SimGrid. How to write comparator? - c

I have a dynamic array of hosts:
xbt_dynar_t dynar_host = xbt_dynar_new(sizeof(MSG_host_t), NULL);
Each host contains information about its speed in flops.
I want to sort it by their host's speed. In documentation I found function xbt_dynar_sort. This function accepts two parameters: dynamic array itself and comparator int_f_cpvoid_cpvoid_t compar_fn.
Any advises or example how can this comparator be written?

This function only apply the standard qsort function to the data stored in the dynar, so you should also read the libc documentation, the man page or this tutorial for more info.
So you should write a function somehow similar to the following:
int mycmp(void *a,void*b)
MSG_host_t hostA = *(MSG_host_t*)a;
MSG_host_t hostB = *(MSG_host_t*)b;
double valA = MSG_host_get_speed(hostA);
double valB = MSG_host_get_speed(hostB)
return (valA > valB) - (valA < valB);
And then, call xbt_dynar_sort(dynar, mycmp) to sort your dynar.
Note that the actual comparison on the return line of the function is a bit complicated. This is a way to obey the function semantic (return -1 if A < B, 0 if A==B and 1 if A > B) in a way that is numerically stable. This is as advised in the relevant documentation of libc.


What is "IsA()" function in C?

In pure C code in different projects that involve Postgresql server programming which I'm working with now, I keep encountering the function "IsA()" which returns a boolean and checks whether or not 2 instances of a struct belong to the same struct. I suppose.
One of them:
for (i = 0; i < nplans; i++)
PlanState *subnode = bitmapplans[i];
TIDBitmap *subresult;
subresult = (TIDBitmap *) MultiExecProcNode(subnode);
if (!subresult || !IsA(subresult, TIDBitmap)) /*what's IsA(...) ? */
elog(ERROR, "unrecognized result from subplan");
if (result == NULL)
result = subresult; /* first subplan */
I need to port some of that C code to other strictly typed language. Hence, I need to know how "isA()" is implemented under the hood. But I haven't found it anywhere. Supposedly it's defined in some library.
Where can I find its definition?
IsA is a macro which is defined in this header file in Postgresql source code.

.C() returns me an empty list

I'm a beginner in R and I'm trying to load a .dll file, named dll.dll, that's written in C, into R. It seems to work, now I want to use the functions that are stored in the .dll file and I encounter problems.
I've searched for a solution or other method in manuals, here and on google. Would be very thankful if I could get a suggestion of what to use or any idea!
My code:
# For some reason True with capital letters, not in lower case
output <- .C("DLL_FUNK", in9 = as.integer(7))
#output # R Crashes before I can write this.
# R Crashes
# In outdata.txt: "in-value= 139375128"
The function should return a number, 1955. But I can't seem to get to that value. What am I doing wrong?
Update with code (Fortran runned as C), this is the code in dll.dll:
subroutine dll_funk(in9)
implicit none
!*** Declarations: variables, functions
integer(4) :: in9
!integer :: in9
! Definitions of variables in the external function calls
!!dec$ attributes c,alias :'dll_funk' :: dll_funk
!dec$ attributes dllexport :: dll_funk
!dec$ attributes value :: in9
write(194,*) 'in-value=', in9
! in9 = 1955
end subroutine
!end function
So now when it runs, R crashes but before it writes to my file (outdata.txt) but it't not my number, maybe some kind of address...
Another question, do you recommend me to run the code with .C and from C run the Fortran code or is it better to run it with .Fortran with only Fortran code?
It seems like .Fortran have problem handling strings, or that's what I understood from: Interface func .C and .Fortran
Why did not you pass any arguments to your C function dll_function? When you use .C(), you have to pass function arguments as a list. .C() will return modified list. So, If you pass in nothing, you get nothing.
What does your C function dll_function looks like? Note that:
dll_function must be a void C function, with no return values. If this function should return something, it must return by modifying function arguments;
all function arguments of dll_function must be pointers.
The dll_function is only to test if I can get access to it.
You can use is.loaded() after dyn.load() to test whether you have access to the C function:
is.loaded("dll_function") ## TRUE
Note that, is.loaded takes C function name, while dyn.load() takes .dll name. In general you can have multiple functions in a single .dll file. You can use is.loaded() to check either of them, to test whether shared library has been loaded successfully.
So if I want it to return something, I should give it an argument (of same type?)?
Yes. The other answer here does give a toy example. You can have a look at this answer I made half a month ago. At the bottom there is a summary of variable type.
When using .C, the extra arguments passed to .C are copied and passed on as pointers to the called c-function. This function can then modify the data pointer to by the pointers. The return value of the function is ignored by .C. So, you c-function should look something like:
void dll_function(int* result) {
/* Do some complicated computation that results in 1955 */
(*result) = 1955;
And your call from R:
.C("dll_function", integer(1))
An example with input (this calculates the sum of an integer vector; this example assumes that there are no missing values in vector):
void dll_function2(int* result, int* vector, int* length) {
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < (*length); ++i, ++vector) {
sum += (*vector)
(*result) = sum;
Called from R:
x <- c(1000, 900, 55)
.C("dll_function2", integer(1), as.integer(x), length(x))[[1]]

