Report Builder 3.0 Add Data Elements to an Array - sql-server

I'm currently working on building a dashboard for some hospital metrics. The state requires that we report median key times. This dashboard will need to display the group median time for each day and the total column will need to display the entire dataset's median.
I'm working with Report Builder 3.0 and SQL Server 2014.
I've built a stored procedure that can calculate all these values accurately but accomplishing the mean this way makes expanding the dataset a bit of a monster when a new field needs to be pulled in.
All the articles (like as this one) I've read for calculating median within Report Builder point to needing to display (or insert and hide) all the data from the dataset. This method seems really hacky to me and is going to make this dashboard an absolute monster to try to manage as it grows.
What I need to know is, is there any way to pass the group values to a custom code function? The report has to have access to the group values at some point or else it wouldn't be able to perform the built in aggregate functions (Sum, First, Last, etc) on these groups. If I can't pass these values as an array to a custom code function, does anybody know how the group aggregate functions are built?
Thanks in advance to any who might have a direction to point me.

You can pass the values from the procedure to a function within SSRS and then have it just display the resulting median. I'll just give you summary to get you started.
Create a hidden parameter that allows multiple values.
Set its available values to pull from the dataset that is populated by your stored procedure.
Also set its default value so that all values are selected by default.
Go to the Code section of the report properties to write your function.
The function will take the parameter as an argument like this Public Function MyFunc(ByVal p1 as object()) as Integer
In the function you can refer to p1.Length and an item in the array like so: p1(i)
In the report you can call the function in an expression like this: =Code.MyFunc(Parameters!p1.Value)
Hope this points you in the right direction.


How to display a multi-valued parameter onto a SSRS report in a specific way, separated in ranges and/or commas

In SSRS I need to display a multi-valued parameter onto the report in such a way that if values are chosen in sequence they appear as: 1-5, 7, 9-10, 15 and so on. And I have the following values in my drop down list of values: from '0' to '200'.
Thanks in advance for your help.
This is what I have done in SQL so far, so I am thinking to update 'String_To_Use' column so it would display: 0000-1020, 1199-1210, 1260, 1299. Then use this string to display onto the SSRS report. These are the values chosen in SSRS from the drop down box. I don't know yet how I would pass these values to the SQL code yet. Please help with this part as well.
This is the #tempTable1...column 'DPRTMNT' has the values chosen ...Checking_Dept has the value-2 when values in ranges
This is the #tempTable2..I need to update 'String_To_Use' column so it would contain: 0000-1020, 1199-1210, 1260, 1299. #tempTable1 can help to build the logic
replace dsBranchPlant with name of your data set that your using to supply data parameter. And "All" condition is if all params are choosen instead of showing each one. Game this up as an expression and see where you stand.
iif(Parameters!BranchPlant.Count = CountRows("dsBranchPlant"),"ALL",Join(Parameters!BranchPlant.Label,","))

Alternative for a Nested Aggregate as a group filter SSRS

I have a report that needs to get only the top 10 of that category and sort it from highest value to lowest having this kind of expression:
=Sum(Sum(Fields!Measure.Value, "RowGroup1"), "RowGroup2")
But the problem is, the only filter that SSRS accepts is the simple aggregate:
Not using the nested aggregate will give the wrong top 10.
Another thing, the client is using Analysis Services as the connection for the report so I cannot tweak the dataset by using a query. The fix should be inside SSRS. Is there anyway to do this? Please help me.
Please try using Top N filter from the chart properties. You might want to sort the values before using the filter.

Printing records with condition Crystal reports

I am using stored procedure in mssql as backend, as frontend (just info).
There are a lot of records in the database and I am printing in crystal reports.
Now I want to filter the records from crystal report and not by adding a new parameter to procedure or changing database structure or else.
For now,Say there are columns : Name , Amount.
I want to put filter in amount like only display records whose amount above 100 or something. So other records with less than 100 should not be displayed.
This filter will be passed by the user so it'll be random.
I can't find a proper answer on internet. Might be a duplicate question, if so please post the link of the question if it is duplicated.!
Thanx anyways...!
In general the idea is to:
Create the parameter (user choose what will be the input/value) - link
Set filters, what values should be displayed in regards to parameter - link
On right side there is a DataExplorer window, where You need to add a Parameter (define his name, what question will be shown to user and what type the param will be / what values can be set inside).
Once done, You can jump to Data tab of a report, click Interactive Filter and specify which column must fit what condition with what value = Parameter (that one user will enter in Report).
Example: I will create AmountParam, with message "What should be the minimum amount?". Type will be set to Integer. Going to Report->Data->Interactive Filter, choose Amount as a Column, AmountParam as a Parameter and set condition Greater then (>).

