MVC 6 autocomplete Free Text search single input with multiple columns - sql-server

I have two tables Company and Category. When typing in the textbox i would like to retrieve two columns from Company table and 1 column from Category table. Here is an e.g of the search parameters.
--- CategoryName Suburb State ----
Can someone please advise on how i should tackle this.

For autocomplete purpose you can use the jQuery Autocomplete tool, it is easy to implement.
Now to get the data while autocomplete, you can use a cache mechanism(considering you dont have bulk data to come up as autocomplete feature..) around the database. An api(GET) functionality can be useful here.
In case the user need to see something that does not appear in autocomplete, a "GetData" or "Search" functionality will be needed that actually hits the database and updates the cache to help future users.
Hope it helps.


How can I traverse through multiple related objects based on ID and return some related field?

I'm a little stuck.
I am trying to generate a report that determines whether anyone has made a manual change to certain fields within our order framework. I have figured out the proper fields and structures to audit, and even how to make the report, but I used a combination of extracts from the Dataloader and Excel xlookups to make it. Now, I'm being asked to find a way to automate the generation of the report, and I suspect that means I need to write a SOQL query to figure it out. I'm having trouble traversing multiple relationships based on these ID fields. Essentially, what I'm trying to do is make multiple "left joins" based on the 18 digit Salesforce IDs and extract some related piece of information from those other objects.
For example, if I'm starting with order_product_history (with a field OrderProductID to identify the order product) and I want to bring in "Product Name", I have to first match OrderProductID with the ID field in my order_product "table", then I have to match the Product2ID field in my order_product "table" with the ID in my product "table", then I have to get the matching Product Name as a column in my report:
Matching/Traversal Process
Desired Result
That's one example for one field. I also have to bring in things like User Name from the users "table", and order number from the orders table, but once I get the general idea, I think I'll be OK. I also want to filter the results to only include my Fee__c and UnitPrice fields, ignore the automated users and set a date filter--not sure if I have to do that using a WHERE clause just in my main query, or if I have to filter the subqueries as well.
I am not a programmer and I have no formal Salesforce training; I am just an analyst who is technically inclined and sort of fell into the role of Salesforce Admin. I am familiar with programming concepts and have been writing things using the flow application and have even dipped my toes into some Apex stuff, but it can be a bit of a struggle. I am not asking you to do my job for me and I am willing to work at the problem and learn; any help is appreciated. Sorry about the links; SO won't let me embed images yet.
There's high chance you don't have to write any code for it. I'll give you some tips, experiment a bit and edit the question or post new one?
This diagram might help:
Developer way
It's all about writing the right query. You can play with it in Developer Console or Workbench for example. Read up about relationship queries in SF.
I don't have org with orders enabled but this should be a good start:
SELECT CreatedById, Created.Name,
Parent.Name, Parent.Product2.Name, Parent.Order.Name,
Field, OldValue, NewValue, CreatedDate
FROM OrderItemHistory
If it throws errors about "Parent" see if "OrderItem" will work. Once you have it - WHERE Field IN ('UnitPrice', 'Fee__c') AND CreatedDate = LAST_WEEK might be good next step. (dates can be filtered by date but there are few "constants" that are more human-readable too)
You could even export this with Data Loader, you just have to start the wizard on Order Product history table. But you can ignore the whole query creator and paste a query you've created.
Admin way
Have you ever created a report in Salesforce? There are self-paced trainings (for Lightning and Classic UI) and tons of YouTube videos. Get a feel of making few reports.
What you want might be doable with built-in report type (see if there's new report -> order product history). If nothing exciting - as admin you can make new report type in setup. For example Orders -> Order Products -> Order Product History. Screenshots from here might help.
Just wanted to update this for anyone looking for a solution in the future.
Turns out you can traverse these as a parent-child relationship in the SOQL query. Here's the query I ended up using:
SELECT CreatedBy.Name, FORMAT(CreatedDate), OrderItem.Order.OrderNumber, OrderItem.Product2.Name, OrderItem.Product2.ProductCode, Field, OldValue, NewValue
FROM OrderItemHistory
WHERE (Field = 'Fee__c' OR UnitPrice) AND (CreatedBy.Name != 'Integration User') AND (Created Date >= 2020-11-24T00:00:00.000Z) ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC

MS Access loading values from a different table to control source in datasheet form

please bear with me; I'm not particularly confident with MS Access, although I am quite experienced with SQL Databases from website work.
For my sins, I have been tasked with developing a database which will unify the hundreds of spreadsheets which we currently use to record details of our clients, work, and other stuff... The database is established and built, but I am now working with the forms to allow data entry.
I have a datasheet form (we have a member of admin staff who is hell-bent on refusing to use forms, so a datasheet form seems to be the best way to appease her!) and it is bound to a specific table ('referrals') to allow a user to input data into that table. It looks like this:
However, I need to be able to load values from another table ('pupil_details') into the 'UPN' field so that if a pupil already exists in the 'pupil_details' table, the user can pick that pupil and have their details automatically filled into the form for convenience.
The form's Record Source is currently:
SELECT referrals.*
FROM referrals;
The most obvious way to do this seemed at first to be to use a join query for the form's record source, along the lines of:
SELECT referrals.*, pupil_details.UPN
FROM referrals LEFT JOIN pupil_details ON referrals.UPN = pupil_details.pupil_id
and then use this as the control source but when I do this, it breaks the functionality of the form (displays all the records, prevents it being used to enter data)
So, can anybody suggest to me how I might be able to get the 'UPN' field to display a list of records based on this query when a user types into it:
SELECT pupil_details.UPN,, pupil_details.date_of_birth FROM pupil_details
But then enter the details into the 'referrals' table when the user submits the form? Sort of like this that I mocked up in Photoshop:
I'm stumped, and half a day on Google has left me none the wiser... :(
You should use a continuous form, not a datasheet, it will give you a lot more control, but still look like Excel. Once you have the form, you can add a combobox to get the details you want. It is nearly always best to avoid Excel attitudes in Access.

Make Access Form Update With Buttons

I constructed an Access database for a group of end-users. This database is composed of one table, tblInventory, and several queries for them to edit their data quickly/easily. One of my queries, for example, is:
UPDATE tblInventory SET Amount = Amount-[Enter Amount]
WHERE ((([tblInventory].Equiptment_Name)=[Enter Name]));
This worked great in my opinion, but I have to please the end-user after all. They requested that I make a form and use buttons to update the data in the table for them. I have the form laid out like this:
The Equipment_Name and Amount boxes pull their information from my table, which has categories named that. My Unbound textbox field is where I would like them to be able to enter the number of the given part they would like to take out of inventory. The button should be to run my query above, but instead of prompting for inputs I would like it to use what they entered into the textbox. I've tried many different things and searched many different sites but cannot find what I'm looking for.
P.S Equiptment_Name and Amount are the only 2 datafields in the table besides other fields I have in the table to serve as more lenient ways to search for data when they entered in names. These fields are called things such as Alt_Name1 and have no real relevance to the form.
Thanks in advance for any help given.
There is a couple ways you can do it but the simplest way is:
Build your query as a predefined query(ies)
Build a Macro that disabled warnings then executes your query or queries in the order you wish to execute them.
Go to the form Define the button.
Go to the event tab.
Build an event
Set the OnClick Event to the name of the Macro.
Save and Test.

creating forms with multiple entry fields

I hope to create an entry form that provides multiple entry fields like it appears in microsoft excel where the column headers are up there and several rows below for data input.
i know textboxes have to be placed one at a time and only accept one input per text box and that would take awfully long to just create a form with probably just 10 rows and 10 columns.
how do i go about this.?is there any tool from the toolbox that can help design this form? Id also like to pass entries from the form into the database all in one shot so id appreciate it if the control supports that too...
this is a picture of what id like the form to look like...
Please help out.
Maybe a DataGridView would be appropriate?

SQL 2000, Access Query

I have a SQL database where one of my fields 'Status' has one of 10 entries in it (not from a dropdown list). I let some people have access to the data through an Access database, they can add and modify entries.
My question is, in Access, how can I make it so that the 'Status' field is a drop-down list from which the users can choose from (the 10 entries which are already in the SQL database)? It would be easier for them and also mean that mistakes cannot be made.
Many thanks
The usual way to do this is to use a combo box on a form with the row source taken from the look-up table and the bound column set to the field (column) of the table to be updated.
In Access you can add lookup information to a column. That will automatically display a dropdown list.
Step 1: Start the lookup wizard:
Step 2: After the wizard, the lookup settings should look like this:
Step 3: When your users open a table, they should see the dropdown box:
In addition to the solution described by Andomar you must not use another table as the source for your lookup. You can also provide the lookup-values in a list, which is hardcoded in the table-definition. This is fine for simple scenarios where the lookup is something that is not likely to be changed.
Several issues here:
table datasheets are not suitable user interface for users.
you can create a saved QueryDef and if you view the properties of a field, the second tab is just like the second tab in table design, and allows you to use a combo box as your display type in your query. I would generally recommend against this, as, like table datasheets, a QueryDef is not a proper UI element, and if you use the saved query in other queries, you can run into the same problems that cause lookups in table fields to be such as bad idea.
you're building a UI, so use the tools that Access provides you for building a UI. That means a form. Your form's recordsource would have the bare data, and you'd create a combo box on your form that is bound to the field in the table behind your form, and displays the values from the lookup tables. There's a wizard to step you through this. If you like the look of datasheets so much (column sizing, sorting, show/hiding are all features that are nice in datasheets), you can set your form to display as a datasheet.
My advice is that for building a user interface, use the tools Access provides for creating user interface. In my opinion, a dropdown list belongs in a form, and nowhere else. While I occasionally might add one to a query for quick-and-dirty editing, I would never do that in objects that users are going to use.
