How can i plot markers on map swift - arrays

I'm taking JSON's data and storing all geox coming from JSON in geox and geoy in geoy.
while plotting markers by for loop throws me error "cannot convert value of type NSArray to expected argument type CLLocationDegrees(aka Double)"
let data = JSON as! NSDictionary
let result = Data["result"] as! NSArray
let geox = result.valueForKey("geo_x") as! NSArray
let geoy = result.valueForKey("geo_y") as! NSArray
let count = geox.count
for index in 0...count {
let position = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(geox,geoy)
let marker = GMSMarker(position: position) = mapView
Can anyone point me in the direction to solve this?

If I understand, you receive two separate arrays : one for longitude coordinates and another for latitude.
So you can do something like that :
First replace this :
let geox = result.valueForKey("geo_x") as! NSArray
let geoy = result.valueForKey("geo_y") as! NSArray
by this :
let geox = result.valueForKey("geo_x") as! [CLLocationDegrees]
let geoy = result.valueForKey("geo_y") as! [CLLocationDegrees]
and then :
for index in 0...count {
let position = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(geox[index],geox[index])
let marker = GMSMarker(position: position) = mapView


ios swfit - assign list of AnyObject to dictionary key

so i want to assign a list of AnyObject to a key of a dictionary with the structure [String:AnyObject]
here is my code:
let list = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: newData, options: .allowFragments) as! [AnyObject]
let parsedResult = [String:AnyObject]()
parsedResult["dataList"] = list
callback(false, parsedResult)
im parsing data from an http request. i get this error:
Cannot assign value of type [AnyObject] to type AnyObject?
isn't a list of AnyObject, still an object?
let parsedResult = [String:AnyObject]()
var parsedResult: [String: Any] = [ : ]
And by the way declare parsedResult as var to be able to do parsedResult["dataList"] = list.
For your other issue that you placed a comment on, do this instead:
if let account = data?["account"] as? [String: Any], let accountKey = account["key"] as? Int { ... }

Swift Array sort with JSON

tried get data from JSON
has code with Swift run on Playground
var roadWayStatusArray = [AnyObject]()
let url = URL(string: "")
let data = try? Data(contentsOf: url!)
let json = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data!, options: .mutableContainers)
if let results = json as? [String : AnyObject] {
if let result = results["result"] as? [[String : AnyObject]] {
for data in result {
let happendate = data["happendate"] as? String
roadWayStatusArray.append(data as AnyObject!)
I has tried using roadWayStatusArray.sort(by: >) but Xcode report me Ambiguous reference member '>'
How to create sort by hapendate or happentime
Your roadWayStatusArray is an array of AnyObject. There is no > operator defined for AnyObject.
The objects in roadWayStatusArray are actually dictionaries that look like this:
UID = "10602090007-0";
areaNm = "\U4e2d\U5c71\U9ad8\U901f\U516c\U8def-\U570b\U9053\Uff11\U865f";
comment = "\U5317\U4e0a.\U4e2d\U58e2\U670d\U52d9\U5340 \U51fa\U53e3\U531d\U9053\U4e2d \U53f3\U5074 \U5c0f\U5ba2\U8eca\U505c\U653e\Uff0c\U99d5\U99db\U7591\U4f3c\U7761\U8457\U4e86";
direction = "\U5317\U4e0a";
happendate = "2017-02-09";
happentime = "01:08:00.0000000";
modDttm = "2017-02-09 01:15:43.603";
region = N;
road = "";
roadtype = "\U5176\U4ed6";
srcdetail = "\U71b1\U5fc3\U807d\U773e";
x1 = "121.73558";
y1 = "25.12263";
You need to call sort(by:) with a closure that determines the sort order. For example, if you want to sort by happendate and then happentime:
roadWayStatusArray.sort(by: { (lhsAny, rhsAny) -> Bool in
let lhs = lhsAny as? [String: AnyObject]
let rhs = lhsAny as? [String: AnyObject]
let lhsKey = (lhs?["happendate"] as? String ?? "", lhs?["happentime"] as? String ?? "")
let rhsKey = (rhs?["happendate"] as? String ?? "", rhs?["happentime"] as? String ?? "")
return lhsKey < rhsKey

how to get array from dictionary in swift 3

I don't understand how to get array from dictionary, i have tried in this code but i want get array only content and type
This is my array
wsResponse = {
aarti =(
content = "";
identifier = "slok_one";
title = 1;
type = "\U092d\U0915\U094d\U0924\U093e\U092e\U0930";
content = "";
identifier = "slok_two";
title = 2;
type = "\U092d\U0915\U094d\U0924\U093e\U092e\U0930";
content = "";
identifier = "slok_three";
title = 3;
type = "\U092d\U0915\U094d\U0924\U093e\U092e\U0930";
Here is my code
Alamofire.request(url, method: .get, parameters: nil, encoding: JSONEncoding.default)
.responseJSON { response in
if let status = response.response?.statusCode {
case 201:
print("example success")
print("error with response status: \(status)")
//to get JSON return value
if let array = response.result.value
let JSON = array as! NSDictionary
let response = JSON["wsResponse"] as! NSDictionary
let data = response["aarti"]
i want array from this ,like content,title,type
thank you in advance
According to the JSON this prints all values in the aarti array:
if let JSON = response.result.value as? [String:Any] {
if let response = JSON["wsResponse"] as? [String:Any],
let aarti = response["aarti"] as? [[String:Any]] {
for item in aarti {
let content = item["content"] as! String
let identifier = item["identifier"] as! String
let title = item["title"] as! Int
let type = item["type"] as! String
print(content, identifier, title, type)
Basically do not use NSDictionary / NSArray in Swift.
If you want to put all content values in an array use flatMap. The line can replace the whole repeat loop.
let contentArray = aarti.flatMap { $0["content"] as? String }
PS: If you are going to create multiple arrays from the values don't do that: Use a custom struct or class
if someone want to get dictionary of array and use it in tableview
var list:[Any] = []
and initialisation :
self.list = (self.ListDic?["data"] as! NSArray!) as! [Any]
and use:
let dictObj = self.list[indexPath.row] as! NSDictionary
print("object value: ",dictObj["text"] as! String)