UNION multiple datasets in SSRS outside query

I have two data sets with exactly the same fields that I would like to combine into one dataset.
I cannot put a UNION/JOIN and make it return one dataset in the query as all data is encrypted and gets decrypted by an assembly reference loaded in SSRS (so I cannot run the necessary WHERE's unless I use a filter once the data is in SSRS).
I can return the second dataset using Lookup/LookupSet however I am using this data in a bar chart so (somehow) need both sets of data to display on it. If I was using a tablix I would be able to "hack" it by putting a second tablix without headers underneath the main tablix and show it like that. Unfortunately being a graph I cannot do this.
I also tried running it as one dataset, returning all values and then running "filters" based on category groups in the chart however for whatever reason [bug in SSRS?] the filter on these filters the whole result set, not just the one category group.
Is what I am trying to do possible in SSRS? Seems so basic but after a week of trying I have just about given up!
Merging two datasets is not possible but there may be a way to fake it for your chart purposes by doing a SUM of LookUpSet. What ever field is used as your value needs to be looked up using whatever criteria is being used for your axis.
Let's say you're displaying sales by month. Your value field is SUM(Fields!TotalSales.value) and your date field is Fields!month.value. You'd want to add the value from dataset1 and lookup the total from dataset2 - like:
=Fields!TotalSales.value + Code.SumLookup( LookupSet(Fields!month.Value, Fields!month.Value, Fields!TotalSales.value, "Dataset2") )
Unfortunately, SSRS doesn't let you sum a lookupset (so what's the point of it?), so you have to use custom code to do it.
Function SumLookup(ByVal items As Object()) As Decimal
If items Is Nothing Then
Return Nothing
End If
Dim suma As Decimal = New Decimal()
suma = 0
For Each item As Object In items
suma += Convert.ToDecimal(item)
Return suma
End Function
Stolen from: How to combine aggregates within a group with aggregates across groups within SSRS
You're data is obviously different but the concept should be the same.

SSRS 2008 R2 custom code clear dictionary in render lifecycle event

My report gets data from SQL based on a date range, uses custom code to calculate totals by Employee and CategoryType and stores the values in a dictionary. To get the grand total by Employee, in a matrix cell, I call a function and pass it the EmployeeID which returns the accumulated total. A chart is populated with data the exact same way.
Everything works as it should when running the report directly in Report Builder 3.0. However, problems arise when exporting the report to Excel. The first time it's exported, the totals are doubled. Each consecutive time, the multiplier is incremented by one. (1st - doubled; 2nd - tripled; 3rd - quadrupled, etc.). To work around this problem, I override the Init event and clear the dictionary variable (see below for code--notice I'm using the keyword Shared which I found out about on another posted question). Problem solved for Excel as now the dictionary is garbage collected and it will not recalculate from what already exists in memory.
But now a different problem exists. When executing the report via the Web, the matrix populates with data and the totals are correct although the chart only populates with data within a week date range from the current date. Very strange! If I increase the date range to longer than a week, I get a blank chart. The link above implies this may be due to the "report on demand" engine of SSRS but offers no solution to the problem in my mind. I need a solution that will work (showing correct totals and populating chart with data) when exporting the report to Excel and when simply viewing on the Web. I will post screenshots and more info if needed.
I've tried overriding the LoadComplete event (thinking this would be a great time to clear the dictionary as all other controls on page are loaded), but not sure this is possible in SSRS custom code and unsure of the proper syntax.
Is there a different render event I should be using instead to make this work? Anyone ever run across something similar and have a reasonable solution?
public Shared Dim dict As New System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(Of String, Decimal)
'Override built-in OnInit function and clears dictionary; ensures correct totals when exporting to Excel
Protected Overrides Sub OnInit()
End Sub
