how to get particular customers order - angularjs

/*factory method for getting particular customers order*/
factory.getCustomer = function(customerId) {
for(var i=0,len=customers.length ; i<len ; i++) {
if(customers[i].id === parseInt(customerId)){
return customer[i];
return {};
return factory();
myApp.controller('OrdersController',['$scope','$routeParams','customersFactory', function($scope,$routeParams,customersFactory) {
var customerId = $routeParams.customerId;
$scope.customer = null;
function init() {
$scope.customer = customersFactory.getCustomer(customerId);
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
<h2>{{}}'s Orders</h2>
<table class="table table-hover">
<tr ng-repeat="order in customer.orders">
<td>{{ order.product }}</td>
<td>{{ | currency }}</td>
"id": "1",
"joined": "2000-12-2",
"name": "Wali",
"city": "Dubai",
"orderTotal": "9.0765",
"orders": [
"id": "1",
"product": "protein",
"total": "11.987"
"id": "2",
"joined": "2004-12-2",
"name": "Ali",
"city": "London",
"orderTotal": "20.0765",
"orders": [
"id": "2",
"product": "bcca",
"total": "2.3456"
"id": "3",
"product": "baseball",
"total": "4.3456"
"id": "3",
"joined": "1980-11-2",
"name": "Zen",
"city": "Australia",
"orderTotal": "6.500",
"orders": [
"id": "3",
"product": "chocolate",
"total": "6.4567"
I have made a customers table from which we can perform the CRUD functionality, but when I click to check the particular customer order it is redirecting me to the right view via routing but particular customers orders are not displaying.
can any one suggest a solution for this?

According to your JSON data, the ID is a String, but you are parsing it into an integer, and using ===, which will match only if the value and the type of the compared variables match.
You need to change the if statement, one option is:
if (parseInt(customers[i].id) === parseInt(customerId))
Another option will be:
if (customers[i].id == customerId)
And yet another option is using angular's $filter service.
You need to inject it into your factory, and than in order to get the client, you can use:
var customer = $filter('filter')(customers, {id: customerId.toString()}, true);
return customer.length === 1 ? customer[0] : null;
The toString part is only because your JSON data have ID as as string, and the third argument is set to true to prevent 'like' filter (default $filter behavior will return id 10 for example also if the customerId is 1).


retrieve JSON list with absent Object and replace them by null using Angular2

Here is my JSON array :
"user" : {
"id": 456,
"nickname": "xxx",
"pf": {
"id": 123,
"account": [
"accountid": 1494235749,
"status": "New",
"accountnbr": 12345,
"cyc": {
"cycid": 1494404053,
"active": true,
"status": "New",
"name": "QST192017",
"accountid": 1494403399,
"status": "New",
"accountnbr": 915177,
"cyc": {
"cycleid": 1494406299,
"active": true,
"status": "Closed",
"name": "QSL342014"
"accountid": 1494500399,
"status": "New",
"accountnbr": 90010,
And this is what I have in my template :
<tr *ngFor="let account of accounts">
<td>{{ account.accountnbr }}</td>
I tried to retrieve a list of all my accounts , and as you can see one of the account has no cyc, and shows an error , any idea how to replace absent JSON object by null in the list ?
PS : I'm using angular2
Thank you.
use account.cyc?.name will solve your problem. when account doesn't have cyc, your template will just show blank without any error.
see documentation of safe-navigation-operator(?).
<tr *ngFor="let account of accounts">
<td>{{ account.accountnbr }}</td>
<td>{{ account.cyc?.name}}</td>
This is as simple as using an *ngIf:
<div *ngFor="let acc of account">
<div *ngIf="!acc.cyc">NO CYC ON THIS ACCOUNT</div>
For this purpose an absent object is null/undefined.
You could also map over the object in your component and set it as null: =>{
x.cyc = null;
return x;

Angular access in controller to ng-model in nested ng-repeat

I have problem as in the topic. Using $parent in ng-model didn't help.
What I am trying to achieve is 2 clickable buttons to increase and decrease quantity field value by one and display summary (sum of each price*quantity) on the bottom of site.
var app = angular.module("mainApp", []);
app.controller("mainCtrl", function ($scope) {
$scope.list1 = [
{ "uniqueId": "1", "name": "cat1" },
{ "uniqueId": "2", "name": "cat2" }
$scope.list2 = [
{ "uniqueId": "1", "name": "prod1", "price": "10" },
{ "uniqueId": "2", "name": "prod2", "price": "20" },
{ "uniqueId": "3", "name": "prod3", "price": "30" }
// this one below doesn't work at all
// $scope.quantity[1] = 1;
$ = inc;
function inc(id) {
console.log(id); //works fine
// increase of exact quantity
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="mainApp">
<div ng-controller="mainCtrl">
<table ng-repeat="l1 in list1">
<tr ng-repeat="l2 in list2">
<td>name: {{}},</td>
<td>price: {{l2.price}},</td>
<td>quantity wanted: <input ng-model="quantity[l2.uniqueId]"><button ng-click="inc(l2.uniqueId)" type="button">+</button></td>
{{quantity}}<!-- sum of all quantities * prices -->
Keep in mind that there is mulitple way to solve this kind of problem, here is the grand line I see to do it and an example for each step:
Store your quantity somewhere and initialise it, for example in your product object, example in your controller:
{ "uniqueId": "1", "name": "prod1", "price": "10", quantity : 1 },
Create a function to increase and an other to decrease the quantity of a product by his id, example in your controller:
function increaseQuantity(id){
// Get your product in the list with a loop
// If the product exists
// Increase his quantity
function decreaseQuantity(id){
// Get your product in the list with a loop
// If the product exists
// Decrease his quantity
$scope.increaseQuantity = increaseQuantity;
$scope.decreaseQuantity = decreaseQuantity;
Call the right methods in your buttons, example in your view:
quantity wanted: {{l2.quantity}}
<button ng-click="increaseQuantity(l2.uniqueId)" type="button">+</button>
<button ng-click="decreaseQuantity(l2.uniqueId)" type="button">-</button>

AngularJS - How do I filter an array of 'deep' objects given an array of values to filter by?

I am trying to filter my data which I am getting from a HTTP GET endpoint by an array of values
filters = ['Full Time', 'LinkedIn', ...]
The general structure of the response I am getting back is an array of objects where each object can look like this:
"preferences": {
"jobType": {
"type": "Full Time"
"profile": {
"additionalinfo": {
"organization": [
"name": "Google"
"name": "LinkedIn"
"university": [
"name": "UC Berkeley",
"degrees": [ {"name": "Computer Engineering"}]
So if I filter by ["Google", "Full Time"], the above object should be included.
Is there a built in filter to handle this?
I am having trouble writing the custom filter to handle such a heavily nested object.
Any ideas on how to implement this?
You can use built in filter like this jsfiddle
var myApp = angular.module("myApp", []);
myApp.controller("myCtrl", function($scope) {
$ = [{
"preferences": {
"jobType": {
"type": "Full Time"
"profile": {
"additionalinfo": {
"organization": [{
"name": "Google"
}, {
"name": "LinkedIn"
"university": [{
"name": "UC Berkeley",
"degrees": [{
"name": "Computer Engineering"
}, {
"preferences": {
"jobType": {
"type": "Remote"
"profile": {
"additionalinfo": {
"organization": [{
"name": "Yandex"
}, {
"name": "LinkedIn"
"university": [{
"name": "UC Berkeley",
"degrees": [{
"name": "Computer Engineering"
<script src=""></script>
<body ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl">
<input ng-model="filterModelJobType" placeholder="filter jobType">
<input ng-model="filterModelJob" placeholder="filter job">
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered">
<tr ng-repeat="x in data|filter:{profile: {additionalinfo:{organization:{name:filterModelJob}}},preferences: {jobType:{type:filterModelJobType}}}">
<td>{{ $index + 1 | number }}</td>
<td class="text-center">{{ x.preferences.jobType.type }}</td>
<td class="text-left">
<div ng-repeat="org in x.profile.additionalinfo.organization">
<hr> {{}}
In the latest version of AngularJS
If there is nested object then
var foo = $filter('filter')($scope.welcome, {
additionalinfo: { name: 'google' }
Reference: GitHub issue

How to filter set of items from list of items - AngularJS

I have two scope variables in angularJS. One storing "all the subcategories" and other storing "categories and their respective subcategories".
$scope.Categories = [
"subcategories": [
"scname": "Sugar",
"scid": "5"
"scname": "Salt",
"scid": "6"
"scname": "Jaggery",
"scid": "7"
"name": "Salt and Sugar",
"id": "1",
"image": "/images/salt_sugar.png"
"subcategories": [
"scname": "Tea",
"scid": "8"
"scname": "Coffee",
"scid": "9"
"scname": "Tea Bags",
"scid": "162"
"name": "Tea and Coffee",
"id": "2",
"image": "/images/tea_and_coffee.png"
$scope.subcategories = [
"name": "Sugar",
"id": "5"
"name": "Salt",
"id": "6"
"name": "Jaggery",
"id": "7"
"name": "Tea",
"id": "8"
"name": "Coffee",
"id": "9"
"name": "Tea Bags",
"id": "162"
On selecting a category i want to display mapped and unmapped subcategories with that particular category. First one is very easy. How to filter second one? for example -
on selecting "Tea and Coffee" unmapped categories should be - Sugar, salt, Jaggery
on selecting "Salt and Sugar" unmapped categories should be - Tea, Coffee, Tea Bags
This is how I am listing mapped categories:
<TR align="center">
<select ng-options="c as for c in Categories|orderBy:'name' " ng-model="selectedCategory" size="10"> </select>
<select ng-options="sc as sc.scname for sc in selectedCategory.subcategories|orderBy:'scname' " ng-model="SelectedMappedSubCategory" size="10"> </select>
<select ng-options="sc as for sc in SubCategories | orderBy:'name' | ???????" ng-model="SelectedUnMappedSubCategory" size="10"> </select>
What logic should I use in-place if ?????????
If I understood correctly, why not just filter it?
| filter: {scname: SelectedUnMappedSubCategory.scname}
I can see that you edited the code you originally posted. I think you can achieve what you are trying to do, by this:
| filter: {id: SelectedUnMappedSubCategory.scid}
Create a customized filter:
sampleApp.filter('filterSubcategories', function() {
return function(input, filterkey) {
var filtered = [];
if (filterkey) {
for (var i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) {
var item = input[i];
var found = false;
for (var j = 0; j < filterkey.length; ++j) {
if ( == filterkey[j].scid) {
found = true;
if (!found){
return filtered;
and use this like:
<select ng-options="sc as for sc in SubCategories | filterSubcategories:selectedCategory.subcategories | orderBy:'name'" ng-model="SelectedUnMappedSubCategory" size="10"> </select>

