F# WPF Esri Developer License - wpf

I have gone to License your app and there is only code for C#. I am wondering where to place the license information in my F# WPF application.
Does it go in the app.fs file or a different one.

I'm not familiar with this SDK but it should go into the assembly (so exe or dll) file that uses it. It would've been helpful to show the C# code, and not just the link:
Esri.ArcGISRuntime.ArcGISRuntimeEnvironment.ClientId = "mYcLieNTid";
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Unable to initialize the ArcGIS Runtime with the client ID provided: " + ex.Message);
From the recently much improved F# docs Try/With is the equivalent exception handling mechanism in F#:
Esri.ArcGISRuntime.ArcGISRuntimeEnvironment.ClientId <- "mYcLieNTid";
| ex -> printfn "Unable to initialize the ArcGIS Runtime with the client ID provided: %A" ex.Message
Additional Info: If you have time please take a look at F# for fun and also Modules and Classes, you can also search these topics on SO. Here are some comments:
F# is sensitive to the file order in the project, please make sure that you put your module above the file that is open-ing it
you generally #load *.fsx scripts, you can but you don't need to do this for *.fs files, as those assumed to be built into an assembly. You can just say open File1 assuming you have a File1.fs and inside it a module File1, then if inside the File1 module you have let let x = 5, you can say File1.x to access it
You don't need to put a module into a separate file. You can just place it ino the namespace you have your SDK in (maybe App.fs).
Easiest would be to actually put this code inside your main function, in the [<EntryPoint>]


How to Execute (Vector) Storage.getInstance().readObject(filePath); in Java 8 Swing Package

Windows 10 Pro
Latest Simulator
Java Swing Project
I would like to execute "Vector a1 = (Vector) Storage.getInstance().readObject(filePath);"
In a Java Swing Application running on Windows 10 platform, I tried import CodenameOne.jar in Swing package, however when executing above code, get null pointer exception in Storage.getInstance()
Is there a way to execute this in Swing?
Best Regards.
Thanks, I did not init the Display, however "Display.init(Object m)" requires an Object Argument and the Init method is deprecated.
Can you please provide me the codenameone Display dependencies?
And perhaps a java Swing snippet of code to initialize Display in order to execute Storage.getInstance().readObject(filePath)
Best Regards
Thanks, Passing init(working directory) solved the Exception thrown.
Here is the Code snippet used to allow me to execute:
String filePath = incSrv.Pwd();// gets working directory
try {
javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
String fileName = "A1-MMA.properties";
Vector a1 = (Vector) Storage.getInstance().readObject(filePath);
} catch (Exception e) {
And it does appear to work,
However I am left with a blacked out form that appears modal.
How can I avoid this or dispose it?.
FYI: What I am creating here is a work around for serializing Vector in Codenameone. I Save Vector to file using "Storage.getInstance().writeObject(Path, Vector)"
I convert the file to bytes and write it to the Swing Server VIA socket.
Using Storage.getInstance().readObject(file) on the Swing Server I have deserialize the object into the Vector from my app.
This appears to work well and is more efficient than the current method I use to deliver complex Vectors from the app to the Swing Server.
Can you please let me know if you see a red flag with this workaround?
Like The ability to Storage.getInstance().readObject(file) on the Swing Server may go away?
This method will save a lot of time in movind Vector data to and from the App/Server.
Thoughts Best Regards
Storage.getInstance().readObject(file) // (A1ServiceSrv.java:571)
Caused this Exception:
at com.codename1.io.Storage.init(Storage.java:89)
at com.codename1.io.Storage.getInstance(Storage.java:112)
at Main.A1ServiceSrv.loadVectorFromFile(A1ServiceSrv.java:571)
Thanks Shai,
I am including in my classpath CodenameOne.jar with update date of 12/11/2021 after CN1 refresh.
Getting Same null pointer exception.
Passing in Path "C:\Src1\A1-Arms\A1-Server\A1-MMA.properties" (Absolute Path)
Also Tried "A1-MMA.properties", however I don't think Codenameone knows where my home path is since we are not initializing it as we did with
Display.init("Current Working Directory where files reside");
This is the Fresh Stack Trace w/o calling Display.init (12-20-2021)
java.lang.NullPointerException at
at com.codename1.io.Log.print(Log.java:327)
at com.codename1.io.Log.logThrowable(Log.java:299)
at com.codename1.io.Log.e(Log.java:285)
at com.codename1.io.Storage.readObject(Storage.java:271)
at Main.A1ServiceSrv.loadVectorFromFile(A1ServiceSrv.java:596)
vector = (Vector) Storage.getInstance().readObject(filePath); // (A1ServiceSrv.java:596)
This is hopefully fixed by this commit: https://github.com/codenameone/CodenameOne/commit/72bf283bdaaefe5207bb9fd6787578e3ef61522c if not let me know with a fresh stack

