WPF TextBox Binding to SQL Table Column - wpf

This is for a WPF application with VS2010.
I have a SQL database in EquipmentTracker.mdf.
I have a table called EquipmentData.
This table contains a Column named Manufacturer.
<my:EquipmentTrackerDataSet x:Key="equipmentTrackerDataSet" />
<CollectionViewSource x:Key="equipmentDataViewSource" Source="{Binding Path=EquipmentData, Source={StaticResource equipmentTrackerDataSet}}" />
<TextBox DataContext="{Binding Source={StaticResource equipmentTrackerDataSet}, Path=EquipmentData/Manufacturer}" />
But when I run the application, the TextBox is still blank(empty).
What am I missing here?
Tried this way too...same result; blank TextBox:
<TextBox DataContext="{Binding Source={StaticResource equipmentTrackerDataSet}}" Text="{Binding Path=EquipmentData/Manufacturer}" />

I would still be interested in knowing why it would not display the value when bound directly to the table, but when I created a VIEW and bound to it, it appears to work as I had expected.
<TextBox DataContext="{Binding Source={StaticResource equipmentDataViewSource}}" Text="{Binding Path=Manufacturer}" />


Not hitting my Data Template based on datatype in ContentControl, Why not?

None of my datatemplates are showing up based on DataType of the DataContext. The actual object being passed to the DataContext of UserControl is an Entity (EntityFrameWork 6.0).
I am specifying DataType="{x:Type pf:Promotion}" which is the name of a POCO class that the entity is based on.
I am lost here, don't know where the problem lies. Thankful for any help or hints.
<UserControl x:Class="PFPromoEditor.UserControls.CenterEditor"
d:DesignHeight="450" d:DesignWidth="800">
<Border BorderBrush="#FF000000" Margin="2" Padding="5" BorderThickness="1,1,1,1" CornerRadius="8,8,8,8">
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type pf:Promotion}">
<TextBox Text="Promotion DATA type" />
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type pf:Casino}">
<TextBox Text="Casino DATA type" />
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type pf:Progressive}">
<TextBlock Text="Progressive DATA type" />
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type pf:Detail}">
<TextBox Text="Detail DATA type" />
<local:CenterEditor x:Name="CenterContent" DataContext="{Binding ElementName=promoMenu,Path=MySelectedItem }"/>
Answer to first question, the control has datacontext properly set with an entity, of either Promotion, Casino, Promotion or Detail.
I have also tried it with a bound property like:
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type pf:Progressive}">
<TextBlock Text="Progressive DATA type" />
<TextBox Text="{Binding Path=Detail.Title, FallbackValue= 'Select any Item in list to edit'}"/>
Still nothing, blank.
I have also just placed something like:
<TextBox Text="{Binding Path=Detail.Title, FallbackValue= 'Select any Item in list to edit'}"/>
In the code above like thus:
<TextBox Text="{Binding Path=Detail.Title, FallbackValue= 'Select any Item in list to edit'}"/>
And the textbox binding is fine, the entity is there and I get the expected data.
Its not a data binding problem. I have context and I have a proper object.
I thought of a couple other things I need to try. Let me get back to you.
It turns out the thing I was doing wrong (besides being stubborn about what I thought was wrong, and trying to solve my problem at 3 am, and over thinking the problem in general) was leaving out:
which BTW way I missed in the comments, I recall reading datacontext, that happened because I was tired and frustrated.
The thing that solved the problem was this modification to the content control
<ContentControl Content="{Binding}" >

