Delete item from array without returning it - arrays

I'm trying to write a method that will cause a rspec test like this to pass:
it "starts the thing and move on" do
class.method_1("Name One")
class.method_1("Name Two")
expect(class.method_2).to eq "Some string Name One"
expect(class.method_3).to eq ["Name Two"]
method_1 just adds a name to an array, and method_3 returns the array (defined in initialize method):
def method_1(name)
#array << name
def method_3
I figured it would be pretty simple to interpolate #array[0] into the string and use #array.delete_at(0) to modify the array. Like so:
def method_2
p "Some string #{#array[0]}"
But that method returns "Name One" instead of the string. If I comment out the delete code, the string returns properly but my array hasn't been modified. I've been in Ruby docs for a long time but #shift has the same issue about returning the removed item.
I'm almost certain I've over complicated this -- what am I missing?

You can collapse all this down to more conventional Ruby like this:
class MyTestClass
attr_reader :array
def initialize
#array = [ ]
def push(s)
#array << s
def special_shift
"Some string #{#array.shift}"
Then in terms of usage:
it "starts the thing and move on" do
my_thing.push("Name One")
my_thing.push("Name Two")
expect(my_thing.special_shift).to eq "Some string Name One"
expect(my_thing.array).to eq ["Name Two"]
Using names like push and shift which are consistent with Ruby conventions make the purpose and action of a method a lot easier to understand.
When it comes to your implementation of method_3 you forget that you can inline whatever you want inside a #{...} block, even methods that modify things. The p method is used for display, it won't return anything. To return something you need to have it either as the last thing evaluated (implicit) or by using return (explicit).

Change method_2 to the following to get the array back
def method_2
p "Some string #{#array[0]}"
From array#delete_if on
Deletes the element at the specified index, returning that element, or nil if the index is out of range.
Alternatively use object#tapwhich returns self
#array = [1,2,3,4]
#=> [1, 2, 3, 4]
#array.tap {|arr| arr.delete_at(0)}
#=> [2, 3, 4]


Can't shovel string into new array in Ruby

I am trying to search an array for a substring and if that substring exists, shovel it into a new array. The problem I am having is that it keeps coming back with this error message:
`block in substrings': undefined method `<<' for nil:NilClass
I have verified that the index in the method is not nil by printing it. I have also done index == nil to double check.
What am I missing here?
Thanks in advance for your help!
new_array = []
def substrings(word, array)
new_array = array.each do |index|
if index.include? (word)
p index
p index == nil
new_array << index
dictionary = ["below", "down", "go", "going", "horn", "how", "howdy", "it", "i", "low", "own", "part", "partner", "sit"]
substrings("i", dictionary)
You basically combine two different ways of solving this problem. The first is to assign the new_array the result of looping though the array, but in that case, the new_array variable is not available to use inside the block.
So you could either choose to create the variable first, like this
new_array = []
array.each do |index|
if index.include?(word)
new_array << index
Alternatively you could use a method called reduce which takes a more functional programming approach. That could look like this
new_array = array.reduce([]) do |arr, index|
if index.include?(word)
arr << index
What reduce does is that the block argument arr is always set to the return value of the previous block execution. that can make the syntax a little longer than it has to be, so Ruby also has an alternate approach to reduce, called each_with_object, that does the same, but by mutating the same variable, instead of requiring a return value. I actually prefer this way and would solve it like this.
new_array = array.each_with_object([]) do |index, arr|
arr << index if index.include?(word)
I would like to extend a bit the (correct) answer given by #DanneManne: While it is correct that you can access local variables from outer blocks from within an inner block, you can't do it within a def, and it is unnecessary in your example, because you can initialize new_array inside the body of your method and return it as result. But in case you ever really need this kind of construct, there indeed is a workaround:
So, this does NOT work:
def f
puts a; # WRONG. a is not known here
and this works different than you seem to expect:
def f
puts a # prints 5
puts a # prints 5 again
But if you define your method like this, it works:
define_method(:f) do
puts a; # OK, refers to outer variable a
By using a block, you create a closure with this, so if you do now a
5 and 6 is printed, in this order.
I have verified that the index in the method is not nil by printing it. I have also done index == nil to double check.
What am I missing here?
Not index is nil, but new_array. The error message says:
undefined method `<<' for nil:NilClass
and refers to the line new_array << index. Here, << is the method and new_array is the receiver. And for some reason, new_array is nil.
You probably expected new_array to be [] because you explicitly said new_array = []. But methods have their own local variable scope. If you define a local variable outside of a method, it won't be available inside, or vice-versa.
Typically when referring to an undefined variable you'd get:
undefined local variable or method `new_array'
but here, the 2nd assignment conceals the actual problem:
new_array = array.each do |index|
When Ruby encounters this line, it immediately creates a local variable new_array with an initial value of nil. (local variables are created when the line is parsed, not when the assignment occurs)
To get the expected result, you have to move new_array = [] into the method, get rid of the new_array = array.each { ...} assignment and return new_array at the end:
def substrings(word, array)
new_array = []
array.each do |index|
if index.include?(word)
new_array << index
The variable names are a bit arbitrary, maybe even misleading. Having index.include?(word) looks like you're comparing a numerical index to a string. I'd use something like this:
def substrings(substring, words)
result = []
words.each do |word|
if word.include?(substring)
result << word
Code-wise, you can incorporate the array into the loop via each_with_object which will also return the array:
def substrings(substring, words)
words.each_with_object([]) do |word, result|
if word.include?(substring)
result << word
However, selecting elements based on a condition is such a common task that Ruby provides a dedicated method select – you merely have to return true or false from the block to indicate whether the element should be selected:
def substrings(substring, words) do |word|

