How to load dynamic directive content using AngularJS? [duplicate] - angularjs

This question already has answers here:
Compiling dynamic HTML strings from database
(5 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I'm having a hard time trying to implement a dynamic loaded content using Angular... I have several widgets and their partialName variable is loaded via binding, after a request. That's why I'm using scope.$watch below. Even though the template is set with its correct content, the view itself doesn't refresh to display the appropriate content. I've tried somethings like the $broadcast below with no luck. How can I achieve this? Thanks!
export class CioTemplateLoader implements ng.IDirective {
public template: string;
public partials: { [id: string]: string; } = {};
public scope = {
partialName: '='
public route: any;
static $inject = [
constructor(){//$route: any) {
// this.route = $route;
this.partials['claimOverview'] = require('../../claims/claim-overview.html');
link = (scope: ng.IScope, elem: JQuery, attributes: ng.IAttributes) => {
var that = this;
scope.$watch('partialName', function (value: string) {
if (value) {
that.template = that.partials[value];
public static Factory(): angular.IDirectiveFactory {
var directive = () => {
return new CioTemplateLoader();
return directive;

what you want to do is compile dynamically html templates and render them, right? If so, this question might be marked as duplicate as for example Compiling dynamic HTML strings from database


Find element not found in AngularJS

I have component in AngularJS and a template which looks something like the following
<div id="{{ $ctrl.idName }}"></div>
And the component controller looks something like this
Component controller
export class SomeCtrl {
idName: string = "idName";
constructor(public $element) {
$postLink(): void {
const divElement = this.$element.find(`#${ this.idName }`);
console.log(divElement); //divElement is undefined
For some reason divElement becomes undefined, however if I write the name in the template as following
<div id="idName"></div>
Then the element is found. My assumption that it was due to template hasn't finished compiling. But it seems not because of that either since the $postLink() method is fired when compiling is finished according to the following article ThoughtRam - Exploring Angular 1.5: Lifecycle Hooks
Enclose the find in a $timeout:
export class SomeCtrl {
idName: string = "idName";
constructor(public $element, public $timeout) {
$postLink(): void {
this.$timeout( _ => {
const divElement = this.$element.find(`#${ this.idName }`);
This will allow the AngularJS framework and the browser time to render the interpolation.

Angular + Typescript code convention

I am using a combination of Angularjs + Typescript for my project. I am searching for a good code convention. There are some some good examples for the two technologies separately. For example I follow this one when using TypeScript:
But couldn't find a good one for the combination of Angularjs + Typescript. To be a little bit more specific, for example, I need a convention on how to write directives with the typescript syntax etc.
I could not find any good articles on the topic. If someone can share something on the topic it will be great. Thanks!
I have followed this projects structure when writing angularjs + typescript.
Since directives are actually factory functions writing directives will be done in the same way:
module Directives{
export function MyDirective(optionalService): ng.IDirective{
var myDirective = {};
myDirective.restrict = 'A'; = function(scope, elem){};
return myDirective;
MyDirective.$inject = ["optionalService"];
app.directive("myDirective", Directives.MyDirective);
If you use Angular1.5+ you can follow Angular2 Component style:
class DemoController implements ng.IComponentController {
public static $inject = [
constructor(private Service1: IService1) {
public $onInit(): void {
// ---
public $postLink(): void {
// ---
// ---
export const DemoComponent = {
selector: 'demoComponent',
bindings: {
prop1: '<',
prop2: '<',
controller: DemoController,
templateUrl: require('./your-tpl.html'),
And somewhere in your module, you can register this component:
.component(DemoComponent.selector, DemoComponent)
For creating directives this code style is also pretty nice:
export class MyDemoDirective implements ng.IDirective {
public restrict: string;
public static $inject: string[] = [
constructor(private Service1: IService1, private Service2: IService2) {
this.restrict = 'A';
// ---
public link(...) {
// ---
public static factory(): ng.IDirectiveFactory {
const directive = (Service1: IService1, Service2: IService2) => {
return new MyDemoDirective($filter, User);
return directive;

