How can I split a long long integer into thousands for output? - c

For example if I have the number as 390000 it would need to be printed as 390 000.
If I have the number as 1200000 it would be printed as 1 200 000 etc.
Initially I thought about assigning the long long int to a string, and then writing if statements for each possible string length as there's only 11 possible lengths but this just seems really cumbersome and unnecessary.
Is there an easier way to do it?

If you're on a POSIX system and one of your locales uses the space as digit grouping symbol, use the apostrophe (') in printf() conversion specifier.
printf("%'d", 345678); // 345 678
See a previous answer of mine to the question "convert astronomically large numbers into human readable form in C/C++"

You can do it fairly easily by starting with a buffer sufficient in size to store the full long long number (and separators), and then using pointer arithmetic to insert a separator every 3rd number. For example, where MAXN is 32, you can do something like:
/** separate long long value every 3rd char into 's' */
char *sepnumber (char *s, long long val)
char numstr[MAXN] = "";
char *p = s + MAXN - 2;
size_t idx = 0, len = 0;
len = sprintf (numstr, "%lld", val);
while (len--) {
if (idx++ == 3) {
idx = 1;
*p-- = ' ';
*p = numstr[len];
if (len) p--;
for (idx = 0; *p; p++, idx++) s[idx] = *p; /* copy to s */
s[idx] = *p; /* nul-terminate */
return s;
A quick example would be:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAXN 32
char *sepnumber (char *s, long long val);
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
long long int lv = argc > 1 ? strtoll (argv[1], NULL, 10) : 1931583282;
char fmtnum[MAXN] = "";
printf (" %lld => %s\n", lv, sepnumber (fmtnum, lv));
return 0;
/** separate long long value every 3rd char into 's' */
char *sepnumber (char *s, long long val)
char numstr[MAXN] = "";
char *p = s + MAXN - 2;
size_t idx = 0, len = 0;
len = sprintf (numstr, "%lld", val);
while (len--) {
if (idx++ == 3) {
idx = 1;
*p-- = ' ';
*p = numstr[len];
if (len) p--;
for (idx = 0; *p; p++, idx++) s[idx] = *p; /* copy to s */
s[idx] = *p; /* nul-terminate */
return s;
Example Use/Output
$ ./bin/sepnum
1931583282 => 1 931 583 282
$ ./bin/sepnum 2212
2212 => 2 212

Here is a simple version without any nonsense. There are probably more efficient ways still, but if so, they do not include string handling or float numbers.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
static void print_number (uint32_t n)
static bool remove_zeroes = true;
remove_zeroes = false;
printf("%" PRIu32 " ", n);
printf("%.3" PRIu32 " ", n);
void print_number_with_spaces (uint32_t n)
bool remove_zeroes = true;
while(n > 1000)
uint32_t tmp = n;
uint32_t subtract = 1;
while(tmp > 1000)
tmp /= 1000;
subtract *= 1000;
if(subtract >= 1000)
n -= tmp*subtract;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])

An easy way to print with spaces separating the thousands places uses recursion. Works for negative values too.
void print_1000(long long x) {
long long msgroups = x / 1000;
int lsgroup = x % 1000;
if (msgroups) {
char separator = ' '; // adjust as deisred
printf("%c%03d", separator, abs(lsgroup));
} else {
printf("%d", lsgroup);
Sample usage
int main(void) {
print_1000(0); puts("");
print_1000(-1); puts("");
print_1000(LLONG_MAX); puts("");
print_1000(LLONG_MIN); puts("");
return 0;
9 223 372 036 854 775 807
-9 223 372 036 854 775 808

Another way using a Duff's Device:
#include <stdio.h>
static char *sep(char *str, long long value)
char tmp[32];
char *p = tmp;
char *q = str;
int len;
len = snprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "%lld", value);
if (*p == '-') { // Support for negatives
*q++ = *p++;
* Consider 5 mod 3
* len % 3 is evaluated only once. E.g. 5 % 3 = 2
* jumps into the middle of the loop (in this case to "case 2:")
* case 2 and case 1 are evaluated
* loops until NUL is reached evaluating all cases
switch (len % 3) do {
*q++ = ' ';
case 0: *q++ = *p++;
case 2: *q++ = *p++;
case 1: *q++ = *p++;
} while (*p);
*q = '\0';
return str;
int main(void)
char str[32];
printf("%s\n", sep(str, 1200000));
return 0;
1 200 000

A quick solution I came up with is:
output = []
number = '1209873'
aux = reversed(list(number))
counter = 0
for digit in aux:
counter += 1
if counter % 3 == 0:
output.append(' ')
spaced_number = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, reversed(output))
But I'm sure there are more efficient ways to solve your problem. ;)


Decimal to octal converter in c [duplicate]

I can use the strtol function for turning a base36 based value (saved as a string) into a long int:
long int val = strtol("ABCZX123", 0, 36);
Is there a standard function that allows the inversion of this? That is, to convert a long int val variable into a base36 string, to obtain "ABCZX123" again?
There's no standard function for this. You'll need to write your own one.
Usage example:
const char digits[] = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
char *reverse(char *str)
char *end = str;
char *start = str;
if(!str || !*str) return str;
while(*(end + 1)) end++;
while(end > start)
int ch = *end;
*end-- = *start;
*start++ = ch;
return str;
char *tostring(char *buff, long long num, int base)
int sign = num < 0;
char *savedbuff = buff;
if(base < 2 || base >= sizeof(digits)) return NULL;
*buff++ = digits[abs(num % base)];
num /= base;
*buff++ = '-';
*buff = 0;
return savedbuff;
One of the missing attributes of this "Convert long integer to base 36 string" is string management.
The below suffers from a potential buffer overflow when destination is too small.
char *long_to_string(char *destination, long num, int base);
(Assuming 32-bit long) Consider the overflow of below as the resultant string should be "-10000000000000000000000000000000", which needs 34 bytes to encode the string.
char buffer[33]; // Too small
long_to_string(buffer, LONG_MIN, 2); // Oops!
An alternative would pass in the buffer size and then provide some sort of error signaling when the buffer is too small.
char* longtostr(char *dest, size_t size, long a, int base)
Since C99, code instead could use a compound literal to provide the needed space - without calling code trying to compute the needed size nor explicitly allocate the buffer.
The returned string pointer from TO_BASE(long x, int base) is valid until the end of the block.
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#define TO_BASE_N (sizeof(long)*CHAR_BIT + 2)
// v. compound literal .v
#define TO_BASE(x, b) my_to_base((char [TO_BASE_N]){""}, (x), (b))
char *my_to_base(char *buf, long a, int base) {
assert(base >= 2 && base <= 36);
long i = a < 0 ? a : -a; // use the negative side - this handle _MIN, _MAX nicely
char *s = &buf[TO_BASE_N - 1];
*s = '\0';
do {
*s = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"[-(i % base)];
i /= base;
} while (i);
if (a < 0) {
*s = '-';
// Could add memmove here to move the used buffer to the beginning
return s;
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
long ip1 = 0x01020304;
long ip2 = 0x05060708;
long ip3 = LONG_MIN;
printf("%s %s\n", TO_BASE(ip1, 16), TO_BASE(ip2, 16), TO_BASE(ip3, 16));
printf("%s %s\n", TO_BASE(ip1, 2), TO_BASE(ip2, 2), TO_BASE(ip3, 2));
puts(TO_BASE(ip1, 8));
puts(TO_BASE(ip1, 36));
puts(TO_BASE(ip3, 10));
Here is another option with no need for source array of charaters, but less portable since not all character encodings have contiguous alphabetic characters, for example EBCDIC. Test HERE
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <limits.h>
char get_chars(long long value)
if (value >= 0 && value <= 9)
return value + '0';
return value - 10 + 'A';
void reverse_string(char *str)
int len = strlen(str);
for (int i = 0; i < len/2; i++)
char temp = str[i];
str[i] = str[len - i - 1];
str[len - i - 1] = temp;
char* convert_to_base(char *res, int base, long long input)
bool flag = 0;
int index = 0;
if(input < 0){
input = llabs(input);
flag = 1;
else if(input == 0){
res[index++] = '0';
res[index] = '\0';
return res;
while(input > 0)
res[index++] = get_chars(input % base);
input /= base;
res[index++] = '-';
res[index] = '\0';
return res;
int main() {
long long input = 0;
printf("** Integer to Base-36 **\n ");
printf("Enter a valid number: ");
scanf("%lld", &input);
if(input >= LLONG_MAX && input <= LLONG_MIN){
printf("Invalid number");
return 0;
int base = 36;
char res[100];
printf("%lld -> %s\n", input, convert_to_base(res, base, input));
return 0;

Convert long integer(decimal) to base 36 string (strtol inverted function in C)

I can use the strtol function for turning a base36 based value (saved as a string) into a long int:
long int val = strtol("ABCZX123", 0, 36);
Is there a standard function that allows the inversion of this? That is, to convert a long int val variable into a base36 string, to obtain "ABCZX123" again?
There's no standard function for this. You'll need to write your own one.
Usage example:
const char digits[] = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
char *reverse(char *str)
char *end = str;
char *start = str;
if(!str || !*str) return str;
while(*(end + 1)) end++;
while(end > start)
int ch = *end;
*end-- = *start;
*start++ = ch;
return str;
char *tostring(char *buff, long long num, int base)
int sign = num < 0;
char *savedbuff = buff;
if(base < 2 || base >= sizeof(digits)) return NULL;
*buff++ = digits[abs(num % base)];
num /= base;
*buff++ = '-';
*buff = 0;
return savedbuff;
One of the missing attributes of this "Convert long integer to base 36 string" is string management.
The below suffers from a potential buffer overflow when destination is too small.
char *long_to_string(char *destination, long num, int base);
(Assuming 32-bit long) Consider the overflow of below as the resultant string should be "-10000000000000000000000000000000", which needs 34 bytes to encode the string.
char buffer[33]; // Too small
long_to_string(buffer, LONG_MIN, 2); // Oops!
An alternative would pass in the buffer size and then provide some sort of error signaling when the buffer is too small.
char* longtostr(char *dest, size_t size, long a, int base)
Since C99, code instead could use a compound literal to provide the needed space - without calling code trying to compute the needed size nor explicitly allocate the buffer.
The returned string pointer from TO_BASE(long x, int base) is valid until the end of the block.
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#define TO_BASE_N (sizeof(long)*CHAR_BIT + 2)
// v. compound literal .v
#define TO_BASE(x, b) my_to_base((char [TO_BASE_N]){""}, (x), (b))
char *my_to_base(char *buf, long a, int base) {
assert(base >= 2 && base <= 36);
long i = a < 0 ? a : -a; // use the negative side - this handle _MIN, _MAX nicely
char *s = &buf[TO_BASE_N - 1];
*s = '\0';
do {
*s = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"[-(i % base)];
i /= base;
} while (i);
if (a < 0) {
*s = '-';
// Could add memmove here to move the used buffer to the beginning
return s;
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
long ip1 = 0x01020304;
long ip2 = 0x05060708;
long ip3 = LONG_MIN;
printf("%s %s\n", TO_BASE(ip1, 16), TO_BASE(ip2, 16), TO_BASE(ip3, 16));
printf("%s %s\n", TO_BASE(ip1, 2), TO_BASE(ip2, 2), TO_BASE(ip3, 2));
puts(TO_BASE(ip1, 8));
puts(TO_BASE(ip1, 36));
puts(TO_BASE(ip3, 10));
Here is another option with no need for source array of charaters, but less portable since not all character encodings have contiguous alphabetic characters, for example EBCDIC. Test HERE
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <limits.h>
char get_chars(long long value)
if (value >= 0 && value <= 9)
return value + '0';
return value - 10 + 'A';
void reverse_string(char *str)
int len = strlen(str);
for (int i = 0; i < len/2; i++)
char temp = str[i];
str[i] = str[len - i - 1];
str[len - i - 1] = temp;
char* convert_to_base(char *res, int base, long long input)
bool flag = 0;
int index = 0;
if(input < 0){
input = llabs(input);
flag = 1;
else if(input == 0){
res[index++] = '0';
res[index] = '\0';
return res;
while(input > 0)
res[index++] = get_chars(input % base);
input /= base;
res[index++] = '-';
res[index] = '\0';
return res;
int main() {
long long input = 0;
printf("** Integer to Base-36 **\n ");
printf("Enter a valid number: ");
scanf("%lld", &input);
if(input >= LLONG_MAX && input <= LLONG_MIN){
printf("Invalid number");
return 0;
int base = 36;
char res[100];
printf("%lld -> %s\n", input, convert_to_base(res, base, input));
return 0;

