Why does this ASM function not print properly? - loops

I am trying to write a little function to print either a null-terminated or fixed-length string in a specific memory location. Here is my code:
xor eax, eax
mov sp, 0x7a00
mov bp, 0x6000
mov ss, ax
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
xor ebx, ebx
xor ecx, ecx
push strict dword initializing
push strict word 0x0000
call printmsg
jmp end
;push strict dword memloc
;push strict word length
;call printmsg
pop strict dword [store_ret]
mov [store_cx], cx
mov [store_esi], esi
pop cx
pop esi
push eax
push ebx
mov ah, 0x0E
mov bx, 0x0007
cmp cx, 0x0000
je printnullterm
cmp cx, 0x0000
je printdone
int 10h
dec cx
jmp printgivenlen
cmp al, 0x00
je printdone
int 10h
jmp printnullterm
pop ebx
pop eax
mov esi, [store_esi]
mov cx, [store_cx]
push strict dword [store_ret]
store_cx dw 0
store_esi dd 0
store_ret dd 0
jmp end
initializing db 10,13,'Initializing...',0
When tested, it prints indefinately, and doesn't stop at the null byte. Where did I make a mistake?

I see 2 problems with your code:
You've written a bootloader. Such a program runs in the 16-bit real address mode. This implies that the return address from a call will be a word and not a dword like your code is expecting.
pop word [store_ret]
You setup the stack in a risky manner. You need to first change the SS register and immediately after that the SP register.
xor ax, ax
mov ss, ax <<< Keep these together
mov sp, 0x7a00 <<< and in this order!
Since this is 16-bit code there's no need to push/pop the address as a dword.
push word initializing
pop si

Your stack is not properly aligned with all that pushes and pops. Check parameters passing and it's usage in the routine.
To start, here's a hint:
xor eax, eax
mov sp, 0x7a00
mov bp, 0x6000
mov ss, ax
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
xor ebx, ebx
xor ecx, ecx
push strict dword initializing
push strict word 0x0000
call printmsg ; near call, only 16 bits ret addr stored
jmp end
;push strict dword memloc
;push strict word length
;call printmsg
pop strict dword [store_ret] ; pop dword (ret address + 16 bits- 1st argument)
mov [store_cx], cx ; store_cx = 0
mov [store_esi], esi ; store_esi = ??
pop cx ; cx = initializing
. . .


Print array in Asembly x86

I have elements loaded in stack and I need to move them to array. My code looks like this:
%include "asm_io.inc"
segment .data
array db 100 dup(0)
length db 0
segment .text
global _asm_main
extern getchar
enter 0, 0
call getchar
mov ebx,10
sub eax, '0'
mul ebx
mov ebx, eax
call getchar
sub eax, '0'
add eax, ebx
push eax
inc BYTE[length]
call getchar
cmp eax, 10
je fill_array
cmp eax, 13
je fill_array
cmp eax, 32
je skip_spaces
jmp char_loop
call getchar
cmp eax, 32
je skip_spaces
jmp char_loop
mov ecx, [length]
mov ebx, array
pop eax
mov [ebx], eax ; should be al instead of eax
inc ebx
call print_int
call print_nl
loop l1
mov ecx, [length]
mov ebx, array
mov eax, [ebx] ; should be al instead of eax
call print_int
call print_nl
inc ebx
loop l2
call print_nl
mov eax, 0
print_int in asm_io.asm is
enter 0,0
push eax
push dword int_format
call _printf
pop ecx
pop ecx
Where int_format is int_format db "%i",0
Length and values in stack are correct, I had them printed but when I try to print array only last value is correct. Other values are random numbers. I tried combinations of registers of different sizes but it did not work. I think that error has to do something with size of registers or size of array.
Answer here:
As #xiver77 said in comments I was writing into array 4 bytes instead 1 byte. One element in array has 1 byte and I tried to write 4 bytes. That creates overflow of bites and change other elements in array. Instead mov [ebx], eax should be mov [ebx], al and mov eax, [ebx] for printing should be mov al [ebx].