Playing regular and looping sounds with JDK 11?

I am using Java JDK 11.0.8 ("Installed JREs" under Eclipse is set to jdk-11.0.8), Eclipse 2020-06, and Codename One 6.0.0.
I have recently switched from JDK 8 to JDK 11 and noticed that playing sounds option in my app does not work anymore...
Note that I uncheck "Java 8" when I create my app and I am only trying to work things out in the simulator (I am not trying to deploy the app to an actual mobile device).
I want to play a "regular sound" (I want to play a sound from beginning to end, and when it ends I do not need to replay it from the beginning) and also a "looping sound" (the sound should come to its beginning when it ends and hence, I can continuously play it in the background).
Hence I have two questions:
Question1 - About "regular sounds"
I would like to create Media object just once and then re-use it whenever I need to play the same regular sound.
For that purpose I am encapsulating a Media creation inside a class as follows:
public class RegularSound {
private Media m;
public RegularSound(String fileName) {
InputStream is = Display.getInstance().getResourceAsStream(getClass(), "/"+fileName);
m = MediaManager.createMedia(is, "audio/wav");
catch(Exception e)
public void play() {
Then I instantiate the RegularSound object and play it as follows:
mySound = new RegularSound("example.wav");
Please note that example.wav is copied directly under the "src" directory of my project.
This code used to work with JDK 8, but with JDK 11, I get the following build errors:
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/media/ControllerListener
at com.codename1.impl.javase.JavaJMFSEPort$1.run(JavaJMFSEPort.java:67)
at java.desktop/java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(InvocationEvent.java:313)
at java.desktop/java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(EventQueue.java:770)
at java.desktop/java.awt.EventQueue$4.run(EventQueue.java:721)
at java.desktop/java.awt.EventQueue$4.run(EventQueue.java:715)
at java.base/java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.base/java.security.ProtectionDomain$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(ProtectionDomain.java:85)
at java.desktop/java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(EventQueue.java:740)
at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(EventDispatchThread.java:203)
at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(EventDispatchThread.java:124)
at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(EventDispatchThread.java:113)
at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:109)
at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:101)
at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(EventDispatchThread.java:90)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.media.ControllerListener
at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader.loadClass(BuiltinClassLoader.java:581)
at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoaders.java:178)
at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:521)
at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.findSystemClass(ClassLoader.java:1247)
at com.codename1.impl.javase.ClassPathLoader.findClass(ClassPathLoader.java:269)
at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:588)
at com.codename1.impl.javase.ClassPathLoader.loadClass(ClassPathLoader.java:115)
at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:521)
at com.codename1.impl.javase.ClassPathLoader.loadClass(ClassPathLoader.java:107)
... 14 more
Question2- About "looping sounds"
For looping sound I have created another class as follows:
public class LoopingSound implements Runnable{
private Media m;
String fileName;
public LoopingSound(String fileName){
InputStream is = Display.getInstance().getResourceAsStream(getClass(), "/"+fileName);
m = MediaManager.createMedia(is, "audio/wav",this);
catch(Exception e)
public void pause()
public void play()
public void run() {
But I again get build errors when I instantiate an object of LoopingSound and try to play it...
So could you please let me know how to change code for regular and looping sounds so that I do not receive above-mentioned errors when using JDK 11?
Thanks for the reply #shai-almog. I have installed CEF. But I am receiving some messages on the console in runtime and I can't hear the sound playing... I run the following code:
try {
InputStream is = Display.getInstance().getResourceAsStream(getClass(), "/example.wav");
Media m = MediaManager.createMedia(is, "audio/wav");
} catch (IOException e) {
and I receive the following messages on console when I run this code (it throws an exception at the end):
Adding CEF to classpath
Retina Scale: 2.0
CEF Args: [--disable-gpu, --disable-software-rasterizer, --disable-gpu-compositing, --touch-events=enabled, --enable-media-stream, --device-scale-factor=4, --force-device-scale-factor=4, --autoplay-policy=no-user-gesture-required, --enable-usermedia-screen-capturing]
JCEF Version =
CEF Version = 83.4.0
Chromium Version = 83.0.4103.106
AppHandler.stateHasChanged: INITIALIZING
initialize on Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main] with library path C:\Users\pmuyan\.codenameone\cef\lib\win64
Added scheme search://
Added scheme client://
Added scheme cn1stream://
DevTools listening on ws://
AppHandler.stateHasChanged: INITIALIZED
Running ready callbacks
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" Address changed to data:text/html,%3C!doctype%20html%3E%3Chtml%3E%3Chead%3E%3Cstyle%20type%3D'text%2Fcss'%3Edocument%2C%20body%20%7Bpadding%3A0%3Bmargin%3A0%3B%20width%3A100%25%3B%20height%3A%20100%25%7D%20video%2C%20audio%20%7Bmargin%3A0%3B%20padding%3A0%3B%20width%3A100%25%3B%20height%3A%20100%25%7D%3C%2Fstyle%3E%3C%2Fhead%3E%3Cbody%3E%3Caudio%20id%3D'cn1Media'%20width%3D'640'%20height%3D'480'%20style%3D'width%3A100%25%3Bheight%3A100%25'%20src%3D'https%3A%2F%2Fcn1app%2Fstreams%2F1'%2F%3E%3Cscript%3Ewindow.cn1Media%20%3D%20document.getElementById('cn1Media')%3Bfunction%20callback(data)%7B%20cefQuery(%7Brequest%3A'shouldNavigate%3A'%2BJSON.stringify(data)%2C%20onSuccess%3A%20function(response)%7B%7D%2C%20onFailure%3Afunction(error_code%2C%20error_message)%20%7B%20console.log(error_message)%7D%7D)%3B%7Dcn1Media.addEventListener('pause'%2C%20function()%7B%20callback(%7B'state'%3A'paused'%7D)%7D)%3Bcn1Media.addEventListener('play'%2C%20function()%7B%20callback(%7B'state'%3A'playing'%7D)%7D)%3Bcn1Media.addEventListener('ended'%2C%20function()%7B%20callback(%7B'state'%3A'ended'%7D)%7D)%3Bcn1Media.addEventListener('durationchange'%2C%20function()%7B%20callback(%7B'duration'%3A%20Math.floor(cn1Media.duration%20*%201000)%7D)%7D)%3Bcn1Media.addEventListener('timeupdate'%2C%20function()%7B%20callback(%7B'time'%3A%20Math.floor(cn1Media.currentTime%20*%201000)%7D)%7D)%3Bcn1Media.addEventListener('volumechange'%2C%20function()%7B%20callback(%7B'volume'%3A%20Math.round(cn1Media.volume%20*%20100)%7D)%7D)%3Bcn1Media.addEventListener('error'%2C%20function()%7B%20var%20msg%20%3D%20'Unknown%20Error'%3B%20try%20%7Bmsg%20%3D%20cn1Media.error.message%20%2B%20'.%20Code%3D'%2Bcn1Media.error.code%3B%7Dcatch(e)%7B%7D%20callback(%7B'error'%3A%20msg%7D)%7D)%3B%3C%2Fscript%3E%20%3C%2Fbody%3E%3C%2Fhtml%3E
I could manually add Open JavaFX 11 to Eclipse and to Codename One app running under Eclipse while using JDK 11 as follows:
Step1) Create JavaFX11 user library under Eclipse
Download JavaFX 11 from https://gluonhq.com/products/javafx/
unzip it -> creates javafx-sdk-11.0.2 folder
Create a User Library: Eclipse -> Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Build Path -> User Libraries -> New.
Name it JavaFX11.
Hit "Add External JARs" and include all the jars under javafx-sdk-11.0.2\lib
Step 2) Add the JavaFX11 library to the project:
Right click on project.
Select Build path -> Configure Build Path
Goto Library tab->Add Library->User Library->Check JavaFX11->Apply and Close
Now, I can hear sounds playing in my Codename One application.
However, I need to run my application from command prompt and regular command line to run the apps does not work anymore (the app cannot find the JavaFX related classes from the command prompt and I get the same errors listed above). So could you please tell me how to modify the command line so that Codename One project that uses JavaFX would run from command prompt?
Here is the regular command line I use:
java -cp dist\Proj.jar;JavaSE.jar com.codename1.impl.javase.Simulator com.mycompany.hi.Main
BTW, I have tried to add javafx.media.jar under javafx-sdk-11.0.2\lib to the classpath (-cp) in the command line, but this did not work...
We have solved the issue by using the following command line:
java --module-path C:\javafx-sdk-11.0.2\lib\ --add-modules= ALL-MODULE-PATH -cp dist\Proj.jar;JavaSE.jar com.codename1.impl.javase.Simulator com.mycompany.hi.Main
(where C:\javafx-sdk-11.0.2\lib\ is our )
Either install CEF as explained here or switch to ZuluFX 11 for your VM.
The explanation:
This used to work until we integrated CEF support we would download JavaFX dynamically for JDK 11 installs but this caused a lot of related problems. So we decided to migrate to CEF, this is still in progress and while it's ongoing JavaFX dynamic download is broken. Once it's done CEF will be auto-installed and this will be seamless again.
This impacts browser component and media which are the two components implemented by JavaFX.

How can I deploy the .dna file from ExcelDna?

I am trying to create an Excel (2007) Add-in that will respond to PivotTable changes, using this code:
private void ThisAddIn_Startup(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
Excel.Worksheet sh = this.Application.ActiveSheet;
sh.PivotTableUpdate += new
void sh_PivotTableUpdate(Excel.PivotTable TargetPivotTable)
MessageBox.Show("sh_PivotTableUpdate event fired");
private void ThisAddIn_Shutdown(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
Once the .dll was created, deploying it/generating an .xll file became a challenge; I used this post for guidance there, and do now have an .xll file.
I was able to add this to the Excel spreadsheet (.xlsx file) that I want to respond to the code (via File > Excel Options > Add-Ins > Go... > Browse), but get this err msg on adding the .xll file:
I did see that there is a *.dna file here \packages\ExcelDna.AddIn.0.33.9\content\ExcelDna-Template.dna
...but making a copy of that file and changing the name of it to [projectName].dna (Excel2010AddInForRptRunner-AddIn.dna), and then copying it to the same location as the .xll file with the .xlsx file is not the solution (no pun intended). Changing the PivotTable manually does not fire the event/I see no "sh_PivotTableUpdate event fired" message.
The .dna file does reference the .dll like so:
<ExternalLibrary Path="Excel2010AddInForRptRunner.dll" LoadFromBytes="true" Pack="true" />
So what do I need to do to resolve the err msg I get and get the .xll file to be accepted by the spreadsheet so that its code will run and the PivotTableUpdate event handler is fired?
There are two issues that I see in your snippet:
The first is that you seem to have mixed the VSTO Office stuff with Excel-DNA (I see this from the ThisAddIn_... code, which relates to VSTO). These don't mix at all - you can't use Excel-DNA inside a VSTO add-in project. Any namespaces that start with Microsoft.Office.Tools... indicate there is a problem. This might happen is you start with an "Office Add-In" or "Excel Add-in" as your project type.
There is a also mess in your project related to the NuGet packages - somehow the output files are inside the package directory, or the package directory has been overwritten or changed somehow. You should not have to ever edit anything under packages\...
If everything is correct, then the files you are interested in will be found in bin\Debug and bin\Release under your project directory. Usually you can redistribute only the single ...-AddIn-packed.xll file (which you can also rename if you want to).
I suggest you make a new "Class Library" project (not an Office add-in or anything like that) and install the ExcelDna.AddIn package again. Then follow the instructions in the ReadMe file that pops up to make a simple add-in with a single UDF function, and check that this runs and can be debugged and deployed correctly.
After you have that working perfectly, you can incorporate access the COM object model into your add-in by following these two steps:
Add a reference to the Excel Interop assemblies (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel and Office), either directly via "Add Reference", or by installing the ExcelDna.Interop assembly from NuGet.
Get hold of the right Application root object by calling ExcelDnaUtil.Application. The object returned can be cast to a Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application and used to get to the whole COM object model from there, and hook up your event handlers etc.

