Is using an outdated C compiler a security risk? - c

We have some build systems in production which no one cares about and these machines run ancient versions of GCC like GCC 3 or GCC 2.
And I can't persuade the management to upgrade it to a more recent: they say, "if ain't broke, don't fix it".
Since we maintain a very old code base (written in the 80s), this C89 code compiles just fine on these compilers.
But I'm not sure it is good idea to use these old stuff.
My question is:
Can using an old C compiler compromise the security of the compiled program?
The same code is built by Visual Studio 2008 for Windows targets, and MSVC doesn't support C99 or C11 yet (I don't know if newer MSVC does), and I can build it on my Linux box using the latest GCC. So if we would just drop in a newer GCC it would probably build just as fine as before.

Actually I would argue the opposite.
There are a number of cases where behaviour is undefined by the C standard but where it is obvious what would happen with a "dumb compiler" on a given platform. Cases like allowing a signed integer to overflow or accessing the same memory though variables of two different types.
Recent versions of gcc (and clang) have started treating these cases as optimisation opportunities not caring if they change how the binary behaves in the "undefined behaviour" condition. This is very bad if your codebase was written by people who treated C like a "portable assembler". As time went on the optimisers have started looking at larger and larger chunks of code when doing these optimisations increasing the chance the binary will end up doing something other than "what a binary built by a dumb compiler" would do.
There are compiler switches to restore "traditional" behaviour (-fwrapv and -fno-strict-aliasing for the two I mentioned above) , but first you have to know about them.
While in principle a compiler bug could turn compliant code into a security hole I would consider the risk of this to be negligable in the grand scheme of things.

There are risks in both courses of action.
Older compilers have the advantage of maturity, and whatever was broken in them has probably (but there's no guarantee) been worked around successfully.
In this case, a new compiler is a potential source of new bugs.
On the other hand, newer compilers come with additional tooling:
GCC and Clang both now feature sanitizers which can instrument the runtime to detect undefined behaviors of various sorts (Chandler Carruth, of the Google Compiler team, claimed last year that he expects them to have reached full coverage)
Clang, at least, features hardening, for example Control Flow Integrity is about detecting hi-jacks of control flow, there are also hardening implements to protect against stack smashing attacks (by separating the control-flow part of the stack from the data part); hardening features are generally low overhead (< 1% CPU overhead)
Clang/LLVM is also working on libFuzzer, a tool to create instrumented fuzzing unit-tests that explore the input space of the function under test smartly (by tweaking the input to take not-as-yet explored execution paths)
Instrumenting your binary with the sanitizers (Address Sanitizer, Memory Sanitizer or Undefined Behavior Sanitizer) and then fuzzing it (using American Fuzzy Lop for example) has uncovered vulnerabilities in a number of high-profile softwares, see for example this article.
Those new tools, and all future tools, are inaccessible to you unless you upgrade your compiler.
By staying on an underpowered compiler, you are putting your head in the sand and crossing fingers that no vulnerability is found. If your product is a high-value target, I urge you to reconsider.
Note: even if you do NOT upgrade the production compiler, you might want to use a new compiler to check for vulnerability anyway; do be aware that since those are different compilers, the guarantees are lessened though.

Your compiled code contains bugs that could be exploited. The bugs come from three sources: Bugs in your source code, bugs in the compiler and libraries, and undefined behaviour in your source code that the compiler turns into a bug. (Undefined behaviour is a bug, but not a bug in the compiled code yet. As an example, i = i++; in C or C++ is a bug, but in your compiled code it may increase i by 1 and be Ok, or set i to some junk and be a bug).
The rate of bugs in your compiled code is presumably low due to testing and to fixing bugs due to customer bug reports. So there may have been a large number of bugs initially, but that has gone down.
If you upgrade to a newer compiler, you may lose bugs that were introduced by compiler bugs. But these bugs would all be bugs that to your knowledge nobody found and nobody exploited. But the new compiler may have bugs on its own, and importantly newer compilers have a stronger tendency to turn undefined behaviour into bugs in the compiled code.
So you will have a whole lot of new bugs in your compiled code; all bugs that hackers could find and exploit. And unless you do a whole lot of testing, and leave your code with customers to find bugs for a long time, it will be less secure.

