)) / (maxSecondArray(i) - mintranArray(i))
'i = i + 1 'Commented this out...i is already incremented once each loop
Or, switch to using a List(Of Double):
Dim TransmissionArray As New List(Of Double)
For i As Integer = 10 To 100
TransmissionArray.Add((maxFirstArray(i) - mintranArray(i)) / (maxSecondArray(i) - mintranArray(i)))
'i = i + 1 'Commented this out...i is already incremented once each loop
Note that the second method would make TransmissionArray 10 items less than the other arrays, due to the fact you are starting the For loop counter at 10, and just adding items to the list.

VBA - struggling to calc and write StDev data into an array with a For Next loop

11/24/14 - as per below.....
Still trying to figure this out - might it be easier by creating a smaller array which could roll through the larger array? ...then any necessary calcs could be done on the entirety of the small array.
I cannot figure out how to isolate just a (rolling) subset of an array. The rolling subset could be used for moving averages, standard devs, max/min, etc.
11/21/14 - I have made several attempts, this is the latest iteration. It shouldn't produce meaningful output until the minimum periods have been looped thru (stdev_periods = 10).
--pct_chg_array() is an array which holds percent change data from i=2 to i = 2541... declared as variant
--stdev_periods = 10 ...declared as integer
--i is a counter ...declared as integer
--stdev_array() is an empty array which I hope to populate with a standard deviation calculation for a rolling n period range ...declared as variant
--Option Base 1 and Option Explicit are on
For i = 2 To 2541
If IsNumeric(i) And i <> 0 Then
stdev_array(i, 1) = Application.WorksheetFunction.stdev(Range(pct_chg_array(i, 1).Offset(-stdev_periods, 0), pct_chg_array(i, 0)))
stdev_array(i, 1) = 0
End If
Next i
Any guidance would be immensely appreciated. Thanks!
Just to simplify, this is how I would express it in a worksheet formula...
...with "stdev_periods" = 10 and column E holding 1 period %chg data (ie =$E3/$E2-1).
Put this function in the module:
Public Function Slice(vntInputArray As Variant, lngStartIndex As Long, lngEndIndex As Long)
'Use to return an arbitrary-sized subset from a 1 dimensional array.
'Assumes developer is using Option Base 1
Dim vntSubArray() As Variant, lngInputIndex As Long
Dim lngElementCountIndex As Long: lngElementCountIndex = 1
For lngInputIndex = lngStartIndex To lngEndIndex
ReDim Preserve vntSubArray(lngInputIndex)
vntSubArray(lngElementCountIndex) = vntInputArray(lngInputIndex)
lngElementCountIndex = (lngElementCountIndex + 1)
Next lngInputIndex
Slice = vntSubArray
End Function
Adding the function to your code:
For i = 2 To 2541
If IsNumeric(i) And i > stdev_periods Then 'Using greater than to account for Option Base 1
stdev_array(i, 1) = WorksheetFunction.stdev(Slice( pct_chg_array, (i -stdev_periods), i))
stdev_array(i, 1) = 0
End If
Next i
