Which kind of DBs calculate rate per minute statistics? - database

I have a use case requirement, where I want to design a hashtag ranking system. 10 most popular hashtag should be selected. My idea is something like this:
[hashtag, rateofhitsperminute, rateofhisper5minutes]
Then I will query, find out the 10 most popular #hashtags, whose rateofhits per minute are highest.
My question is what sort of databases, can I use, to provide me statistics like 'rateofhitsperminute' ?
What is a good way to calculate such a detail and store in it db ? Do some DBs offer these features?

First of all, "rate of hits per minute" is calculated:
[hits during period]/[length of period]
So the rate will vary depending on how long the period is. (The last minute? The last 10 minutes? Since the hits started being recorded? Since the hashtag was first used?)
So what you really want to store is the count of hits, not the rate. It is better to either:
Store the hashtags and their hit counts during a certain period (less memory/cpu required but less flexible)
OR the timestamp and hashtag of each hit (more memory/cpu required but more flexible)
Now it is a matter of selecting the time period of interest, and querying the database to find the top 10 hashtags with the most hits during that period.
If you need to display the rate, use the formula above, but notice it does not change the order of the top hashtags because the period is the same for every hashtag.
You can apply the algorithm above to almost any DB. You can even do it without using a database (just use a programming language's builtin hashmap).
If performance is a concern and there will be many different hashtags, I suggest using an OLAP database. OLAP databases are specially designed for top-k queries (over a certain time period) like this.
Having said that, here is an example of how to accomplish your use case in Solr: Solr as an Analytics Platform. Solr is not an OLAP database, but this example uses Solr like an OLAP DB and seems to be the easiest to implement and adapt to your use case:
Your Solr schema would look like:
<field name="hashtag" type="string"/>
<field name="hit_date" type="date"/>
An example document would be:
"hashtag": "java",
"hit_date": '2012-12-04T10:30:45Z'
A query you could use would be:
Finally, here are some advanced resources related to this question:
Similar question: Implementing twitter and facebook like hashtags
What is the best way to compute trending topics or tags? An interesting idea I got from these answers is to use the derivative of the hit counts over time to calculate the "instantaneous" hit rate.
HyperLogLog can be used to estimate the hit counts if an approximate calculation is acceptable.
Look into Sliding-Window Top-K if you want to get really academic on this topic.

No database has rate per minute statistics just built in, but any modern database could be used to create a database in which you could quite easily calculate rate per minute or any other calculated values you need.
Your question is like asking which kind of car can drive from New York to LA - well no car can drive itself or refuel itself along the way (I should be careful with this analogy because I guess cars are almost doing this now!), but you could drive any car you like from New York to LA, some will be more comfortable, some more fuel efficient and some faster than others, but you're going to have to do the driving and refueling.

You can use InfluxDB. It's well suited for your use case, since it was created to handle time series data (for example "hits per minute").
In your case, every time there is a hit, you could send a record containing the name of the hashtag and a timestamp.
The data is queryable, and there are already tools that can help you process or visualize it (like Grafana).

If you are happy with a large data set you could store and calculate this information yourself.
I believe Mongo is fairly fast when it comes to index based queries so you could structure something like this.
Every time a tag is "hit" or accessed you could store this information as a row
Storing it in such a fashion allows you to first of all run simple Group, Count and Sort operations which will lead you to your first desired ability of calculating the 10 most popular tags.
With the information in this format you can then perform further queries based on tag and timestamp to Count the amount of hits for a specific tag between the times X and Y which would give you your hits Per period.
Benefits of doing it this way:
High information granularity depending on time frames supplied via query
These queries are rather fast in mongoDB or similar databases even on large data sets
Negatives of doing it this way:
You have to store many rows of data
You have to perform queries to retrieve the information you need rather than returning a single data row


Finding unique products (never seen before by a user) in a datastore sorted by a dynamically changing value (i.e. product rating)

