Sage 300 CRE Timberline Data ODBC Driver DELETE Error - sql-server

I am trying to automate archiving of the Log files generated by sage. We generate an average of 15,000 log entries a day and the LogViewer in sage is so slow it is nearly unusable after a month. I am querying the data older than seven days and then inserting it to our SQL Server. Using the same connection string I can query data from the QLM Master Log but when I go to delete data I get an error.
With my Sage user service account:
ERROR [42000] [Simba][SimbaEngine ODBC Driver][DRM File Library]Access denied.
With my personal Sage user account. I was failing at opening second connection with this error: (Still not sure why but not directly relevent)
ERROR [08001] [Simba][SimbaEngine ODBC Driver][DRM File Library]Invalid account name.
ERROR [IM006] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr failed
ERROR [01000] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The driver doesn't support the version of ODBC behavior that the application requested (see SQLSetEnvAttr).
Once i adjusted my code to no longer attempt a second connection open I get the same error:
ERROR [42000] [Samba][SimbaEngine ODBC Driver][DRM File Library]Access denied.
Any help would be appreciated but I am looking for.
Is this actually a permissions issue?
Is the problem with my Windows User account OR Sage user account?
What access is required to run the delete command?

After speaking with a Sage 300 CRE Certified Consultant I have been informed that data in Log Viewer is not editable via ODBC, and to remove data I have to use the Log Viewer interface. According to the consultant Sage has an open DLL that would provide the functionality but it would open other areas of the program as well and they do not give it out normally.
Though it runs somewhat counter to jrummell's comments this is what I was told; the expert has spoken the project is officially at a dead end pending the acquisition of this open DLL.
I will let the community know if any additional information pertaining to this question is uncovered.


How to give other users access to a SQLite Database via ODBC in Excel?

I have a Database file I work with in SQLite.
This file is aimed to be shared with other users so that they can access the data in Excel, using "Data"--> "Retrieve data" --> "From other sources" --> "From ODBC".
I've read already many tutorials and forums regarding my problem, but nothing helped already.
An installation of the SQLite ODBC driver from the popular Werner-page, a creation of a new DSN in the "ODBC Data source Admin", and the export of the respective Reg-file was already conducted in different ways (different 32-/64-Bits, System-/User-DSN).
Afterwards, I can open the resulting tables without problem in Excel via ODBC. But the users I shared the Reg-file with were not such successful. They only were able to import my sent Reg-file and select the suitable DSN-file in Excel ODBC. The problem starts when they want to access the data via Windows Authentification, which results in the following error message: Error message in German
In English, it is said in there: "Connection Error: ODBC: ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The data source name was not found and no default driver was specified"
Can anyone explain the problem? A data source name (DSN) was given as I believe and I don't know how to handle the driver problem.
An authentification via Oracle itself instead of Windows is not an option, since I want to share the data among many people and I cannot expect an extra Oracle-registration from everyone. So, we did not even test the success via this authentification form. But somehow it has to be possible via Windows Login I believe..
Any advice would be appreciated! And please tell me if you need further info.

Error when trying to load database into backup server

Im trying to load a database dump into my Sybase backup server.
Running sybase ASE-16_0 on both my primary and backup machine.
Import is done in isql cli via
load database DB from ./dumps/data_dump
Error message is the following:
Backup Server session id is: 22. Use this value when executing the
'sp_volchanged' system stored procedure after fulfilling any volume change
request from the Backup Server.
Backup Server: [11] The 'open' call failed for database/archive
device while working on stripe device
'/opt/dumps/data_dump' with error number
13 (Permission denied). Refer to your operating system documentation for further
Also found this SAP Knowledge Base article, but it's hidden behind a paywall:
Setting up a new Server fixed the issue for me. Im still working on a possible answer for this problem.

Linked Server Test Connection Not Working (SQL Server to Oracle Database)

Database Versions:
SSMS: 17.9,
Oracle: 19.3
We are trying to establish a linked server connection to our production Oracle DB (hosted by another team) that uses SSL. The LS was created, however our test connection attempts always return this:
Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "OraOLEDB.Oracle" for linked server "CDWRP201_TCPS". OLE DB provider "OraOLEDB.Oracle" for linked server "CDWRP201_TCPS" returned message "Error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-28759". (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 7303)
I read that this meant "failure to open file" and could be caused by insufficient wallet permissions so I gave our users full access to the files (not sure if this is recommended). I did the same for the ewallet, ORA files, and even their parent folders but still no success.
What's weird is that test connections work for our non-SSL connections, which use the same tnsnames.ora file. We have no problems connecting to the Oracle DB using tnsping and sqlplus as well.
I'm struggling with this because my experience with Oracle and SSMS linked servers are few to none and feel like I've hit a dead end. Any direction you can give will be very much appreciated. I'm happy to provide more details if needed.
Thank you very much.
You actually have TWO problems.
First, your call to oracle returned ORA-28795. AS others are focusing on, that results from a failure to open a wallet. However, rather than looking for permissions issues, I'd note the second error ...
The "Error while trying to retrieve text for error" indicates that your ORACLE_HOME (for the oracle client being used my msssql) is not correctly set. When the call received the ORA-28759, it needed to find the error message file to be able to properly report it. But with improper ORACLE_HOME it was unable to locate the message file.
And it very well might be the case that the invalid ORACLE_HOME is also the root cause of the ORA-28759. I've not much expderince with walllets, but it seems reasonable that it needs ORACLE_HOME to locate the wallet, just as it needs it to locate the message file ... and a bunch of other stuff. In any event, get ORACLE_HOME set correctly and you will get more informative diagnostics/error messages on your ORA-28795.
You said yourself that "The only variable that indicated Oracle was our PATH". You need to also set ORACLE_HOME. If your oracle PATH is 'C:\Oracle\x64\product\19.0.0\client_64\bin', then your ORACLE_HOME should be 'C:\Oracle\x64\product\19.0.0\client_64'