passing unevaluated expressions to C/C++

I'd like to pass a variable number of arguments from a function to C/C++, but would like to leave the arguments unevaluated and at the same time don't want to do any computations in R (aside from calling the C/C++ function), i.e. I don't want to call substitute in my R function. One option for this that I thought I could use is .External and doing smth like this:
R_fn = function(...) .External("cpp_fn", ...)
# and in C code:
SEXP cpp_fn (SEXP arglist) {
However .External is evaluating arguments in ..., so if I try something like
rm(x, y) # just making sure these don't exist
I get an error because R is trying to evaluate x*y before sending it to the function.
To contrast, the following works in R:
f = function(...) g(...)
g = function(x, ...) print(substitute(x))
# x * y * z
What other options do I have? Clearly it's possible to do as R itself does it for a number of functions, e.g. substitute itself, but I don't understand how to do it. I added the rcpp tag because my eventual usage of this is going to be in Rcpp.
One possibility is to do what does (thanks to Ricardo Saporta for pointing me in that direction). This requires copy-pasting a few definitions from R source code that I won't do here, but the basic idea is to get the calling function from R_GlobalContext and then extract the function arguments from there. The rough sketch is as follows:
R_fn = function(...) .Call("cpp_fn")
// and in C++ code
Language cpp_fn() {
SEXP sysp = ((RCNTXT*)R_GlobalContext)->sysparent;
RCNTXT *cptr = (RCNTXT*)R_GlobalContext;
while (cptr != NULL) {
if (cptr->callflag & CTXT_FUNCTION && cptr->cloenv == sysp)
cptr = cptr->nextcontext;
cptr = cptr->nextcontext; // because this is called from .Call and not from R_fn
// and now cptr->promargs has the unevaluated arguments to do as one pleases
// e.g.
Language firstArg(R_PromiseExpr(CAR(cptr->promargs)));
return firstArg;