been trying to solve this problem for a week and couldn't come up with any solutions in all my research so I thought I'd ask you all.
I have a "Product" table and a "productSent" table, here's a quick scheme to help explain:
class Product(ndb.Model):
name = ndb.StringProperty();
rating = ndb.IntegerProperty
class productSent(ndb.Model): <--- the key name here is md5(Product Key+UUID)
pId = ndb.KeyProperty(kind=Product)
uuId = ndb.KeyProperty(kind=userData)
action = ndb.StringProperty()
date = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
My goal is to show users the highest rated product that they've never seen before--fast. So to keep track of the products users have seen, I use the productSent table. I created this table instead of using Cursors because every time the rating order changes, there's a possibility that the cursor skips the new higher ranking product. An example: assume the user has seen products 1-24 in the db. Next, 5 users liked product #25, making it the #10 product in the database--I'm worried that the product will never be shown again to the user (and possibly mess things up on a higher scale).
The problem with the way I'm doing it right now is that, once the user has blown past the first 1,000 products, it really starts slowing down the query performance. Because I'm literally pulling 1,000+ results, checking if they've been sent by querying against the productSent table (doing a keyName lookup to speed things up) and going through the loop until 15 new ones have been detected.
One solution I thought of was to add a repeated property (listProperty) to the Product table of all the users who have seen a product. Or if I don't want to have inequality filters I could put a repeated property of all the users who haven't seen a product. That way when I query I can dynamically take those out. But I'm afraid of what happens when I have 1,000+ users:
a) I'll go through the roof on the limit of repeated properties in one entity.
b) The index size will increase size costs
Has anyone dealt with this problem before (I'm sure someone has!) Any tips on the best way to structure it?
Okay, so had another idea. In order to minimize the changes that take place when a rating (number of likes) changes, I could have a secondary column that only has 3 possible values: positive, neutral, negative. And sort by that? Ofcourse for items that have a rating of 0 and get a 'like' (making them a positive) would still have a chance of being out of order or skipped by the cursor--but it'd be less likely. What do y'all think?
Sounds like the inverse, productNotSent would work well here. Every time you add a new product, you would add a new productNotSent entity for each user. When the user wants to see the highest rated product they have not seen, you will only have to query over the productNotSent entities that match that user. If you put the rating directly on the productNotSent you could speed the query up even more, since you will only have to query against one Model.
Another idea would be to limit the number of productNotSent entities per user. So each user only has ~100 of these entities at a time. This would mean your query would be constant for each user, regardless of the number of products or users you have. The creation of new productNotSent entities would become more complex, though. You'd have to have a cron job or something that "tops up" a user's collection of productNotSent entities when they use some up. You also may want to double-check that products rated higher than those already within the user's set of productNotSent entities get pushed in there. These are a little more difficult and well require some design trade-offs.
Hope this helps!
I do not know your expected volumes and exact issues (only did a quick perusal of your question), but you may consider using Json TextProperty storage as part of your plan. Create dictionaries/lists and store them in records by json.dump()ing them to a TextProperty. When the client calls, simply send the TextProperties to the client, and figure everything out on the client side once you JSON.parse() them. We have done some very large array/object processing in JS this way, and it is very fast (particularly indexed arrays). When the user clicks on something, send a transaction back to update their record. Set up some pull or push queue processes to handle your overall product listing updates, major customer rec updates, etc.
One downside is higher bandwidth going out of you app, but I think this cost will be minimal given potential processing savings on GAE. If you structure this right, you may be able to use get_by_id() to replace all or most of your planned indices and queries. We have found json.loads() and json.dumps() to be very fast inside the app, but we only use simple dictionary/list structures.This approach will be, though, a big, big quantum measure lower than your planned use of queries. The other potential issue is that very large objects may run into soft memory limits. Be sure that your Json objects are fairly simple+lightweight to avoid this (e.g. do no include product description, sub-objects, etc. in the Json item, just the basics such as product number). HTH, -stevep