SAS Access/Interface with SQL server

I am having a problem with connecting to data in SQL database.
I am not sure if I don't have the certain driver or if the code I am using is incorrect. Could someone please help guide me in the right direction?
Below is the product license that I have after running Proc Setinit
Operating System: WX64_WKS.
Product expiration dates:
---Base SAS Software
---SAS/Secure 168-bit
---SAS/Secure Windows
---SAS Enterprise Guide
---SAS/ACCESS Interface to PC Files
---SAS/ACCESS Interface to Microsoft SQL Server
---SAS Workspace Server for Local Access
---SAS/ACCESS to Amazon Redshift
---High Performance Suite
Below is product installed after I ran Proc Product_Status
16 proc Product_Status ; run;
For Base SAS Software ...
Custom version information: 9.4_M5
Image version information: 9.04.01M5P090617
For SAS/STAT ...
Custom version information: 14.3
Custom version information: 9.4_M5
For SAS/ACCESS to Amazon Redshift ...
Custom version information: 9.42
For High Performance Suite ...
Custom version information: 2.2_M6
For SAS/ACCESS Interface to PC Files ...
Custom version information: 9.4_M5
NOTE: PROCEDURE PRODUCT_STATUS used (Total process time):
real time 0.24 seconds
It seems like sas access to SQL server is not installed right?
I am also trying these codes to connect and all got the error. Which direction of code should I be using? ODBC or sqlsvr?
I tried sqlsvr and got this error message
LIBNAME database1 sqlsvr user=datareader password=myspassword DATAsrc=clientA;
LIBNAME database1 sqlsvr user=datareader password=XXXXXXX
ERROR: CLI error trying to establish connection: [Microsoft][ODBC
Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver
specified ERROR: Error in the LIBNAME statement.
When I tried ODBC route, I got this message
LIBNAME database1 ODBC DSN=clientA User=datareader Password=myspassword ;
LIBNAME database1 ODBC DSN=clientA User=datareader Password=XXXXXXX;
ERROR: The ODBC engine cannot be found. ERROR: Error in the LIBNAME
Could someone please point me in the right direction? Should DSN be the name of the database of each client as "ClientA" etc or should it be the name of the server?
Thank you so much!
The SQLSRV library engine DATASRC= option should specify an entry shown in the "ODBC Data Source Administrator (64-bit)" application. You can add an entry, set (configure) the connection parameters and test the connection. Suppose you name your new DSN Sales History, the libname might be
libname OldSales sqlsrv datasrc="Sales History" user=... pass=...;
For the case of wanting to specify the server name, schema, port, connection persistence, etcetera directly in your SAS code you would use the NOPROMPT= option. The option value will be a semi-colon separated list of name=value pairs:
libname OldSales sqlsrv user=... pass=... noprompt="Server=<url or hostname><\instance-name-if-other-than-default>,<port-number-if-other-than-default>;Initial Catalog=<database-to-use-if-other-than-default>;..other connection parameters..";
Microsoft documentation "Using Connection String Keywords with SQL Server Native Client" is a great reference. Another good resource for examples is connectionstrings website. A NOPROMPT= value that seems correct, yet is not to working, may have or require unusual spacing or quoting.
For a small group of coders in a static data hosting environment the NOPROMPT= method will probably be OK and require no extra support (other than access) in a large organization. If the data hosting migrates or changes your SAS code will have to be changed.
In a larger context, especially in a SAS Server environment, you are best off having your IT support to create the DSNs that your SAS sessions will need. The DSNs will be the single gateway that all programs and users will use and coders and analysts will not have to get bogged down in the connection details.

Sql server 2005 torn page,error 424

My Dell pc failed;it was blue screen.I fixed that problem by formatting and reinstalling OS and other software that i have been using.Then I recoved my db designed using sqlserver 2005 and other files using recovery tools ;Easy Recovery 6.0.
The problem is : When I try to attach the recovered file(lpdb.mdf),It can not attached.The operation fails with the following message :
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
Attach database failed for Server 'SAPC'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)
An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)
SQL Server detected a logical consistency-based I/O error: torn page (expected signature: 0x55555555; actual signature: 0x4c093c91). It occurred during a read of page (0:0) in database ID 0 at offset 0000000000000000 in file 'F:\Recovered\lpdb_log.LDF'. Additional messages in the SQL Server error log or system event log may provide more detail. This is a severe error condition that threatens database integrity and must be corrected immediately. Complete a full database consistency check (DBCC CHECKDB). This error can be caused by many factors; for more information, see SQL Server Books Online. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 824)
Is there any who can help me?
I thank you!
By gbn from other closed question:
Hi mrdanny,
I tried the way you suggested me. The problem is unresolved.
Error is reported : Message One or more files do not match the primary file of the database. If you are attempting to attach a database, retry the operation with the correct files. If this is an existing database, the file may be corrupted and should be restored from a backup.
Is there an alternative solution that i should try? I am going to redesign the database.Please save my time!
Have you a good backup?
Given it says page (0:0), then I refer you to point 1
Use emergency mode and hope for the best. Paul Randall wrote DBCC CHECKDB...
The torn page is in the log file, so rename the log file and use the sp_attch_single_file_db procedure to attach the mdf and generate a new transaction log file.
