MYOB API. Using getrange against server returns localhost in URI - myob

When I use getrange against a server the URIs all show localhost.
Is this normal?
I get a communication error when I go forward and want to eliminate this rather basic item.
Thanks in advance

The public address on the server needs to get set to the correct network address. The default seems to be localhost, so any links generated by the server will only work when opened on the server itself.
You can change the public network address in the MYOB API config file. That should be located on the server at C:\Program Files (x86)\MYOB\API\2.x.x.x\. The xml config file should be called MYOB.AccountRight.API.WindowsServiceHost.exe.config.
In the config file, under <appSettings> there should be a PublicAddressServer key. Update the corresponding value with the correct network address or DNS name for the server.
Lastly, restart the MYOB API service for the changes to take effect. The Windows service name should be MYOB AccountRight API Service.
Give that a try and see if it helps!
Edit: Source -


Connecting to SQL Server named instance without DNS resolution using hosts file

I am hoping to get some input on a configuration challenge I am having with a connection string connecting to a named SQL server instance when DNS resolution is not available.
What I have is a third party application that gets a connection string injected into a web.config file via a configuration utility. The configuration uses the server-name\instance-name format to connect to SQL server.
However, the server itself does not have the ability to resolve the name via DNS so it will not work. I can get the database connection working by using the IP address and unfortunately I cannot change the instance name that gets pushed to the web.config file.
I am trying to avoid having this break and need to be manually adjusted any time the configuration gets pushed.
What I am hoping to do is utilize the hosts file to get the connection working properly, but maybe there is another solution.
The database is a named instance, but is using the default port so in my hosts file I am able to add this:
Server-IP Server-Name
and then in my web.config use just the server name server-name in the connection string data source to make a connection.
However, the configuration will always push the data source as server-name\instance-name so I need to somehow get that additional instance name working in my local resolution.
I did try in the hosts file:
Server-Ip Server-Name\Instance-Name
but that did not work. Also server-name\instance-name in the connection string does not work with just the server-name in the hosts file.
As a reference all of the following will work in the connection string without anything in the hosts file:
but the only thing I can get working is server-name only in the hosts file and connection string.
As indicated by AlwaysLearning in the comments, the solution was to allow udp/1434 access for SSRP queries.

Connecting to clickhouse on remote server fails with weird address

I have a clickhouse server running on Linux subsystem for Windows on a Windows 2016 server. I've setup firewall rules for both inbound and outbound connections on both 9000 and 8123 ports. I used the default config. When I try to connect remotely got this exception:
DB::Exception: User default is not allowed to connect from address ::ffff:
How should a user config look like so that a remote connection goes through.
In the users.xml configure the networks settings
In config.xml uncomment
You should allow access from external networks for default user. Add
to default user configuration. More details here.
Also it should be enabled by default.
I figured out the issue by myself.
I noticed that by default there is a allow_only_from_localhost.xml file inside the dbms\src\Server\user.d directory. So I thought I should remove this file and everything is going to work. It did not help, but I got inspired and moved my networks.xml file into the dbms\src\Server\user.d directory and TA-DA! remote connection finaly started working. Aside from relocating the file, I also adjusted its content, so that it matched the syntax from allow_only_from_localhost.xml file. It did not matter, Whether I kept the allow_only_from_localhost.xml file in the dbms\src\Server\user.d directory or not, remote connection worked in both cases.

SSRS Data Source Connection Issue?

