Why is angular making my inputfield empty? - angularjs

The value of my inputfield is set but why is my inputfield still empty ? I am using a combination of laravel en angular :
inputfield html :
value="{{ old('name') }}"
ng-model-options='{ debounce: 300 }'
ng-class="{ enabled : nameIsValid }"
placeholder="Your nickname"

It is hard to tell the reason if you don't put your controller code in here. But here are some assuptions from my part:
you don't need to set the value if you bind an input-field with ng-model.
rather then ng-change I would use a $scope.$watch() function
are you using more than one scope in this template? maybe changes made by the child-scope aren't altering the original variable of the $parent-scope


There is no directive with "exportAs" set to "ngModel"

I am using angular 2 forms in my application and i have created the input based on my model. I have binded my input field with ngmodel and now I want to do a dirty check on this input field. So i have added input with # variable. Here is my code:-
<input type="text" [ngClass]="{red: sampledetails.rules[0].query3.dirty}" class="form-control" name="query3" id="query3" [(ngModel)]="sampledetails.rules[0].query3" #query3="ngModel">
But I am getting an error something like:-
There is no directive with "exportAs" set to "ngModel" ("="form-control" name="query3" id="query3" [(ngModel)]="sampledetails.rules[0].query3" [ERROR ->]#query3="ngModel">
Can anybody help me here..
You dont need to use #query3="ngModel" for angular.js 2,
so change
<input type="text" [ngClass]="{red: sampledetails.rules[0].query3.dirty}"
class="form-control" name="query3" id="query3"
[(ngModel)]="sampledetails.rules[0].query3" #query3="ngModel">
to (this will work)
<input type="text" [ngClass]="{red: sampledetails.rules[0].query3.dirty}"
class="form-control" name="query3" id="query3"
[(ngModel)]="sampledetails.rules[0].query3" >

Angular Strap data-minute-step set dynamic

I tried to set up data-minute-step={{somevalue}} but if I change the value, it doesn't update the picker. Can I do something about it?
<input type="number" ng-model="stepSize">
<input bs-timepicker data-minute-step="{{stepSize}}">
This is what I have:
<input id="timetable.amountPerLeson"
placeholder="45 min"
<input id="timetable.start"
ng-show="slot.name === 'Hours'" >
I took a look on the source code and it doesn't seem to watch changes on the attributes - They are evaluated only once, so that's why chaning the data-minute-step via input doens't work.
The workaround I can suggest is to force rendering the timepicker element, when you update the minutes steps:
<input id="timetable.amountPerLeson" class="form-control" type="number" step="15" placeholder="45 min"
ng-model="durationStep" ng-change="minutesUpdated()">
<input id="timetable.start" class="form-control" type="text" placeholder="date"
bs-timepicker data-time-format="HH:mm" data-length="1" ng-attr-data-minute-step="{{durationStep}}"
data-arrow-behavior="picker" ng-show="slot.name === 'Hours'" ng-if="!renderTimePicker">
Add the render function to the controller (Make sure you inject $timeout):
$scope.minutesUpdated = function() {
$scope.renderTimePicker = true;
$timeout(function() {
$scope.renderTimePicker = false;
Changing the minutes step from the view will trigger the $scope.minutesUpdated() function, it will remove the timepicker from the view (Because I added ng-if="!renderTimePicker" to the element), and bring it back again after the view has rendered (By resetting $scope.renderTimePicker = false; inside the $timeout).
Please note that I changed the data-minute-step to ng-attr-data-minute-step because I think it will make it work.