Determining the Similarity Between Items in a Database

We have a database with hundreds of millions of records of log data. We're attempting to 'group' this log data as being likely to be of the same nature as other entries in the log database. For instance:
Record X may contain a log entry like:
Change Transaction ABC123 Assigned To Server US91
And Record Y may contain a log entry like:
Change Transaction XYZ789 Assigned To Server GB47
To us humans those two log entries are easily recognizable as being likely related in some way. Now, there may be 10 million rows between Record X and Record Y. And there may be thousands of other entries that are similar to X and Y, and some that are totally different but that have other records they are similar to.
What I'm trying to determine is the best way to group the similar items together and say that with XX% certainty Record X and Record Y are probably of the same nature. Or perhaps a better way of saying it would be that the system would look at Record Y and say based on your content you're most like Record X as apposed to all other records.
I've seen some mentions of Natural Language Processing and other ways to find similarity between strings (like just brute-forcing some Levenshtein calculations) - however for us we have these two additional challenges:
The content is machine generated - not human generated
As opposed to a search engine approach where we determine results for a given query - we're trying to classify a giant repository and group them by how alike they are to one another.
Thanks for your input!
Interesting problem. Obviously, there's a scale issue here because you don't really want to start comparing each record to every other record in the DB. I believe I'd look at growing a list of "known types" and scoring records against the types in that list to see if each record has a match in that list.
The "scoring" part will hopefully draw some good answers here -- your ability to score against known types is key to getting this to work well, and I have a feeling you're in a better position than we are to get that right. Some sort of soundex match, maybe? Or if you can figure out how to "discover" which parts of new records change, you could define your known types as regex expressions.
At that point, for each record, you can hopefully determine that you've got a match (with high confidence) or a match (with lower confidence) or very likely no match at all. In this last case, it's likely that you've found a new "type" that should be added to your "known types" list. If you keep track of the score for each record you matched, you could also go back for low-scoring matches and see if a better match showed up later in your processing.
I would suggest indexing your data using a text search engine like Lucene to split your log entries into terms. As your data is machine generated use also word bigrams and tigrams, even higher order n-grams. A bigram is just a sequence of consecutive words, in your example you would have the following bigrams:
Change_Transaction, Transaction_XYZ789, XYZ789_Assigned, Assigned_To, To_Server, Server_GB47
For each log prepare queries in a similar way, the search engine may give you the most similar results. You may need to tweek the similarity function a bit to obtain best results but I believe this is a good start.
Two main strategies come to my mind here:
the ad-hoc one. Use an information retrieval approach. Build an index for the log entries, eventually using a specialized tokenizer/parser, by feeding them into a regular text search engine. I've heard people do this with Xapian and Lucene. Then you can "search" for a new log record and the text search engine will (hopefully) return some related log entries to compare it with. Usually the "information retrieval" approach is however only interested in finding the 10 most similar results.
the clustering approach. You will usually need to turn the data into numerical vectors (that may however be sparse) e.g. as TF-IDF. Then you can apply a clustering algorithm to find groups of closely related lines (such as the example you gave above), and investigate their nature. You might need to tweak this a little, so it doesn't e.g. cluster on the server ID.
Both strategies have their ups and downs. The first one is quite fast, however it will always just return you some similar existing log lines, without much quantities on how common this line is. It's mostly useful for human inspection.
The second strategy is more computationally intensive, and depending on your parameters could fail completely (so maybe test it on a subset first), but could also give more useful results by actually building large groups of log entries that are very closely related.
It sounds like you could take the lucene approach mentioned above, then use that as a source for input vectors into the machine learning library Mahout (http://mahout.apache.org/). Once there you can train a classifier, or just use one of their clustering algorithms.
If your DBMS has it, take a look at SOUNDEX().

Indexes for google app engine data models

We have many years of weather data that we need to build a reporting app on. Weather data has many fields of different types e.g. city, state, country, zipcode, latitude, longitude, temperature (hi/lo), temperature (avg), preciptation, wind speed, date etc. etc.
Our reports require that we choose combinations of these fields then sort, search and filter on them e.g.
WeatherData.all().filter('avg_temp =',20).filter('city','palo alto').filter('hi_temp',30).order('date').fetch(100)
WeatherData.all().filter('lo_temp =',20).filter('city','palo alto').filter('hi_temp',30).order('date').fetch(100)
May be easy to see that these queries require different indexes. May also be obvious that the 200 index limit can be crossed very very easily with any such data model where a combination of fields will be used to filter, sort and search entities. Finally, the number of entities in such a data model can obviously run into millions considering that there are many cities and we could do hourly data instead of daily.
Can anyone recommend a way to model this data which allows for all the queries to still be run, at the same time staying well under the 200 index limit? The write-cost in this model is not as big a deal but we need super fast reads.
Your best option is to rely on the built-in support for merge join queries, which can satisfy these queries without an index per combination. All you need to do is define one index per field you want to filter on and sort order (if that's always date, then you're down to one index per field). See this part of the docs for details.
I know it seems counter-intuitive but you can use a full-text search system that supports categories (properties/whatever) to do something like this as long as you are primarily using equality filters. There are ways to get inequality filters to work but they are often limited. The faceting features can be useful too.
The upcoming Google Search API
IndexTank is the service I currently use
Yup, this is totally a hackish solution. The documents I am using it for are already in my search index and I am almost always also filtering on search terms.

Explanation of performance considerations of read/write on Google Datastore (GAE)?

