Is this valid reactJS code? - reactjs

New to ReactJS. Got this on a "join reactJS event questionary" but was unable to compile it. It seems to be missing a React Component class definition for the Item and List.
Is this shorthand style valid?

Is this shorthand style valid?
yes, it is valid code, List and Items are Stateless functional components
In order to run this code you need use babel with babel-preset-react

Yes, they are stateless functions, aka "pure components". They take their props as their only parameter and return the render results. If you do not need to keep track of any state, they are very lightweight both to understand mentally and in terms of the resources needed by React to manage them.
As to why you were unable to compile it, possibly you do not enable the right ES6/ES2015 features in whichever compiler you're using. You are using among other things super calls, object destructuring (in the parameters) and arrow functions. For help with this, provide the specific error message.

It is a valid javascript es6 code, except that multiple dynamic children (here the list of Items) need to have key prop


React purpose of custom hooks

I'm trying to figure out what is the purpose of introducing something called custom hooks when its just a function. If I take the following example, if I don't use the use prefix for the hook, it all still works fine. With the introduction of this terminology called custom hooks I'm not sure whats the purpose of it, or should I just go on using standard functions.
What is the main advantage I get when using the use prefix for a custom hook or function apart from some simple linting features?
What is the main advantage I get when using the use prefix for a
custom hook or function apart from some simple linting features?
Reasons are stated in docs:
Do I have to name my custom Hooks starting with “use”? Please do. This
convention is very important. Without it, we wouldn’t be able to
automatically check for violations of rules of Hooks because we
couldn’t tell if a certain function contains calls to Hooks inside of
In very basic words: You can reuse stateful logic between components, witch is not possible with regular functions. I would suggest that you read the documentation, because ReactJS has a pretty good one :)
Stay safe
Nothing. There is no difference between them. useFoo function is just a function. In source code, it was not dealt with specially. It is just little bit complicated, but no difference between regular functions.
use prefix is just a term, or just culture, whether you obey it is entrusted to you. Of course, obeying the culture bring us good result. But this and that have no connection. Custom hooks are just functions.

Are there any eslint rules that could prevent `Objects are not valid as a React child`

I'm writing React with Typescript and, after making a change to my code, I started seeing Objects are not valid as a React child errors.
I had changed a property from a string to an Optional<string>, so the error totally makes sense since my <div>{property}</div> code was no longer correct.
So, this is a type error being caught at runtime.
I'm not doing any casting or any other code "tricks" to try to subvert pre-existing type checking; I'm just rendering a value that React detects at runtime to be an object.
It seems to me that an appropriate linting rule or typescript configuration should have been able to capture that property is no a valid React child.
Here's a very simple example (TSPlayground):
type Props = {
const Foo = ({example}: Props) => <div>{example}</div>
I would expect an error pointing to the use of example inside the JSX.
I've been doing some googling, but I can't find a rule that seems like it would catch this.
Is there one that anyone knows of?
As others have mentioned there's no such a feature available right now. Furthermore linters are more geared towards styling than capturing compilation errors. I don't think what you're asking is possible because example is a dynamic type and setting it to a string makes it a valid JSX node while setting it to an object makes it invalid. Since JS is a dynamic language we cannot know this ahead of time. Typescript helps in this case, but that's a separate type system from eslint rules and as #jonrsharpe has mentioned in the comments there's an issue on typescript repository to add the feature you're requesting (#35622).

Is it important when using React propTypes validations to check them at every level?

I'm working on a part of a React app in which a high-level component creates and passes certain props down through a few layers of components that don't use them to a final component that does.
When validating props with propTypes, is there a good reason to list these props to be checked at every level, going down through the layers? Or is it acceptable to check them only in the final component that uses them?
It seems to me that the former method is redundant; the latter seems to make more sense to me, but I'm curious if there is a reason why I ought to do the former. I haven't seen any discussion on it, which could mean it's an unimportant question, but I'd be interested to know.
I agree with you about if you use props only for dril down for children in the tree, it can be done only once at the leaf components, where you realy use this data. I recently find out that one more place is important for props validation: the components which fetch data from out of app scope, such as backend, because sometimes the structure of the data changes or the data types, then it will be dificult to find which part is broken without props validation.

React nested Component, arbitrary communication

There are many answers regarding react component communication, but seems none of them resolved my problem. Here is my problem's detail. Please help! Thanks in advance.
I'm building a flexible form. The UI is generated by nesting components.
The form data structure could also be nested json objects.
i.e form can have some inputs and sections, sections can have some inputs or sections, and go on.
sections is just UI layout components, doesn't care about data or state.
But input (could be text input, checkbox etc anything to capture data)
The problem I'm facing is any input's validation could depends on any other inputs' value.
i.e inputA has validation expression like formData.inputB >formData.inputA + formData.inputC
But they could also have no dependency at all if you don't give a validation expression.
If I pass the whole formData down the component tree, every time I type in one input, the whole form will rerender.
I have considered redux, but real not sure how redux can help such case. I'm still relative new to react and redux, so I could be wrong.
So what could be a viable solution?
Its a common issue when you're modularizing form elements. I have the same problem.
Redux is by far the most controlled solution. All of the components can listen and update the same object simultaneously. But you can also attach functions as props from the parent that you bind to the parent. The function would fetch the state of the parent and update the state like a makeshift store. If you're a good developer, this is possible but neither are simple to do. Good time to learn :)
There are various solutions to your problem, but in general it shouldn't even be a problem, because rendering (even of large forms) should be quite effective with React.
The core tool for adjusting performance in React is the shouldComponentUpdate method of your component classes. If you're smart about what you pass to the individual form fields and then implement shouldComponentUpdate properly on them, you should be able to update only when needed. In your particular example, you don't need to pass the full object everywhere.
You can just pass value, onChange and isInvalid to each field and calculate the validity at the root (where you have access to the full state). Then the shouldComponentUpdate of your fields can decide just based on those props. (Obviously this is a simplistic example, but as a principle it's sound.)
Sure, Redux is another possible solution. If you keep the state in Redux store and only connect each of your fields to the portion of the state it needs, you should be all set. It brings quite a change in architecture though, so you should choose Redux only if you really want it for your app as a whole.

Building mature app architecture based on React/Redux with promises and dependency injection

I'm new to React and trying to get how to build a good app architecture with it.
I also use typescript with all that features: interfaces, async-await, generics, etc. So, I'm puzzled about implementing some patterns:
1) Dependency Injection and reusable component instances
The first thing I can't get through is DI. Let's say we got a component class UserProfile that requires some dependencies like UserProvider. It would be perfect if the component instance (with deps injected) could be reusable, but I'm afraid it's only my dreams, not the react guys'. :)
So, I'm supposed to place this component this way:
<UserProfile id={123} />
Ok, what's the proper way to inject the dependency here? As an attribute like this <UserProfile id={123} dependency={userProvider: userProviderInstance} />?
Don't you think it is weird to put component input data, options/parameters and dependencies all together? I'd be happy if I could clearly separate them and put generic restrictions on the component class. What's the best practice?
Another side of impossibility to reuse component instances is the fact we must carry some needless objects through all the components structure just to inject them somewhere deep at the bottom. And nobody tells you what component does really use them. And try to imagine what adding a dependency to a low-level component will take in a large project. I just can't.
2) Using Promises
Let's consider a simple component that is supposed to render a counter: <Counter value={123} />.
Now, value is got from some API by calling a method getCounter(id: number): Promise<number>;, so the obvious way to put all together could look like this:
<Counter value={await provider.getCounter(id)} />
But i't impossible, I know. The common practice tells us to make it through setState method and rerender the component after the value is received.
Now imagine that the parent component is pretty complex and has many different providers. So, the parent component may not have definite state typing. It also may be conditional, you know...
You could suggest me implement the async getting in the Counter component, but i will refuse for a simple reason: That component does not know anything about the value's origin. In other cases the value is passed directly as a number. So, do you got better ideas how to keep code clean and simple while using promises?
Please, let me know if you come across some good articles or have your own experience in solving these issues.
PS: Thanks for attention! :)
This topic is a subject of bias - so below I will give my very personal thoughts on the topic that does not pretend to be absolute truth.
This is indeed not so common pattern in react as it is in angular. But having both context and properties in components allows you to archive the same level of separation as with pure DI. Check the context - it will help you to get rid of passing same props through the whole component tree. There are quite a few articles on this topic already (one, two) - check them out. Also you might be interested in reading this thread).
I do not really see any problem here. React has a simple concept - basically you have state and based on this state your app can render itself. Whereas rendering is not async operation - the preparation/update of the state can easily be done asynchronously and after results are assigned to the corresponding parts of the state - the necessary child components will be updated automatically. If you component has no knowledge of how to obtain value - it should not try to do it in first place - value should be passed down as props.
