how to Trigger componentWillReceiveProps on React-storybook - reactjs

I am trying to test my UI component on React Storybook (link). However, I will like to add a button so when I pressed it, it will pass a new props to the component that is already rendered, (hence trigger the lifecycle method componentWillReceiveProps). However, I don't know how to do that. I will really appreciate any helps on this, thank you.

You need to find the first shared parent of the button and the component that you're trying to trigger componentWillReceiveProps for.
For instance, suppose your structure looks like this:
<AnotherComponent someProp={someValue} />
<button />
SomeComponent is the first shared parent of AnotherComponent and the button.
Once you've found your shared parent, add some state and a method to it:
class SomeComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.updateButton = this.updateButton.bind(this);
this.state = { buttonWasClicked: false };
updateButton() {
this.setState({ buttonWasClicked: true});
Now pass the updateButton method down to your button in AThirdComponent and attach the state to AnotherComponent:
render() { // SomeComponent's render method
return (
<AnotherComponent buttonWasClicked={this.state.buttonWasClicked} />
<AThirdComponent updateButton={this.updateButton}`/>
And in AThirdComponent, attach the updateButton handler to the button:
<button onClick={this.props.updateButton} />
Now when you click the button, SomeComponent's state will update, causing it to pass new props to AnotherComponent.


How do I pass React.createRef() to a child component?

In my sidebar I have a list of radio buttons that should each select a component located in the main area of my app. I would like to set it so the component scrolls into view when I click the radio button that selects it, and as far as I can figure, I need to reference the component in order to scroll it into view, but I'm having trouble with this because I can't figure out how to properly pass a reference from child to parent component.
The parent component is a class component and in its constructor I set createRef() like this:
constructor(props) {
this.myRef = React.createRef();
I then created a function that should be passed to child component and return ref:
getElem(ref) {
this.myRef = ref;
Now, inside the render of the parent component I pass the function to the child component like this:
Inside the Designer component I map the main area components and pass the ref to them like this:
const components =, index) => {
return (
<div onMouseUp={() => props.selectComponent(index)} key={index}>
<DesignerComponent {...component} myRef={props.myRef} />
return components;
DesignerComponent component is determined through switch statement because each has a different set of props, but inside the switch statement I also pass myRef={props.myRef} to each individual component and then I set the ref inside each individual component like this:
<section ref={props.myRef}></section>
However, this breaks my app and gives me this error message:
"TypeError: Cannot set property 'myRef' of undefined".
What am I doing wrong?
I figured it out. The function getElem(ref) doesn't seem to do anything. I simply passed myRef={this.myRef} to the Designer component and now it works.

Should I use the DOM or react redux state to launch/wire up a modal?

With jquery I would have a modal that I would reference using the DOM id and then inject the template using jQuery etc.
With Reactjs, would it be better for me to do the following:
onClick will dispatch an action and pass the parameters
my redux reducer will then update the state with those parameters
the modal's CSS will update updated based on the state that just changed, and then display the modal window.
Is that the react way to do it?
The new and improved way to do modals is via Portals
They have a basic modal example on that page. For posterity, I'll include the example here:
// These two containers are siblings in the DOM
const appRoot = document.getElementById('app-root');
const modalRoot = document.getElementById('modal-root');
class Modal extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.el = document.createElement('div');
componentDidMount() {
// The portal element is inserted in the DOM tree after
// the Modal's children are mounted, meaning that children
// will be mounted on a detached DOM node. If a child
// component requires to be attached to the DOM tree
// immediately when mounted, for example to measure a
// DOM node, or uses 'autoFocus' in a descendant, add
// state to Modal and only render the children when Modal
// is inserted in the DOM tree.
componentWillUnmount() {
render() {
return ReactDOM.createPortal(
class Parent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {clicks: 0};
this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);
handleClick() {
// This will fire when the button in Child is clicked,
// updating Parent's state, even though button
// is not direct descendant in the DOM.
this.setState(prevState => ({
clicks: prevState.clicks + 1
render() {
return (
<div onClick={this.handleClick}>
<p>Number of clicks: {this.state.clicks}</p>
Open up the browser DevTools
to observe that the button
is not a child of the div
with the onClick handler.
<Child />
function Child() {
// The click event on this button will bubble up to parent,
// because there is no 'onClick' attribute defined
return (
<div className="modal">
ReactDOM.render(<Parent />, appRoot);
Typically if you're using React you want to stay away from other DOM manipulation libraries and just do all your DOM manipulations in React. The way you have described is how I typically open modals in React. I also use react-modal to make this a little easier.