I am currently writing an OS from complete scratch(making my own bootloader etc), and I am attempting to adapt VESA mode.
I have read documentation, it all makes sense..all but just a few things.
This is directly from the documentation(I have it implemented differently):
mov [.width], ax
mov [.height], bx
mov [.bpp], cl
push es ; some VESA BIOSes destroy ES, or so I read
mov ax, 0x4F00 ; get VBE BIOS info
mov di, vbe_info_block
int 0x10
pop es
cmp ax, 0x4F ; BIOS doesn't support VBE?
jne .error
mov ax, word[vbe_info_block.video_modes]
mov [.offset], ax
mov ax, word[vbe_info_block.video_modes+2]
mov [.segment], ax
mov ax, [.segment]
mov fs, ax
mov si, [.offset]
mov dx, [fs:si]
add si, 2
mov [.offset], si
mov [.mode], dx
mov ax, 0
mov fs, ax
cmp [.mode], 0xFFFF ; end of list?
je .error
push es
mov ax, 0x4F01 ; get VBE mode info
mov cx, [.mode]
mov di, mode_info_block
int 0x10
pop es
cmp ax, 0x4F
jne .error
mov ax, [.width]
cmp ax, [mode_info_block.width]
jne .next_mode
mov ax, [.height]
cmp ax, [mode_info_block.height]
jne .next_mode
mov al, [.bpp]
cmp al, [mode_info_block.bpp]
jne .next_mode
; If we make it here, we've found the correct mode!
mov ax, [.width]
mov word[vbe_screen.width], ax
mov ax, [.height]
mov word[vbe_screen.height], ax
mov eax, [mode_info_block.framebuffer]
mov dword[vbe_screen.physical_buffer], eax
mov ax, [mode_info_block.pitch]
mov word[vbe_screen.bytes_per_line], ax
mov eax, 0
mov al, [.bpp]
mov byte[vbe_screen.bpp], al
shr eax, 3
mov dword[vbe_screen.bytes_per_pixel], eax
mov ax, [.width]
shr ax, 3
dec ax
mov word[vbe_screen.x_cur_max], ax
mov ax, [.height]
shr ax, 4
dec ax
mov word[vbe_screen.y_cur_max], ax
; Set the mode
push es
mov ax, 0x4F02
mov bx, [.mode]
or bx, 0x4000 ; enable LFB
mov di, 0 ; not sure if some BIOSes need this... anyway it doesn't hurt
int 0x10
pop es
cmp ax, 0x4F
jne .error
mov ax, [.segment]
mov fs, ax
mov si, [.offset]
jmp .find_mode
.width dw 0
.height dw 0
.bpp db 0
.segment dw 0
.offset dw 0
.mode dw 0
What I am confused about is, why does it assign the segment to the video modes pointer plus 2?
I get that the video mode pointer has an offset:segment, but I am just confused as to why we assign video mode pointer + 2 to the segment, and why we add si by two after we assign the offset and segment to the dx register.
mov ax, word[vbe_info_block.video_modes]
mov [.offset], ax
mov ax, word[vbe_info_block.video_modes+2]
mov [.segment], ax
why does it assign the segment to the video modes pointer plus 2? I get that the video mode pointer has an offset:segment, but I am just confused as to why we assign video mode pointer + 2 to the segment
A far pointer is stored in memory with a word-sized offset followed by a word-sized segment.
The offset is stored at vbe_info_block.video_modes, and the segment is stored in the following word which has an address that is 2 more, so at [vbe_info_block.video_modes + 2]
mov dx, [fs:si]
add si, 2
mov [.offset], si
and why we add si by two after we assign the offset and segment to the dx register.
We don't assign the offset and segment to the DX register!
The far pointer we retrieved (and put in FS:SI) points to a list of word-sized mode numbers. It's a mode number that we load in the DX register. And the add si, 2 mov [.offset], si is there so the loop can iterate over all the words in the list.

Swapping the first and last element in the array using assembly

segment .data
array: db 68,222,29,68,33,234,179,103,37,85
fmt: db ",%d",0
segment .text
extern printf
global asm_main
enter 0,0 ; setup routine
push dword 10
push dword array
call print_array
add esp,8
push dword 10
push dword array
mov eax,[array]
mov edx,[array+9]
mov [array+9],eax
mov [array],edx
call print_array
; don't delete anything following this comment
mov eax, 0 ; return back to C
segment .data
ListFormat db ",%u", 0
segment .text
global print_array
enter 0,0
push esi
push ebx
xor esi, esi
mov ecx, [ebp+12]
mov ebx, [ebp+8]
xor edx,edx
mov dl,[ebx + esi]
mov eax,edx
call print_int
dec ecx
inc esi
xor edx,edx
mov dl,[ebx + esi]
push ecx
push edx
push dword ListFormat
call printf
add esp, 8
inc esi
pop ecx
loop print_loop
call print_nl
pop ebx
pop esi
%define A_ADDR [ebp+12]
%define B_ADDR [ebp+8]
%define A_VAL [eax]
%define B_VAL [ebx]
segment .text
global swap_byte
enter 0,0
mov eax, A_ADDR
mov ebx, B_ADDR
mov dl,A_VAL
mov cl,B_VAL
mov [eax],cl
mov [ebx],dl
This prints 85,44,37,100,33,234,179,103,37,68. The result should be 85,222,29,68,33,234,179,103,37,68.
I was able to swap first element (68) with the last element (85), but numbers 222,29,and 68 have changed to 44,37,and 100. What changes do I need to make with the codes in swap_byte_first_last? Other parts of the code were given.

