Iconsets paths in 2SXC - dotnetnuke

Is possible to use the font icon picker in a regular content template? I only got it to work inside 2SXC Apps but not inside regular Token Content. All examples I found where using the [App:Path] token to load the iconset. For regular Content Templates as there is no AppPath I tried [Portal:HomeDirectory] but I can't get it to load the icons. Is it limited to be used in Apps?
Thanks for help.

[App.Path] and #App.Path should also work on content templates, it's certainly not disabled on purpose. The path will always point to the Portals/x/2sxc/Content, so you can also hardwire it - but it should work.


How to include a full HTML file with specific styles inside a div

I'm making a script to preview email templates so I'm getting a full HTML page (with ) and I'm willing to make a popup with this page.
I'm getting the result from an API that gave me the full code inside a variable.
How to display this page inside my app without surcharging the styles ?
Thank you
Ps: I can't use an iframe since I can't get the preview from a simple get query (without header)
You can try one of these options (all of them have drawbacks)
ng-bind-html (AngualrJS directive) - doesn't provide styles encapsulation
iFrame - provides styles encapsulation, browser compatibility is not a problem. Still, you may need to set up or adjust your CSP policies if you are worried about security or have it already in place.
Shadow DOM - provides styles encapsulation, but you need to make sure it fits your supported browsers, and it's quite tricky to implement for AngularJS
UPD: based on your recent update, I guess you can proceed with ng-bind-html directive (HTML content will be sanitized, but you will have to cope with styles intersection and head & body tags warnings). If it doesn't work - try iFrame based on the approach referenced above (you don't need to make any external queries/requests for that).
iframe is the tag which you can use for call other html pages into your web page
<iframe src="http://www.page.com" name="targetframe" allowTransparency="true" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" >

dnn - 2sxc - modules of a duplicated page / page template are using the same content

I created a page within dnn (v9.0.2, 2sxc 8.12.0) with all modules (only 2sxc content modules) like the page design had defined it. After this I created a template from this page. After this I created a couple of sites using this template.
My problem is, if I change the content of module A on page 1 - all modules A on the other pages 2..n of this template have this content now too. Same effect, if I use the duplicate functionality.
Does anyone have a hint how to use page temlating using 2sxc content modules?
What you need to do is open the template file in an editor and locate the section that describes the module. The best way to do this is to find the EntityId of the content item on the page from which you created the template. Then, find that number string in the template. Just remove the string, leaving the XML node otherwise intact.
When you build the page, you'll get a 2sxc module that is uninitialized and you'll need to specify the content.
If anyone is listening, I wish that this behavior was different. I'd prefer that the template assigned to the module could be preserved, but with the default content showing.
Basically the issue is that DNN has only one way to export a page, and we would need something where our code could contribute something before the export is complete.
At the moment there are two ways to do this.
One way is to use the method described by Joe, modifying the XML export
The other way is to place un-initialized blocks on the template page - meaning that you select your content-type / template, or your app, but don't start adding any content yet. This should result in the identical XML as the one modified manually.

Silverlight with Extjs

I haven't worked with extJS and Silverlight. Considering a requirement that I have to look into - is there a way to host Silverlight applications in extJS.
I checked out the Sencha forums, but did not find any direction.
Hope any one of you might have dealt with this issue earlier ?
Ext-JS is a JavaScript framework that allows you to create HTML pages dynamically. Silverlight is a plugin that embeds interactive content, packaged as a XAP, within an HTML document. This embedding is achieved via the HTML object tag.
You can certainly use Ext-JS to dynamically add object tags to pages and dynamically load XAP files. So I would say the answer is, yes, you can host Silverlight content using ExtJS.

including external jsp file inside velocity template

velocity templates works fine in developing web pages. But i would also like to include certain jsp pages inside my velocity template to include certain functionalities. But when i try, #include("xyz.jsp") it simply pastes the file in my template rather than binding it..kindly help me out..
You need to being using VelocityTools' ImportTool.

WPF WebBrowser NavigateToStream & images

I'm planning to use thw WebBrowser component to display html that is created on the fly. The perfect choice for this is NavigateToString or NavigateToStream methods. There's only one single problem - I need to load images / css styles / js files too. How do I accomplish this while using string/stream?
As an option I'm also considering writing/finding simple http server and running it on some port, but that's an additional work and requirements(open ports) so I'd like to avoid that if it's possible.
You can cast WebBrowser.Document to IPersistMoniker and load a moniker that implements GetDisplayName. Check http://csexwb2.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/cEXWB.cs for example code.
Faced with this same problem I created my own solution. You can see it here:
Reference an image imbedded in a WPF application from within an HTML file used as help content
