Call Azure AD secured web api from SharePoint online page using AngularJS - angularjs

I have a Web API secured with Azure AD
SharePoint online tenant is also authenticated against same Azure AD
I want to call the Web API from a page in SPO using Angular
By the time the page is loaded the user is already authenticated against the Azure AD. So I want to enable SSO for this web api call.
Appreciate if someone can share a sample code or any direction on how to achieve this. I have seen some samples using ADAL, but I don't think this scenario is addressed in those samples.


How to use Azure AD to secure an API that needs to be accessed by a 3rd party application?

We are running an API that is configured for and secured by Azure AD. This is working for us with an Angular app where users login interactively.
Now we have a need for a partner firm to use the API in a system to system way (no user login).
What needs to be configured for their application to get an OAuth token for our API from Azure AD?
I've examined the service to service call flow, but I'm wondering if it's best practice to create an application registration in our tenant for an application we don't own/manage. However this seems to be the fastest way to give them a client ID/Secret in order for them to interact with Azure AD.
Thanks in advance!
Azure active directory supports the OAuth 2.0 to authorize the
third-party apps too. It doesn’t actually matter where the web APIs
are hosted.You can even see Azure Active Directory
recommendation on third party apps. It actually adds up security
and different type of apps can be integrated .
But you will need to have your web app authenticate to Azure AD, and
provide the token to the web it requires app registration .
Scenario for external web app to call a web api, you can refer to
Your application can acquire a token to call a web API on behalf of
itself (not on behalf of a user) i.e; you can achieve scenario where
non-interactive app calls a web api
But if you meant app calling a partner api using another api .
The Azure AD V2.0 doesn't support the Partner API(See Restrictions on services and APIs) when you integrated the web API with third-party application using MSAL(Azure AD V2.0 endpoint) .
One way is using the on-behalf-flow. Here third-party application initially acquires the access token to call the web API. This web API acquire the token for Partner Center API and calls it using on-behalf-flow with that token. This solution uses the Azure AD endpoint instead of v2.0( register the app on Azure portal).
Other References: web api - Azure Active Directory Verify Access Token in Web
Api outside of Azure - Stack Overflow
Authentication vs. authorization

Where can I view in a GUI Azure AD apps created through Microsoft Graph beta API and posted using user-less authentication?

The Microsoft Graph beta API (here) allows us to POST new applications to Azure AD (v2.0).
If I post these applications to a specific tenant, using a url like this:{tenantId}/applications
and also authenticated without a user, where can I view these applications? They certainly aren't on my page (I checked), and they also aren't in the list of registered applications in the tenant on
PS: I know my applications are being created because I can call GET against that url and it will return the applications in that tenant, including the ones I created through the API. Also don't question why I was doing this, I was poking around figuring some stuff out about the API.
More Details: The app that is posting these applications to the beta API is registered as an Azure AD v1.0 app in the same tenant these applications are being posted to. The POSTs use the app's authentication token.
I know that apps created in are v1 apps, and apps created on are v2 apps. I am making my apps through the Microsoft Graph beta API, which makes v2 apps.
Also, for those that don't click the link to see what authentication without a user means, I am getting the bearer token for the POST request using the app's credentials, not a user's credentials.
If I post these applications to a specific tenant (which is an Azure
AD v1.0 tenant), using a url like this
Here there is no version definition for the tenant. V1.0 and V2.0 are the endpoints, not means tenant. You could know about their difference from Azure AD v2.0 endpointand v1 and v2 comparison.
If you register the app in the Azure portal, the app is v1 app; if you register the app by using App Registration Portal, the app is v2 app.
and also authenticated without a user, where can I view these
applications? They certainly aren't on my page,
and they also aren't in the list of registered applications in the
tenant on
If you create the app in the App Registration Portal, the app could be seen in the page(App Registration Portal), but cannot be seen in the Azure portal.
If you create the app is v1 app, the app can be seen both in Azure portal and App Registration Portal.

