How can I close the InAppBrowser automatically when specific content is returned? - angularjs

How can I automatically close the $cordovaInAppBrowser when it goes to my website and returns content "OK"? I would like to do this to avoid displaying the close button in the browser window.
Does anyone know how I can achieve this?

I did find the website that can solve this for those who also need to self close the browser in some condition.Here is the reference link :
sample coding:
authWindow.addEventListener('loadstop', function(e) {
var loc = e.url;
//when url is changed check if the url contains your specific callbackURL
if ( >= 0) {
//at this point close your inapp browser
//you will land on the index page within your application.
//your code after successful authentication

you can use something like a timeout function or other than that a even listener other than i would suggest make a custom plugin and use it. The solution provided by #Blouraf is very hacky.
I did find some documentation on the cordova plugin that recommends a listener.


Angular Google Map, lazy loading, second time

I'm using
I use the recommended lazy loading technique, I have this in my app.js:
.config(function(uiGmapGoogleMapApiProvider) {
// key: 'your api key',
v: '3.20' //defaults to latest 3.X anyhow
//libraries: 'weather,geometry,visualization'
And at some point in my controller, I execute this:
var uiGmapGoogleMapApiTimer = $timeout(function() {
reject("uiGmapGoogleMapApi didn't respond after 10 seconds.");
}, 5000);
uiGmapGoogleMapApi.then(function(maps) {
geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
}, function(err) {
So, when I'm offline, the timer will kick in, and I send the user back to the login page. (Originally I simply exit the app. It works in android, but in iOS it doesnt work, it's in fact forbidden by Apple).
So... that's why now I'm sending it back to login page.
Now, in the login page, I reactivate my wifi.... and once I'm back in the page that (is supposed to) show the map.... it breaks. The success handler of uiGmapGoogleMapApi.then never gets called. (Dude.01 gets printed, but Dude.02 nor Dude.03 get printed).
So... that page (wrongly) thinks that the device is still disconnected.
I suppose it's because the loading of google map javascripts is only done once (during load -- that´s why if I close my app, and return back, things will run just fine).
So... it's not really lazy loading (?). Or... if it's lazy loading, it doesn't seem to support scenarios like... try loading it the second time (if the first time failed because of connectivity).
Is anyone familiar enough with the source code of to suggest what's the solution for this problem?
I looked at the logs I put in the library's code... I came to the conclusion: I need way to get line 183 to be re-executed on the second time I call uiGmapGoogleMapApi.then ... Currently it doesn't. It only gets called the first, when I start my app, and having internet connection since the beginning.
And based on what I understand from this doc on "provider", I need the uiGmapGoogleMapApi to be reinstantiated (right before) the second time I try to use it.$provide
Is that right? How?
Looks like I'm battling against provider caching here. Because I use dependency injection in my controller to get reference to uiGmapGoogleMapApi. (I have .controller('myctrl', function(uiGmapGoogleMapApi) {...})
what I might need is:
.controller('myctrl', function() {
var uiGmapGoogleMapApi = $injector.get('uiGmapGoogleMapApi');
//or something along that line maybe
I just tried it, still doesn't work.
Please help.
Well, my "solution" is: instead of going to login page, I simply refresh the app., by setting the current url of the window object to index.html.

Get the url that a user is coming from AngularJS

If an user is coming from an specific page i need to do get some values out of a cookie and change what the users sees.
Now, the issue is that i cannot find a way to view what page the user is coming from.
EDIT: This is intended to capture when the users clicks back in a page and save the state of the previous page.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance
Solved. Every time i load a page i'm saving the url, so when i get to this page i just have to read it to tell. Thanks!
You can use browser history in our javascript or you can write your last page in cookies and get the last link then update it
Using cookies will indeed fix this for you. So when a user goes to a new page - set a cookie like:
app.controller('myController',['$scope', '$location', $cookies], function($scope, $location, $cookies){
if($cookies.get('page') == '/index'){
//do stuff if user came from index
$scope.pageChanged = function(value){
$cookies.put('page', value);
just make sure you use the pageChanged function to set your page every time user changes pages.
Using the $routeProvider you can use the resolve function to detect when a new route has been loaded.
Another way would be to listen for the event $routeChangeSuccessor $routeChangeError and get the information needed from the service $location or $route.
If you want a sample just ask me, I'll try to post one as soon as I have free time.