Pass function to directive

Here is my directive:
module app.directives {
interface IDmDeleteIconController {
doAction(): void;
class DmDeleteIconController implements IDmDeleteIconController {
static $inject = ['$scope'];
constructor(public $scope:any) {
doAction() {
export class DmDeleteIcon implements ng.IDirective {
templateUrl = './app/common/directives/deleteIcon/deleteIcon.html';
controller = DmDeleteIconController;
controllerAs = 'dmDeleteIconVm';
scope = {
dmAction: '&'
link = (scope: any, element: ng.IAugmentedJQuery, attrs: ng.IAttributes, ctrl: any) => {
static factory(): ng.IDirectiveFactory {
const directive = () => new DmDeleteIcon();
directive.$inject = [];
return directive;
angular.module('myApp').directive('dmDeleteIcon', DmDeleteIcon.factory());
Here I am trying to use it:
When I am open page I'll get 2 in the console (from link function), but I don't get the hello from the function I have passed to directive.
Why and how can I fix it?
Here is a directive template:
a.item-detail-delete-icon(class="form-image-link" href="" ng-click="dmDeleteIconVm.doAction()")
Here is HTML to which my Jade compile:
<dm-delete-icon dm-action="console.log('hello');"></dm-delete-icon>
Update 2:
I was trying to use it like this:
<dm-delete-icon dm-action=""></dm-delete-icon>
foo(): void {
the function in the controller.
Update 3:
If I am trying to debug this code I will get this:
The problem here is that you're passing to the directive an expression console.log('hello'); that will be executed on parent controller scope.
This basically means you'd need to have console object attached to scope and under that object a method log. Angular expressions don't work with globals (console in this case) automatically.
Simply ensure that the expression you pass to the directive is a valid angular expression and that should work. For example - create new method on app scope called myConsoleLog that prints something to the console and change the attribute value for the directive to dm-action="myConsoleLog();"

Custom Angular validator in TypeScript

I've created a custom angular form validator in TypeScript. Everything works fine on the browser but typescript is complaining that "Property 'compareTo' does not exist on type 'IModelValidators'" at this line:
ngModel.$validators.compareTo = modelValue => (modelValue === scope.otherModelValue); Which makes sense, because I am basically creating a new validator called "comparedTo" that doesn't exist and just attaching it to the model. This is totally valid in javascript but since Typescript is strongly typed it didn't like it that much. Does anyone have any idea of how to add my "compareTo" validation to the ngModel.$validators in a typescript safe way? Thanks!
'use strict';
module App.Directives {
export interface ILoZScope extends angular.IScope {
otherModelValue: string;
export class CompareToDirective implements angular.IDirective {
// Directive parameters.
public restrict = 'A';
public require = 'ngModel';
public scope = { otherModelValue: '=compareTo' }
// Constructor
public static $inject = ['$window'];
constructor($window) {}
// Link function
public link(scope: ILoZScope, element: angular.IAugmentedJQuery, attrs: angular.IAttributes, ngModel: angular.INgModelController) {
ngModel.$validators.compareTo = modelValue => (modelValue === scope.otherModelValue);
scope.$watch('otherModelValue', () => { ngModel.$validate(); });
// Creates an instance of the compareToDirective class.
public static factory(): angular.IDirectiveFactory {
const directive = ($window: angular.IWindowService) => new CompareToDirective($window);
directive.$inject = ['$window'];
return directive;
.directive('compareTo', CompareToDirective.factory());
If you just want to skip the typescript error, just create a custom definitely typed file and add something like this.
interface IModelValidators {
comparedTo: any;
If you want to get proper intellisense, use something like this in your custom d.ts file.
interface IModelValidators {
comparedTo: (modelValue: any, viewValue: any) => boolean;
an alternate solution would be
ngModel.$validators["compareTo"] = (modelValue, viewValue) : boolean => {
if(modelValue....) {
return true
return false;