Child component do not see Parent Component state updates

I'm new to React and i'm facing an issue related to state updates.
I have a Parent Component. In the Parent Component constructor, i create multiple instance of a Child Component.
Using the state of the Parent Component, i display one of the Child Component instance.
Instances of Child Component have some Parent Component state value passed as props.
The Parent Component state looks like this (i have simplify the code so it can be clearer)
displayedContainer: {...} // An Instance of Child Component
isLoading: false
The Parent Component constructor looks like this
constructor(props) {
// Create state
this.state = {
isLoading: false,
displayedContainer: null
// Create all Child Component (Container)
this.defaultComponent = <Container
// Others Child Component are created the same way as above.
// To clearify the code i have removed them.
And here is the render method
render() {
return (
<div className="container-left-bar"></div>
From there, i can switch from one Child Component display to another so the state.displayedContainer is working. But when the state.isLoading is getting updated, Child Components doesn't detect it. I think it's because i'm creating the Child Component in the constructor.
How should i do if i want to keep the logic of creating Child Components before rendered it but fix the issue of state updates not detected ?
Thanks for the help !
The problem is that you render the <Container /> only once, in the constructor. The rendered instance is in the memory (this.defaultComponent) and therefore when you call this.setState the child never gets updated - is not notified about the change of any prop. This code should go to render() method.
Think of it like this:
When React determines this.setState (e.g. you want to display other container then the current one), React calls render() method, and should rerender <Container .../> with updated props. But since the code for rendering the component is not in the render() method - code that tells the <Container .../> to use newest isLoading prop from the state, <Container /> never really gets updated with new value of the isLoading prop (or any other prop).
You should achieve something like this:
render() {
let renderCurrentContainer = null
if (...) {
renderCurrentContainer = <Container isLoading={this.state.isLoading} ...otherPropsHere... />
else if (...) {
renderCurrentContainer = ...
else if (...) {
renderCurrentContainer = ...
return <...>
If you're asking what to put into the if condition, you need to somehow mark which component to render currently, I'll leave that to your creativity, but you can use something like currentRenderedContainerIndex which can have values {0, 1, 2}, or currentRenderedContainer string from enum e.g. {'FIRST_COMPONENT', 'SECOND_COMPONENT', 'THIRD_COMPONENT'}
Then you would go with something like this:
if (currentRenderedContainer === 'FIRST_COMPONENT') {
renderCurrentContainer = <Container isLoading= {this.state.isLoading} ...otherPropsHere... />
else if (currentRenderedContainer === 'SECOND_COMPONENT') {
renderCurrentContainer = ...
else if (currentRenderedContainer === 'THIRD_COMPONENT') {
renderCurrentContainer = ...