Assembly x86-32 and some c functions

I never learn C language so it makes me confuse. I just like to know if I did it correctly or where I need to improve. For this code I used assembly x86 32 bit. Thanks
This is what I supposed to do:
Write a procedure with the signature
char *strchar(char *s1, char c1)
that returns a pointer to the first occurrence of the character c1 within the string s1 or, if not found, returns a null.
This is what I came out with:
strchar (char*, char):
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
mov dword ptr [ebp-24], edi
mov EAX , esi
mov BYTE PTR [ebp-28], al
mov EAX , dword ptr [ebp-24]
movzx EAX , byte ptr [ EAX ]
test AL, AL
je .L2
mov EAX , dword PTR [ebp-24]
movzx EAX , BYTE PTR [ EAX ]
cmp BYTE PTR [ebp-28], al
jne .L3
mov eax, dword PTR [ebp-24]
jmp .L6
add dword PTR [ebp-24], 1
jmp .L5
LEA eax, [ebp-9]
The lines:
mov dword ptr [ebp-24], edi
mov EAX , esi
mov BYTE PTR [ebp-28], al
assume that a stack frame has been allocated for this function which doesn’t appear true; I think you should have something like:
sub esp, 32
after the
mov ebp,esp
Also, the three lines after L2 seem confused. The only way to get to L2 is if the nil (0) byte is discovered in the string, at which point, the code should return a NULL pointer.
The exit path in the code (L6) leaves eax alone, so all that should be needed is:
mov eax, 0
It might make debugging easier if you kept the alias up to date; so:
mov eax, 0
mov [ebp-24], eax
Also, the calling convention used here is a bit odd: the string is passed in edi and the character in esi. Normally, in x86-32, these would both be passed on the stack. This looks like it might have been x86-64 code, converted to x86-32....
A final note; this assembly code looks like the output of a compiler with optimisations disabled. Often, generating the assembly with the optimisations enabled generates easier to understand code. This code, for example, could be much more concisely written as below, without even devolving into weird intel ops:
mov edx, esi
mov eax, edi
mov dh, [eax]
test dh, dh
jz null
cmp dh, dl
je done
inc eax
jmp L
mov eax, 0
Here is one with stack overhead
[global strchar]
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
mov dl, byte [ebp + 12]
mov ecx, dword [ebp + 8]
xor eax, eax
.loop: mov al, [ecx]
or al, al
jz .exit
cmp al, dl
jz .found
add ecx, 1
jmp .loop
.found: mov eax, ecx
Here is one without stack overhead
[global strchar]
mov dl, byte [esp + 8]
mov ecx, dword [esp + 4]
xor eax, eax
.loop: mov al, [ecx]
or al, al
jz .exit
cmp al, dl
jz .found
add ecx, 1
jmp .loop
.found: mov eax, ecx
These are using the 'cdecl' calling convention. For 'stdcall' change the last 'ret' to 'ret 8'.

Assembly EAX register resetting without reason

I have the following assembly code:
; File: strrev.asm
; A subroutine called from C programs.
; Parameters: string A
; Result: String is reversed and returned.
global strrev
_strrev: nop
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
; registers ebx,esi, and edi must be saved if used
push ebx
push edi
xor esi, esi
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, [ebp+8] ; load the start of the array into ecx
jecxz end ; jump if [ecx] is zero
mov edi, ecx
cmp byte[edi], 0
je reverseLoop_1
inc edi
inc eax
jmp reverseLoop
mov esi, edi ;move end of array into esi
mov edi, ecx ;reset start of array to edi
mov al, [esi]
mov bl, [edi]
mov [esi], bl
mov [edi], al
inc edi
dec esi
dec eax
jnz reverseLoop_2
pop edi ; restore registers
pop ebx
mov esp, ebp ; take down stack frame
pop ebp
Which works fine until you start looping through reverseLoop_2. Using gdb, eax is listed as being 11, which it should be (this is the length of the string I passed in through a separate c program). This is show in the debugger as:
Breakpoint 2, reverseLoop_2 () at strrev.asm:40
40 mov al, [esi]
(gdb) display $eax
1: $eax = 11
However, if I step through the program to the next line, it resets to 0.
(gdb) next
41 mov bl, [edi]
1: $eax = 0
I need eax to be preserved since its the one keeping track of how many times reverseLoop_2 needs to loop. Why is it resetting to 0 after the call to mov?
If you're using eax as a loop counter, you shouldn't write to it inside the loop :
mov al, [esi]
Remember that al is the least significant byte of eax :
I think this should work.
mov eax, address of your string
push esi
push edi
mov edi, eax
mov esi, eax
; find end of string
sub ecx, ecx
not ecx
sub al, al
repne scasb
; points to the byte after '0x00'
dec edi
dec edi
; main loop will swap the first with the last byte
; and increase/decrease the pointer until the cross each other
cmp esi, edi ; if both pointers meet, we are done
jg _done
mov al, [edi]
mov bl, [esi]
mov [esi], al
mov [edi], bl
inc esi
dec edi
jmp _loop
pop edi
pop esi