C - invalid read of size 1

ok that's it, it's been more than 15 hours and i still can't figure out what's going on !
Here is a code for timeconversion problem in hackerrank, a function takes a string (time in 12--hour AM/PM format) and converts it to military (24-hour) time (returning a string)
the problem is exactly in the function char* timeConversion(char* s)
in this line of code
b = strcmp(ampm,"PM");
it always gives me error which i can not understand
"ERROR: invalid read of size 1"
can anyone help me ?!
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
char* readline();
* Complete the timeConversion function below.
* Please either make the string static or allocate on the heap. For example,
* static char str[] = "hello world";
* return str;
* OR
* char* str = "hello world";
* return str;
/* Swaps strings by swapping pointers */
void swap(char **str1_ptr, char **str2_ptr)
char *temp = *str1_ptr;
*str1_ptr = *str2_ptr;
*str2_ptr = temp;
void reverse(char str[], int length)
int start = 0;
int end = length -1;
while (start < end)
swap(*(str+start), *(str+end));
// Implementation of itoa()
char* itoa(int num, char* str, int base)
int i = 0;
bool isNegative = false;
/* Handle 0 explicitely, otherwise empty string is printed for 0 */
if (num == 0)
str[i++] = '0';
str[i] = '\0';
return str;
// In standard itoa(), negative numbers are handled only with
// base 10. Otherwise numbers are considered unsigned.
if (num < 0 && base == 10)
isNegative = true;
num = -num;
// Process individual digits
while (num != 0)
int rem = num % base;
str[i++] = (rem > 9)? (rem-10) + 'a' : rem + '0';
num = num/base;
// If number is negative, append '-'
if (isNegative)
str[i++] = '-';
str[i] = '\0'; // Append string terminator
// Reverse the string
reverse(str, i);
return str;
char* timeConversion(char* s) {
* Write your code here.
char *result = (char*)calloc(8,sizeof(char)) ;
char *ampm = (char*)calloc(2,sizeof(char)) ;
char *hh = (char*)calloc(2,sizeof(char)) ;
int a = 0, b = 0 ,c = 0,i;
long int dec = 0;
int len = strlen(s);
// substring hh:mm:ssAM
while ( c < 2) // 2 : LENGTH
ampm[c] = s[9+c-1]; // 9 : position
hh[c] = s[1+c-1]; // 1 : position
c++ ;
// string to int
//len = strlen(ampm);
for(i = 0; i < 2 ; i++)
dec = dec * 10 + (hh[i] - '0');
b = strcmp(ampm,"PM");
a = strcmp(ampm,"AM");
// processing
if (!strcmp(ampm,"AM") && dec==12) dec = 0;
if (!strcmp(ampm,"PM") && dec!=12) dec += 12;
//if (strcmp(s[9],'A') && dec==12) dec = 0;
//if (strcmp(s[9],'P') && dec!=12) dec += 12;
// convert int back to string
char* hhh = itoa(dec, hh, 10);
//dec = atol(hh);
// hh = itoa(dec,10);
// snprintf(result,9,"%d", dec);
c = 0;
char* sub;
while (c < 9)
sub[c] = s[3+c-1];
c++ ;
return result;
int main()
char *s = "07:05:45PM";
char* result = timeConversion(s);
printf("%s\n", result);
return 0;
Like the commenters mentioned, it seems like you are missing the NULL-termination, e.g.:
char *ampm = (char*)calloc(2,sizeof(char)) ;
Two characters ('am'/'pm') plus the NULL-Termination would be 3 characters, not 2.
You have to make sure that all your strings have a size of len + 1 and are properly '\0' terminated.
There are 4 issues in your code.
You are not allocating memory to NULL char for apmp
char *ampm = (char*)calloc(3,sizeof(char)) ;
You are receiving double pointer for swap function and passing char value
void swap(char **str1_ptr, char **str2_ptr)
should be
void swap(char *str1_ptr, char *str2_ptr)
and you call swap function like below
swap((str+start), (str+end));
You are not allocating memory to sub pointer
char* sub = malloc (9 * sizeof(char));
You are not deallocating memory for hh, sub and ampm.
free (hh); free(ampm); free(sub);