If it aint broke, don't fix it
Your boss sounds right in saying this, however, the more important factor, is safeguarding of inputs, outputs, buffer overflows. Lack of those is invariably the weakest link in the chain from that standpoint regardless of the compiler used.
However, if the code base is ancient, and work was put in place to mitigate the weaknesses of the K&R C used, such as lacking of type safety, insecure fgets, etc, weigh up the question "Would upgrading the compiler to more modern C99/C11 standards break everything?"
Provided, that there's a clear path to migrate to the newer C standards, which could induce side effects, might be best to attempt a fork of the old codebase, assess it and put in extra type checks, sanity checks, and determine if upgrading to the newer compiler has any effect on input/output datasets.
Then you can show it to your boss, "Here's the updated code base, refactored, more in line with industry accepted C99/C11 standards...".
That's the gamble that would have to be weighed up on, very carefully, resistence to change might show there in that environment and may refuse to touch the newer stuff.
Just sat back for a few minutes, realized this much, K&R generated code could be running on a 16bit platform, chances are, upgrading to more modern compiler could actually break the code base, am thinking in terms of architecture, 32bit code would be generated, this could have funny side effects on the structures used for input/output datasets, that is another huge factor to weigh up carefully.
Also, since OP has mentioned using Visual Studio 2008 to build the codebase, using gcc could induce bringing into the environment either MinGW or Cygwin, that could have an impact change on the environment, unless, the target is for Linux, then it would be worth a shot, may have to include additional switches to the compiler to minimize noise on old K&R code base, the other important thing is to carry out a lot of testing to ensure no functionality is broken, may turn out to be a painful exercise.

There is a security risk where a malicious developer can sneak a back-door through a compiler bug. Depending on the quantity of known bugs in the compiler in use, the backdoor may look more or less inconspicuous (in any case, the point is that the code is correct, even if convoluted, at the source level. Source code reviews and tests using a non-buggy compiler will not find the backdoor, because the backdoor does not exist in these conditions). For extra deniability points, the malicious developer may also look for previously-unknown compiler bugs on their own. Again, the quality of the camouflage will depend on the choice of compiler bugs found.
This attack is illustrated on the program sudo in this article. bcrypt wrote a great follow-up for Javascript minifiers.
Apart from this concern, the evolution of C compilers has been to exploit undefined behavior more and more and more aggressively, so old C code that was written in good faith would actually be more secure compiled with a C compiler from the time, or compiled at -O0 (but some new program-breaking UB-exploiting optimizations are introduced in new versions of compilers even at -O0).

Can using an old C compiler compromise the security of the compiled program?
Of course it can, if the old compiler contains known bugs that you know would affect your program.
The question is, does it? To know for sure, you would have to read the whole change log from your version to present date and check every single bug fixed over the years.
If you find no evidence of compiler bugs that would affect your program, updating GCC just for the sake of it seems a bit paranoid. You would have to keep in mind that newer versions might contain new bugs, that are not yet discovered. Lots of changes were made recently with GCC 5 and C11 support.
That being said, code written in the 80s is most likely already filled to the brim with security holes and reliance on poorly-defined behavior, no matter the compiler. We're talking of pre-standard C here.

Older compilers may not have protection against known hacking attacks. Stack smashing protection, for example, was not introduced until GCC 4.1. So yeah, code compiled with older compilers may be vulnerable in ways that newer compilers protect against.

Another aspect to worry about is the development of new code.
Older compilers may have different behavior for some language features than what is standardized and expected by the programmer. This mismatch can slow development and introduce subtle bugs that can be exploited.
Older compilers offer fewer features (including language features!) and don't optimize as well. Programmers will hack their way around these deficiencies — e.g. by reimplementing missing features, or writing clever code that is obscure but runs faster — creating new opportunities for the creation of subtle bugs.

The reason is simple, old compiler may have old bugs and exploits, but the new compiler will have new bugs and exploits.
Your not "fixing" any bugs by upgrading to a new compiler. Your switching old bugs and exploits for new bugs and exploits.

