Find product of integers at interval of X and update value at position 'i' in an array for N queries - arrays

I have given an array of integers of length up to 10^5 & I want to do following operation on array.
1-> Update value of array at any position i . (1 <= i <= n)
2-> Get products of number at indexes 0, X, 2X, 3X, 4X.... (J * X <= n)
Number of operation will be up to 10^5.
Is there any log n approach to answer query and update values.

(Original thought is to use Segment Tree but I think that it is not needed...)
Let N = 10^5, A:= original array of size N
We use 0-based notation when we saying indexing below
Make a new array B of integers which of length up to M = NlgN :
First integer is equal to A[0];
Next N integers is of index 1,2,3...N of A; I call it group 1
Next N/2 integers is of index 2,4,6....; I call it group 2
Next N/3 integers 3,6,9.... I call it group 3
Here is an example of visualized B:
B = [A[0] | A[1], A[2], A[3], A[4] | A[2], A[4] | A[3] | A[4]]
I think the original thoughts can be used without even using Segment Tree..
(It is overkill when you think for operation 2, we always will query specific range on B instead of any range, i.e. we do not need that much flexibility and complexity to maintain the data structure)
You can create the new array B described above, also create another array C of length M, C[i] := products of Group i
For operation 1 simply use O(# factors of i) to see which Group(s) you need to update, and update the values in both B and C (i.e. C[x]/old B[y] *new B[y])
For operation 2 just output corresponding C[i]
Not sure if I was wrong but this should be even faster and should pass the judge, if the original idea is correct but got TLE
As OP has added a new condition: for operation 2, we need to multiply A[0] as well, so we can special handle it. Here is my thought:
Just declare a new variable z = A[0], for operation 1, if it is updating index 0, update this variable; for operation 2, query using the same method above, and multiply by z afterwards.
I have updated my answer so now I simply use the first element of B to represent A[0]
A = {1,4,6,2,8,7}
B = {1 | 4,6,2,8,7 | 6,8 | 2 | 8 | 7 } // O(N lg N)
C = {1 | 2688 | 48 | 2 | 8 | 7 } // O (Nlg N)
factorization for all possible index X (X is the index, so <= N) // O(N*sqrt(N))
opeartion 1:
update A[4] to 5: factors = 1,2,4 // Number of factors of index, ~ O(sqrt(N))
which means update Group 1,2,4 i.e. the corresponding elements in B & C
to locate the corresponding elements in B & C maybe a bit tricky,
but that should not increase the complexity
B = {1 | 4,6,2,5,7 | 6,5 | 2 | 5 | 7 } // O(sqrt(N))
C = {1 | 2688 | 48/8*5 | 2 | 8/8*5 | 7 } // O(sqrt(N))
update A[0] to 2:
B = {2 | 4,6,2,5,7 | 6,5 | 2 | 5 | 7 } // O(1)
C = {2 | 2688/8*5 | 48/8*5 | 2 | 8/8*5 | 7 } // O(1)
// Now A is actually {2,4,6,2,5,7}
operation 2:
X = 3
C[3] * C[0] = 2*2 = 4 // O(1)
X = 2
C[2] * C[0] = 30*2 = 60 // O(1)