Bus error when printing to output file [duplicate]

itoa() is a really handy function to convert a number to a string. Linux does not seem to have itoa(), is there an equivalent function or do I have to use sprintf(str, "%d", num)?
EDIT: Sorry, I should have remembered that this machine is decidedly non-standard, having plugged in various non-standard libc implementations for academic purposes ;-)
As itoa() is indeed non-standard, as mentioned by several helpful commenters, it is best to use sprintf(target_string,"%d",source_int) or (better yet, because it's safe from buffer overflows) snprintf(target_string, size_of_target_string_in_bytes, "%d", source_int). I know it's not quite as concise or cool as itoa(), but at least you can Write Once, Run Everywhere (tm) ;-)
Here's the old (edited) answer
You are correct in stating that the default gcc libc does not include itoa(), like several other platforms, due to it not technically being a part of the standard. See here for a little more info. Note that you have to
#include <stdlib.h>
Of course you already know this, because you wanted to use itoa() on Linux after presumably using it on another platform, but... the code (stolen from the link above) would look like:
/* itoa example */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main ()
int i;
char buffer [33];
printf ("Enter a number: ");
scanf ("%d",&i);
itoa (i,buffer,10);
printf ("decimal: %s\n",buffer);
itoa (i,buffer,16);
printf ("hexadecimal: %s\n",buffer);
itoa (i,buffer,2);
printf ("binary: %s\n",buffer);
return 0;
Enter a number: 1750
decimal: 1750
hexadecimal: 6d6
binary: 11011010110
itoa is not a standard C function. You can implement your own. It appeared in the first edition of Kernighan and Ritchie's The C Programming Language, on page 60. The second edition of The C Programming Language ("K&R2") contains the following implementation of itoa, on page 64. The book notes several issues with this implementation, including the fact that it does not correctly handle the most negative number
/* itoa: convert n to characters in s */
void itoa(int n, char s[])
int i, sign;
if ((sign = n) < 0) /* record sign */
n = -n; /* make n positive */
i = 0;
do { /* generate digits in reverse order */
s[i++] = n % 10 + '0'; /* get next digit */
} while ((n /= 10) > 0); /* delete it */
if (sign < 0)
s[i++] = '-';
s[i] = '\0';
The function reverse used above is implemented two pages earlier:
#include <string.h>
/* reverse: reverse string s in place */
void reverse(char s[])
int i, j;
char c;
for (i = 0, j = strlen(s)-1; i<j; i++, j--) {
c = s[i];
s[i] = s[j];
s[j] = c;
If you are calling it a lot, the advice of "just use snprintf" can be annoying. So here's what you probably want:
const char *my_itoa_buf(char *buf, size_t len, int num)
static char loc_buf[sizeof(int) * CHAR_BITS]; /* not thread safe */
if (!buf)
buf = loc_buf;
len = sizeof(loc_buf);
if (snprintf(buf, len, "%d", num) == -1)
return ""; /* or whatever */
return buf;
const char *my_itoa(int num)
{ return my_itoa_buf(NULL, 0, num); }
Edit: I just found out about std::to_string which is identical in operation to my own function below. It was introduced in C++11 and is available in recent versions of gcc, at least as early as 4.5 if you enable the c++0x extensions.
Not only is itoa missing from gcc, it's not the handiest function to use since you need to feed it a buffer. I needed something that could be used in an expression so I came up with this:
std::string itos(int n)
const int max_size = std::numeric_limits<int>::digits10 + 1 /*sign*/ + 1 /*0-terminator*/;
char buffer[max_size] = {0};
sprintf(buffer, "%d", n);
return std::string(buffer);
Ordinarily it would be safer to use snprintf instead of sprintf but the buffer is carefully sized to be immune to overrun.
See an example:
As Matt J wrote, there is itoa, but it's not standard. Your code will be more portable if you use snprintf.
Following function allocates just enough memory to keep string representation of the given number and then writes the string representation into this area using standard sprintf method.
char *itoa(long n)
int len = n==0 ? 1 : floor(log10l(labs(n)))+1;
if (n<0) len++; // room for negative sign '-'
char *buf = calloc(sizeof(char), len+1); // +1 for null
snprintf(buf, len+1, "%ld", n);
return buf;
Don't forget to free up allocated memory when out of need:
char *num_str = itoa(123456789L);
// ...
N.B. As snprintf copies n-1 bytes, we have to call snprintf(buf, len+1, "%ld", n) (not just snprintf(buf, len, "%ld", n))
Where is the itoa function in Linux?
There is no such function in Linux. I use this code instead.
Convert integer to string
- value A 64-bit number to convert