How to understand Ruby's .each and .map

I am having trouble understanding the differences between map and each, and where and when to use them.
I read "What does map do?" and "Ruby Iterators" but wanted some clarification.
If I have:
z = [1,2,3].map {|x| x + 1}
map takes each element in the array z and adds one to each element, however it does not mutate the original array unless I add !.
On the other hand:
y = [1,2,3].each {|x| x + 1}
returns [1,2,3]. This is confusing to me since:
names = ['danil', 'edmund']
names.each { |name| puts name + ' is a programmer' }
Danil is a programmer
Edmund is a programmer
What is exactly going on in my second example that isn't allowing each array element to be increased by 1, while in the last example a string is being attached to everything in the array?
All credits go to Speransky Danil, whom I took these examples off of.
The map method takes an enum given some block, and iterates through it doing some logic. In your case the logic is x+1. As you say it will not mutate anything unless you use !.
each is simply returning the array that is being called.
Let's take an example of:
names = ["bob"]
If we do:
names.each{|names| names + "somestring"}
the output is still ["bob"]. The reason your second example is different is due to the puts.
As an exercise try doing:
y = [1,2,3].each {|x| puts x + 1}
You will get:
tl;dr: I use map if I want to change my collection, apply a transformation on it, end up with something different. I use each if I just need to visit every element in a collection.
Key point is: you should use map if you want to apply a transformation on an array (an enumerable in reality, but let's keep it simple at the beginning). Otherwise, if you don't need to change your array, you can simply use each.
Note that in the code below you are not mutating the array but you are simply take advantage of the local string to print each string with a suffix.
names = ['danil', 'edmund']
names.each { |name| puts name + ' is a programmer' }
Obviously, you could do the same with map but in this case you don't need it and you have to use an each too to print every element. The code would be
names = ['danil', 'edmund']! { |name| name + ' is a programmer' }
# or names = { |name| name + ' is a programmer' }
name.each { |name| puts name }
This is covered in Ruby's documentation in multiple places but the easiest to understand for your use is in the Array documentation for each:
each { |item| block } → ary
each → Enumerator
Calls the given block once for each element in self, passing that element as a parameter. Returns the array itself.
If no block is given, an Enumerator is returned.
a = [ "a", "b", "c" ]
a.each {|x| print x, " -- " }
a -- b -- c --
Note that it says "Returns the array itself."
Compare that to map:
map { |item| block } → new_ary
map → Enumerator
Invokes the given block once for each element of self.
Creates a new array containing the values returned by the block.
See also Enumerable#collect.
If no block is given, an Enumerator is returned instead.
a = [ "a", "b", "c", "d" ]
a.collect { |x| x + "!" } #=> ["a!", "b!", "c!", "d!"] { |x, i| x * i } #=> ["", "b", "cc", "ddd"]
a #=> ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
Note that it says "Creates a new array containing the values returned by the block."
This example should help knowing the above:
foo = [1,2,3]
foo.each { |i| puts i + 1 } # => [1, 2, 3] { |i| i + 1 } # => [2, 3, 4]
# >> 2
# >> 3
# >> 4
where # => is the return value of the block and # >> is the captured STDOUT from puts.
And, knowing all that, use each when you want to display elements in the array or extract and reuse those elements as parameters or to build things. Use map when you want to change the elements of the array into something else.
The difference is that each is performing an action on each element in the array, returning the original array. The action performed possibly mutated the element.
Whereas map is performing an action on each element in the array and returning its result as an array.
In the first case, map:
z = [1,2,3].map {|x| x + 1}
will take each element in the given array and perform the operation in the block and return a new array, so here it returns [2,3,4].
.each executes the block for each of the elements in the array, and it will not change anything in the array, so here it performs x + 1, but it doesn't store it anywhere, hence in the second case it just returns the array.
Now in the third example you posted, you are printing output in the block itself. Again, there is no change in the array itself.

