Is it possible to communicate via LINX Communication between threads? - c

See i know there are various methods to communicate between threads but my question is specific for LINX. Please answer.
Thanks in advance

threads of the same process share heap staff, synchronized by thread lock, Semaphore and condition variable.
Besides, The communication approach from Interprocess communication(IPC for example, PIPE/FIFO/MessageQueue/SharedMemory/Signal/Socket) works for threads communication, too. take FIFO for example(neglect error code checking):
char buf[110];
char *FIFO = "/tmp/my_fifo";
mkfifo(FIFO, O_CREAT);
int fd = open(FIFO, O_RDONLY, 0);
int nread = read(fd, buf, 100);

Well as per #lulyon, this method can also be implemented. Well for LINX specific, interthread is possible.
LINX_SEND(endpoint, signal, SPID of dest). My bad i was sending dest Endpoint instead of SPID


Multithreaded sender

I am working on sending traffic (such as UDP/TCP packets) from one machine to another. I am writing a C application which has 1 thread for each traffic type. I want these two threads to concurrently send packets.
Do I need to use any synchronization primitives such as a mutex lock within the sendMsg function since it is being called from each thread?
sockaddr_in dest;
void * udp(void * arg){
struct * info = arg;
int fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
//set up socket info
sendMsg(udpInfo, fd);
void * tcp(void * arg){
struct * info = arg;
int fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
// set up socket info
sendMsg(tcpInfo, fd);
void sendMsg(struct * info, int fd){
sendTo(fd, "hello", strlen("hello") + 1, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&dest, sizeof(dest));
You seem to be a little unclear about how mutex works. A mutex is not applied on a piece of code, but a piece of data used within the code. Here the function is called by both threads, but there is no shared data between the threads. So as #Sami Kuhmonen said in a comment above, you don't need to use mutexes here.
You might need a mutex in future if, say, in case there was a third thread that pushed data into a (say) queue which your thread would then access from the queue and send to the connected computer. Then you would need to synchronise the way these threads push and pop data into and from the queue.
If you read the manpage for sendmsg you might see the following sentence:
If the message is too long to pass atomically through the underlying protocol, the error EMSGSIZE is returned, and the message is not transmitted.
Atomically means that the package is always send in one blob with no other data being able to insert itself in the middle. So no matter how many threads use sendmsg the kernel will mix packets.

How to sync pthreads inside epoll?

I'm still trying to implement inter-thread communication, and I don't understand how to make threads read a shared chunk of data when it is available. The problem is: I'm listening to a few sockets inside epoll in each thread, and if I receive information form one I need to inform other threads to read it.
I have tried eventfd with EFD_SEMAPHORE, but it doesn't suit because there's one thread that reads all data from it ahead of everybody. I cannot find a use for posix semaphores or condition variables because they can hardly be used with epoll.
Is there any way to implement such a synchronization easily?
int k = epoll_wait(epollfd, n, events);
for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {
int fd = events[i].data.fd;
if (fd == eventfd) {
if (eventfd_read(eventfd, ..) != -1)
/* for each socket on this thread send latest_message to it */
else {
latest_message = read_message(fd);
eventfd_write(eventfd, 1)
this is the example of what I'm trying to do, assuming recvs are rare.
Actually, I thought about better idea, why do I have to bind sockets to thread when I can have a list of all sockets and just let the fastest threads send the messages, increasing something like last_reciever variable on message structure.

How to atomically create "close-on-exec" socket on Mac?

When I create socket on Linux, it's possible to specify the flag O_CLOEXEC on creation time:
auto fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM|SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0);
So there is no way, that some other thread will do fork()+exec() with this socket remaining open.
But on Mac, according to the manual, I can't do the same trick:
The socket has the indicated type, which specifies the semantics of communication.
Currently defined types are:
The flag O_CLOEXEC can only be set with a call to fcntl(). And it's not an atomic way - some thread may do exec() between calls to socket() and fcntl().
How to resolve this issue?
Assuming that you code is using pthreads, consider using the 'pthread_atfork', which make it possible to specify callback for forking. Extending the idea from Alk's post, but implementing the wait in the fork callback.
From the OP, looks like it is possible to control the code that create the sockets (where in Linux it will use SOCK_CLOEXEC), but not possible to control or modify the forking calls.
mutex_t socket_lock ;
// establish atfork, before starting any thread.
mutex_t socket_lock = mutex_init(...);
pthread_atfork(set_socket_lock, release_sock_lock, release_sock_lock) ;
pthread_create(...) ;
.. rest of the code ...
int socket_wrapper(...)
set_socket_lock() ;
int sd = socket(..);
fcntl(sd, O_CLOEXEC);
return sd;
void set_socket_lock(void)
lock(socket_lock ) ;
void release_socket_lock(void)
unlock(socket_lock ) ;
As an added bonus, the above logic mutex will also cover the case that a fork is called, and while the fork is executing, one of the thread in the parent/child will attempt to create a socket. Not sure if this is even possible, as the kernel might first suspend all threads before starting any of the fork activity.
Disclaimer: I did not try to run the code, as I do not have access to Mac machines.

Use of select or multithread for almost 80 or more clients?