Rank and unrank fibonacci bitsequence with k ones

For positive integers n and k, let a "k-fibonacci-bitsequence of n" be a bitsequence with k 1 where the 1 on index i describe not Math.pow(2,i) but Fibonacci(i). These positive integers that add up to n, and let the "rank" of a given k- fibonnaci-bitsequence of n be its position in the sorted list of all of these fibonacci-bitsequences in lexicographic order, starting at 0.
For example, for the number 39 we have following valid k-fibonacci-bitsequences, k <=4. The fibonacci numbers behind the fibonacci-bitsequence in this example are following:
34 21 13 8 5 3 2 1
10001000 k = 2 rank = 0
01101000 k = 3 rank = 0
10000110 k = 3 rank = 1
01101100 k = 4 rank = 0
So, I want to be able to do two things:
Given n, k, and a k-fibonacci-bitsequence of n, I want to find the rank of that k-fibonacci-bitsequence of n.
Given n, k, and a rank, I want to find the k-fibonacci-bitsequence of n with that rank.
Can I do this without having to compute all the k-fibonacci-bitsequences of n that come before the one of interest?
For brevity lets say »k-fbs of n« instead of »k-fibonacci-bitsequences of n«.
Can I do this without having to compute all the k-fbs of n that come before the one of interest?
I'm not sure. So far I still have to compute some of fbs. However, you might have thought we had to start from 00…0 and count up – this is not the case. We can do it the other way around and start from the highest fbs and work our way down very efficiently.
This is not a complete answer. However, there are some observations that could help you:
In the following pseudo-code we use the data-type fbs which is basically an array of bools. We can read and write individual bits using mySeq[i] where bit i represents the Fibonacci number fib(i). Just as in your question, the bits myFbs[0] and myFbs[1] do not exist. All bits are initialized to 0 by default. An fbs can be used without [] to read the represented number (n). The helper function #(fbs) returns the number of set bits (k) inside an fbs. Example for n = 7:
fbs meaning representation helper functions
1 0 1 0
| | | `— 0·fib(2) = 0·1 ——— myFbs[2] = 0 #(myFbs) == 2
| | `——— 1·fib(3) = 1·2 ——— myFbs[3] = 1 myFbs == 7
| `————— 0·fib(4) = 0·3 ——— myFbs[4] = 0
`——————— 1·fib(5) = 1·5 ——— myFbs[5] = 1
For any given n we can easily compute the lexicographical maximum (across all k) fbs of n as this fbs happends to be the Zeckendorf representation of n.
function zeckendorf(int n) returns (fbs z):
1 int i := any (ideally the smallest) number such that fib(start) > n
2 while n-z > 0
3 | if fib(i) < n
4 | | z[i] := 1
5 | i := i - 1
zeckendorf(n) is unique and the only fbs of n with k=#(zeckendorf(n)). Therefore zeckendorf(n) has rank=0. Also, there exists no k'-fbs of n with k'<#(zeckendorf(n)).
Any k-fbs of n can be transformed into a (k+1)-fbs of n by replacing the bit sequence 100 by 011 anywhere inside the fbs. This works because fib(i)=fib(i-1)+fib(i-2).
If our input k-fbs of n has rank=0 and we replace the right-most 100 then our resulting (k+1)-fbs of n also has rank=0. If we replace the second-right-most 100 our resulting (k+1)-fbs has rank=1 and so on.
You should be able answer both of your questions using repeated transformations starting at zeckendorf(n). For the first question it might even be sufficient to only look at the k-stable transformations 011…100→100…011 and 100…011→011…100 of the given fbs (think about what these transformations do to the rank).

Chain elements in matrix using rows

I have a matrix where each row is a combination of two numbers, like A = [1 2; 2 5; 3 4; 4 6; 5 6]
A is built so that, for each row, the first elements is always smaller than the second one.
I need to return, from A, the lists of chained elements (in the case above, the lists of chained elements are 1 2 5 6 and 3 4 6). These lists are essentially built by considering a row, and checking is the last number is the first number of another row. Do you have any suggestion on how to do this?
If I got the question correctly, assuming A as the input array, you can use bsxfun -
mask = bsxfun(#eq,A(:,1),A(:,2).');
out = unique(A(any(mask,1).' | any(mask,2),:))
Sample run -
>> A
A =
1 2
3 4
2 5
5 6
>> mask = bsxfun(#eq,A(:,1),A(:,2).');
>> unique(A(any(mask,1).' | any(mask,2),:))
ans =
You can also use ismember, like so -
out = unique(A(ismember(A(:,1),A(:,2)) | ismember(A(:,2),A(:,1)),:))
Third option would be to use intersect to solve it, like so -
[~,idx1,idx2] = intersect(A(:,1),A(:,2));
out = unique(A([idx1,idx2],:))
The following seems to work. It builds a matrix (B) that tells which elements are connected (by 1 step). It then extends that matrix ( C) to include 0-step, 1-step, ..., (n-1)-step connections, where n is the number of nodes.
From that matrix, groups of connected elements are obtained (R). Finally, only "maximal" groups are kept (that is, those, not contained in other groups).
A = [1 2; 3 4; 2 5; 4 6; 5 6]; %// data
n = max(A(:));
B = full(sparse(A(:,1), A(:,2), 1, n, n )); %// matrix of 1-step connections
C = eye(n) | B; %// initiallize with 0-step and 1-step connections
for k = 1:n-1
C = C | C*B; %// add k-step connections, up to k=n-1
[ii, jj] = find(C);
R = accumarray(ii, jj, [], #(x) {sort(x).'}); %'// all groups (maximal or not)
[xx, yy] = ndgrid(1:n);
C = cellfun(#(x,y) all(ismember(x, y)), R(xx), R(yy) ); %// group included in another?
result = R(all(~C | eye(n), 2)); %// keep only groups that are not included in others
This gives
>> result{:}
ans =
1 2 5 6
ans =
3 4 6