Implementing angularjs directives as classes in Typescript

So after taking a look at some of the examples of angularjs directives in typescript, it seems most people agree to use functions instead of classes when implementing them.
I would prefer to have them as a class and attempted to implement them as follows:
module directives
export class search implements ng.IDirective
public restrict: string;
public templateUrl: string;
this.restrict = 'AE';
this.templateUrl = 'directives/search.html';
public link($scope: ng.IScope, element: JQuery, attributes: ng.IAttributes)
element.text("Hello world");
Now this works fine. However, I need to have an isolated scope with some attributes and I'm struggling to find out how to include that in the class itself.
logic dictates that since I can have
public restrict: string;
public templateUrl: string;
I should be able to have something like:
public scope;
But I'm not sure if this is correct or how to carry on from there (i.e how to add the attributes to the scope).
Anybody know how to solve this? (hopefully, without having to revert to a function if possible)
Creating directives as classes can be problematic since you still need to involve a factory function to wrap its instantiation. For example:
export class SomeDirective implements ng.IDirective {
public link = () => {
constructor() {}
What Doesn't Work
myModule.directive('someDirective', SomeDirective);
Since directives are not invoked using 'new' but are just called as factory functions. This will cause problems on what your constructor function actually returns.
What Does (with Caveats)
myModule.directive(() => new SomeDirective());
This works fine provided you don't have any IoC involved, but once you start introducing injectables, you have to maintain duplicate parameter lists for your factory function and your directive contstructor.
export class SomeDirective implements ng.IDirective {
constructor(someService: any) {}
myModule.directive('someDirective', ['someService', (someService) => new SomeDirective(someService)]);
Still an option if that is what you prefer, but is important to understand how the directive registration is actually consumed.
An alternative approach
The thing that is actually expected by angular is a directive factory function, so something like:
export var SomeDirectiveFactory = (someService: any): ng.IDirective => {
return {
link: () => {...}
SomeDirectiveFactory.$inject = ['someService']; //including $inject annotations
myModule.directive('someDirective', SomeDirectiveFactory);
This has the benefit of allowing the use of $inject annotations since angular needs it to be on the factory function in this case.
You could always return an instance of your class from the factory function as well:
export var SomeDirectiveFactory = (someService: any): ng.IDirective => {
return new SomeDirective(someService);
SomeDirectiveFactory.$inject = ['someService']; //including $inject annotations
But really depends on your use case, how much duplication of parameter lists you are okay with, etc.
Assuming that what you have works without an islolated scope, the following should work with an isolated scope:
module directives
export class search implements ng.IDirective
public restrict = 'AE';
public templateUrl = 'directives/search.html';
public scope = {
public link($scope: ng.IScope, element: JQuery, attributes: ng.IAttributes)
element.text("Hello world");
Here is my proposal:
import {directive} from '../../decorators/directive';
#directive('$location', '$rootScope')
export class StoryBoxDirective implements ng.IDirective {
public templateUrl:string = 'src/module/story/view/story-box.html';
public restrict:string = 'EA';
public scope:Object = {
story: '='
public link:Function = (scope:ng.IScope, element:ng.IAugmentedJQuery, attrs:ng.IAttributes):void => {
//, element, attrs, this.$location);
scope.$watch('test', () => {
return null;
constructor(private $location:ng.ILocationService, private $rootScope:ng.IScope) {
// console.log('Dependency injection', $location, $rootScope);
Module (registers directive...):
import {App} from '../../App';
import {StoryBoxDirective} from './../story/StoryBoxDirective';
import {StoryService} from './../story/StoryService';
const module:ng.IModule = App.module('app.story', []);
module.service('storyService', StoryService);
module.directive('storyBox', <any>StoryBoxDirective);
Decorator (adds inject and produce directive object):
export function directive(...values:string[]):any {
return (target:Function) => {
const directive:Function = (...args:any[]):Object => {
return ((classConstructor:Function, args:any[], ctor:any):Object => {
ctor.prototype = classConstructor.prototype;
const child:Object = new ctor;
const result:Object = classConstructor.apply(child, args);
return typeof result === 'object' ? result : child;
})(target, args, () => {
return null;
directive.$inject = values;
return directive;
I thinking about moving module.directive(...), module.service(...) to classes files e.g. StoryBoxDirective.ts but didn't make decision and refactor yet ;)
You can check full working example here:
Directive is here:
Here finally i got working a directive as class plus inheritance. In derived directive I extend the scope plus define the templateUrl.
You can override any methods from base directive
The key was to return from constructor the instance of directive.Angularjs calls constructor without new keyword. In this case this is of type window
I wrapped few lines to check the instance type of this and in case of window I create a new instance of directive. (See Activator class from sample below)
module Realty.directives {
export class BaseElementWithLabel implements ng.IDirective {
public restrict = 'E';
public replace = true;
public scope = {
label: '#',
model: '=',
icon: '#',
readonlyElement: '=',
remark: '#'
constructor(extendedScope) {
if (!(this instanceof Window)) {
extendedScope = extendedScope || {};
this.scope = angular.extend(this.scope, extendedScope);
link(scope: ng.IScope, element: ng.IAugmentedJQuery, attributes: ng.IAttributes, controller, transclude) {
scope['vm'] = {};
module Realty.directives {
export class textareaWithLabel extends Realty.directives.BaseElementWithLabel implements ng.IDirective {
templateUrl = 'directives/element-form/textarea-with-label-template.html';
constructor() {
rows: '#'
return Realty.Activator.Activate(this, textareaWithLabel, arguments);
module Realty {
export class Activator {
public static Activate(instance: any, type, arguments) {
if (instance instanceof type) {
return instance;
return new(type.bind.apply(type, Array.prototype.concat.apply([null], arguments)));