How to force dom re render in react

I am trying to force a child component to re-render. I have tried this.forceUpdate();, but it does not work. I put console.log statements in my <PostList /> component, and none of them are ever called--not componentDidMount, nor componentWillMount, componentWillReceiveProps, none of them. It's as if the <PostList /> component is never initialized. I am sure it is though, because I know for a fact items.count retrieves my items. Here is my render method:
render() {
const items = this.state.posts;
const postList = items.count > 0 ? (<PostList comingFromSearch={true} xyz={items} />) : (<div></div>)
const navBar = <NavigationBar />
return (
<div className="container">
<h3>Search Results for {this.state.searchTerm}</h3>
<div className="row">
<div className="col-x-12">{postList}</div>
And here is my api call:
retrieveSearch(term) {
Helpers.searchWithTerm(term).then((terms) => {
const postsWithTermsInTitle = terms.titleResults
this.setState({posts: postsWithTermsInTitle})
}).catch((error) => {
console.log("error searching: " + error);
I should note, on my previous page, i had another ` component, and maybe react is using that one instead of this one? I want to force it to use this instance.
If this.forceUpdate(); does not make the whole DOM re-render, how can I do that?
your PostList and NavigationBar Components might not update because they only update when their props are changed (shallow compare).
PostList might not update when changing the inner content of the array, because the component will shallow compare the new state with the previous one. Shallow comparing an array will basically checked against its length property. which does not change in this case.
Quick Solution
Sometimes you need to update a List, without changing any of its props or the length of the list. To achieve this, just pass a prop to the component and keep incrementing it instead of calling force update.
retrieveSearch(term) {
Helpers.searchWithTerm(term).then((terms) => {
const postsWithTermsInTitle = terms.titleResults
this.setState((curState) => ({posts: postsWithTermsInTitle, refreshCycle: curState.refreshCycle+1}))
}).catch((error) => {
console.log("error searching: " + error);
render() {
Right solution
The right solution is to provide an itemRenderer which you is a function that returns the an individual item from the list. This function is passed as a prop to the component.
This way you have control over how the items inside the list will appear, also changes inside the itemRenderer function will cause a component update.
itemRenderer(itemIndex) {
return <div>{this.props.item[itemIndex]}</div>;
render() {
The itemRenderer will be called inside the PostList in a loop (of length itemsLength). each loop will be passed the index of the current iteration, so you can know which item of the list to return from the function.
This way you can also make your list more scalable and more accommodating.
You can check an implementation of such solution on a list package like this one:
You can force a re-render of a component and all its children by changing the state of the component. In the constructor add a state object:
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
someComponentState: 'someValue'
Now whenever you do:
this.setState(someComponentState, 'newValue')
It will re-render the component and all its children.
This of course assumes your component is a class based component, not a functional component. However, if your component is a functional component you can easily transform it to a class based component as follows:
class ComponentName {
constructor() {
// constructor code
render() {
// render code
export default ComponentName
Understand that componenet level state is not the same as redux state but is exposed only inside the component itself.

How to refresh props with React/Redux when user enters a container

I have CompetitionSection which repeats all the competitions from database. When user clicks on one, it redirects him to a Competition Page, loads for a second and renders the page with all the details in it. So far, so good.
But when users goes back to the Competition Section and then click on the second competition, it instantly loads up the previous competition, 0 loading time.
From my point of view, what is failing is that the props of the component are not updating when I render the component (from the second time). Is not a router problem, which was my first instinct because I'm seeing the route.params changing acordingly, but the actions I dispatch to change the props are not dispatching. Here's a bit of code of said component.
class CompetitionPage extends React.Component {
componentWillMount() {
let id = getIdByName(this.props.params.shortname)
render() {
let { comp, compMatches, compBracket, compParticipants } = this.props
I tried every lifecycle method I know. component Will/Did Mount, component Will/Did update and I even set shouldUpdate to true and didn't do the trick. As I understand, the problem will be solved with a lifecycle method to dispatch the actions everytime an user enters Competition Page and not just for the first time. I'm running out of options here, so any help will be appreciated.
NOTE: I'm a newbie at React/Redux so I KNOW there are a couple of things there are anti-pattern/poorly done.
UPDATE: Added CompetitionsSection
class CompetitionsSection extends React.Component {
render() {
const {competitions} = this.props;
return (
{ Object.keys(competitions).map(function(comp, i) {
return (
<div key={i} className={competitions[comp].status ===
undefined? 'hide-it':'col-xs-12 col-md-6'}>
<Link to={"/competitions/"+competitions[comp].shortName}>
<RaisedButton label="Ver Torneo" primary={true} />
It helps to better understand the lifecycle hooks. Mounting a component is when it is placed on the DOM. That can only happen once until it is removed from the DOM. An UPDATE occurs when new props are passed or setState is called. There are a few methods to troubleshoot when updates are not happening when you think they should:
Ensure that you are changing state in componentDidMount or componentDidUpdate. You cannot trigger an update in componentWillMount.
Make sure that the new props or state are completely new objects. If you are passing an object down in props and you are just mutating the object, it will not trigger an update. For instance, this would not trigger a update:
class CompetitionPage extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
competitions: [ compA, compB ]
triggerUpdate() {
competitions: competitions.push(compC)
componentDidMount() {
render() {
This is due to the fact that a new competition is being appended to the array in state. The correct way is to completly create a new state object and change what needs to be changed:
const newCompetitions = this.state.competitions.concat(compC)
this.setState(Object.assign({}, this.state, { competitions: newCompetitions }))
Use ComponentWillRecieveProps on an update to compare previous and current prop values. You can setState here if clean up needs to be done:
Read more about this method in the React documentation:
