Angularjs get id cross html files - angularjs

I have divided the whole page(post.html) into two pages. The right one shows google map(with search box) and the left one I use to make the post_side.html page showing up.
Inside the post_side.html, I use to make some other pages shows up by nested states.
The problem is that I cannot get the input id(the search box in post_side.html or even some other files) to control the map(shows in post.html) without trigger(no button click).
If it is possible to make this happen?


React two click handling

I have a coverflow in my program that select an image on click, but I need to have functionality that when you click on the chosen image a second time, it links you to a route.
Like with itunes, you can scrowl side by side the coverflow to chose the correct album and click again to access it's page.
The coverflow has the attribute handleSelect. I want the first click to select the image and make it bigger and in the center of the coverflow, and for the second click to follow the route.
Is it doable?
I use this coverflow:
For the first click figure out to enlarge image ,You have to do a complete change in you css .It is easier to add the enlargement when hovered, because that makes more sense ,Anyway add counts to the onClick function you are using and then do the complete routing in that function when the clickcCount exedes you limit..

Angular JS, how to have two seperate "main" displays that can both change frequently

I am using Angular with Node to create a Web-APP. The back-end will be building a standard JSON RESTful API, and that is going normally. As for the front end, I am running into a little bit of problems. So my website is designed in a way where there are essentially TWO main displays. Eg. Two windows inside the website that can change frequently. I have NO IDEA how I should implement this! So far I have split my website into directives, eg each "display window" is its own directive, and I was thinking maybe use $localStorage and just have a bunch of ng-ifs inside each HTML file for each directive, switching the view depending on some value in $localStorage. Eg. Person clicks a button, some value in local storage changes to 10, an ng-if inside the directive displays the correct "view" inside the display because the value 10 represents some view. The problem is that I will have to put ALL my HTML in one file, and Im not even sure if this will work! Any suggestions? Any help appreciated!
PS. The two "main displays" can change without the other one changing, hence why I didnt want to group them into 1 view. They are separate entities, and programatically it makes more sense to split them up! They are also physically seperated on the screen (bottom right and top right, seperated by a bar)
For displaying two separates views in the same page, you have to use AngularUI Router because the native ngView directive only supports one.

AngularJS Route-Based Animations

I am using AngularJS for a mobile web application and would like to get some "mobile-like" animations to make it look really sharp. My ideal goal would be animations similar to the iPhone's Gmail application, which incorporates lots of animations, like pages sliding from left/right/bottom. And the menu bar fades in/out simultaneously.
I think applying multiple animations at once would require more than one ng-view, which isn't supported at the moment, so I'll hold off on that.
Right now, I just want to be able to make a simple slide-left and slide-right animation similar to how many mobile apps work when you go back and forth between pages. I'd want to have a Back button in my application and somehow be able to specify that this animation should be right-to-left. And a Forward button that I can say has an animation of left-to-right, etc.
This page has exactly what I want (the second demo where the pages slide both left AND right):
However, this demo is using the deprecated ng-animate command. I haven't been able to convert it.
I attempted to make this using the new AngularJS way of animating. I THINK the issue I'm running into is that when I change routes, I have two ng-view's at the same time and the "old" one still has the animation applied to it, so it looks weird.
Here is my attempt:
Try pressing Run/Stop each time. I like how when you first run it and press B, both pages slide out together. But then the 2nd time when you press A, one page maintains the slide-right animation while the other does the slide-left, which I don't like. I also tried just removing the ng-leave CSS classes, but that adds some weird issues as well.
How can I update this code to make standard left-to-right and right-to-left sliding animations work?
Bonus: How can I structure the code to easily specify how I want each route/view change to animate? (Example: A-to-B = Left/Right, B-to-A = Right/Left)

Conditional Formatting based on layout view

Another question for you Filemaker Pro experts. The database I am developing starts with a Main layout with a number of buttons (e.g. insert new item, show all items, etc.). Each button is associated to a script, which takes the user to the relevant layout. In each of these layouts I show the buttons in a row, and highlight the current layout with inverse colour.
My problem is that some of the buttons lead to the same layout, viewed in different modes, and I don't know how to conditionally highlight the right button.
For instance, Insert new item and Show all items take to the same layout, however in the first case the script views the layout as a form and inserts a new record, while in the second I view as a list and show all records. The layout is the same, though, so I'd need to enact a conditional formatting based on something. How do I do that, and what should I check against?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Presumably you are currently using the formula: Get (LayoutName) to decide on your conditional formula, why not try additionally using formulas: Get(WindowMode) and Get(LayoutViewState)?
You could conditionally format the button if (which sends user to MyLayout in browse mode):
Get(WindowMode)=0 and Get(LayoutName)="MyLayout"
Or (which sends user to MyLayout in form view):
Get(LayoutViewState)=0 and Get(LayoutName)="MyLayout"
Other functions which may help could be Get(FoundCount) and Get(TotalRecordCount). You can see the entire list of Get functions here.

history and selection model questions

I am trying to build an app using Extjs 4.1. In general: it is a viewport with a tree panel on the west and a center panel that it is actually a tab-holder panel. When a user clicks on a tree node a tab is populating the center view. I had set an attribute in the tree panel that after selecting a node it gets deselected (deselectAll). The reason for this is that the user can open many tabs from different places (e.g. within each tab). But, when I set the above attribute it is producing an error (the “data” is undefined). The data that is undefined is the data related to the tree node. So, the question concerning selection model:
How can I address this problem (a solution may be to select the fist node, but I don’t want it)?
As for the history utility, I need to implement browser back button. Especially I want to disable browser’s refresh button. If user opens let’s say 15 tabs and accidentally click on browser refresh or “F5” he/she will lose everything. I had tried many things but with no luck. I am unable to understand “Ext history util”. So,
Is there any good example out there?
Could anybody guide me on how to do it?
Notice that the application is built respecting the new “MVC” architecture.
Stopping the refresh event is pretty easy - providing that your page has the focus. E.g.:
Ext.getDoc().on('keypress', function(event) {
if (event.getCharCode() == event.F5) {
console.log('you stopped the refresh event');
If your page doesn't have the focus then there is nothing that can be done -- but most of the time your page loses the focus when a different browser tab is opened so F5 would be refreshing that one instead anyway.
I'm still trying to wrap my wits around the first part of your question, but I thought I would share that.
Instead of trying to stop the default browser behavior (something which you can only do on a very limited basis), you should look into state management. ExtJS supports it on many components. Here is the ExtJS example.
Also here is the example of controlling browser history.