Azure API Gateway and authentication

We are looking to publish an API in an Azure B2C model where customers will use our app to access API's published using Docker Swarm based Azure Container Services. Our assumption here is that this model will require Azure B2C AD as opposed to Azure AD.
All API calls will have an OAuth token issued from B2C AD.
We want to know what is the best approach to validate the token centrally before it reaches the microservices on Azure Container Service. We were using API Gateway to route the API calls to the correct microservice while also using the WAF capability in the API Gateway. However, we realize that the API Gateway does not provide a way to verify the OAuth token before it forwards the request to the microservices.
Also please note, as per the suggestions in Microsoft Documentation we have two tenants with one tenant running all services such as database and microservice and the second tenant hosting the Azure B2C AD.
Can you please suggest the best option to implement the OAuth Verification without having to implement this in each microservice.
One thing you could do is put Azure API Management Service between your clients and services, there you'd have an option to use validate-jwt policy to inspect tokens and authorize calls.
The following is a quick overview of the steps:
Register an application (backend-app) in Azure AD to represent the API.
Register another application (client-app) in Azure AD to represent a client application that needs to call the API.
In Azure AD, grant permissions to allow the client-app to call the backend-app.
Configure the Developer Console to call the API using OAuth 2.0 user authorization.
Add the validate-jwt policy to validate the OAuth token for every incoming request.
Please refer to the following document for steps in detail.

Azure AD Apps: Migrating to v2.0

This is my scenario: Client Windows Forms app authenticates with Azure AD and uses the access token to access several web api services. Until now, I was using the endpoint 1 and using the Azure portal to register both apps. It seems like there's a new way now, but I'm a little lost here.
For starters, it seems like both apps (client and server) can be registered in the same app in the new apps portal ( I do see a place to add platforms and I have added entries for the native and web api. But where do I go from here? For instance, in the azure portal, I must configure the client app in order for it to call the web api services. How do I that here?
Is there a complete sample for this scenario like the one we have to ADAL (
Please firstly refer to this document to know what's different about the v2.0 endpoint .When you build applications that integrate with Azure Active Directory, you need to decide whether the v2.0 endpoint and authentication protocols meet your needs. Please see the limitations of azure ad v2.0, such as you can use the v2.0 endpoint to build a Web API that is secured with OAuth 2.0. However, that Web API can receive tokens only from an application that has the same Application ID .
The v2.0 endpoint does not support SAML or WS-Federation; it only supports Open ID Connect and OAuth 2.0 ,To better understand the scope of protocol functionality supported in the v2.0 endpoint, read through OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 protocol reference.
You could refer to document how to call a web API from a .NET web app with Azure AD V2.0 (using MSAL to acquire and use access tokens), and here is the code sample on Github . The document includes how to add basic sign-in to a web app or how to properly secure a web API in azure ad v2.0 .

Accessing Office Graph apis with Sharepoint Online login?

We've been running an Angular app in a custom masterpage during the last year, using the Sharepoint REST api to retrieve user properties, data from lists etc., which has been working fine. As the application is hosted on Sharepoint Online, accessing the page requires a login thus making the request digest available so further authentication is not necessary.
Now however, we want to start using some of the functionality in the Microsoft Graph API. From what I can gather this requires OAuth2 authentication against the Azure Active Directory, involving among other things a redirect to the AAD login page.
Does this mean I have to:
1) Login via the organizations (standard Microsoft) login page to access the Sharepoint Online site.
2) Redirect to the Azure AD login page and back again?
Or can I leverage the login that the user already did when logging into Sharepoint Online?
Sorry if the question is a bit vague, we are all still very new to this.
When registering your application on Azure AD you will give the app access to Files/Sharepoint REST api and Microsoft Graph API. See this picture the app has access to several apis (Exchange, Graph and AD) you must add sharepoint APIs in your case.
Regarding the authentication, I am afraid that the Sharepoint model does not provide a token that will enable you to request the Graph API see this. You will have two authentications, one to access the Sharepoint site, as you said, and the other "within" the sharepoint iframed add-in to log into your AAD's registered app. This will be an OAUTH process through Have a look at my Outlook add-in Keluro Mail Team on the Office store, I think it is similar to what you want to achieve.
You can use the same token from I have a sample using Asp.Net Core 1.0 and the.Net ADAL but the same authentication flow is used when using ASP.NET 4.6. Just make your auth request against ms graph on startup then acquire access token to auth against SharePoint.
Hope this helps.
