Add custom headers to all resources in all modules - angularjs

In my Angular JS site, I have many modules & many resources (From where I consume Rest API)
I want to add a custom header to all outgoing requests in each & every module.
For eg : Here are 2 modules : common & ABC
//---File 1 common.js
$httpProvider.defaults.headers.common['x-access-token'] =
this.getBankList = function()
return $resource('api/emi/banklist:quoteId', { },{}).query();
//---File 2 abc.js
$httpProvider.defaults.headers.common['x-access-token'] =
.factory('emiModel', ['$resource',
function($resource) {
return $resource('api/emi/QuoteList:quoteId', { }, {
update: { method: 'PUT' }
In the above code, I had to add .config to each module & add the header there.
It is quite time consuming to add it in each module & violates DRY principle.
Is there any simple way by which I can add this configuration to all modules in my app without repeating the code ?
For Carity : I used factory & service just to show that i might be using any thing but I still want the header to be passed.

In the above code, I had to add .config to each module & add the
header there.
It is quite time consuming to add it in each module & violates DRY
This isn't true. Once the module is loaded, Angular doesn't make a difference between them.
config block affects each and every module in the app that has common module loaded. I.e. all of $http calls will be affected with config in this setup:
angular.module("app",["abc", "common"])...
Though it is recommended to load common module in each submodule that depends on config, too. So they don't break in the case when they are loaded apart from app (e.g. in specs).


Angular Controller can inject service just fine but $injector.get can't?

I have an extremely edge case scenario where I have a callback method I have to define during config. Which means no scope, no factories, etc... My work around is to use the root injector ($injector) and get my other modules at runtime.
However, when I call $injector.get('myServiceName') in my call back (after the application is running) I get "unknown provider". The same service has no problem (and actually is) being injected into a before my line of code is running. If I call $injector.get("myServiceNameProvider") then I can get the provider back in my callback.. But another service that only has a factory I can't get at all.
So in this extremely bad practice, how can I snag the service I configured. Heck I can't even seem to get $rootScope..
Angular inits providers first, then factories/services - services are not available in app.config.
You can deo like this:
window.on('scroll', function() {
// this is executed later
Or use where services are available.
I think I had similar problem few months ago... I need to construct breadcrumbs, but they had to be created in config phase (ui-router). I have done it like this (breadcrumbs-generation-service.provider.js):
var somethingYouHaveToHaveLater = undefined;
function BreadcrumbsGenerationService () {
this.createStateData = createStateData;
function createStateData (arg) {
somethingYouHaveToHaveLater = arg;
function BreadcrumbsGenerationServiceProvider () {
this.$get = function BreadcrumbsGenerationServiceFactory () {
return new BreadcrumbsGenerationService();
.provider('BreadcrumbsGenerationService', BreadcrumbsGenerationServiceProvider);
Because service is used inside Angular configs, needs to be injected as provider to be available in config phase: Similar SO Question. Despite the fact is registered as BreadcrumbsGenerationService needs to be injected as BreadcrumbsGenerationServiceProvider to config phase and used with $get():
But in controller, inject it without Provider suffix (BreadcrumbsGenerationServic) and it behaves as normal service.

Angular 1: $injector can't find a provider dependency when injecting provider inside a provider

My use case is: we have several helper classes, A and B, that are services, A depends on B, and I wanted to make them providers so that they can be used in .config phase.
I followed this SO answer to load a provider inside a provider.
As you can see here, it works:
var coreModule = angular.module('CoreModule', []);
coreModule.provider('Car', function() {
this.engine = 'big engine';
this.$get = function() {
return {
color: 'red'
coreModule.provider('ParameterService', ['$injector', function($injector) {
try {
var CarProvider = $injector.get('CarProvider');
this.deepEngine = CarProvider.engine;
console.log('deepEngine = ' + this.deepEngine);
} catch (e) {
// ParameterService
this.$get = function() {
return {};
coreModule.config(function(CarProvider) {
console.log('configEngine = ' + CarProvider.engine); // big engine
This works if I have Car and ParameterService in one file in this order.
However when I split Car and ParameterService into multiple files on disk, or I define ParameterService before Car in the same file, $injector.get('CarProvider') inside ParameterService fails.
How do I fix the issue?
I want to have one provider/service per file and I don't understand what is missing.
The order in which the services are defined doesn't matter during run phase, where service instances are injected. But it does matter during configuration phase, where service providers are injected, i.e. in provider constructors and config blocks.
Providers and config blocks are executed in the order in which they are defined. If Car provider is defined after ParameterService provider or config block, CarProvider doesn't exist at the moment when those two are executed.
To avoid potential race conditions, one module per file pattern should be followed. This allows to keep the app highly modular (also beneficial for testing) and never care about the order in which the files are loaded. E.g.:
angular.module('app', ['app.carService', 'app.parameterService']).config(...);
angular.module('app.carService', []).provider('Car', ...);
angular.module('app.parameterService', []).provider('ParameterService', ...);
Module parts are executed in the order in which the modules are defined in angular.module array hierarchy, from children to parents.
The decision if config block needs its own module depends on what it does (mostly for testing reasons).
It is possible to have providers in different files. You just need to attach them to the first module that you created.
If your markup looks like this:
<script src="coreModule.js"></script>
<script src="parameterService.js"></script>
Then, in coreModule.js, define your module:
angular.module('CoreModule', [])
.provider('Car', function() {
Remember, the second parameter ([]) tells angular to create a new module.
Then, declare your other provider in a different file, and attach it to your existing 'CoreModule' module:
.provider('ParameterService', ['$injector', function($injector) {
Notice that we are only passing one parameter to .module(). This tells angular to add your provider to an existing module.
Plunkr Demo

