Protractor if else only one case can run always - selenium-webdriver

so basically i am e2e testing a web site and I am creating a language on the page as the page admin, so in case i something fails or similar my .then() function doesn't work in other words it only works if the code is run and doesn't fail so if it does it doesn't execute the else or the if, in this case if the language is not deleted it will just throw a F and wont execute "Error language not created", and take a screenshot. I am using this method like 20 more times in my script so any help would help on how to improve it if it is possible and to tell me if I am doing something wrong.
element.all(by.repeater('item in languages')).
get(0).isPresent().then(function (result){
console.log('Deleting language...');
console.log('Error language not deleted...');
sShot = true; //Don't mind this, it is for whether to take a screenshot afterEach() or not.
console.log('Language deleted!');
So if the language isn't deleted which i do above the code i posted when it fails there while deleting it it never executes the isPresent().then() it only executes it when It is successfu. It completely leaves the current test case and goes to the next. l hope I am making sense


if url contains string, do something, else do another or add paramter to console which runs protractor

toString.contain('local')){//if it is local,do something.if it is not local, i need to do another things
//do something
//do another
I need to get url and check if it contains local. If it has local, i need to do operations for local. Else, i will do another operations.
I cant do this with expect because it will give failure if is was not matched.
So i need to use string operatipns.
But none of those worked:
error is
toString.contain is not a function
While running protractor from console,
gulp protractor
i run with this.
SO if i can do like this:
gulp protractor local
or for another usages,
gulp protractor testmachine
it will be better. It can record that parameter to a variable so i will access that variable
if(paramter.equals="local"){//if it is local,do something.if it is not local, i need to do another things
//do something
//do another
i can also do something like that instead of currenturl
if(logoutPageObject.baseUrl.toString.contain("local")){ because baseurl variable can say if i am on local or not. but also this doesnot work.
browser.getCurrentUrl() will return you a promise and not a string. First resolve the promise and use the exact URL for the validation.
if(url.indexOf("local") >= 0 ){
console.log("url contains local")
console.log("do something else")

Removing created records in e2e tests after all tests have run

I have been looking around for suitable ways to 'clean up' created records after tests are run using Protractor.
As an example, I have a test suite that currently runs tests on create and update screens, but there is currently no delete feature, however there is a delete end point I can hit against the backend API.
So the approach I have taken is to record the id of the created record so that in an afterAll I can then issue a request to perform a delete operation on the record.
For example:
beforeAll(function() {
afterAll(function() {
helper.buildRequestOptions('DELETE', 'customers/'+createdCustomerId).then(function(options){
request(options, function(err, response){
if(response.statusCode === 200) {
console.log('Successfully deleted customer ID: '+ createdCustomerId);
} else {
console.log('A problem occurred when attempting to delete customer ID: '+ createdCustomerId);
console.log('status code - ' + response.statusCode);
//it statements below...
Whilst this works, I am unsure whether this is a good or bad approach, and if the latter, what are the alternatives.
I'm doing this in order to prevent a whole load of dummy test records being added over time. I know you could just clear down the database between test runs, e.g. through a script or similar on say a CI server, but it's not something I\we have looked into further. Plus this approach seems on the face of it simpler, but again I am unsure about the practicalities of such an approach directly inside the test spec files.
Can anyone out there provide further comments\solutions?
Well, for what it's worth I basically use that exact same approach. We have an endpoint that can reset data for a specific user based on ID, and I hit that in a beforeAll() block as well to reset the data to an expected state before every run (I could have done it afterAll as well, but sometimes people mess with the test accounts so I do beforeAll). So I simply grab the users ID and send the http request.
I can't really speak to the practicality of it, as it was simply a task that I accomplished and it worked perfectly for me so I saw no need for an alternative. Just wanted to let you know you are not alone in that approach :)
I'm curious if other people have alternative solutions.
The more robust solution is to mock your server with $httpBackend so you don't have to do actual calls to your API.
You can then configure server responses from your e2e test specs.
here's a fake server example :
.config(function($provide,$logProvider) {
.run(function($httpBackend,$log) {
var request = new RegExp('\/api\/route\\?some_query_param=([^&]*)');
$httpBackend.whenGET(request).respond(function(method, url, data) {
// see
function decode_param(param) {
return decodeURIComponent(param.
replace('#', '%40').
replace(':', '%3A').
replace('$', '%24').
replace(',', '%2C').
replace(';', '%3B').
replace('+', '%20'));
var params = url.match(request);
var some_query_param = decodeURIComponent(params[1]);
return [200,
}, {}];
Then load this script in your test environnement and your done.