WPF Itemscontrol datatemplate property changing

I'm currently using the following itemscontrol and datatemplate:
<DataTemplate x:Key="OrdersTemplate">
<dxlc:LayoutItem Label="CustomerReference" LabelPosition="Top" MaxWidth="300" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Width="300">
<dxe:TextEdit IsEnabled="True" Text="{Binding Path=CustomerReference}" />
<HeaderedContentControl Header="Steps">
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Orders}" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource OrdersTemplate}"/>
The source is just a list with entities.
The problem is that the "CustomerReference" of every object from my source changes when I change it in the textbox. Whats missing here?
I think in your view model you have added the same object more than once. Instead of creating new object when ever you added to the collection. So when you want to add a object to collection create a new object and add it

bind textblock to current listbox item in pure xaml

i have some data saved in a xml file.
Those will be displayed in a listbox.
Now, when i change the listbox Selectedindex, i would like to update the other information in the textblock based on the selectedindex.
is there any way to do this in pure xaml?
if not, how would i bind the Textblock to the selecteditem in the listbox ?
How would i navigate through the Data without using the listbox? i mean using a button to move to next item and other button to move backward..!!
any help is really appreciated..
<Window x:Class="WpfSingleInstance.Window1"
Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300">
<XmlDataProvider x:Key="InventoryData" XPath="Inventory/Books">
<Inventory xmlns="">
<Book ISBN="0-7356-0562-9" Stock="in" Number="9">
<Title>XML in Action</Title>
<Summary>XML Web Technology</Summary>
<Book ISBN="0-7356-1370-2" Stock="in" Number="8">
<Title>Programming Microsoft Windows With C#</Title>
<Summary>C# Programming using the .NET Framework</Summary>
<Book ISBN="0-7356-1288-9" Stock="out" Number="7">
<Title>Inside C#</Title>
<Summary>C# Language Programming</Summary>
<TextBlock FontSize="18" FontWeight="Bold" Margin="10"
HorizontalAlignment="Center">XML Data Source Sample</TextBlock>
Width="265" Height="98" x:Name="lbox" Background="Honeydew" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True">
<Binding Source="{StaticResource InventoryData}"
XPath="*[#Stock='out'] | *[#Number>=8 or #Number=3]"/>
<TextBlock FontSize="12" Foreground="Red">
<Binding XPath="Title"/>
<StackPanel DataContext="{StaticResource InventoryData}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding XPath=Book/Title}"/>
<TextBox Margin="5,31,98,10" x:Name="textBoxMainDetail" Text="{Binding XPath=Book/Summary}" />
You could bind like this:
<TextBox Text="{Binding ElementName=lbox, Path=SelectedItem[Title].InnerText}" />
SelectedItem is an XmlElement.
EDIT: Here is a bit of sample code how to access the data of the XmlDataProvider in code behind and apply it as DataContent of a TextBox.
Change the TextBox.Text binding like this:
<TextBox x:Name="textBoxMainDetail" Text="{Binding Path=[Title].InnerText}" />
In code behind get the XML data from the XmlDataProvider and set the DataContext of the TextBox:
XmlDataProvider dataProvider = (XmlDataProvider)stackPanel.Resources["InventoryData"];
XmlElement books = (XmlElement)dataProvider.Document.SelectNodes(dataProvider.XPath)[0];
// set DataContext to an item from the child node collection
textBoxMainDetail.DataContext = books.ChildNodes[0];
Note that the StackPanel with the XmlDataProvider in its resource dictionary has now got a name. If this code shall run during application initialization (e.g. in Window constructor), the XmlDataProvider.IsAsynchronous property must be set to false.
You should now be able to change the DataContext to another indexed item of the books collection in a button click handler.
You need to set the SelectedValuePath as the 'Title' for your listbox. Then simply bind the your textBlock to the selectedValue of your listbox using elementName like this -
<ListBox Width="265" Height="98" x:Name="lbox" Background="Honeydew"
IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True" SelectedValuePath="Title">
<StackPanel DataContext="{StaticResource InventoryData}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=SelectedValue, ElementName=lbox}"/>
<TextBox Margin="5,31,98,10" x:Name="textBoxMainDetail" Text="{Binding XPath=Book/Summary}" />

