Trouble installing/using Atom packages on offline PC - package

I'm currently in the process of setting up my workspace on my company machine and have chosen Atom as my text editor of choice. The computer is not connected to the internet, so I will have to "manually" install packages. I've been having difficulties installing packages via usb transfer. I've copied and extracted packages to my ~/.atom/packages
The package I'm attempting to use (atom-beautify) shows up on the packages tab on the top of the editor. It also shows up under [Settings] -> [Packages].
When attempting to use the beautify I get the error message "Failed to activate the atom-beautify package" ... Cannot find module 'event-kit'
Also using Windows 10. Any help is greatly appreciated!

You can solve your problem. There are some way to solve your problem.I did not used win10, I am on win7.Yet you can try.
Paste atom-beautify to C:\Users\User.atom\packages and change pacakage.json
atom-beautify needs a dependency named bluebird, if you can try to add this to atom.
It step 1 or step 2 failed then goes to step 2,
Connecting your pc to internet run this command from your terminal: apm install atom-beautify

Safest bet with installing atom packages offline is to install it on another online PC and then copy all contents from your packages location to offline PC.


SSDT for VS2017 offline installation steps

The link below is the steps i followed for installing an offline installer of vs2017 and I had a hard time catch up in the offline part. (Steps4-6 to be exact).
I tried to follow the command to run SSDT_Seup but it keeps on downloading through internet and not on my downloaded data files of SSDT
Can someone assists me to solve my problem.. Sorry but i am new to this type of process. I prefer offline because I want to share this resources to others if i succesfully done it.
Perform these tasks from PC which has internet connectivity.
Step 1 : Download the Standalone Installer from this link
Step 2 : Download the vs_sql.exe
Step 3 : Open CMD prompt in Administrator mode
vs_sql.exe --layout c:\your_vs2017_offline\ --lang en-us
Copy the offline folder to desired machine.
Source :

Error arose when using Pkg.add() in Julia

I have a problem when trying to add a package in the terminal using Pkg.add, the terminal gives me the following error message:
fatal:your current branch 'master' does not have any commits yet
Error: failed process: Process(`git' --git-dir=````)
How do I fix it?
I've had the same issue with Gadfly. Installation failed and I couldn't load nor reinstall the package.
After looking at the documentation.
Turns out there is a cache folder (with the same name as the package) hidden in Users\my_username\.julia\v0.4\.cache\ I removed this folder and the package installed fine from Julia running Pkg.add("Gadfly").
Try removing the folder and install the package again.
Please give more information about where this package comes from. Github? Your hard drive? A zip file?
If this is one of your packages, just create a commit.
git add .
git commit -m 'First commit'
This should work.

Opendaylight (odl) ovs-vsctl not found error

I am following this tutorial:
I am trying to use the following code in opendaylight using karaf
ovs-vsctl show
But the command window says Command not found: ovs-vsctl
I have installed all the necessary libraries and the local host server (http://localhost:8181/dlux/index.html) is running fine. But somehow odl can't find ovs.
Can anyone tell me what's the error? I am running win 8.
Thank you
You need to run this command outside of karaf terminal.
Firstly, you should have ovs(Open Virtual Switch) or Mininet installed, and then create one or two open switches.
Basically, you started the SDN controller in karaf, and now in the step you are encountering problem, the switches need to be assigned ODL controller as their manager.
You must check also that ovsdb is already installed in karaf.
For that, try to execute the next command:
feature:list | grep ovsdb
That command will display all the ovsdb components/features that are available in your karaf distribution. The third column will indicate you if a given component is already installed or not (if you see an X, that means that the component is installed). If you want to install a component/feature:
feature:install <name_of_the_feature>
After that, try to execute it outside of karaf, as Sidhant01 has indicated you before.
Try to do it with sudo:
sudo ovs-vsctl show.
If you want to configure ovsdb in an active mode:
tools-vm:~$ sudo ovs-vsctl set-manager tcp:
tools-vm:~$ sudo ovs-vsctl show
Manager "tcp:"
is_connected: true
ovs_version: "2.0.2"

ROS package not found after catkin_make

I created a ROS workspace following the Wiki page from ROS. I also created a package using catkin_create_pkg under the workspace I just created.
Then, following the steps in ROS Wiki to build the package using catkin_make, after the package is built, I insert the command rospack find packagename, and my package is not found anymore.
Can anyone help me on this?
Have you followed this basic tutorial? You have to create the package in your workspace and have set properly your Bash file (in your home directory).
To permanently set your system, add these lines
# ROS settings
source <your_workspace_path>/catkin/devel/setup.bash
at the end of your ~/.bashrc. Then, restart the terminal, and retry. Please, be sure to modify these lines with your actual information, where I've put <your_workspace_path> (depends on where you have installed ROS and its workspace on your PC).
If this does not solve the problem, try rospack profile before rospack find <your_package_name>.

Problem installing Google App Engine from MSI

I downloaded Python and installed it, and when I go download GoogleAppEngine_1.2.0.msi and try to install it and I get this error:
This installation package could not be
opened. Contact the application
vendor to verify that this is a valid
Windows Installer package.
Am I forgetting something? I am assuming this is pretty simple.
I had the same error. The file downloaded by IE was about 190k and would not run. The file ought to be 2.7M. Firefox downloads correctly. Also IE will download correctly if you select RUN instead of SAVE. That is my experience and I now have the SDK installed. I hope this helps you.
Download it again and try to install the newly downloaded file. Maybe the file was damaged during download or not completely downloaded which can both happen sometimes.
If this does not help and the same error message appears you could control the checksum which should be
for this file.
When you are sure that the downloaded file is ok, check if the version of your operating system is supported.
Maybe installing the Windows installer could help?
If not, try out on another machine or inside a virtual machine.
