SQL INSERT INTO query copy 3 x times - sql-server

I have a MASTER table and I'd like to INSERT INTO another table so a straight forward copy. I want to copy this table 3 x times by changing the value of 1 x field called COMP (short for company). In the MASTER table the field COMP contains value MASTER. I'd like to change this value to the 3 x new companies A, B & C.
How & where in the query do I do this?
Much appreciated any assistance!

lets say you have the following table with values and one more table with same schema called AnotherTable
create table MasterTable(
COMP varchar(50),
MoreData varchar(200)
And you have the 3 values:
declare #Comp1 varchar(50) = 'AComp', #Comp2 varchar(50) = 'BComp', #Comp3 varchar(50) = 'CComp';
insert into AnotherTable
select #Comp1, MoreData
from MasterTable
union all
select #Comp2, MoreData
from MasterTable
union all
select #Comp3, MoreData
from MasterTable
Now there still be issues of what are your Primary Key, Clustered Index.
Do you have identity in these tables or what is the identifier.
If the tables are huge you will need to do it in 3 inserts
insert into AnotherTable
select #Comp1, MoreData
from MasterTable;
insert into AnotherTable
select #Comp2, MoreData
from MasterTable;
insert into AnotherTable
select #Comp3, MoreData
from MasterTable;


Consolidation of two data rows in a loop for n occurrences

We are running a table that holds some information for order of new products.
From time to time we receive new orders from a 3rd party system and insert them into our DB.
Sometimes, however, for a specific order there is already an entry in our table.
So instead of checking if there already IS an order, the colleagues just inserts new data sets into our table.
Now that the process of inserting is streamlined, I am supposed to consolidate the existing duplicates in the table.
The table looks like this:
I have 138 of these pairs where the PreOrderNumber occurrs twice. I'd like to insert the FK_VehicleFile number and the CommissionNumber to the row where the FK_Checklist is set and delete the duplicate with the missing FK_Checklist after that.
My idea is to write a transact script that looks like this:
First I store all the PreOrderNumbers that have duplicates in its an own table:
DECLARE #ResultSet TABLE ( PK_OrderNumber int,
FK_Checklist int,
FK_VehicleFile int,
PreOrderNumbers varchar(20))
SELECT PK_OrderNumber, PreOrderNumber
FROM [LUX_WEB_SAM].[dbo].[OrderNumbers]
GROUP BY PreOrderNumber
HAVING (COUNT(PreOrderNumber) > 1)
And that's it so far.
I'm very new to these kind of SQL scripts.
I think I need to use some kind of loop over all entries in the #ResultSet table to grab the FK_VehicleFile and CommissionNumber from the first data set and store them in the second data set.
Or do you have and suggestions how to solve this problem in a more easy way?
This response uses a CTE:
WITH [MergedOrders] AS
ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY row1.PreOrderNumber ORDER BY row1.PK_OrderNumber) AS Instance
,row1.PK_OrderNumber AS PK_OrderNumber
,ISNULL(row1.FK_Checklist,row2.FK_Checklist) AS FK_Checklist
,ISNULL(row1.FK_VehicleFile,row2.FK_VehicleFile) AS FK_VehicleFile
,ISNULL(row1.PreOrderNumber,row2.PreOrderNumber) AS PreOrderNumber
,ISNULL(row1.CommissionNumber,row2.CommissionNumber) AS CommissionNumber
FROM [LUX_WEB_SAM].[dbo].[OrderNumbers] AS row1
INNER JOIN [LUX_WEB_SAM].[dbo].[OrderNumbers] AS row2
ON row1.PreOrderNumber = row2.PreOrderNumber
AND row1.PK_OrderNumber <> row2.PK_OrderNumber
FROM [MergedOrders]
WHERE Instance = 1 /* If we were to maintain Order Number of second instance, use 2 */
Here's the explanation:
A Common Table Expression (CTE) acts as an in-memory table, which we use to extract all rows that are repeated (NB: The INNER JOIN statement ensures that only rows that occur twice are selected). We use ISNULL to switch out values where one or the other is NULL, then select the output for our destination table.
You can take help from following scripts to perform your UPDATE and DELETE action.
Please keep in mind that both UPDATE and DELETE are risky operation and do your test first with test data.
Col1 VARCHAR(100),
Col2 VARCHAR(100),
Col3 VARCHAR(100),
Col4 VARCHAR(100),
Col5 VARCHAR(100)
INSERT INTO #T(Col1,Col2,Col3,Col4,Col5)
SET A.Col3 = B.Col3, A.Col5 = B.Col5
INNER JOIN #T B ON A.Col4 = B.Col4

SQL: How do I insert data from one table and output to a temporary table with extra value from first table

I can use the OUTPUT keyword of the insert statement to insert new data to a table and output to a temporary table.
The input table which to be inserted into another table have an Id I need to pass to the temporary table but not the table I going to insert into. This temporary table will later have to use to do extra insertion to the other table.
INSERT INTO table1 (Name, Age)
OUTPUT inserted.Id, User.Id (??) INTO TemporaryTable
SELECT Name, Age FROM User
Is there a way to do it? Because the next insertion will need the new table1.Id with the User.Id, so I can migrate some data.
Instead of using the Temporary table you can use Variable so that it will not occupy more memory.
create table table1
id int NOT NULL,
,name varchar(50)
,age int,
insert into table1 (name,age) values ('name', 10)
declare #extracolumn as int = scope_identity()
select #extracolumn
use this #extracolumn in next insert operation.
Have you included the extra column in the schema of the temporary table?
create table table1
id int
,name varchar(50)
,age int
declare #TemporaryTable table -- or Create table #TemporaryTable
id int,
userid int -- defining the extra column
declare #extracolumn as int = 100;
-- or declare #extracolumn as int = (select value from table where condition)
-- note that subqueries cannot be added directly in the output clause
-- so need to declare and set a variable that holds the value
insert into table1
output inserted.id,#extracolumn into #TemporaryTable -- or #TemporaryTable
select * from #TemporaryTable
Output is
id userid
1 100

Is there a way to retrieve inserted identity as well as some values from the query in an INSERT SELECT?

I have a situation in which I need to insert some values from a query into a table that has an identity PK. For some of the records, I need also to insert values in another table which has a 1-to-1 (partial) relationship:
Id int identity primary key clustered,
Somevalue varchar(100),
SomeOtherValue int)
CREATE TABLE B (Id int primary key clustered,
SomeFlag bit)
DECLARE #inserted TABLE(NewId int, OldId)
INSERT INTO A (Somevalue)
OUTPUT Inserted.Id into #inserted(NewId)
SELECT SomeValue
WHERE <certain condition>
INSERT INTO B (Id, SomeFlag)
i.NewId, B.SomeFlag
FROM #inserted i
JOIN A ON <some condition>
The problem is that the query from A in the first INSERT/SELECT returns records that can only be differentiated by the Id, which I cannot insert. Unfortunately I cannot change the structure of the A table, to insert the "previous" Id which would solve my problem.
Any idea that could lead to a solution?
With INSERT ... OUTPUT ... SELECT ... you can't output columns that are not in the target table. You can try MERGE instead:
USING (SELECT Id, SomeValue FROM A WHERE <your conditions>) AS src
ON 0 = 1
INSERT (SomeValue)
VALUES (src.SomeValue)
OUTPUT (inserted.Id, src.Id) -- this is your new Id / old Id mapping
INTO #inserted
SCOPE_IDENTITY() returns the last identity value generated by the current session and current scope. You could stick that into a #table and use that to insert into B
SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() as newid into #c
Though, your INSERT INTO B join conditions implies to me that the value in B is already known ?