how to use the glade xml file to make an executable program

I am learning to use glade 3 to create a GUI.
However, the *.glade file is an xml file. I am not sure how to go forward from here. Google search is not really helping. There is a question already asked for same thing here Tool to convert .Glade (or xml) file to C source . However I am not really able to understand the answer given in that.
Can someone tell the basic flow of the development cycle using glade 3?
Design the UI in glade.
Generate the *.glade xml file.
How can the xml file be converted to an executable ?
A. Should I convert this xml file to a language (C) and compile the C code ?
B. Or is there a way for xml code to be directly converted to an ELF executable ?
I am trying to make the GUI for my own use. I use linux and want an ELF executable (like how I would get if I wrote the C code using gtk library and compiled it using gcc).
If we look at the Wikipedia page for Glade it has an entire section about how to use Glade in a program: with GtkBuilder. Now all that remains is to read the docs and you can begin using Glade. No offense, but I've never used Glade before and this is fairly clear in all docs. For example, here's Glade's homepage.
I would do something like this:
mainBox = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Box(Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 7));
builder = Gtk::Builder::create();
try {
} catch (Glib::Error& ex) {
errMsg("Window Builder Failed: " + ex.what());
Gtk::Box* box;
builder->get_widget("name of box inside main window", box);
if (!box) { this->destroy_(); return; }
mainBox->pack_start(*box, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK);
//optional - if you want full access to particular widgets
builder->get_widget("name of widged id", widgetname);
//connect signals here...
Note this is Gtkmm 3+.
It is important you unparent the box you got from the glade file, so you can attach it to your derived window.

How to dynamically discover all XAML files in all modules in a Silverlight prism app

Is there an easy way to dynamically discover all the XAMLs files within all the currently loaded modules (specifically of a Silverlight Prism application)? I am sure this is possible, but not sure where to start.
This has to occur on the Silverlight client: We could of course parse the projects on the dev machine, but that would reduce the flexibility and would include unused files in the search.
Basically we want to be able to parse all XAML files in a very large Prism project (independent of loading them) to identify all localisation strings. This will let us build up an initial localisation database that includes all our resource-binding strings and also create a lookup of which XAML files they occur in (to make editing easy for translators).
Why do this?: The worst thing for translators is to change a string in one context only to find it was used elsewhere with slightly different meaning. We are enabling in-context editing of translations from within the application itself.
Update (14 Sep):
The standard method for iterating assemblies is not available to Silverlight due to security restrictions. This means the only improvement to the solution below would be to cooperate with the Prism module management if possible. If anyone wants to provide a code solution for that last part of this problem there are points available to share with you!
Iterating content of XAP files in a module-base project seems like a really handy thing to be able to do for various reasons, so putting up another 100 rep to get a real answer (preferably working example code). Cheers and good luck!
Partial solution below (working but not optimal):
Below is the code I have come up with, which is a paste together of techniques from this link on Embedded resources (as suggested by Otaku) and my own iterating of the Prism Module Catalogue.
Problem 1 - all the modules are
already loaded so this is basically
having to download them all a second
time as I can't work out how to
iterate all currently loaded Prism modules.
If anyone wants to share the bounty
on this one, you still can help make
this a complete solution!
Problem 2 - There is apparently a bug
in the ResourceManager that requires
you to get the stream of a known
resource before it will let you
iterate all resource items (see note in the code below). This means I have to have a dummy resource file in every module. It would be nice to know why that initial GetStream call is required (or how to avoid it).
private void ParseAllXamlInAllModules()
IModuleCatalog mm = this.UnityContainer.Resolve<IModuleCatalog>();
foreach (var module in mm.Modules)
string xap = module.Ref;
WebClient wc = new WebClient();
wc.OpenReadCompleted += (s, args) =>
if (args.Error == null)
var resourceInfo = new StreamResourceInfo(args.Result, null);
var file = new Uri("AppManifest.xaml", UriKind.Relative);
var stream = System.Windows.Application.GetResourceStream(resourceInfo, file);
XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(stream.Stream);
var parts = new AssemblyPartCollection();
if (reader.Read())
if (reader.ReadToNextSibling("Deployment.Parts"))
while (reader.ReadToFollowing("AssemblyPart"))
parts.Add(new AssemblyPart() { Source = reader.GetAttribute("Source") });
foreach (var part in parts)
var info = new StreamResourceInfo(args.Result, null);
Assembly assy = part.Load(System.Windows.Application.GetResourceStream(info, new Uri(part.Source, UriKind.Relative)).Stream);
// Get embedded resource names
string[] resources = assy.GetManifestResourceNames();
foreach (var resource in resources)
if (!resource.Contains("DummyResource.xaml"))
// to get the actual values - create the table
var table = new Dictionary<string, Stream>();
// All resources have “.resources” in the name – so remove it
var rm = new ResourceManager(resource.Replace(".resources", String.Empty), assy);
// Seems like some issue here, but without getting any real stream next statement doesn't work....
var dummy = rm.GetStream("DummyResource.xaml");
var rs = rm.GetResourceSet(Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture, false, true);
IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = rs.GetEnumerator();
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
if (enumerator.Key.ToString().EndsWith(".xaml"))
table.Add(enumerator.Key.ToString(), enumerator.Value as Stream);
foreach (var xaml in table)
TextReader xamlreader = new StreamReader(xaml.Value);
string content = xamlreader.ReadToEnd();
// This is where I do the actual work on the XAML content
// Do the actual read to trigger the above callback code
wc.OpenReadAsync(new Uri(xap, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute));
Use GetManifestResourceNames reflection and parse from there to get only those ending with .xaml. Here's an example of using GetManifestResourceNames: Enumerating embedded resources. Although the sample is showing how to do this with a seperate .xap, you can do this with the loaded one.
I've seen people complain about some pretty gross bugs in Prism
Disecting your problems:
Problem 1: I am not familiar with Prism but from an object-oriented perspective your Module Manager class should keep track of whether a Module has been loaded and if not already loaded allow you to recursively load other Modules using a map function on the List<Module> or whatever type Prism uses to represent assemblies abstractly. In short, have your Module Manager implement a hidden state that represents the List of Modules loaded. Your Map function should then take that List of Modules already loaded as a seed value, and give back the List of Modules that haven't been loaded. You can then either internalize the logic for a public LoadAllModules method or allow someone to iterate a public List<UnloadedModule> where UnloadedModule : Module and let them choose what to load. I would not recommend exposing both methods simultaneously due to concurrency concerns when the Module Manager is accessed via multiple threads.
Problem 2: The initial GetStream call is required because ResourceManager lazily evaluates the resources. Intuitively, my guess is the reason for this is that satellite assemblies can contain multiple locale-specific modules, and if all of these modules were loaded into memory at once it could exhaust the heap, and the fact these are unmanaged resources. You can look at the code using RedGate's .NET Reflector to determine the details. There might be a cheaper method you can call than GetStream. You might also be able to trigger it to load the assembly by tricking it by loading a resource that is in every Silverlight assembly. Try ResourceManager.GetObject("TOOLBAR_ICON") or maybe ResourceManager.GetStream("TOOLBAR_ICON") -- Note that I have not tried this and am typing this suggestion as I am about to leave for the day. My rationale for it being consistently faster than your SomeDummy.Xaml
approach is that I believe TOOLBAR_ICON is hardwired to be the zeroth resource in every assembly. Thus it will be read very early in the Stream. Faaaaaast. So it is not just avoiding needing SomeDummy.Xaml in every assembly of your project that I am suggesting; I am also recommending micro-optimizations.
If these tricks work, you should be able to significantly improve performance.
Additional thoughts:
I think you can clean up your code further.
IModuleCatalog mm = this.UnityContainer.Resolve<IModuleCatalog>();
foreach (var module in mm.Modules)
could be refactored to remove the reference to UnityContainer. In addition, IModuleCatalog would be instantiated via a wrapper around the List<Module> I mentioned in my reply to Problem 1. In other words, the IModuleCatalog would be a dynamic view of all loaded modules. I am assuming there is still more performance that can be pulled out of this design, but at least you are no longer dependent on Unity. That will help you better refactor your code later on for more performance gains.