Angular JS Order By Filter not working for dynamic predicates

I am creating a Grid Control in Angular JS. ( I don't want to use ng-grid, smart table, etc for some reason)
Plunkr URL :
On top of the table generated, i have populated fields in the combobox so that user is allowed to search on specific columns
or as free search.
As I see From here :
For free search, I have used the syntax as {$:Value} and for column based search, {ColName:Value} syntax
However, I am unable to get it to work when I bind the column names to combobox.
I do get static search to work Eg if I write {'Code':"1"}, this works. but if I take "Code" from a combobox, it doesnt work.
Need help on setting dynamic filter.
This one also does not seem to help.
angular filter with dynamic list of attributes to search
This is the HTML
<div ng-controller="MyGrid">
Search in Column
<select ng-model="FilterByColumn" >
<option value="$">All</option>
<option ng-repeat="hdr in headers | orderBy : hdr.displayOrder" ng-show="hdr.isVisible" value="{{}}" >
Value : <input type="text" ng-model="searchKeyword" />
<br />
Remove Sort
<th ng-repeat="hdr in headers | orderBy : hdr.displayOrder" ng-show="hdr.isVisible">
<%--<tr ng-repeat="dataVal in data | filter: {FilterByColumn : searchKeyword} | orderBy:predicate:reverse "> **Does not work--%>**
<%--<tr ng-repeat="dataVal in data | filter: {$ : searchKeyword} | orderBy:predicate:reverse "> **This works--%>**
<tr ng-repeat="dataVal in data | filter: GetFilter (FilterByColumn, searchKeyword) | orderBy:predicate:reverse "> **<!-- Does not work -->**
<td ng-repeat="hdr in headers | orderBy : hdr.displayOrder" ng-show="hdr.isVisible">
<pre>Sorting predicate = {{predicate}}; reverse = {{reverse}} ; SearchBy = {{FilterByColumn}} ; Search Key : {{searchKeyword}} </pre>
This is the JS :
'use strict';
var MyApp = angular.module('MyApp', []);
MyApp.controller('MyGrid', function ($scope) {
$scope.predicate = 'Code';
$scope.reverse = false;
$scope.FilterByColumn = '$';
$scope.headers = [
"name": "Code",
"caption": "Code",
"isVisible": true,
"displayOrder": 12
"name": "DispName",
"caption": "My Name",
"isVisible": true,
"displayOrder": 1
"name": "Locked",
"caption": "Islocked",
"isVisible": true,
"displayOrder": 2
$ =
"Code": "1",
"DispName": "abdul",
"Locked": "0"
"Code": "2",
"DispName": "Hemant",
"Locked": "0"
"Code": "3",
"DispName": "Rahul",
"Locked": "0"
"Code": "4",
"DispName": "Sandy",
"Locked": "0"
"Code": "5 ",
"DispName": "Nihal",
"Locked": "0"
"Code": "6",
"DispName": "Sachin",
"Locked": "0"
"Code": "7",
"DispName": "abdul f",
"Locked": "0"
"Code": "8",
"DispName": "abdul g",
"Locked": "0"
"Code": "9",
"DispName": "abdul h ",
"Locked": "0"
"Code": "10",
"DispName": "abdul i",
"Locked": "0"
$scope.getValue = function (obj, PropName) {
return obj[PropName];
$scope.SetSort = function (objName) {
$scope.predicate = objName;
$scope.reverse = !$scope.reverse;
$scope.GetFilter = function (srchCol, Srchval) {
if (srchCol == "") {
return { $: Srchval };
else {
return { srchCol: Srchval };
That is because when you write { srchCol: Srchval } - srcCol is the property name and is not substituted with the value in variable srcCol, try this syntax instead:
$scope.GetFilter = function (srchCol, Srchval) {
if (srchCol == "") {
return { $: Srchval };
else {
filter = {};
filter[srchCol] = Srchval;
return filter;
