Migration From SQL Server Enterprise Edition to Standard Edition 2014 64 bit - sql-server

Our Application using SQL Server Enterprise Edition, BI services (SSIS,SSAS,SSRS).My customer is restricted to SQL Server Standard Edition only.
Now i have to migrate everything From EE to SE of SQL Server.
1-While deploying SSAS (Semi-Additive measures are not supported) ?
Might be i have fix this using Calculated Measures.
I am not sure about limitation with other services (SSIS, SSRS) could encounter while migration. Can somebody please help here !!!!!!
I have to move SSIS jobs,Reports Etc ...

The best place to start is with the docs. There are separate sections on SSIS, SSAS and SSRS. The headlines are:
Standard does not support Change Data Capture Service for Oracle by Attunity and Change Data Capture Designer for Oracle by Attunity.
Standard does not support Data driven report subscription, Scale out deployment (Web farms), Alerting and Power View.
Standard does not support Scalable Shared Databases, Semi-additive Measures, Perspectives, Writeback dimensions, Linked measures and dimensions, Proactive Caching, Push-mode processing, Direct Writeback and Measure Expressions


SSIS licensing when deployed on different machine than SQL Server

I have data warehouse database on SQL Server Enterprise. Currently the SSIS that feeds the data warehouse is running on the same server.
I would like to move the SSIS execution on another server. What are the licensing options for SQL Server for running the SSIS? Can I use SQL Server Standard with server + 1 CAL license? SSIS runs under one service account.
Thank you.
From memory if the two instances are on a separate physical host then two licenses are required. If they are two VM's on the same host then only 1 enterprise license is required for the physical box.
Best to contact your Microsoft Rep or use the Microsoft License Audit Tool (Can't find it right now) for a definitive answer though as these things change over time.
Note: This answer applies to on-premise only, cloud etc. are special cases.

Windows Azure and SQL Server on VM (which choose to compare)

I'd like to compare Windows Azure SQL Database and SQL Server on VM. So I'd like to ask:
which SQL server edition on Windows Azure(S,M edition; Web or Standard) should I choose to compare it with Windows Azure SQL Database Web. I know that these are different concepts PaaS IaaS and so on. In my question I am referring to your experience with these two technologies and their performance. I know that it would be roughly comparison
I made comparison for Azure SQL and SQL Server Std hosted on Azure VM (Large (A3)) for 2GB database. I just copied DB from Azure to VM, so, basically, I had 2 Databases with identical data and was able to run same queries.
SQL Azure DB has known advantages, but when it goes to performance people starts crying:
Getting last 1000 transactions from ~100k transactions with many joins takes:
Azure SQL: 7:40 mins
SQLServer on VM: 2:30 mins
Getting 10 transactions with specific parameter's:
Azure SQL: 3:57 mins
SQLServer on VM: 1:05 mins
In this test I didn't care about query performance, I just want to see the difference for the same data/queries between Azure SQL and SQL Server on Azure VM. As you see, it's very differ.
Roughly, Windows Azure SQL Database is comparable to the features of SQL Server 2012 Standard Edition, but this comparison is only approximate, because each offer is meant for a different use case and offers a different balance of features.
In Understanding Azure SQL Database and SQL Server in Azure VMs you'll find a detailed comparison. Some distinctive characteristics are:
SQL Database is highly available; each database is backed by 3 servers; each operation will only be completed when it is accepted by at least 2 servers. This leads to a higher latency than SQL Server on a single server.
SQL Database runs on cloud infrastructure. Client applications must be fault-tolerant.
SQL Database runs on shared resources, so clients may experience performance fluctuations. The Premium Offer for Windows Azure SQL Database delivers more powerful and predictable performance.
SQL Database has a few limitations on support for features, Transact-SQL, Data Types and Tools and Utilities.
See also how to Compare SQL Server with Windows Azure SQL Database and the guidance on SQL Server in Windows Azure Virtual Machines.
Regarding Windows Azure SQL Database Web edition: Web and Business editions are identical except for storage capacity (see my detailed SO answer about this, here), so it doesn't matter for your comparison.
Regarding SQL Server editions, I think this is going to be primarily a difference in features and licensing, not performance. That said: If you choose the Enterprise edition, you may find more features are active, therefore consuming more resources. Fortunately the Web, Standard, and Enterprise editions are all in the Virtual Machine gallery, so you can deploy any of them without having to do a custom install.
When comparing Windows Azure SQL Database with SQL Server, you should probably start with this MSDN article which goes into detail about the limitations of SQL Database as well as T-SQL differences.