Inner join in SQL Server based on lookup table

I have the following table structure:
create table table1( ID int,
assettype varchar(50));
create table t1( poolId int,
day_rate float);
create table t2( poolId int,
day_rate float);
create table lookuptable( tablename varchar(50),
assettype varchar(50));
insert into table1 values (1,'abs'), (2,'card');
insert into t1 values ( 1,5), ( 2,10);
insert into t2 values ( 1,15), ( 2,20);
insert into lookuptable values ('t1','abs'), ('t2','card');
For a given id based on the assetType field in table1 I need to perform a lookup in the lookup table so that I display if the assettype of the id is abs
poolId day_rate
1 5
2 10
else if the assettype of the id is card
poolId day_rate
1 15
2 20
The reason I have t1 and t2 tables because they have their own set of calculation and based on the asset type of the id i want to use t1 and t2
Would you be able to guide me with some query or steps to go in the right direction
I can think of the case when structure to this but in my case I have 100 entries in the lookuptable and that would mean a case when structure written for 100 times. Is there a better way of handling this?
Try this..
declare #table varchar(20)
select #table=tablename from lookuptable where assettype = 'card'
print #table
declare #query nvarchar(1000)
set #query = N'select * from [' + #table +']';
print #query
EXECUTE sp_executesql #query
Change the assettype in first query..
Are you just trying to get all the rows in table1 and then their day_rates depending on what type of asset they are? Couldn't you do something like this.
,(case when table1.assettype = 'abs' then t1.day_rate else t2.day_rate end) as
from table1
inner join t1 on table1.id = t1.poolId
inner join t2 on table1.id = t2.poolId
group by table1.ID, table1.assettype
Let me identify the perspective first.
First, you created this table1 as? well whatever, but this seems a lookup table as well to me.
create table table1(
ID int,
assettype varchar(50)
Next, this one is a lookup table as well because this one is your reference for calculation.
create table t1(
poolId int,
day_rate float
create table t2(
poolId int,
day_rate float
Lastly, is your direct lookup table depending on the assettype defines which table you will get the rate.
create table lookuptable(
tablename varchar(50),
assettype varchar(50)
So, i'll try to simplify this.
One is your table1 with an additional column
create table table1(
ID int,
assettype varchar(50),
day_rate float
insert into table1 values
I have no further reasons yet to split the table as One-To-Many table relationship as I don't see the lookuptable as "child" as well as t1 and t2. You could instead directly change the rates in table1 rate as desired.
Please put some comments so we can arrive at the same page. thanks

How to get the just inserted row in SQL Server stored procedure (without using trigger)?

I have stored procedures that inserts/updates records in some tables. Some columns of those tables have default values or auto-increment. Here's what I have:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Usp___NewExpense]
#iCampaignID int,
#iCategory int,
#iUserID int,
#dDate Date,
#iAmountInINR int,
#strComments VarChar(200)
INSERT INTO dbo.Tbl_Expenses(iCampaignID, iCategory, dDate, iAmountInINR, strComments)
VALUES (#iCampaignID, #iCategory, #dDate, #iAmountInINR, #strComments);
-- How to get the record inserted using the above statement here without using triggers
-- or another select statement, so that I can assign values to the following variables?
Declare #justInsertedValue1 type1;
Declare #justInsertedValue2 type2;
Declare #justInsertedValue3 type3;
INSERT INTO dbo.Tbl_SomeOtherTable(col1, col2, col3)
VALUES (justInsertedValue1, justInsertedValue2, justInsertedValue3);
Tbl_Expenses has about 9 columns in which two have default values and two have auto-increment set. How can I get the just inserted record just below my INSERT statement?
I know that I can use SCOPE_IDENTITY() and then a SELECT, but a query would probably make it inefficient (am I right?).
(By getting the just inserted record, I mean values of all fields of the just inserted record)
Edit: I haven't specified values for all the fields in my INSERT statement. I want to get those values inserted automatically by SQL Server due to DEFAULT/AUTO INCREMENT constraints also.
You can use the OUTPUT clause. You can even combine both inserts into one composite:
create table T1 (ID int IDENTITY(1,1) not null,ColA varchar(10) not null)
create table T2 (ID int IDENTITY(1,1) not null,T1ID int not null,ColB varchar(10) not null)
--Look ma! no local variables at all
insert into T2 (T1ID,ColB)
select t1.ID,'def'
from (
insert into T1(ColA)
output inserted.ID
values ('abc')
) t1
select * from T1
select * from T2
----------- ----------
1 abc
----------- ----------- ----------
1 1 def