- str Destination buffer; should be 66 characters long for radix2, 24 - radix8, 22 - radix10, 18 - radix16.
- radix Radix must be in range -36 .. 36. Negative values used for signed numbers.
char* itoa (unsigned long long value, char str[], int radix)
char buf [66];
char* dest = buf + sizeof(buf);
boolean sign = false;
if (value == 0) {
memcpy (str, "0", 2);
return str;
if (radix < 0) {
radix = -radix;
if ( (long long) value < 0) {
value = -value;
sign = true;
*--dest = '\0';
switch (radix)
case 16:
while (value) {
* --dest = '0' + (value & 0xF);
if (*dest > '9') *dest += 'A' - '9' - 1;
value >>= 4;
case 10:
while (value) {
*--dest = '0' + (value % 10);
value /= 10;
case 8:
while (value) {
*--dest = '0' + (value & 7);
value >>= 3;
case 2:
while (value) {
*--dest = '0' + (value & 1);
value >>= 1;
default: // The slow version, but universal
while (value) {
*--dest = '0' + (value % radix);
if (*dest > '9') *dest += 'A' - '9' - 1;
value /= radix;
if (sign) *--dest = '-';
memcpy (str, dest, buf +sizeof(buf) - dest);
return str;
Reading the code of guys who do it for a living will get you a LONG WAY.
Check out how guys from MySQL did it. The source is VERY WELL COMMENTED and will teach you much more than hacked up solutions found all over the place.
MySQL's implementation of int2str
I provide the mentioned implementation here; the link is here for reference and should be used to read the full implementation.
char *
int2str(long int val, char *dst, int radix,
int upcase)
char buffer[65];
char *p;
long int new_val;
char *dig_vec= upcase ? _dig_vec_upper : _dig_vec_lower;
ulong uval= (ulong) val;
if (radix < 0)
if (radix < -36 || radix > -2)
return NullS;
if (val < 0)
*dst++ = '-';
/* Avoid integer overflow in (-val) for LLONG_MIN (BUG#31799). */
uval = (ulong)0 - uval;
radix = -radix;
else if (radix > 36 || radix < 2)
return NullS;
The slightly contorted code which follows is due to the fact that
few machines directly support unsigned long / and %. Certainly
the VAX C compiler generates a subroutine call. In the interests
of efficiency (hollow laugh) I let this happen for the first digit
only; after that "val" will be in range so that signed integer
division will do. Sorry 'bout that. CHECK THE CODE PRODUCED BY
YOUR C COMPILER. The first % and / should be unsigned, the second
% and / signed, but C compilers tend to be extraordinarily
sensitive to minor details of style. This works on a VAX, that's
all I claim for it.
p = &buffer[sizeof(buffer)-1];
*p = '\0';
new_val= uval / (ulong) radix;
*--p = dig_vec[(uchar) (uval- (ulong) new_val*(ulong) radix)];
val = new_val;
while (val != 0)
ldiv_t res;
*--p = dig_vec[res.rem];
val= res.quot;
while ((*dst++ = *p++) != 0) ;
return dst-1;
i tried my own implementation of itoa(), it seem's work in binary, octal, decimal and hex
#define INT_LEN (10)
#define HEX_LEN (8)
#define BIN_LEN (32)
#define OCT_LEN (11)
static char * my_itoa ( int value, char * str, int base )
int i,n =2,tmp;
char buf[BIN_LEN+1];
case 16:
for(i = 0;i<HEX_LEN;++i)
snprintf(str, n, "%x" ,value);
case 10:
for(i = 0;i<INT_LEN;++i)
snprintf(str, n, "%d" ,value);
case 8:
for(i = 0;i<OCT_LEN;++i)
snprintf(str, n, "%o" ,value);
case 2:
for(i = 0,tmp = value;i<BIN_LEN;++i)
for(i = 1 ,tmp = value; i<n;++i)
if(tmp%2 != 0)
buf[n-i-1] ='1';
buf[n-i-1] ='0';
buf[n-1] = '\0';
return NULL;
return str;
direct copy to buffer : 64 bit integer itoa hex :
char* itoah(long num, char* s, int len)
long n, m = 16;
int i = 16+2;
int shift = 'a'- ('9'+1);
if(!s || len < 1)
return 0;
n = num < 0 ? -1 : 1;
n = n * num;
len = len > i ? i : len;
i = len < i ? len : i;
s[i-1] = 0;
if(len < 2)
return &s[i];
return &s[i-1];
while(i && n)
s[i-1] = n % m + '0';
if (s[i-1] > '9')
s[i-1] += shift ;
n = n/m;
if(num < 0)
s[i-1] = '-';
return &s[i];
note: change long to long long for 32 bit machine. long to int in case for 32 bit integer. m is the radix. When decreasing radix, increase number of characters (variable i). When increasing radix, decrease number of characters (better). In case of unsigned data type, i just becomes 16 + 1.
Here is a much improved version of Archana's solution. It works for any radix 1-16, and numbers <= 0, and it shouldn't clobber memory.
static char _numberSystem[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
static char _twosComp[] = "FEDCBA9876543210";
static void safestrrev(char *buffer, const int bufferSize, const int strlen)
int len = strlen;
if (len > bufferSize)
len = bufferSize;
for (int index = 0; index < (len / 2); index++)
char ch = buffer[index];
buffer[index] = buffer[len - index - 1];
buffer[len - index - 1] = ch;
static int negateBuffer(char *buffer, const int bufferSize, const int strlen, const int radix)
int len = strlen;
if (len > bufferSize)
len = bufferSize;
if (radix == 10)
if (len < (bufferSize - 1))
buffer[len++] = '-';
buffer[len] = '\0';
int twosCompIndex = 0;
for (int index = 0; index < len; index++)
if ((buffer[index] >= '0') && (buffer[index] <= '9'))
twosCompIndex = buffer[index] - '0';
else if ((buffer[index] >= 'A') && (buffer[index] <= 'F'))
twosCompIndex = buffer[index] - 'A' + 10;
else if ((buffer[index] >= 'a') && (buffer[index] <= 'f'))
twosCompIndex = buffer[index] - 'a' + 10;
twosCompIndex += (16 - radix);
buffer[index] = _twosComp[twosCompIndex];
if (len < (bufferSize - 1))
buffer[len++] = _numberSystem[radix - 1];
buffer[len] = 0;
return len;
static int twosNegation(const int x, const int radix)
int n = x;
if (x < 0)
if (radix == 10)
n = -x;
n = ~x;
return n;
static char *safeitoa(const int x, char *buffer, const int bufferSize, const int radix)
int strlen = 0;
int n = twosNegation(x, radix);
int nuberSystemIndex = 0;
if (radix <= 16)
if (strlen < (bufferSize - 1))
nuberSystemIndex = (n % radix);
buffer[strlen++] = _numberSystem[nuberSystemIndex];
buffer[strlen] = '\0';
n = n / radix;
} while (n != 0);
if (x < 0)
strlen = negateBuffer(buffer, bufferSize, strlen, radix);
safestrrev(buffer, bufferSize, strlen);
return buffer;
return NULL;
Where is the itoa function in Linux?
As itoa() is not standard in C, various versions with various function signatures exists.
char *itoa(int value, char *str, int base); is common in *nix.
Should it be missing from Linux or if code does not want to limit portability, code could make it own.
Below is a version that does not have trouble with INT_MIN and handles problem buffers: NULL or an insufficient buffer returns NULL.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>
// Buffer sized for a decimal string of a `signed int`, 28/93 > log10(2)
#define SIGNED_PRINT_SIZE(object) ((sizeof(object) * CHAR_BIT - 1)* 28 / 93 + 3)
char *itoa_x(int number, char *dest, size_t dest_size) {
if (dest == NULL) {
return NULL;
char buf[SIGNED_PRINT_SIZE(number)];
char *p = &buf[sizeof buf - 1];
// Work with negative absolute value
int neg_num = number < 0 ? number : -number;
// Form string
*p = '\0';
do {
*--p = (char) ('0' - neg_num % 10);
neg_num /= 10;
} while (neg_num);
if (number < 0) {
*--p = '-';
// Copy string
size_t src_size = (size_t) (&buf[sizeof buf] - p);
if (src_size > dest_size) {
// Not enough room
return NULL;
return memcpy(dest, p, src_size);
Below is a C99 or later version that handles any base [2...36]
char *itoa_x(int number, char *dest, size_t dest_size, int base) {
if (dest == NULL || base < 2 || base > 36) {
return NULL;
char buf[sizeof number * CHAR_BIT + 2]; // worst case: itoa(INT_MIN,,,2)
char *p = &buf[sizeof buf - 1];
// Work with negative absolute value to avoid UB of `abs(INT_MIN)`
int neg_num = number < 0 ? number : -number;
// Form string
*p = '\0';
do {
*--p = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"[-(neg_num % base)];
neg_num /= base;
} while (neg_num);
if (number < 0) {
*--p = '-';
// Copy string
size_t src_size = (size_t) (&buf[sizeof buf] - p);
if (src_size > dest_size) {
// Not enough room
return NULL;
return memcpy(dest, p, src_size);
For a C89 and onward compliant code, replace inner loop with
div_t qr;
do {
qr = div(neg_num, base);
*--p = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"[-qr.rem];
neg_num = qr.quot;
} while (neg_num);
glibc internal implementation
glibc 2.28 has an internal implementation:
which is used in several places internally, but I could not find if it can be exposed or how.
At least that should be a robust implementation if you are willing to extract it.
This question asks how to roll your own: How to convert an int to string in C?
I would prefer this:
It should be the fastest itoa() ever. We use itoa() instead of sprintf() for performance reason, so a fastest itoa() with limited feature is reasonable and worthwhile.
If you just want to print them:
void binary(unsigned int n)
for(int shift=sizeof(int)*8-1;shift>=0;shift--)
if (n >> shift & 1)
The replacement with snprintf is NOT complete!
It covers only bases: 2, 8, 10, 16, whereas itoa works for bases between 2 and 36.
Since I was searching a replacement for base 32, I guess I'll have to code my own!
I have used _itoa(...) on RedHat 6 and GCC compiler. It works.
You can use this program instead of sprintf.
void itochar(int x, char *buffer, int radix);
int main()
char buffer[10];
itochar(725, buffer, 10);
printf ("\n %s \n", buffer);
return 0;
void itochar(int x, char *buffer, int radix)
int i = 0 , n,s;
n = s;
while (n > 0)
s = n%radix;
n = n/radix;
buffer[i++] = '0' + s;
buffer[i] = '\0';