I'm having a very difficult time understanding the mechanics of the Google App Engine Datastore.
I want to understand the mechanics so I can build my database in an optimal way for the database.
Given my example below, can someone help me in:
structure the database optimally
understand the performance of both read and write given that structure
Let's say I have N baseball players and each has a unique ID.
I'd like to keep a daily tally of the homeruns hit by each player (storing a "total daily homeruns" property) and basically increment it when a homerun is hit.
So, as time increases, I'd like to show a graph of homeruns each day for each baseball player over X years.
Player 1
1/21/2011 - 2 homeruns
1/22/2011 - 0 homeruns
1/23/2011 - 1 homeruns
Read Requirement: Read the last 5 years of daily "homerun" data for a certain player?
Write Requirement: Increment a daily homerun count for a certain baseball player.
I would love to understand how to structure the data and also the mechanics of both read and write? Will this simple storage task scale? Thanks all.
I would model your requirements with a one-to-many relationship like this:
class Player(db.Model):
name = db.StringProperty()
class DailyHomeruns(db.Model):
date = db.DateProperty()
counter = db.IntegerProperty()
player = db.ReferenceProperty(Player)
To retrieve all the DailyHomeruns of a given Player you can do it in this way:
daily_homeruns = DailyHomeruns.all().filter('player =', player)
.filter('date >', date_start)
.filter('date <=', date_end)
Read Requirement:
Google App Engine performance queries
scales with the size of the result set
and not with the size of the data set.
This means that if your last 5 years homeruns query set contains in average 800 entities *, this query performs the same whether it searches over a thousand entities or a million entities.
Write Requirement:
Writes are slow in Google App Engine but your scenario seems quite trivial and I don't see any possible contention/timeout problem;
after all you just need to serially update the DailyHomeruns incrementing the counter for a small number of times per day.
Other thoughts:
If you need to calculate some stats, for example the total number of Homeruns of a given Player ,don't even think to use GQL for this purpose because it does not provide any aggregate function à la SQL.
Instead, you have to design your database upfront, defining a model to store the total count of Homeruns per player.
Using the transactions API, each time you increment the DailyHomeruns you will need to increment the TotalHomeruns entity for that Player.
* I have estimated 3 matches per week for 52 weeks multiplied per 5 years
There's no single answer to this question. The datastore is really low level and it's up to you to create the right indexes and preprocess data so it can be retrieved faster. Also, depending on concurrent access to the same entity, you'd have to use pretty creative stuff like http://code.google.com/appengine/articles/sharding_counters.html
I can recommend you watching two Google I/O Sessions to get you started
http://sites.google.com/site/io/under-the-covers-of-the-google-app-engine-datastore gives you a low-level overview of how everything works and why they were done this way (down to how the sectors are written to disk)
Then http://sites.google.com/site/io/building-scalable-web-applications-with-google-app-engine will show you how to use that low level stuff in real world applications.
There's another one which presents other solutions to common problems
http://www.google.com/events/io/2009/sessions/BuildingScalableComplexApps.html - nice to open your mind to new kinds of solutions to the datastore's limitations.

App Engine GQL query a property range

so i have a User class
class User(db.Model):
points = db.IntegerProperty()
so I created 1000 dummy entities on development server with points ranging from 1 to 1000
query = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM User WHERE points >= 300"
"AND points <= 700"
"LIMIT 20"
"ORDER BY points desc")
I only want 20 results per query ( enough to fill a page). I don't need any pagination of the results.
Everything looks ok, it worked on developement server.
1. Will it work on a production server with 100,000 - 500,000 user entities? Will i experience great lag? I hope not, cos I heard that App Engine indexes the points column automatically
2. Any other optimization techniques that you can recommend?
I think that it is difficult to say what kind of performance issues that you will have with such a large number of entities. This one particular query will probably be fine, but you should be aware that no datastore query can ever return more than 1000 entities, so if you need to operate on numbers larger than 1000, you will need to do it in batches, and you may want to partition them into separate entity groups.
As far as optimization goes, you may want to consider caching the results of this query and only running it when you know the information has changed or at specific intervals. If the query is for some purpose where exactly correct results are not totally critical -- say, displaying a leader board or a high score list -- you might be choose to update and cache the result once every hour or something like that.
The only other optimization that I can think of is that you can save the cycles associated with parsing that GQL statement by doing it once and saving the resulting object, either in memchache or a global variable.
Your code seems fine to get the top users, but more complex queries, like finding out what's the rank of any specific user will be hard. If you need this kind of functionality too, have a look at google-app-engine-ranklist.
Ranklist is a python library for Google App Engine that implements a
data structure for storing integer
scores and quickly retrieving their
relative ranks.