In C, how does the length in an array definition map to addressing?

In C, when I define an array like int someArray[10], does that mean that the accessible range of that array is someArray[0] to someArray[9]?
Yes, indexing in c is zero-based, so for an array of n elements, valid indices are 0 through n-1.
Yes, because C's memory addressing is easily computed by an offset
myArray[5] = 3
roughly translates to
store in the address myArray + 5 * sizeof(myArray's base type)
the number 3.
Which means that if we permitted
to be the first element, we would have to compute
store in the address myArray + (5 - 1) * sizeof(myArray's base type)
the number 3
which would require an extra computation to subtract the 1 from the 5 and would slow the program down a little bit (as this would require an extra trip through the ALU.
Modern CPUs could be architected around such issues, and modern compilers could compile these differences out; however, when C was crafted they didn't consider it a must-have nicety.
Think of an array like this:
* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
* = array indices
So the the range of access would be [0,9] (inclusive)

How to find out the intersection of two coplanar lines in C

I have two 3D lines which lie on the same plane. line1 is defined by a point (x1, y1, z1) and its direction vector (a1, b1, c1) while line2 is defined by a point (x2, y2, z2) and its direction vector (a2, b2, c2). Then the parametric equations for both lines are
x = x1 + a1*t; x = x2 + a2*s;
y = y1 + b1*t; y = y2 + b2*s;
z = z1 + c1*t; z = z2 + c2*s;
If both direction vectors are nonzeros, we can find out the location of intersection node easily by equating the right-hand-side of the equations above and solving t and s from either two of the three. However, it's possible that a1 b1 c1 a2 b2 c2 are not all nonzero so that I can't solve those equations in the same way. My current thought is to deal with this issue case by case, like
case1: a1 = 0, others are nonzero
case2: a2 = 0, others are nonzero
case3: b1 = 0, others are nonzero
However, there are so many cases in total and the implementation would become messy. Is there any good ways to tackle this problem? Any reference? Thanks a lot!
It is much more practical to see this as a vector equation. A dot . is a scalar product and A,n,B,m are vectors describing the lines. Point A is on the first line of direction n. Directions are normalized : n.n=1 and m.m=1. The point of intersection C is such that :
where t and s are scalar parameters to be computed.
Therefore (.n) :
A.n+ t=B.n+m.n s
t= (B-A).n+m.n s
And (.m):
A.m+n.m t=B.m+ s
A.m+n.m (B-A).n+(m.n)^2 s=B.m+ s
Since n.n=m.m=1 and n and m are not aligned, (m.n)^2<1 :
t= (B-A).n+m.n s
You can solve this as a linear system:
| 1 0 0 -a1 0 | | x | | x1 |
| 0 1 0 -b1 0 | | y | | y1 |
| 0 0 1 -c1 0 | | z | = | z1 |
| 1 0 0 0 -a2 | | s | | x2 |
| 0 1 0 0 -b2 | | t | | y2 |
| 0 0 1 0 -c2 | | z2 |
x y z is the intersection point, and s t are the coefficients of the vectors. This solves the same equation that #francis wrote, with the advantage that it also obtains the solution that minimizes the error in case your data are not perfect.
This equation is usually expressed as Ax=b, and can be solved by doing x = A^(-1) * b, where A^(-1) is the pseudo-inverse of A. All the linear algebra libraries implement some function to solve systems like this, so don't worry.
It might be vital to remember that calculations are never exact, and small deviations in your constants and calculations can make your lines not exactly intersect.
Therefore, let's solve a more general problem - find the values of t and s for which the distance between the corresponding points in the lines is minimal. This is clearly a task for calculus, and it's easy (because linear functions are the easiest ones in calculus).
So the points are
(here [xyz1] is a 3-vector [x1, y1, z1] and so on)
The (square of) the distance between them:
([abc1]*t - [abc2]*s + [xyz1]-[xyz2])^2
(here ^2 is a scalar product of a 3-vector with itself)
Let's find a derivative of this with respect to t:
[abc1] * ([abc1]*t - [abc2]*s + [xyz1]-[xyz2]) (multiplied by 2, but this doesn't matter)
(here the first * is a scalar product, and the other *s are regular multiplications between a vector and a number)
The derivative should be equal to zero at the minimum point:
[abc1] * ([abc1]*t - [abc2]*s + [xyz1]-[xyz2]) = 0
Let's use the derivative with respect to s too - we want it to be zero too.
[abc1]*[abc1]*t - [abc1]*[abc2]*s = -[abc1]*([xyz1]-[xyz2])
-[abc2]*[abc1]*t + [abc2]*[abc2]*s = [abc2]*([xyz1]-[xyz2])
From here, let's find t and s.
Then, let's find the two points that correspond to these t and s. If all calculations were ideal, these points would coincide. However, at this point you are practically guaranteed to get some small deviations, so take and of these points as your result (intersection of the two lines).
It might be better to take the average of these points, to make the result symmetrical.