int to string in C? [duplicate]

itoa() is a really handy function to convert a number to a string. Linux does not seem to have itoa(), is there an equivalent function or do I have to use sprintf(str, "%d", num)?
EDIT: Sorry, I should have remembered that this machine is decidedly non-standard, having plugged in various non-standard libc implementations for academic purposes ;-)
As itoa() is indeed non-standard, as mentioned by several helpful commenters, it is best to use sprintf(target_string,"%d",source_int) or (better yet, because it's safe from buffer overflows) snprintf(target_string, size_of_target_string_in_bytes, "%d", source_int). I know it's not quite as concise or cool as itoa(), but at least you can Write Once, Run Everywhere (tm) ;-)
Here's the old (edited) answer
You are correct in stating that the default gcc libc does not include itoa(), like several other platforms, due to it not technically being a part of the standard. See here for a little more info. Note that you have to
#include <stdlib.h>
Of course you already know this, because you wanted to use itoa() on Linux after presumably using it on another platform, but... the code (stolen from the link above) would look like:
/* itoa example */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main ()
int i;
char buffer [33];
printf ("Enter a number: ");
scanf ("%d",&i);
itoa (i,buffer,10);
printf ("decimal: %s\n",buffer);
itoa (i,buffer,16);
printf ("hexadecimal: %s\n",buffer);
itoa (i,buffer,2);
printf ("binary: %s\n",buffer);
return 0;
Enter a number: 1750
decimal: 1750
hexadecimal: 6d6
binary: 11011010110
itoa is not a standard C function. You can implement your own. It appeared in the first edition of Kernighan and Ritchie's The C Programming Language, on page 60. The second edition of The C Programming Language ("K&R2") contains the following implementation of itoa, on page 64. The book notes several issues with this implementation, including the fact that it does not correctly handle the most negative number
/* itoa: convert n to characters in s */
void itoa(int n, char s[])
int i, sign;
if ((sign = n) < 0) /* record sign */
n = -n; /* make n positive */
i = 0;
do { /* generate digits in reverse order */
s[i++] = n % 10 + '0'; /* get next digit */
} while ((n /= 10) > 0); /* delete it */
if (sign < 0)
s[i++] = '-';
s[i] = '\0';
The function reverse used above is implemented two pages earlier:
#include <string.h>
/* reverse: reverse string s in place */
void reverse(char s[])
int i, j;
char c;
for (i = 0, j = strlen(s)-1; i<j; i++, j--) {
c = s[i];
s[i] = s[j];
s[j] = c;
If you are calling it a lot, the advice of "just use snprintf" can be annoying. So here's what you probably want:
const char *my_itoa_buf(char *buf, size_t len, int num)
static char loc_buf[sizeof(int) * CHAR_BITS]; /* not thread safe */
if (!buf)
buf = loc_buf;
len = sizeof(loc_buf);
if (snprintf(buf, len, "%d", num) == -1)
return ""; /* or whatever */
return buf;
const char *my_itoa(int num)
{ return my_itoa_buf(NULL, 0, num); }
Edit: I just found out about std::to_string which is identical in operation to my own function below. It was introduced in C++11 and is available in recent versions of gcc, at least as early as 4.5 if you enable the c++0x extensions.
Not only is itoa missing from gcc, it's not the handiest function to use since you need to feed it a buffer. I needed something that could be used in an expression so I came up with this:
std::string itos(int n)
const int max_size = std::numeric_limits<int>::digits10 + 1 /*sign*/ + 1 /*0-terminator*/;
char buffer[max_size] = {0};
sprintf(buffer, "%d", n);
return std::string(buffer);
Ordinarily it would be safer to use snprintf instead of sprintf but the buffer is carefully sized to be immune to overrun.
See an example:
As Matt J wrote, there is itoa, but it's not standard. Your code will be more portable if you use snprintf.
Following function allocates just enough memory to keep string representation of the given number and then writes the string representation into this area using standard sprintf method.
char *itoa(long n)
int len = n==0 ? 1 : floor(log10l(labs(n)))+1;
if (n<0) len++; // room for negative sign '-'
char *buf = calloc(sizeof(char), len+1); // +1 for null
snprintf(buf, len+1, "%ld", n);
return buf;
Don't forget to free up allocated memory when out of need:
char *num_str = itoa(123456789L);
// ...
N.B. As snprintf copies n-1 bytes, we have to call snprintf(buf, len+1, "%ld", n) (not just snprintf(buf, len, "%ld", n))
Where is the itoa function in Linux?
There is no such function in Linux. I use this code instead.
Convert integer to string
- value A 64-bit number to convert
- str Destination buffer; should be 66 characters long for radix2, 24 - radix8, 22 - radix10, 18 - radix16.
- radix Radix must be in range -36 .. 36. Negative values used for signed numbers.
char* itoa (unsigned long long value, char str[], int radix)
char buf [66];
char* dest = buf + sizeof(buf);
boolean sign = false;
if (value == 0) {
memcpy (str, "0", 2);
return str;
if (radix < 0) {
radix = -radix;
if ( (long long) value < 0) {
value = -value;
sign = true;
*--dest = '\0';
switch (radix)
case 16:
while (value) {
* --dest = '0' + (value & 0xF);
if (*dest > '9') *dest += 'A' - '9' - 1;
value >>= 4;
case 10:
while (value) {
*--dest = '0' + (value % 10);
value /= 10;
case 8:
while (value) {
*--dest = '0' + (value & 7);
value >>= 3;
case 2:
while (value) {
*--dest = '0' + (value & 1);
value >>= 1;
default: // The slow version, but universal
while (value) {
*--dest = '0' + (value % radix);
if (*dest > '9') *dest += 'A' - '9' - 1;
value /= radix;
if (sign) *--dest = '-';
memcpy (str, dest, buf +sizeof(buf) - dest);
return str;
Reading the code of guys who do it for a living will get you a LONG WAY.
Check out how guys from MySQL did it. The source is VERY WELL COMMENTED and will teach you much more than hacked up solutions found all over the place.
MySQL's implementation of int2str
I provide the mentioned implementation here; the link is here for reference and should be used to read the full implementation.
char *
int2str(long int val, char *dst, int radix,
int upcase)
char buffer[65];
char *p;
long int new_val;
char *dig_vec= upcase ? _dig_vec_upper : _dig_vec_lower;
ulong uval= (ulong) val;
if (radix < 0)
if (radix < -36 || radix > -2)
return NullS;
if (val < 0)
*dst++ = '-';
/* Avoid integer overflow in (-val) for LLONG_MIN (BUG#31799). */
uval = (ulong)0 - uval;
radix = -radix;
else if (radix > 36 || radix < 2)
return NullS;
The slightly contorted code which follows is due to the fact that
few machines directly support unsigned long / and %. Certainly
the VAX C compiler generates a subroutine call. In the interests
of efficiency (hollow laugh) I let this happen for the first digit
only; after that "val" will be in range so that signed integer
division will do. Sorry 'bout that. CHECK THE CODE PRODUCED BY
YOUR C COMPILER. The first % and / should be unsigned, the second
% and / signed, but C compilers tend to be extraordinarily