Ambiguous use of subscript

This block of code was working and now it's not. I get the error "Ambiguous use of 'subscript'" on the lat and long variables. What's going on? Is this because of a Swift update?
func showPrecincts() {
var urlBoundaries = "" + "\(coords!.latitude)" + "," + "\(coords!.longitude)" + "&sets=precincts"
Alamofire.request(.GET, urlBoundaries, parameters: ["foo": "bar"])
.responseJSON { response in
if let data = response.result.value {
let nestedCoordinates = data.valueForKeyPath("objects.simple_shape.coordinates") as! Array<AnyObject>
let bug1 = nestedCoordinates.first as! Array<AnyObject>
let bug2 = bug1.first as! Array<AnyObject>
let coordinates = bug2.first as! Array<AnyObject>
var convertedCoords: [CLLocationCoordinate2D] = []
for individualCoordinates in coordinates {
let lat = (individualCoordinates[1] as! Double)
let long = (individualCoordinates[0] as! Double)
var newCoords = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(lat, long)
coordinates is cast to an array of AnyObject.
The compiler does not know that it's actually an array of Double in another array.
Downcast coordinates to Array<[Double]>
let coordinates = bug2.first as! Array<[Double]>
then you can get the elements without further type casting
let lat = individualCoordinates[1]
let long = individualCoordinates[0]

Parsing JSON into swift predefined array

I am trying to get items from an api (JSON) and to parse it into a predefined swift array. I have searched and looked for hours but due to my lack of skills I wasn't able to find anything suitable my case.
My predefined array looks like this:
init?(participants: String, photoguest: UIImage?, photohome: UIImage?, time: String, stadium: String, channel: String)
the JSON structure is like this(entire json file):
{"gameId":"255","gameWeek":"17","gameDate":"2016-01-03","awayTeam":"SEA","homeTeam":"ARI","gameTimeET":"4:25 PM","tvStation":"FOX","winner":"SEA"}
My current code looks like this (Games is the class where I connect variables from array with table cell items):
var gameplan = [Games]()
func loadNFLgames(){
let apiURL = NSURL(string: "")
let data: AnyObject? = NSData(contentsOfURL: apiURL!)
let homeTeam = (data as! NSDictionary)["homeTeam"] as! String
let awayTeam = (data as! NSDictionary)["awayTeam"] as! String
let gameDate = (data as! NSDictionary)["gameDate"] as! String
let gameTimeET = (data as! NSDictionary)["gameTimeET"] as! String
let tvStation = (data as! NSDictionary)["tvStation"] as! String
for schleife mit API daten:
for gameWeek = currentWeek{ //every game where gameWeek matches currentWeek
// create variables from api calls
let api_guest = awayTeam
let api_home = homeTeam
let api_tvhost = tvStation
let api_time = gameDate + ", " + gameTimeET + " ET" // convert gameDate to day e.g. SUN
let api_stadion = "N/A"
// prepare data for array
let gamedata = Games(participants: api_guest+" # "+api_home, photoguest: UIImage(named: api_guest), photohome: UIImage(named: api_home), time: api_time, stadium: api_stadion, channel: api_tvhost)!
// add data to array
I am getting the following error:
Could not cast value of type '_NSInlineData' (0x1a0cfd428) to
'NSDictionary' (0x1a0cf3380).
EDIT: The error is being thrown here:
let homeTeam = (data as! NSDictionary)["homeTeam"] as! String
Your help is highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
hello your data variable doesn't contain the Json you r looking for. so you have to serialize it to json like alexander suggested but NSJSONSerialization can throw an error so we have tu put in in try
so your code will be something like this (i suggest always using dispatch_async to make it in background thread than use the completion closure to get your result)-->
func loadNFLgames(completionClosure: (result : [Games]) ->()){
let queue: dispatch_queue_t = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0)
dispatch_async(queue, {
let URL = ""
if let data = NSData(contentsOfURL: NSURL(string: URL)!){
if let JsonObject = try? NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: NSJSONReadingOptions.MutableContainers) as! NSMutableDictionary{
//here you can loop through the JsonObject to get the data you are looking for
//when you get your array of Games just pass it the the completion closure like this
completionClosure(result: gameplan)
PS: please let me know if you need more help.
Your data variable is NSData type (not NSDictionary). You have to convert it in order to use it. Try something like that:
let decodedJson = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: nil) as! NSDictionary
And than you can use it like standard dictionary
let homeTeam = decodedJson["homeTeam"] as! String
