Is there any way to restrict mixins as to compatible classes? - qooxdoo

Let's say I want to define a new mixin that extends qx.ui.basic.Atom capabilities. This mixin will have functionality that applies only to qx.ui.basicAtom and it's subclasses an'd doesn't make sense for other classes. Is there any way to restrict the mixing to be allowed only to qx.ui.basic.Atom subclasses?

Never mind, I found it. In the mixin constructor we can do
construct: function (){
if (qx.core.Environment.get("qx.debug")) {
this.assertInstance(this, qx.ui.basic.Atom, "Error: This mixin can be included only in instances of qx.ui.basic.Atom")


How to iterate through all the classes defined in ExtJS application

In a single-page ExtJS 6 application I need to scan through all classes ever declared with Ext.define method and find those implementing specific mixin. For simplicity let's assume that all classes I am interested in are already loaded, and on-demand loading mechanisms are out of the game.
There seems to be no other way to iterate than via private Ext.ClassManager.classes property. Is there a cleaner alternative?
Anyway, the above gives the list of class names. How to figure out whether corresponding classes implement specific mixin?
function getClassesByMixin(mixin){
var classes=[];
if(c.prototype &&c.prototype.mixins && c.prototype.mixins[mixin]){
return classes;
Sencha fiddle

Best practice for overriding classes / properties in ExtJS?

I have an Ext.form.field.Text and I want to override the setValue function.
What is the recommended way to override this class functionality in ExtJS? Ext.override?
For clarification:
By real class modification I mean a intended permanent
modification/extension of a class, which should always be done by extending a class.
But it is not a temporary solution for just a specific problem (bug-fix, etc.).
You have at least four options how to override members of (Ext) Classes
prototype I guess is well known and allows you to override a member for all instances of a class. You can use it like
Ext.view.View.prototype.emptyText = "";
While you can't use it like
// callParent is NOT allowed for prototype
Ext.form.field.Text.prototype.setValue = function(val) {
var me = this,
inputEl = me.inputEl;
if (inputEl && me.emptyText && !Ext.isEmpty(value)) {
me.valueContainsPlaceholder = false;
return me;
Here's a JSFiddle
This variant should not be used for real class modifications.
Ext.override does nearly the same then prototype but it fully applies to the ExtJS Class-system which allows you to use callParent()
You can use it like
// callParent is allowed for override
Ext.override('Ext.form.field.Text', {
setValue: function(val) {
this.callParent(['In override']);
return this;
Here's a JSFiddle (c-p error fixed! Thanks to #nogridbag)
Use case: I faced a (I think still existing) bad behavior of a
radiogroup where ExtJS expect a object (key-value-pair) for correct
setting of the value. But I have just one integer on my backend. I
first applied a fix using Ext.override for the setValue()
method and afterwards extend from radiogroup. There I just make a
Key-Value-Pair from the given value and call the parent method with
As #rixo mentioned this can be used for overriding a instance member. And may therefore be qualified for overriding even mixins (I never tested it myself)
var panel = new Ext.Panel({ ... });
Ext.override(panel, {
initComponent: function () {
// extra processing...
This variant should not be used for real class modifications.
Extending a existent class to apply additional behavior & rendering. Use this variant to create a subtype that behaves different without loosing the original type.
In the following example we extend the textfield with a method to change the labelcolor when setting a new value called setColored and override the setValue method to take care of removing a label color when setValue is called directly
extend: 'Ext.form.field.Text',
widget: 'uxtextfield',
setColored: function(val,color) {
var me = this;
if (me.settedCls) {
me.settedCls = color;
setValue: function(val,take) {
var me = this;
if (!take && me.settedCls) {
return me;
Here's a JSFiddle
Overriding per instance will happen in really rare cases and might not be applicable to all properties. In such a case (where I don't have a example at hand) you have a single need for a different behavior and you might consider overriding a setting just per instance. Basically you do such things all times when you apply a config on class creation but most time you just override default values of config properties but you are also able to override properties that references functions. This completely override the implementation and you might allows don't have access to the basetype (if any exist) meaning you cannot use callParent. You might try it with setValue to see that it cannot be applied to a existing chain. But again, you might face some rare cases where this is useful, even when it is just while development and get reimplemented for productive. For such a case you should apply the override after you created the specific by using Ext.override as mentioned above.
Important: You don't have access to the class-instance by calling this if you don't use Ext.override!
If I missed something or something is (no longer) correct, please comment or feel free to edit.
As commented by #Eric
None of these methods allow you to override mixins (such as Ext.form.field.Field). Since mixin functions are copied into classes at the time you define the class, you have to apply your overrides to the target classes directly
The answer by #sra is great and was very helpful to me in gaining a deeper understanding of the override functionality available in Ext, but it does not include the way that I most commonly implement overrides which looks something like this:
Ext.define('my.application.form.field.Text' {
override: 'Ext.form.field.Text'
getValue: function () {
// your custom functionality here
arguments[1] = false;
// callParent can be used if desired, or the method can be
// re-written without reference to the original
I'm still using Ext 5 so I would then load this file in my Application.js and add it to the requires array there which applies the override to the app globally. I think Ext 6 projects include an override folder and simply adding this file to that folder ensures the override is applied.
This is the only way that works for me in ExtJS 7.
Ext.define(null, {
override: 'Ext.window.Toast',
show : function () {
// Your custom code here...

Can't extend in coffeescript

I'm getting the error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'constructor' of undefined
When declaring the following class:
class ViewHelpers extends Backbone.Events
I can use the same syntax to extend Backbone.Router, Views, Model etc. Here is the compiled javascript which I wrote in a quick log to make sure Backbone.Events was there
__t('views').ViewHelpers = (function(_super) {
#how i know it is definied here
__extends(ViewHelpers, _super);
function ViewHelpers() {
return ViewHelpers.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
return ViewHelpers;
So the line causing the error is
ViewHelpers.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
What is different about __extends() method that it would work for Backbone.View and not Backbone.Events?
That's because Backbone.Events is not a "class", so it cannot be extended, it's a "module" that can be mixed-in into other objects (see docs here). In JavaScript terms that means that it's not a Function, that can be called as a constructor (i.e. new Backbone.Events will throw an error), it's just a plain JS object whose properties (methods) can be assigned to other objects to make them event dispatchers.
In CoffeeScript, you can mix-in the Backbone.Events into your objects when they are created:
class ViewHelpers
constructor: ->
_.extend #, Backbone.Events
Or you can just extend the class' prototype and avoid having those methods as (own) properties of all ViewHelpers instances:
class ViewHelpers
_.extend #prototype, Backbone.Events
These two approaches should work and let you instantiate and use ViewHelpers as event dispatchers:
vh = new ViewHelpers
vh.on 'foo', -> alert 'bar'
vh.trigger 'foo'​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
There's another way (from what #epidemian answered), which doesn't involve copying Backbone.Events into a new object to use as your prototype - instead, use Object.create to create a new object to use as your prototype, using Backbone.Events as its prototype.
class ViewHelpers
#prototype = Object.create(Backbone.Events)
Now ViewHelpers' prototype is a new, empty object whose prototype is Backbone.Events. You can define methods on ViewHelpers' prototype without affecting Backbone.Events, but all the Backbone.Events methods are still available to ViewHelpers, without having to copy them into a new object. This not only saves (a miniscule amount of) memory, but if you ended up adding on to Backbone.Events later, all ViewHelperss would see the change.
For this, you'll need either a browser that has ES5's Object.create function, or an Object.create polyfill.
To build on the excellent answer by #epidemian I would add this, it's a bit of a hack but it allows you to write your class with the extends statement as you specified in the question (which lets you call super on all the Backbone.Events methods):
class Events
_.extend Events.prototype, Backbone.Events
class CustomEvents extends Events
trigger: (event, etc...) ->
# You can add overrides before
super "custom:#{event}", etc...
# or after the super class methods
It would be neat to work the _.extend call into the Events.constructor function but I couldn't make it work...

Using multiple plugins in Backbone.js

The plugin model in Backbone.js is really nice, but one thing I'm wondering about is whether it's possible to use multiple plugins without modifying any of the plugin source.
For example, say I've written two plugins for the Collections:
MyBetterCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
coolNewFeature: function () {
console.log('This feature is great.');
MyWayBetterCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
wayCoolerNewFeature: function () {
console.log('This feature is even better.');
I can see some potential issues already, if, for example, both plugins override something like the add method. But having to modify third-party plugins would be a bummer:
MyWayBetterCollection = MyBetterCollection.extend({
Is there a good approach to handling this situation?
There isn't an easy way to do this. Since there is no traditional inheritance in JavaScript, it's difficult to provide this facility.
You'd have to find plug ins designed to work with each other or fork them and make them compatible.
You could also provide your own extend method that would use the interceptor pattern or some type of monkey patching to provide access to overwritten methods from previous prototypes that were overwritten.
The two collection you've defined above are totally separate from each other. They simply inherit the methods from Backbone.Controller, and if you defined methods with the similar name, then you overwrite those.
Think about Backbone as a class inheritance in other programming languages. Basically, you extend Backbone.Collection as you would do with other languages.
As a result, you can call the superclass, like this
var MyCollection = Backbone.Collection({
toJSON: function() {
var toJSON =;
toJSON.extra = 'my extra value';
return toJSON;
Even if you extend your own collection, the logic remains.

Backbone Mixins: Reusable namespace

I'm trying to write my first mixin for use across different backbone projects, and I'm just wondering how to namespace them.
In short, window. seems intrusive, I can't namespace them under the project because the project name changes, and I can't offer no namespace, because they only work if inside the same file.
So, in short, how should I organise/namespace my mixins so that they're callable throughout a project?
The standard way would be to define a clean AMD-compliant module and then load it in your Backbone projects using a tool like Require.js. This approach doesn't pollute the global namespace. If you don't want to go all AMD, you can use the module pattern as explained in Douglas Crockford's book "Javascript, The Good Parts". It uses a self-invoked function to define your module, and returns the exposed object (or function). It does require a global namespace, though. A nice documentation of the pattern is here. In its simplest form it looks like this:
var MODULE = (function () {
var my = {},
privateVariable = 1;
function privateMethod() {
// ...
my.moduleProperty = 1;
my.moduleMethod = function () {
// ...
return my;