sensitive to minor details of style. This works on a VAX, that's
all I claim for it.
p = &buffer[sizeof(buffer)-1];
*p = '\0';
new_val= uval / (ulong) radix;
*--p = dig_vec[(uchar) (uval- (ulong) new_val*(ulong) radix)];
val = new_val;
while (val != 0)
ldiv_t res;
*--p = dig_vec[res.rem];
val= res.quot;
while ((*dst++ = *p++) != 0) ;
return dst-1;
i tried my own implementation of itoa(), it seem's work in binary, octal, decimal and hex
#define INT_LEN (10)
#define HEX_LEN (8)
#define BIN_LEN (32)
#define OCT_LEN (11)
static char * my_itoa ( int value, char * str, int base )
int i,n =2,tmp;
char buf[BIN_LEN+1];
case 16:
for(i = 0;i<HEX_LEN;++i)
snprintf(str, n, "%x" ,value);
case 10:
for(i = 0;i<INT_LEN;++i)
snprintf(str, n, "%d" ,value);
case 8:
for(i = 0;i<OCT_LEN;++i)
snprintf(str, n, "%o" ,value);
case 2:
for(i = 0,tmp = value;i<BIN_LEN;++i)
for(i = 1 ,tmp = value; i<n;++i)
if(tmp%2 != 0)
buf[n-i-1] ='1';
buf[n-i-1] ='0';
buf[n-1] = '\0';
return NULL;
return str;
direct copy to buffer : 64 bit integer itoa hex :
char* itoah(long num, char* s, int len)
long n, m = 16;
int i = 16+2;
int shift = 'a'- ('9'+1);
if(!s || len < 1)
return 0;
n = num < 0 ? -1 : 1;
n = n * num;
len = len > i ? i : len;
i = len < i ? len : i;
s[i-1] = 0;
if(len < 2)
return &s[i];
return &s[i-1];
while(i && n)
s[i-1] = n % m + '0';
if (s[i-1] > '9')
s[i-1] += shift ;
n = n/m;
if(num < 0)
s[i-1] = '-';
return &s[i];
note: change long to long long for 32 bit machine. long to int in case for 32 bit integer. m is the radix. When decreasing radix, increase number of characters (variable i). When increasing radix, decrease number of characters (better). In case of unsigned data type, i just becomes 16 + 1.
Here is a much improved version of Archana's solution. It works for any radix 1-16, and numbers <= 0, and it shouldn't clobber memory.
static char _numberSystem[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
static char _twosComp[] = "FEDCBA9876543210";
static void safestrrev(char *buffer, const int bufferSize, const int strlen)
int len = strlen;
if (len > bufferSize)
len = bufferSize;
for (int index = 0; index < (len / 2); index++)
char ch = buffer[index];
buffer[index] = buffer[len - index - 1];
buffer[len - index - 1] = ch;
static int negateBuffer(char *buffer, const int bufferSize, const int strlen, const int radix)
int len = strlen;
if (len > bufferSize)
len = bufferSize;
if (radix == 10)
if (len < (bufferSize - 1))
buffer[len++] = '-';
buffer[len] = '\0';
int twosCompIndex = 0;
for (int index = 0; index < len; index++)
if ((buffer[index] >= '0') && (buffer[index] <= '9'))
twosCompIndex = buffer[index] - '0';
else if ((buffer[index] >= 'A') && (buffer[index] <= 'F'))
twosCompIndex = buffer[index] - 'A' + 10;
else if ((buffer[index] >= 'a') && (buffer[index] <= 'f'))
twosCompIndex = buffer[index] - 'a' + 10;
twosCompIndex += (16 - radix);
buffer[index] = _twosComp[twosCompIndex];
if (len < (bufferSize - 1))
buffer[len++] = _numberSystem[radix - 1];
buffer[len] = 0;
return len;
static int twosNegation(const int x, const int radix)
int n = x;
if (x < 0)
if (radix == 10)
n = -x;
n = ~x;
return n;
static char *safeitoa(const int x, char *buffer, const int bufferSize, const int radix)
int strlen = 0;
int n = twosNegation(x, radix);
int nuberSystemIndex = 0;
if (radix <= 16)
if (strlen < (bufferSize - 1))
nuberSystemIndex = (n % radix);
buffer[strlen++] = _numberSystem[nuberSystemIndex];
buffer[strlen] = '\0';
n = n / radix;
} while (n != 0);
if (x < 0)
strlen = negateBuffer(buffer, bufferSize, strlen, radix);
safestrrev(buffer, bufferSize, strlen);
return buffer;
return NULL;
Where is the itoa function in Linux?
As itoa() is not standard in C, various versions with various function signatures exists.
char *itoa(int value, char *str, int base); is common in *nix.
Should it be missing from Linux or if code does not want to limit portability, code could make it own.
Below is a version that does not have trouble with INT_MIN and handles problem buffers: NULL or an insufficient buffer returns NULL.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>
// Buffer sized for a decimal string of a `signed int`, 28/93 > log10(2)
#define SIGNED_PRINT_SIZE(object) ((sizeof(object) * CHAR_BIT - 1)* 28 / 93 + 3)
char *itoa_x(int number, char *dest, size_t dest_size) {
if (dest == NULL) {
return NULL;
char buf[SIGNED_PRINT_SIZE(number)];
char *p = &buf[sizeof buf - 1];
// Work with negative absolute value
int neg_num = number < 0 ? number : -number;
// Form string
*p = '\0';
do {
*--p = (char) ('0' - neg_num % 10);
neg_num /= 10;
} while (neg_num);
if (number < 0) {
*--p = '-';
// Copy string
size_t src_size = (size_t) (&buf[sizeof buf] - p);
if (src_size > dest_size) {
// Not enough room
return NULL;
return memcpy(dest, p, src_size);
Below is a C99 or later version that handles any base [2...36]
char *itoa_x(int number, char *dest, size_t dest_size, int base) {
if (dest == NULL || base < 2 || base > 36) {
return NULL;
char buf[sizeof number * CHAR_BIT + 2]; // worst case: itoa(INT_MIN,,,2)
char *p = &buf[sizeof buf - 1];
// Work with negative absolute value to avoid UB of `abs(INT_MIN)`
int neg_num = number < 0 ? number : -number;
// Form string
*p = '\0';
do {
*--p = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"[-(neg_num % base)];
neg_num /= base;
} while (neg_num);
if (number < 0) {
*--p = '-';
// Copy string
size_t src_size = (size_t) (&buf[sizeof buf] - p);
if (src_size > dest_size) {
// Not enough room
return NULL;
return memcpy(dest, p, src_size);
For a C89 and onward compliant code, replace inner loop with
div_t qr;
do {
qr = div(neg_num, base);
*--p = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"[-qr.rem];
neg_num = qr.quot;
} while (neg_num);
glibc internal implementation
glibc 2.28 has an internal implementation:
which is used in several places internally, but I could not find if it can be exposed or how.
At least that should be a robust implementation if you are willing to extract it.
This question asks how to roll your own: How to convert an int to string in C?
I would prefer this:
It should be the fastest itoa() ever. We use itoa() instead of sprintf() for performance reason, so a fastest itoa() with limited feature is reasonable and worthwhile.
If you just want to print them:
void binary(unsigned int n)
for(int shift=sizeof(int)*8-1;shift>=0;shift--)
if (n >> shift & 1)
The replacement with snprintf is NOT complete!
It covers only bases: 2, 8, 10, 16, whereas itoa works for bases between 2 and 36.
Since I was searching a replacement for base 32, I guess I'll have to code my own!
I have used _itoa(...) on RedHat 6 and GCC compiler. It works.
You can use this program instead of sprintf.
void itochar(int x, char *buffer, int radix);
int main()
char buffer[10];
itochar(725, buffer, 10);
printf ("\n %s \n", buffer);
return 0;
void itochar(int x, char *buffer, int radix)
int i = 0 , n,s;
n = s;
while (n > 0)
s = n%radix;
n = n/radix;
buffer[i++] = '0' + s;
buffer[i] = '\0';
