Cakephp installation on WAMP missing files - cakephp

I am running WAMP and it runs correctly. I installed composer apparently successfully, and also installed Cake with no errors. It created a cquiz project. When I go to the URL in my browser I see all of the text for the default cake page, but none of the css or images. It is looking for files, for example, /cquiz/css/cake.css but when I open the cquiz directory I don't see any folder called css. What did I do wrong?

You need to set your documento root to cquiz/webroot.
If you are using Apache (I assume this because you said you are using WAMP) you have to edit the httpd.conf file and change the document root to your webroot directory.
Otherwise if you cannot or don't want to change the document root (let's say for example if you have another web app in the same server) you can move all the files inside webroot to your root directory and edit the index.php (which you moved from webroot to root directory) and change the require webroot to fit the new location.


How do I install phpmyadmin in Aegir?

In which folder should I put phpmyadmin folder in aegir system?
In a old project I remember an expert developer used to put the phpmyadmin folder under the folder /var/aegir/hostmaster and it worked (through the url
I am now trying same thing but it doesn’t work. Should I modify some file or some setting to “read” the folder hostmaster? (I have tried to change permission but it didn’t help).
In this new server I am using Nginx.
In the old one (when everything was working) there was Apache.
It can be a problem of configuration of Nginx?
Thank you

how to run more than two cake php project run on one server

I have to work on following step
local server
i have created new folder in webroot
put all cake php another project in side that folder
configure .htaccess in root folder ,app folder and webroot
then it is working fine
live server
i have to follow all the above step but it is not working on live server

Cakephp localhost error - This site can't be reached

I have windows 10 and wamp installed. I installed a cakephp copy using composer. It is www folder of wamp.
I am able to see localhost page.
But when I click on the project folder icon, I get the error: This site can't be reached.
What to do?
I found the answer.
If your "My Project" folder exists in "wamp/www/" and if you can see the localhost home page after starting wampserever correctly, and still you cant access your projects, then simply go to www folder, open index.php and search for $suppress_localhost and set its value to false. Restart wampserver, go to localhost and try to access your project.

Accessing Subdirectory in public_html using CakePhp 2.0

my question is very simple.
I have a /cms subdirectory on my /public_html directory.
when I try to do: cake tries to find cms controller instead of showing the index.php that /cms contains.
How can I make cake to search this folder in the public_html?
Is this a folder that belongs to your app or is it an external one? This problem is most likely because your public_html folder is your cake root folder (or at least you have the .htaccess for routing there)
You may want to have your cake app on a subfolder instead of having it on the root of youe webserver
If the content belongs to yout app, you can put The cms folder on the wwwroot folder of your application or follow this tip and move all from cms to Pages folder

cakephp css and images problem at localhost

I've downloaded a project from a root server. It acts there very fine. But when i run the project in the localhost on xampp environment, didn't find the any css nor any images. How can i solve this problem?
You should also verify the contents of your .htaccess files in the root install directory, in /app and /app/webroot. Depending if you are serving CakePHP from a subdirectory (like you might have to add a RewriteBase directive to your .htaccess file in /app/webroot/. Details here.
Check the permissions of the /app/webroot/css and /app/webroot/img folders. Also check if you have mod_rewrite properly configured.
Check out this tutorial which talks about mod_rewrite:
link text
"Occasionally a new user will run in to mod_rewrite issues, so I'll mention them marginally here. If the CakePHP welcome page looks a little funny (no images or css styles), it probably means mod_rewrite isn't functioning on your system. Here are some tips to help get you up and running: ..."