Ruby modify array items and return full array

I have this code here
string.split(/(\w{1,}=)/).each_slice(1).map { |i| items << i }! do |i|
i = i << str if i.to_s =~ /\w{1,}=/
puts items*''
And I want to modify certain items in the array based on regex, then return the full array with the modified items in it. This only returns the modified items. How do I achieve what I'm looking for?
EDIT: Ok, so say I'm trying to split a link using this regex:
The link is split and added to the array which now contains
What I want to do is append some value to the end of the elements ending with a =. This way, when I return the modified array as a string it would output like this:
You have several undefined variables in your example, which is very sloppy.
each_slice(1) is equivalent to each(), so it's not clear why you are using each_slice(1). In any case, both each() and map() step through the items in an Array one by one, but each() returns the original Array unchanged. On the other hand, you use map() when you want to create a new Array that contains changes to the items.
In the regex /\w{1,}/, there is a shortcut for the quantifier {1, }, and it's: +, so most people would write the regex as /\w+/, where + means 1 or more.
I want to modify certain items in the array based on regex, then
return the full array with the modified items in it.
Here is an example:
results = [1, 2, 3].map do |num|
if num == 2
num + 4
num - 1
p results
[0, 6, 2]
Your current attempt with map() doesn't return anything if the conditional fails. Note how the example above returns something both when the condition fails AND when the condition succeeds. map() replaces an item with whatever is returned for that item.
Now look at this example:
results = [1, 2, 3].map do |num|
if num == 2
num + 4
p results
[nil, 6, nil]
If you don't return something for an item, then map() will use nil for that item. In the example, if the condition num == 2 is true then num+4 is returned--but if num == 2 is false, nothing is returned.
words = %w[
] #=> words = ["page.php?", "site=", "blah&", "id=", "1"]
suffix = 'hello'
results = do |word|
if word.end_with?('=')
p results
["page.php?", "site=hello", "blah&", "id=hello", "1"]
Instead of parsing a URL with a regex, have you considered using the addressable gem?
require 'addressable/uri'
uri = Addressable::URI.parse('page.php?site=blah&id=1&bar')
uri.query_values = do |k, v|
[k, v.is_a?(String) ? v << 'foo' : v]
puts uri.to_s # => page.php?site=blahfoo&id=1foo&bar
This won't handle very complex query parameters (it will just pass them through).
You can use respond_to? :sub! and v.sub! /$/, 'foo' instead of checking types if that makes you uneasy. (I wouldn't use :<< or :concat because those are valid methods for Arrays.)