best practice: reportservers and sql servers

we have three SQL servers serving a variety of applications on different webservers.
Each application is using reporting services functionality.
The average load per server per month is about 40.000 reports, taking an average of 3.1 secs to deliver a report.
At this moment the the situation is as follows:
Application A has his database on SQLServer A and is using Reporting
Services on SQLServer A. (SQL 2008)
Application B has his database on SQLServer B and is using
Reporting Services on SQLServer B. (SQL 2008R2)
Application C has his database on SQLServer C and is using
Reporting Services on SQLServer C. (SQL 2008R2).
We have just bought a new server, runnning SQL 2012.
Would it be wise to move all reporting to the Reporting Server 2012?
My idea is that there would be a significant performance-gain. Also, There would be only one reporting server to manage. But is that so? Are there penalties when running reports on one server while the database feeding the reports is on another server? Is it a problem if the Reporting Services version is different then that of the database server?
I would like very much to hear your thoughts on this.
Performance and manageability are two key-components.
Greetings and thanks for thinking with me,
Are you using the Enterprise Edition of SSRS 2012 (so that could take advantage of scale out via deploying parts of the SSRS implementation on different servers)? Here's a SSRS 2012 feature list by edition. Also, are you using any scheduled (i.e. snapshot or scheduled delivery) of reports to balance the load requests?

Choosing between SQL Server Express and SQL Lite

I have a project requirement to choose a light database for the application.
It's required to choose between SQL Server Express Edition or SQLLite. Which one would be efficient and reliable. I am supposed to run it under Windows 7/Windows 2008 R2. I am newbie in the database programming. It would be helpful if you can share some information in terms of
Size Limits
Memory consumption
SQL Server Express and SQLite aren't really comparable database systems.
SQL Server Express is the free version of Microsofts full SQL Server product, a standalone database server (often run on a dedicated machine) that client applications connect to. It is designed for things like web applications where many users will be using the database at the same time and there is a requirement for high availability.
SQLite is a compact in-process database that is often used in applications that benefit from having access to a SQL based database system however it isn't feasible to install a full standalone database alongside the application. For example Firefox uses SQLite to store bookmarks and Adobe Lightroom uses it to store its photos catalog, there are also several mobile (e.g. iPhone) applications that use SQLite.
The Microsoft equivalent to SQLite would be SQL Server compact edition (CE) which is free to distribute and use. SQL Server CE is very similar to SQLite in most respects.
Similarly the non-Micrososft equivalent of SQL Server (both the Express edition and the full edition) would probably be MySQL.
Although there are crossovers (you might build a small web application that uses SQLite, or a large desktop application that requires users to install SQL Express) typically the choice between the two "types" of database system (in-process vs standalone database server) is down to the type of application being developed.
You might find more details in the following article: http://erikej.blogspot.com/2011/01/comparison-of-sql-server-compact-4-and.html

Question about Reporting and Data Warehousing Software bundled with SQL Server 2005

We currently use SQL Server 2005 Enterprise for our fairly large application, that has its roots in pre SQL Server 7.0. The tables are normalized and designed mainly for the application. The developers for the most part have the legacy SQL Server mindset. Only using the part of TSQL that existed back in 7.0, not using any of the new features of tsql or that are bundled with 2005.
We're currently trying to build on demand reports using some crappy third party software, and will eventually try to build a data warehouse using more of the same crappy third party software (name removed to protect the guilty, don't ask I will not tell). The rationale for this was that we didn't want to spend more money to buy this additional software from Microsoft (this was not my decision, I had no input, but is my problem now). But from what I can tell is that Enterprise includes all of these tools, or am I missing something?
What comes bundled with SQL Server 2005 Enterprise as far as reporting and data warehousing? Will we need to purchase anything else? is there actually anything else that can be purchased from Microsoft in this regard?
Well, first - I would go with 2008 R2 for that regard, much better for reporting.
DAta warehousing in 2005 is just that. 2008 did introduce optimizatoins for star schemata in the query optimizer.
2005 I think has report services that you can use - though they got a LOT better with 2008 and 2008 R2 (graphs etc.)
Besides that think getting rid of SQL for analysis - the data warehouse should get loaded into cubes in SQL Server Analysis Services and run the reports against those.
All that (reporting services, analysis services) is part of the enterprise edition you use. There is hardly any use for something else unless you have unusual needs.
Enterprise edition contains Reporting Services that you can install that. It is a powerful service for reporting.
If you find you're unhappy with Reporting Services (seems to not work well for about 35% of the people who try it), please take a look at Windward Reports. With that said, I hope it does work well for you as that is your least expensive and quickest route forward.