Angular js - Clone data realtime from one field to another

Trying to figure out form related angular technique. Im new to angularjs and started digging deep into it.
Well im trying to get current and permanent address in a form. When the "same as current" checkbox is checked then value of current address field is written in permanent address field ng-value.
While permanent address field is typed first and then we checked "same as current" not overwriting field from current address ng-value.
Current Address field
<input type="text" class="h-textform form-control" id="exampleInputEmail3" name="current_address_line1" ng-model="contacts.current_address_line1" placeholder="House Number">
checkbox :
<input type="checkbox" value="disable" checked="checked" ng-model="sameascurrent">Same as Current
Permenent Address :
<input type="text" class="h-textform form-control" ng-if="sameascurrent" id="exampleInputEmail3" ng-value="contacts.current_address_line1" name="permenent_address_line1" ng-model="contacts.permenent_address_line1" ng-disabled="sameascurrent" placeholder="House Number">
<input type="text" class="h-textform form-control" ng-if="!sameascurrent" id="exampleInputEmail3" name="permenent_address_line1" ng-model="contacts.permenent_address_line1" ng-disabled="sameascurrent" placeholder="House Number">
Any help would be appreciated.
Move overwriting logic to controller. For permanent address use similar inputs as for current (no ng-value only ng-model) plus ng-disabled.
<input type="text" class="h-textform form-control" id="exampleInputEmail3" name="permenent_address_line1" ng-model="contacts.permenent_address_line1" ng-disabled="sameascurrent" placeholder="House Number">
<input type="text" class="h-textform form-control" id="exampleInputEmail3" name="permenent_address_line2" ng-model="contacts.permenent_address_line2" ng-disabled="sameascurrent" placeholder="Street Name">
Add ng-change to checkbox input:
<input type="checkbox" ng-change="change()" value="disable" checked="checked" ng-model="sameascurrent">Same as Current
and function called when checkbox is changed in controller. This function overwrites model of permanent address if sameascurrent is true.
$scope.change = function () {
if ($scope.sameascurrent) {
$scope.contacts.permenent_address_line1 = $scope.contacts.current_address_line1;
$scope.contacts.permenent_address_line2 = $scope.contacts.current_address_line2;
See http://plnkr.co/edit/aEuG62gaUh5U4Xl5ZUTv?p=preview
<input type="text" class="h-textform form-control" ng-if="sameascurrent" id="exampleInputEmail3" !!ng-value="contacts.current_address_line1"!! name="permenent_address_line1" ng-model="contacts.permenent_address_line1" ng-disabled="sameascurrent" placeholder="House Number">
Remove ng-value from input. Ng-value is used to set values like objects to the radio box or smth like this.
UPD: Just remember. When you are using ng-model, this means that value from input will be dynamicly set to the your model. So you can bind it from model to anywhere you wont
ng-value just set the filed once, for realtime data clone,you can write your own $watch method inside the controller:
function sync(){
var contacts = $scope.contacts;
contacts.permenent_address_line1 = contacts.current_address_line1;
contacts.permenent_address_line2 = contacts.current_address_line2;
For more detail on $watch, you can refer angular docs for $scope

Is there any way that ng-model directive bind data after 10 seconds or after some time?

I have a search field and i want that the binding of search textbox reflected after some time.Thanks in advance.
Here is my code
<div ng-controller="appointment as vm">
Search By Description : <input class="form-control" placeholder="search by description" type="text" ng-model="vm.filterText" />
{{vm.filterText}} </div>
You could use ng-model-options on your input field
<input type="text" ng-model="vm.filterText" ng-model-options="{debounce: { 'default': 10000}"/>
the ng-model-options directive will surely help you. You can update the binding after specified time or on blur event.
try this code
Search By Description : <input class="form-control" placeholder="search by description" type="text" ng-model="vm.filterText" ng-model-options={ debounce: 1000 } />
See example of ng-model-options http://learnit.visrosoftware.com/try/kfPWlU4N
Try using $interval in your directive. If you can share your directive as well, that will help.

Get the Date from Datepicker programmatically as Text

I'm trying to get a date, which is displayed in an input of the bootstrap ui datepicker as pure text. Therefore I use a span.
Now I want to get the text of the span, but it doesn't work. Actually, I get an undefined. Do you have some tips for me?
<input type="text" class="form-control" datepicker-popup="{{format}}" ng-model="dt" is-open="opened" min-date="minDate" max-date="'2020-06-22'" datepicker-options="dateOptions" date-disabled="disabled(date, mode)" ng-required="true" close-text="Close" />
<span ng-model="textDate">{{dt | date:'dd.MM.yyyy' }}</span>
$scope.$watch('dt', function() {
var tD = $scope.textDate.value;
Inject $filter into your controller/service and extract the date as a string like so
$scope.getDate = function() {
return $filter('date')($scope.dt, 'dd.MM.yyyy');
Plunkr here
Side-note: Assuming that dt already has two-way binding, I don't think it's necessary to $watch for changes. Instead, you can directly use $filter('date')($scope.dt, 'dd.MM.yyyy') where you need the string value.
Angular's ngModel won't work on a span since it is read only. You need some kind of input for two-way-binding with a ng-model. For this you could use a binding to a getter/setter of the model used on the input field. Here is an example:
<input type="text" name="userName"
ng-model-options="{ getterSetter: true }" />
<span ng-bind="vm.dt()"></span>
By adding ng-model-options="{ getterSetter: true }" will expose the model to a getter/setter which is a function you can simply call on your span. Also I would recommend to use the controllerAs syntax to avoid problems with scopes. Notice the vm is the alias for the controller around the input and span.
For more information check the documentation on ngModel.