Define a next_in_line method on Array that takes the element at the beginning of the array and puts it at the end

Here's the instructions on what I'm supposed to do.
Define a next_in_line method on Array that takes the element at the beginning of the array and puts it at the end. Hint: remember, Array#shift removes the first element, and Array#push adds an element to the end.
I've tried a dozen variations but nothing seems to work. Here's what I thought would work:
class Array
define_method(:next_in_line) do
new_array = self.shift()
new_array = new_array.push()
Pardon my non-programmer-speak syntax, but here's what I thought I was doing:
Define the class of the method (array).
Define the method (next in line)
The third line removes the first element of the array
the fourth line pushes the removed element to the end.
Then I type: ["hi", "hello", "goodbye"].next_in_line()
Here's the error message I get when I try it:
NoMethodError: undefined method 'push' for "hi":String
Why doesn't my code work?
The error is because: when called without argument, self.shift returns the element, not an array.
To fix the error, use this:
class Array
def next_in_line
return self if empty?
push shift
["hi", "hello", "goodbye"].next_in_line
# => ["hello", "goodbye", "hi"]
Note that there's a built-in Array#rotate.
As alternative solution I will do something like:
class Array
def next_in_line
# If you want to reverse(make Last element as First)
def prev_in_line
array = ["hi", "hello", "goodbye"]
> array.next_in_line
#=> ["hello", "goodbye", "hi"]
> array.prev_in_line
#=> ["goodbye", "hi", "hello"]
This works:
class Array
def next_in_line
You don't need to use define_method to define this instance method. define_method is great for metaprogramming, but you don't need it here.
Here's how to make the code work with define_method for your education purposes:
class Array
define_method(:next_in_line) do
push shift

Adding items to a new array with index

Trying to make a method skip_animals that takes an animals array and a skip integer and returns an array of all elements except first skip number of items.
input: skip_animals(['leopard', 'bear', 'fox', 'wolf'], 2)
expected output: ["2:fox", "3:wolf"]
def skip_animals(animals, skip)
arr =
animals.each_with_index{|animal, index| arr.push("#{animal}:#{index}") }
puts arr.drop(skip)
This instead puts each output on a separate line and doesn't add them to the array arr. I thought the arr.push would add them correctly. What do I have to do to get the elements added to the array?
I want to use these methods, not map or something more advanced. I need to tinker with this each_with_index line, not overhaul it.
(This is a challenge on Hackerrank, so it uses STDIN and STDOUT)
Here is my updated code with p instead of puts. It's giving me a weird output of two different arrays, not sure why.
def skip_animals(animals, skip)
arr =
animals.each_with_index{|animal, index| arr.push("#{index}:#{animal}") }
p arr.drop(skip)
This gives me two lines of output:
["3:panda", "4:tiger", "5:deer"]
["0:leopard", "1:bear", "2:fox", "3:wolf", "4:dog", "5:cat"]
I'm assuming the top is the correct array, but I don't get why the second is printing also, or why it has a different set of animals.
Use p instead of puts.
irb(main):001:0> puts ['1', '2']
=> nil
irb(main):002:0> p ['1', '2']
["1", "2"]
According to the documentation, puts:
Writes the given objects to ios as with IO#print. Writes a record
separator (typically a newline) after any that do not already end with
a newline sequence. If called with an array argument, writes each
element on a new line. If called without arguments, outputs a single
record separator.
BTW, I would code like this (using Enumerable#map + returning result instead of printing inside the function):
def skip_animals(animals, skip)
animals.drop(skip) { |animal, index|
("#{index + skip}:#{animal}")
p skip_animals(['leopard', 'bear', 'fox', 'wolf'], 2)
just remove puts remove form this line puts arr.drop(skip)
def skip_animals(animals, skip)
arr =
animals.each_with_index{|animal, index| arr.push("#{animal}:#{index}") }