why only column size works but only row size does not works in 2-d array initialisation?

this works
int a[][2]={
but this shows error
int a[2][]={
why giving only column size shows no error but giving only row size gives error?
In C, you can omit only the length of first dimension. For 1D array, you can do as
int oneD_array[2] = {1,2};
int oneD_array[] = {1,2};
In case of 2D array, both of
int twoD_array[2][2] = { {2,4}, {6,8} };
int twoD_array[][2] = { {2,4}, {6,8} };
is valid.
But the above declaration is valid only if the initializer is present. Otherwise it would through error.
The compiler uses length of the initializer to determine how long is the array. But the length of the column can't be determined this way. Without knowing the length of the array, compiler is not able to calculate the address of its corresponding elements. By knowing the length of rows and column, compiler calculate the address of its elements using array equation:
address(array) = address(first element) + (row number * columns + column number)*sizeof)type)
Detailed look on array equation:
A 2D array in C is treated as a 1D array whose elements are 1D arrays (the rows).
For example, a 4x3 array of T (where T is some data type) may be declared by: T mat[4][3], and described by the following scheme:
mat == mat[0] ---> | a00 | a01 | a02 |
mat[1] ---> | a10 | a11 | a12 |
mat[2] ---> | a20 | a21 | a22 |
mat[3] ---> | a30 | a31 | a32 |
The array elements are stored in memory row after row, so the array equation for element mat[m][n] of type T is:
address(mat[i][j]) = address(mat[0][0]) + (i * n + j) * size(T)
address(mat[i][j]) = address(mat[0][0]) +
i * n * size(T) +
j * size(T)
address(mat[i][j]) = address(mat[0][0]) +
i * size(row of T) +
j * size(T)
The compiler has to convert the array into a linear structure (i.e. memory addresses). It does this by multiplying the row number by the width of the column then add the column number you are interested in. You can note that this calculation requires the width (number of columns) needs to be known. The compiler is able to count the number of rows.
So memory address = row number * number of columns + column number you are interested in. Cannot get away from the fact that number of columns is a compile time requirement