WPF Element Binding in a within a Resource control doesnt work

I have some xaml that will just copy text from one text box to another:
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBox Width="100" Height="30" Text="{Binding ElementName=src1, Path=Text}" />
<TextBox x:Name="src1" Width="100" Height="30" />
Nothing special, works fine. A bit dumb but just an example.
However if I put the StackPanel as a resource in the Window and create dynamically from code, like this:
<StackPanel x:Key="MySP" Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBox Width="100" Height="30" Text="{Binding ElementName=src, Path=Text}"/>
<TextBox x:Name="src" Width="100" Height="30" />
.. then the element binding doesnt work anymore.
Why? and how to make it work? Any ideas gratefully received.
The following Xaml should work just fine
<Window ...>
<StackPanel x:Key="MySP" Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBox Width="100" Height="30" Text="{Binding ElementName=src, Path=Text}"/>
<TextBox x:Name="src" Width="100" Height="30" />
<StaticResource ResourceKey="MySP"/>
You could also use it from code
StackPanel mySP = TryFindResource("MySP") as StackPanel;
if (mySP != null)
this.Content = mySP;
However, what is the reason for you to have a StackPanel in the Windows Resoures?
If you want to be able to reuse it several times you would have to set x:Shared="False" on the Resource but then you'll get an exception saying something like Cannot register duplicate Name 'src' in this scope the second time you add it.
As far as I'm concerned you should not put that in <Window.Resources>. Only styles, static, dynamic resources and such...
<StackPanel x:Key="MySP" Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBox Width="100" Height="30" Text="{Binding ElementName=src, Path=Text}"/>
<TextBox x:Name="src" Width="100" Height="30" />
Having a similar issue, trying to get relative binding to my source control - In my case, I'm creating a designer and need the element as a static so styles can use it's dimensions for centering calculations on a canvas.
Taking a line from [WPF Xaml Namescopes],
ResourceDictionary does not use XAML names or namescopes ; it uses keys instead, because it is a dictionary implementation.
So, directly using ElementName in a resource Dictionary simply does not work, because no name will bind without a NameScope. Also attempted reproducing your situation with Style setters, but no luck - one cannot set an object's name via a Style.
Now, the convoluted solution I cam up with is to
Create a DependencyProperty in the code-behind of the class
you're declaring this resource in.
replace ElementName=Root with RelativeSource={RelativeSource
FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type namespace:RootClass}} and bind
to said container directly, allowing you to bind to said
DependencyProperty whilst bypassing the names.
If you need bindings to operate between two elements in the same
StaticResource, bind the source to said DependencyProperty as
OneWayToSource or TwoWay, and the destination as OneWay or TwoWay.

Databinding 2 WPF ComboBoxes to 1 source without being "linked"

I have a master-detail scenario where I have 1 ComboBox listing companies from an ObjectDataSourceProvider. Under that I have 2 ComboBoxes binding to the Contacts property from the current Company object. I need to be able to select a different contact in each ComboBox; however, as soon as I change selection in one list the other list updates to the same contact.
I have tried different settings (OneWay vs. TwoWay) but so far nothing seems to work. Here is an excerpt of my XAML.
<!-- This is a custom class inheriting from ObjectDataProvider -->
<wg:CustomersDataProvider x:Key="CompanyDataList" />
<!--- other layout XAML removed -->
<ComboBox x:Name="Customer" Width="150"
ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource CompanyDataList},Path=Companies,Mode=OneWay}"
SelectedValue="{Binding Path=Id, Mode=OneWay}"
VerticalAlignment="Bottom" />
<ComboBox x:Name="PrimaryContact" Width="150"
DataContext="{Binding ElementName=Customer,Path=Items,Mode=OneWay}"
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Contacts,Mode=OneWay}"
SelectedValue="{Binding Path=Id,Mode=OneWay}" />
<ComboBox x:Name="AdminContact" Width="150"
DataContext="{Binding ElementName=OwnerCustomer,Path=Items,Mode=OneWay}"
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Contacts,Mode=OneWay}"
SelectedValue="{Binding Path=Id,Mode=OneWay}" />
<!--- other layout XAML removed -->
I thought that creating a CollectionViewSource would be the way to go, but I have not been able to make that work. Is there a simple way to do this so the PrimaryContact and AdminContact aren't linked?
Change your "IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem" attributes to "False".