I am working on one project in which i need to read from 80 or more clients and then write their o/p into a file continuously and then read these new data for another task. My question is what should i use select or multithreading?
Also I tried to use multi threading using read/fgets and write/fputs call but as they are blocking calls and one operation can be performed at one time so it is not feasible. Any idea is much appreciated.
update 1: I have tried to implement the same using condition variable. I able to achieve this but it is writing and reading one at a time.When another client tried to write then it cannot able to write unless i quit from the 1st thread. I do not understand this. This should work now. What mistake i am doing?
Update 2: Thanks all .. I am able to succeeded to get this model implemented using mutex condition variable.
updated Code is as below:
**header file*******
char *mailbox ;
pthread_mutex_t lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER ;
pthread_cond_t writer = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
pthread_t t1 , t2;
pthread_attr_t attr;
int fd, sock , *newfd;
struct sockaddr_in cliaddr;
socklen_t clilen;
void *read_file();
void *update_file();
//making a server socket
oops("Unable to make server",1)
//detaching threads
///opening thread for reading
clilen = sizeof(cliaddr);
//accepting request
sock=accept(fd,(struct sockaddr *)&cliaddr,&clilen);
//error comparison against failire of request and INT
if(sock==-1 && errno != EINTR)
else if ( sock ==-1 && errno == EINTR)
oops("Pressed INT",3)
newfd = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
*newfd = sock;
//creating thread per request
pthread_create(&t1,&attr,update_file,(void *)newfd);
return 0;
void *read_file(void *m)
printf("Waiting for lock.\n");
printf("I am reading here.\n");
mailbox = NULL ;
void *update_file(int *m)
int sock = *m;
int fs ;
int nread;
char buffer[BUFSIZ] ;
oops("Unable to open file",4)
write(1,"Waiting to get writer lock.\n",29);
if(mailbox != NULL)
printf("Reading from socket.\n");
printf("Writing in file.\n");
mailbox = buffer ;
I think for the the networking portion of things, either thread-per-client or multiplexed single-threaded would work fine.
As for the disk I/O, you are right that disk I/O operations are blocking operations, and if your data throughput is high enough (and/or your hard drive is slow enough), they can slow down your network operations if the disk I/O is done synchronously.
If that is an actual problem for you (and you should measure first to verify that it really is a problem; no point complicating things if you don't need to), the first thing I would try to ameliorate the problem would be to make your file's output-buffer larger by calling setbuffer. With a large enough buffer, it may be possible for the C runtime library to hide any latency caused by disk access.
If larger buffers aren't sufficient, the next thing I'd try is creating one or more threads dedicated to reading and/or writing data. That is, when your network thread wants to save data to disk, rather than calling fputs()/write() directly, it allocates a buffer containing the data it wants written, and passes that buffer to the IO-write thread via a (mutex-protected or lockless) FIFO queue. The I/O thread then pops that buffer out of the queue, writes the data to the disk, and frees the buffer. The I/O thread can afford to be occasionally slow in writing because no other threads are blocked waiting for the writes to complete. Threaded reading from disk is a little more complex, but basically the IO-read thread would fill up one or more buffers of in-memory data for the network thread to drain; and whenever the network thread drained some of the data out of the buffer, it would signal the IO-read thread to refill the buffer up to the top again. That way (ideally) there is always plenty of input-data already present in RAM whenever the network thread needs to send some to a client.
Note that the multithreaded method above is a bit tricky to get right, since it involves inter-thread synchronization and communication; so don't do it unless there isn't any simpler alternative that will suffice.
Either select/poll or multithreading is ok if you you program solves the problem.
I' guess your program would be io-bound as the number of clients grows up, as you have disk read/write frequently. So it would not speed up to have multiple threads doing the io operation. Polling may be a better choice then
You can set a socket that you get from accept to be non-blocking. Then it is easy to use select to find out when there is data, read the number of bytes that are available and process them.
With (only) 80 clients, I see no reason to expect any significant difference from using threads unless you get very different amounts of data from different clients.

C- Unix Sockets - Non-blocking read

I am trying to make a simple client-server chat program. On the client side I spin off another thread to read any incomming data from the server. The problem is, I want to gracefully terminate that second thread when a person logs out from the main thread. I was trying to use a shared variable 'running' to terminate, problem is, the socket read() command is a blocking command, so if I do while(running == 1), the server has to send something before the read returns and the while condition can be checked again. I am looking for a method (with common unix sockets only) to do a non-blocking read, basically some form of peek() would work, for I can continually check the loop to see if I'm done.
The reading thread loop is below, right now it does not have any mutex's for the shared variables, but I plan to add that later don't worry! ;)
void *serverlisten(void *vargp)
while(running == 1)
read(socket, readbuffer, sizeof(readbuffer));
printf("CLIENT RECIEVED: %s\n", readbuffer);
You can make socket not blockable, as suggested in another post plus use select to wait input with timeout, like this:
fd_set input;
FD_SET(sd, &input);
struct timeval timeout;
timeout.tv_sec = sec;
timeout.tv_usec = msec * 1000;
int n = select(sd + 1, &input, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
if (n == -1) {
//something wrong
} else if (n == 0)
if (!FD_ISSET(sd, &input))
;//again something wrong
//here we can call not blockable read
fcntl(socket, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
or, if you have other flags:
int x;
x=fcntl(socket ,F_GETFL, 0);
fcntl(socket, F_SETFL, x | O_NONBLOCK);
then check the return value of read to see whether there was data available.
note: a bit of googling will yield you lots of full examples.
You can also use blocking sockets, and "peek" with select with a timeout. It seems more appropriate here so you don't do busy wait.
The best thing is likely to get rid of the extra thread and use select() or poll() to handle everything in one thread.
If you want to keep the thread, one thing you can do is call shutdown() on the socket with SHUT_RDWR, which will shut down the connection, wake up all threads blocked on it but keep the file descriptor valid. After you have joined the reader thread, you can then close the socket. Note that this only works on sockets, not on other types of file descriptor.
Look for function setsockopt with option SO_RCVTIMEO.