CucumberJs skipping step definition - maybe callback last parameter in step definition?

I just started working with cucumberJs, gulp and protractor for an angular app and noticed, luckily as all my steps were passing, that if you don't pass in and use that 'callback' parameter in the step definition, cucumberJs might NOT know when this step is completed and will skip other steps and mark them all as 'passed'
Below is an example from the cucumberJs doc:
Example 1:
this.Given(/^I am on the Cucumber.js GitHub repository$/, function (callback) {
// Express the regexp above with the code you wish you had.
// `this` is set to a World instance.
// i.e. you may use this.browser to execute the step:
this.visit('', callback);
The callback is passed to visit() so that when the job's finished, the
next step can
// be executed by Cucumber
Example 2:
this.When(/^I go to the README file$/, function (callback) {
// Express the regexp above with the code you wish you had.
Call callback() at the end
// of the step, or callback(null, 'pending') if the step is not yet implemented:
callback(null, 'pending');
Example 3:
this.Then(/^I should see "(.*)" as the page title$/, function (title, callback) {
// matching groups are passed as parameters to the step definition
var pageTitle = this.browser.text('title');
if (title === pageTitle) {
} else {
callback(new Error("Expected to be on page with title " + title));
I understand you have 2 choices here:
a. Either you return a promise and don't pass the call back OR
b. You pass in the callback parameter and call it whenever the step definition is complete so cucumberJs knows to return and go to next step or next scenario.
However, I tried both above and still running into a weird situation where the top two scenarios will work NORMALLY as you would expect, but the third and fourth scenario within that same feature file will be skipped and all passed.
Is there anything special to consider about features with more than 2 scenarios?
As long as I have <= 2 scenarios per feature files, everything works fine, but the moment I had a third scenario to that feature file, that third scenario is ignored and skipped.
Any ideas?
Without seeing your actual steps I can't say for sure but it sounds like an asynchronous issue or dare I say it, a syntax error in the scenario. Have you tried changing the order of the scenarios to see if that has an impact.