Understanding how .Internal C functions are handled in R

I wonder if anyone can illustrate to me how R executes a C call from an R command typed at the console prompt. I am particularly confused by R's treatment of a) function arguments and b) the function call itself.
Let's take an example, in this case set.seed(). Wondering how it works I type the name in at the prompt, get the source (look here for more on that), see there is eventually a .Internal(set.seed(seed, i.knd, normal.kind), so dutifully look up the relevant function name in the .Internals section of /src/names.c, find it is called do_setseed and is in RNG.c which leads me to...
SEXP attribute_hidden do_setseed (SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP env)
SEXP skind, nkind;
int seed;
checkArity(op, args);
if(!isNull(CAR(args))) {
seed = asInteger(CAR(args));
if (seed == NA_INTEGER)
error(_("supplied seed is not a valid integer"));
} else seed = TimeToSeed();
skind = CADR(args);
nkind = CADDR(args);
//DO RNG here
return R_NilValue;
What are CAR, CADR, CADDR? My research leads me to believe they are a Lisp influenced construct concerning lists but beyond that I do not understand what these functions do or why they are needed.
What does checkArity() do?
SEXP args seems self explanatory, but is this a list of the
arguments that is passed in the function call?
What does SEXP op represent? I take this to mean operator (like in binary functions such as +), but then what is the SEXP call for?
Is anyone able to flow through what happens when I type
at the R console prompt, up to the point at which skind and nkind are defined? I find I am not able to well understand the source code at this level and path from interpreter to C function.
CAR and CDR are how you access pairlist objects, as explained in section 2.1.11 of R Language Definition. CAR contains the first element, and CDR contains the remaining elements. An example is given in section 5.10.2 of Writing R Extensions:
#include <R.h>
#include <Rinternals.h>
SEXP convolveE(SEXP args)
int i, j, na, nb, nab;
double *xa, *xb, *xab;
SEXP a, b, ab;
a = PROTECT(coerceVector(CADR(args), REALSXP));
b = PROTECT(coerceVector(CADDR(args), REALSXP));
/* The macros: */
first = CADR(args);
second = CADDR(args);
third = CADDDR(args);
fourth = CAD4R(args);
/* provide convenient ways to access the first four arguments.
* More generally we can use the CDR and CAR macros as in: */
args = CDR(args); a = CAR(args);
args = CDR(args); b = CAR(args);
There's also a TAG macro to access the names given to the actual arguments.
checkArity ensures that the number of arguments passed to the function is correct. args are the actual arguments passed to the function. op is offset pointer "used for C functions that deal with more than one R function" (quoted from src/main/names.c, which also contains the table showing the offset and arity for each function).
For example, do_colsum handles col/rowSums and col/rowMeans.
/* Table of .Internal(.) and .Primitive(.) R functions
* ===== ========= ==========
* Each entry is a line with
* printname c-entry offset eval arity pp-kind precedence rightassoc
* --------- ------- ------ ---- ----- ------- ---------- ----------
{"colSums", do_colsum, 0, 11, 4, {PP_FUNCALL, PREC_FN, 0}},
{"colMeans", do_colsum, 1, 11, 4, {PP_FUNCALL, PREC_FN, 0}},
{"rowSums", do_colsum, 2, 11, 4, {PP_FUNCALL, PREC_FN, 0}},
{"rowMeans", do_colsum, 3, 11, 4, {PP_FUNCALL, PREC_FN, 0}},
Note that arity in the above table is 4 because (even though rowSums et al only have 3 arguments) do_colsum has 4, which you can see from the .Internal call in rowSums:
> rowSums
function (x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1L)
if (
x <- as.matrix(x)
if (!is.array(x) || length(dn <- dim(x)) < 2L)
stop("'x' must be an array of at least two dimensions")
if (dims < 1L || dims > length(dn) - 1L)
stop("invalid 'dims'")
p <- prod(dn[-(1L:dims)])
dn <- dn[1L:dims]
z <- if (is.complex(x))
.Internal(rowSums(Re(x), prod(dn), p, na.rm)) + (0+1i) *
.Internal(rowSums(Im(x), prod(dn), p, na.rm))
else .Internal(rowSums(x, prod(dn), p, na.rm))
if (length(dn) > 1L) {
dim(z) <- dn
dimnames(z) <- dimnames(x)[1L:dims]
else names(z) <- dimnames(x)[[1L]]
The basic C-level pairlist extraction functions are CAR and CDR. (Pairlists are very similar to lists but are implemented as a linked-list and are used internally for argument lists). They have simple R equivalents: x[[1]] and x[-1]. R also provides lots of combinations of the two:
CAAR(x) = CAR(CAR(x)) which is equivalent to x[[1]][[1]]
CADR(x) = CAR(CDR(x)) which is equivalent to x[-1][[1]], i.e. x[[2]]
CADDR(x) = CAR(CDR(CDR(x)) is equivalent to x[-1][-1][[1]], i.e. x[[3]]
and so on
Accessing the nth element of a pairlist is an O(n) operation, unlike accessing the nth element of a list which is O(1). This is why there aren't nicer functions for accessing the nth element of a pairlist.
Internal/primitive functions don't do matching by name, they only use positional matching, which is why they can use this simple system for extracting the arguments.
Next you need to understand what the arguments to the C function are. I'm not sure where these are documented, so I might not be completely right about the structure, but I should be the general pieces:
call: the complete call, as might be captured by
op: the index of the .Internal function called from R. This is needed because there is a many-to-1 mapping from .Internal functions to C functions. (e.g. do_summary implements sum, mean, min, max and prod). The number is the third entry in names.c - it's always 0 for do_setseed and hence never used
args: a pair list of the arguments supplied to the function.
env: the environment from which the function was called.
checkArity is a macro which calls Rf_checkArityCall, which basically looks up the number of arguments (the fifth column in names.c is arity) and make sure the supplied number matches. You have to follow through quite a few macros and functions in C to see what's going on - it's very helpful to have a local copy of R-source that you can grep through.

Lua library -- returning an array in lua from C

I'm not sure if the title correctly reflects my question.
I have a library implemented in C for lua provided to me by my employer.
They have it reading a bunch of data out of a modbus device such that:
readFunc(Address, numReads)
will start at Address and read numRead amount of registers. Currently this returns data in the following way:
A, B, C, D = readFunc(1234, 4)
However, we need to do 32+ reads at a time for some of our functions and I really don't want to have reply1, reply2... reply32+ listed in my code every time I do this.
Ideally, I would like to do something like:
array_of_awesome_data = {}
array_of_awesome_data = readFunc(1234, 32)
where array_of_awesome_data[1] would correspond to A in the way we do it now.
In the current C code I was given, each data is returned in a loop:
lua_pushinteger(L, retData);
How would I go about adjusting a C implemented lua library to allow the lua function to return an array?
Note: a loop of multiple reads is too inefficient on our device so we need to do 1 big read. I do not know enough of the details to justify why, but it is what I was told.
In Lua, you can receive a list returned from a function using table.pack, e.g.:
array_of_awesome_data = table.pack(readFunc(1234, 32))
Or in C, if you want to return a table instead of a list of results, you need to first push a table onto the stack, and then push each item on the stack and add it to the table. It would have something like the following:
num_results=32; /* set this dynamically */
lua_createtable(L, num_results, 0);
for (i=0; i<num_results; i++) {
lua_pushinteger(L, retData[i]);
lua_rawseti (L, -2, i+1); /* In lua indices start at 1 */