I deploy a report solution from Visual Studio report builder and upload several reports onto SSRS.
I try my connection but failed and other previous reports which used different connection setting worked.
Please see below the two connection settings: The first figure is mine and the second figure is others'. The only difference is the 'Data Source' in 'Connection String'. Can you please advice why this cause the problem and how I can fix it? If I use 'localhost' to create my data source in my local desktop, the report cannot be compiled successfully.
This issue seams with user RepoerReader.
At your local database you have crated user RepoerReader
But your remote database located database you you do not have user RepoerReader and are you sure and make sure port is correct or your password is wrong.
I fixed the problem by the following tricks:
When you first time deploy the solution, you should set the properties properly, like figures showing. Normally, I only configured 'Debug' because I use a single server for both data source and report delivery.
Set TargetServerURL with the client end IP address unless you are on the server itself which can be 'localhost'. This would make sure you deliver the reports to the right remote server withour error.
Login the SSRS and check the data source loaded. Normally, SSRS would automatically change the IP address into 'localhost' which is good to go for report viewing. If it still was the IP address as what I described in the question, you can try to go back to the Visual Studio report builder and change the IP address into 'localhost'. Then, don't preview the report but directly deploy the solution which ensure the new data source takes 'localhost' in SSRS. For the report was ever deployed to a specified server, so 'localhost' would not make any ambiguousness and the deployment can still locate the same server to renew the stuffs in SSRS. A key thing here is to reset the 'OverwriteDataSource' into 'True'.
Hope this help. Cheers

Using qXL library to query a table from kdb+ server instance

Has anyone had experience on using the qXL library to query a table from kdb+ server instance? The example provided in Github is for the local kdb+ instance rather querying a server instance.
I haven't used it, but the example at the bottom of the page you referenced suggests that you can specify a host IP as a string:
The API documentation states:
hostname [String] - name or IP address of the host to which connection should be opened

Reasons for "The network path was not found" in ASP.NET MVC

I made ASP.NET MVC web application, uploaded the files, also the database, but I get the following error when browsing it.
The network path was not found
I'm using Entity Framework and this is the connection string in my web.config file
<add name="[mydatabase]Entities" connectionString="metadata=res://*/Models.Model1.csdl|res://*/Models.Model1.ssdl|res://*/Models.Model1.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string="data source=sql.[somedomain].net;initial catalog=[mydatabase name];User ID=[myUsername];Password=[myPassword];MultipleActiveResultSets=True;App=EntityFramework"" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />
I've uploaded many websites using IP Address eg. as data source, but this is the first time to use server name eg. sql.[somedomain].net -I cannot get the server ip-, so I'm not sure if this caused the error, or if I should make something special to make it work.
So, I'm asking if there is something I should do to use server name as data source, if not then what else may cause this error.
This answer doesn't really help.
Thanks in advance.
If I ping the server sql.[somedomain].net, I get this result
Ping request could not find host sql.[somedomain].net. Please check the name and try again.
And if I nslookup it, I get this result
*** Unknown can't find sql.[somedomain].net: Non-existent domain
So does that mean -for sure- that the server is not accessible. And is there anything I can do beside contacting the hosting technical support?
It was the Hosting Provider error/misconfiguration. After 3 days of searching and contacting the customer support, they realized it was their issue. I'm leaving this question to tell future viewers to Host Only with reliable/well-known Hosting Providers no matter what.
The info you got from tech support seems fairly contradictory. It's common to disable remote access for database servers, but if that's the case, then using the domain to connect doesn't really help you.
If you're trying to connect to this database from a published MVC project, residing with the same provider as supplies your database, then you should have no issues connecting as you're no longer "remote". However, unless your DNS is also hosted at the same provider, using the domain may make the connection appear remote, as it's going outside to come back in. The safest bet is to simply use the IP address of the database server in the connection string.
Also, pay attention to the IP address you have for the database server. If it's in the 10.* or 172.* range, it's a local IP, but if it's something else, it's most likely an outside IP address. Trying to connect to such an address, may also make the connection appear remote as you're going outside the network to come back in. Also, while disallowing remote access to a database server is a good idea, you can generally safely allow remote access to certain IPs. You most likely don't have control over that directly, but you can check with your provider to see if they can add an explicit rule for your web server's IP so that even if the connection is coming through as remote, it'll still work.
As far as working locally in development, you'll just have to use a local database. You may already have that covered, but your question wasn't entirely clear on that aspect.
I also faced the same issue. I used the forward slash instead of back slash for instance name (clustername\instancename). Once I changed it to back slash. It worked fine.