Weird (intermittent) Can't set headers after they are sent error

Have a very strange intermittent problem, and one that I just can not understand at all. Not certain it is code related, bug in express or just me missing something.
Have an app, all in MEAN, that like so many other apps around does a bunch of API calls. Some even in parallel.
It all worked perfect this morning, actually, read the "where it gets weird", but then all of a sudden it stops working and the server starts falling over with the below error:
GET /api/skillList 304 45.345 ms - -
throw new Error('Can\'t set headers after they are sent.');
Error: Can't set headers after they are sent.
at ServerResponse.OutgoingMessage.setHeader (_http_outgoing.js:335:11)
at ServerResponse.header (/Users/bengtbjorkberg/WebstormProjects/ResourceEdge/node_modules/express/lib/response.js:695:10)
at ServerResponse.json (/Users/bengtbjorkberg/WebstormProjects/ResourceEdge/node_modules/express/lib/response.js:232:10)
at /Users/bengtbjorkberg/WebstormProjects/ResourceEdge/routes/api.js:78:9
at /Users/bengtbjorkberg/WebstormProjects/ResourceEdge/node_modules/mongoose/node_modules/kareem/index.js:160:11
at Query._findOne (/Users/bengtbjorkberg/WebstormProjects/ResourceEdge/node_modules/mongoose/lib/query.js:1145:12)
at /Users/bengtbjorkberg/WebstormProjects/ResourceEdge/node_modules/mongoose/node_modules/kareem/index.js:156:8
at /Users/bengtbjorkberg/WebstormProjects/ResourceEdge/node_modules/mongoose/node_modules/kareem/index.js:18:7
at process._tickCallback (node.js:355:11)
Process finished with exit code 1
What I have checked.
Threw tons of log messages, looks like it falls over at different places, or I am missing one of the places
Spent a lot of time looking at the last call (/api/skilllist), to be working quite OK.
Where it gets REALLY weird
If I start the developer console in Chrome, the problem DOES NOT OCCURE, which is probably why it worked all day but then stopped working when I wanted to show it to someone...
While I was writing this, I realised that I could use safari, and it falls over with the java console on, and it is the same line server side. And its the database call below. But if I turn the console on in Chrome, it starts working... What am I missing
exports.canlist = function (req, res) {
// use mongoose to get all profiles in the database
console.log("Canlist called");
Profile.find( {}, {'_id':1, 'alias':1, 'img':1, 'summary':1, 'keys':1}, function(err, profiles) {
// if there is an error retrieving, send the error. nothing after res.send(err) will execute
if (err) {
console.log("Error " + err)
console.log("Sending back " + profiles.length + " profiles")
res.json(profiles); // return all todos in JSON format
So, after much faffing about, I figured it out. Not why it works when using java console it open on Chrome.
Basically the res.send(err) command is wrong.
First its missing return.
Secondly I THINK you are suppose to use the longer form like this:
return res.status(500).send(err);
return res.json(profile);
Think the problem was that it was confusing express, which probably do some pre processing, which may explain why it "seems" to blow up at all kind of times.
(Would have kept quiet about this, as it is a bit of a ridiculous mistake, but it saves someone a few hours staring at the screen I might get a christmas card this year. (or at least get to tell santa that I've been a good boy)

How to exit a testcase in protractor if element contains value

I've been writing a suite of tests in Protractor, and am almost finished. I'm having difficulty figuring out how to do something fairly common though. I want to be able to check if a textbox contains a value, and if so, exit the testcase with a failure. (If the textbox contains a value, I know there's no chance the test case can pass anyway)
I'm currently trying something like this:
//attr contains the correct value in the textbox here but how do I return it to parent scope so I can exit the test case?
console.log("attr length is " + attr.length);
console.log("An error was caught while evaluating Date of Birth text value: " + err);
The expect statement fails as I'd expect it to, but the testcase keeps going, which seems to be the intended behavior of expect. So I tried returning a true/false from within the 'then' block, but I can't seem to figure out how to return that value to the parent scope to make a determination on. In other words, if I change the above to:
var trueFalse = tasksPage.generalInformationDateOfBirthTextbox.getAttribute('value').then(function(attr){
if(attr === ""){
return true;
return false;
console.log("An error was caught while evaluating Date of Birth text value: " + err);
//This is the 'it' block's scope
if(trueFalse == true){
I know my inexperience with promises is probably to blame for this trouble. Basically, I just want a way of saying, 'if such and such textbox contains text, stop the test case with a failure'.
This is not a protractor issue, it is a testing framework issue (jasmine, mocha etc).
Though, there was an issue on protractor's issue tracker:
--fail-fast CLI option
which was closed with a reference to an opened issue in jasmine issue tracker:
Feature Request - fail-fast option
While this is not implemented, there is a workaround (originally mentioned here):
jasmine-bail-fast package
After installing the module with npm, when you want your test to fail and exit, add:
(don't forget to load the dependency require('jasmine-bail-fast');)
Also see:
Does jasmine-node offer any type of "fail fast" option?
The issue with the code above is that you are trying to compare a 'Promise' and a 'value'.
OR compare it via an expect statement. Something like expect(trueFalse).toBe(false);