Click on 'Google' in Google Maps

In my angularjs mobile project I have implemented Google Maps, but in the app there is a "Google" tag at bottom left ogfmy map, and clicking on it will take me to the google map app and not able to return to my App,Please suggest a turnaround for this solution.
You have to prevent the default behaviour of the click on the link and open it on inAppBrowser instead.
First install inAppBrowser plugin and then add this code (map-canvas is the id of you map, it might be different, change it if necessary)
var googleMap = document.getElementById("map-canvas");
var anchors = googleMap.getElementsByTagName("a");
for (var i=0; i<anchors.length; i+=1)
anchors[i].addEventListener("click", openInAppBrowser);
function openInAppBrowser(e) {
e.preventDefault();, "_blank", "location=yes");
You probably meant to write that tapping the link opens it inside the webview of your application, replacing your own.
Find the link in the source make sure it will open in either InAppBrowser or using _blank so it'll open in the browser app instead.

Capture page number in Ext.PagingToolbar

I'm working on a ExtJS.Grid that uses a with jsonp proxy and Ext.PagingToolbar to control paging. It's all working fine.
But some users are complaining that they further browse pages, leave the grid, and when they come back they are back to page 1. They want "the grid to remember" the page they were and starts on it.
I use a Ext.onReady(function(){},false); to define all components and another Ext.onReady(function(){}); to create the grid with a store.loadPage(1); to make the first load after everything is done.
If I could listen to some event from the Ext.PagingToolbar, when a new load happens, and capture the page it was used, I could pehaps store it in some cookie or something, and retrieve it to load that page again.
I looked on!/api/Ext.toolbar.Paging and found no event that could be used. Anybody has any idea of where I could do it?
You can track the change event of the Ext.toolbar.Paging and remember the currentPage in a cookie.
pagingtoolbar.on('change', function(pb, pageData) {
Ext.util.Cookies.set('lastGridPage', pageData.currentPage, new Date('1/1/2016'));
And setup your grid to load that page on afterrender
grid.on('afterrender', function() {
var pageNumber = Ext.util.Cookies.get('lastGridPage') || 1;;

AngularJs $location.path with full url

I want to route the user to an url if he clicks ok in a modal. In my controller i receive urls like
var newUrl = http://localhost:3000/#/dashboard
var newUrl = http://localhost:3000/#/users
as variable.
If i then use
it does not work. I also tried
but my URL gets encoded like this.
Is there a way to get only the path of the url?
this code is part of a service. A user make some inputs in a form and clicks on another link for example in the menu. Then a popup appears where he is asked to skip his form changes. If he clicks yes i get the requested url. This is from my development environment on the server of course it will be another url. So i can not just use
for example
I ran into this same problem when having Angular preventDefault $locationChangeStart events, force a save, and only redirect upon success. I define the following function in the body of the controller:
var baseLen = $location.absUrl().length - $location.url().length;
function getPath(fullUrl) {
return fullUrl.substring(baseLen);
It doesn't seem like a clean solution, but as a work around, it does the job. A RegEx might work better for you, if you don't know that your URLs are pointing to the same site.
You can use $location.absUrl().
See the official documentation: enter link description here
This method is getter only.
Return full url representation with all segments encoded according to rules specified in RFC 3986.
May I offer a different solution:
$scope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function(e) {
if (meetsTheRequirementsToLeave()) {
var newPath = $location.path();
checkIfUserWantsToLeave().then(function() {
Within this event $location.path() returns the new path.