How to get config values from server in Angular?

My application needs some config values on application startup. Suggestions from the community is to store them as constant as separate module, preferably in separate .js file. This might work for me.
However my configuration values are also stored on the server, and dont want to duplicate those on client side, so i was thinking of making server call to get those.
Im newbie to angular, is it valid design practice to make server call in module's config method? If yes then should i just use $http service to get the values from the server?
var main = angular.module('myapp', ['AdalAngular']);
main.config(['$stateProvider',$httpProvider, adalAuthenticationServiceProvider', function ($stateProvider,$httpProvider,adalProvider) {
// $stateProvider configuration goes here
// ?????CAN I make server call here to get configuration values for adalProvider.init method below???
instance: 'someurl',
tenant: 'tenantid',
clientId: 'clientid',
extraQueryParameter: 'someparameter',
cacheLocation: 'localStorage',
}]);["$rootScope", "$state", .....
function ($rootScope, $state,.....) {
// application start logic
main.factory("API", ["$http", "$rootScope", function ($http, $rootScope) {
// API service that makes server call to get data
So based on suggestions below I'm going with declaring constant approach. Basically I will have separate config.js file and during deployment process I will overwrite the config.js file with respective environment based config.js file.
If have to 10 constants then i have to pass them separately to module.config(). Is it possible to declare constant value as JSON object and somehow read it in config function so I don't have pass 10 different parameters?
angular.module('myconfig', [])
and then how do I read the values in config method?
var main = angular.module('myapp',['myconfig']);
?? How do I read CONFIGOBJECT value that is a string not json object?
I'll describe the solution used in project that i was working on some time ago.
It's true that you cannot use services in config phase, and it's also true, that you can use providers and constants while config phase.
So we used the next solution:
firstly, we created simple object with config, like
var config = {
someConfig1: true,
someConfig2: false,
someConfigEvents: {
event1: 'eventConfig1',
event2: 'eventConfig2'
Then we also declared angular value with jQuery lib:
app.value('jQuery', jQuery);
And now we cannot use services like $http, but we can use jQuery, so we just making ajax call to config server and extending our config:
jQuery.ajax("path/to/config", { async: false, cache: false })
.done(function (data) {
var response = angular.fromJson(data)
if (response) {
} else {
.fail(function () {
.always(function () {
You cannot inject a service into the config section.
You can inject a service into the run section.
So, you cannot use - for example $http service to retrieve data from server inside config() , but you can do in inside run(), which initializes the provider's service.
See also more complete answer here.
Hope this helps.
Why string? Why don't you simply use
.constant('CONFIGOBJECT', {Const1:somevalue,Const2:somevalue,Const3:somevalue,Const4:somevalue}
.constant('CONFIGOBJECT', '{Const1:somevalue,Const2:somevalue,Const3:somevalue,Const4:somevalue}'
Only providers are available during the config phase, not services. So you can't use $http during this phase.
But you can use it during the execution phase (in a function passed to run()).
An alternative is to have some JavaScript file dynamically generated by the server, and defining the constants you want.
Another alternative is to generate such a JS file during the build, based on some file that would be read by the server-side code.

Best practices to inject custom module in meanjs

As I understood there is no classical registration of module, where we can inject our dependencies like:
var myModule = angular.module('myModule', [otherModule]);
However there are file module-name.client.module.js at the root of the directorys
'use strict';
// Use Applicaion configuration module to register a new module
Can I inject here my module like *.registerModule('module-name', [someModule]); or I should do it in angular.module('articles').config(...)?
But in config I can inject only providers, without factories
As far as i used angular, the best practice to load custom module and external library
is to combine angularjs with requirejs.
It's done in 3 step.
First, load in your main html file a js file which builds the foundation of your system (require.config):
Here you have all the parameters allowed :
Example :
In your html file :
<script src="path/to/require.js" data-main="path/to/yourBuildFile"></script>
In yourBuildFile file :
// you can define suitable names for all your external js library
// don't put a ".js" at the end of the file
'angular' : 'path/angular',
'underscore' : 'path/underscore-min',
'...': '...',
// and other useful things
Second, in the same file or in another (see the parameter deps in link above), bootstrap your app:
Like explained here :
// AMD module injection, more info here :
define([ // inject all the external library you need + the definition of your app
'yourpath/yourApp' // don't bother here, it's explained in third point
], function(angular){
// link your app to the document file programatically
angular.bootstrap(document, ['nameOfYourApp']);
Third, you define your app (in the "yourpath/yourApp")
// put all path to your directives + controllers + services
], function(angular){ // only specify parameters the library you use in the function
// you create your sublime app :)
angular.module('nameOfYourApp', [
// put all the name of your modules injected above
The example above is made for single page application.
You can find other examples for multipage application here

Modules and namespace / name collision in AngularJS

Consider the following jfiddle
//angular.js example for factory vs service
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['module1', 'module2']);
var service1module = angular.module('module1', []);
service1module.factory('myService', function() {
return {
sayHello: function(text) {
return "Service1 says \"Hello " + text + "\"";
sayGoodbye: function(text) {
return "Service1 says \"Goodbye " + text + "\"";
var service2module = angular.module('module2', []);
service2module.factory('myService', function() {
return {
sayHello: function(text) {
return "Service2 says \"Hello " + text + "\"";
sayGoodbye: function(text) {
return "Service2 says \"Goodbye " + text + "\"";
function HelloCtrl($scope, myService) {
$scope.fromService1 = myService.sayHello("World");
function GoodbyeCtrl($scope, myService) {
$scope.fromService2 = myService.sayGoodbye("World");
I have 2 modules (module1 and module2). Both module1 and module2 define a service called myService. This appears to create a name clash on myService within Angular when both modules are imported into myApp. It appears AngularJs just uses the second service definition without warning you of the possible issue.
Very large projects (or just reusing modules in general) would have a risk of names clashing, which could be difficult to debug.
Is there a way to prefix names with the module name so that name clashes don't happen?
As of today, AngularJS modules do not provide any sort of namespacing that would prevent collisions between objects in different modules. The reason is that an AngularJS app has a single injector that holds names for all objects without respect to module names.
The AngularJS Developer Guide says:
To manage the responsibility of dependency creation, each Angular
application has an injector. The injector is a service locator that is
responsible for construction and lookup of dependencies.
As you've mentioned, nasty bugs can result when injecting modules into your main/app module. When collisions happen they are silent and the winner is determined by whichever was the last module injected.
So no, there's not a built in way of avoiding these collisions. Maybe this will happen in the future. For large apps where this problem becomes more likely, you're right that naming conventions are your best tool. Consider whether objects belonging to a module or function area might use a short prefix.
You can avoid this situation by using a convention to name your modules so that they always unique.
One approach is to look at how other languages do it. For example in Java the “full name” of the class is based on the name of the file and the folder it’s in. For example if you had a Java file called in the folder MyArtStuff, the full name of the class would be MyArtStuff.Bitmap
Turns out AngularJS allows you to have dots (.) as part of your module name so you could essentially use the name convention.
For example if a developer create a module called “ModuleA” in the script “MainPage\Module1.js” they should name their module “MainPage.Module1.ModuleA”. Because each path and filename is unique in your app then your module name will be unique.
You would just have to get your developers to follow this convention.
Note as Rockallite points out this will not help with services, controllers, etc having the same name in multiple modules. But you can use a similiar approach to result that and prefix the names of those elements as well.
Ideally AngularJS would have namespaces and in the future it might. Until then the best we can do is do what developers have been doings for over 40 years before namespaces were invented and prefix our elements best we can.
Unfortunately, there is no namespacing in AngularJS. One solution is to use a prefix (another solution may be this!). See the following example:
// root app
const rootApp = angular.module('root-app', ['app1', 'app2']);
// app 1
const app1 = angular.module('app1', []);
app1.controller('app1.main', function($scope) {
$scope.msg = 'App1';
// app2
const app2 = angular.module('app2', []);
app1.controller('app2.main', function($scope) {
$scope.msg = 'App2';
<!-- angularjs#1.7.0 -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- root app -->
<div ng-app="root-app">
<!-- app 1 -->
<div ng-controller="app1.main">
<!-- app 2 -->
<div ng-controller="app2.main">
Define your controllers on the module you want the service to be from.
service2Module.controller("ServiceTwoCtrl", function(myService, $scope) {});