Well there is a higher probability that any bugs in the old compiler are well known and documented as opposed to using a new compiler so actions can be taken to avoid those bugs by coding around them. So in a way that is not enough as argument for upgrading. We have the same discussions where I work, we use GCC 4.6.1 on a code base for embedded software and there is a great reluctance (among management) to upgrade to the latest compiler because of fear for new, undocumented bugs.

Your question falls into two parts:
Explicit: “Is there a greater risk in using the older compiler” (more or less as in your title)
Implicit: “How can I persuade management to upgrade”
Perhaps you can answer both by finding an exploitable flaw in your existing code base and showing that a newer compiler would have detected it. Of course your management may say “you found that with the old compiler”, but you can point out that it cost considerable effort. Or you run it through the new compiler to find the vulnerability, then exploit it, if your are able/allowed to compile the code with the new compiler. You may want help from a friendly hacker, but that depends on trusting them and being able/allowed to show them the code (and use the new compiler).
But if your system is not exposed to hackers, you should perhaps be more interested in whether a compiler upgrade would increase your effectiveness: MSVS 2013 Code Analysis quite often finds potential bugs much sooner than MSVS 2010, and it more or less supports C99/C11 – not sure if it does officially, but declarations can follow statements and you can declare variables in for-loops.


How do compilers written in the language they compile deal with bugs?

Say I have a C compiler written in C. That C compiler would then be compiled using an earlier version of that compiler or by itself (by first compiling the source with an older version and then again with the new compiler assume).
What if the implementation of that C compiler would have a bug in it? That would mean the C compiler produces binaries that are possibly incorrect. If I were to fix the bug that code would still have to be compiled using the bugged version of the compiler, again resulting in a compiler that possibly does not behave correctly.
If the bug was caught right away I can see how to deal with this by just using an older version o the compiler. But what if the bug goes undetected for a number of iterations? It seems to me almost impossible to track down the source of the bug at that point as the incorrect behavior could possibly be a result from any of the previous version of that compiler that has propagated through the various iterations.
Theere are several possibilities:
If there are other implementations of the compiler, you can use one of them to recompile your compiler. Most languages have multiple implementations, so this is often an option.
If you know what triggers the buggy behavior, look for the triggering code in your source code, and rewrite it. If this is suboptimal code, you only have to do it temporarily: compile this altered version, then compile the original version with the (now non-buggy) compiler.
Monkey-patch the compiler to "fix" the bug, then recompile. Or do this by hand in the debugger if the buggy situation doesn't arise too many times while compiling.
BTW, your concern is not dissimilar to a more insidious (theoretical) problem that was described by Ken Thompson in his Turing Award lecture, Reflections on Trusting Trust. He described a situation where the compiler has intentional code that detects when it's compiling the OS and inserts security vulnerabilities; it also detects when it's recompiling the compiler, and inserts the detection code.
"Language" is an abstract concept; a compiler is a specific, real, running program that implements the language. A compiler might well be written in the same language it compiles, but it is compiled by a specific version of a specific implementation of that language, so dealing with bugs is specific to that implementation.
It might be compiled with an implementation of the language from some other source, or from an earlier version of itself, or a limited version of itself, for example. It's quite possible for the code to contain workarounds for bugs in that other compiler. But again, such bugs exist in specific implementations, not in the abstract language, and they are dealt with the same way you would deal with compiler bugs in any other program.

Should we disable compiler optimization until the program is bug free?

Sometimes compiler optimization hides errors; for exemple:
double val = sin(1.5);
If the compiler optimization is enabled although the math library is not linked this will compile since the compiler will calculate the value of sin(1.5) and replace it.
Is it a good practice to disable compiler optimization until the program is bug free?
Since nobody wrote it up as an answer, I take a shot.
Is it a good practice to disable compiler optimization until the program is bug free?
I wouldn't recommend it. Instead, I would regularly test my code in release mode as well (with optimizations enabled). I have had some bugs personally and I have seen many cases where the code worked beautifully in debug mode but crashed or produced weird things in release mode. (Some of the latter bugs were stack corruption related.)
The sooner you realize that you have such a bug, the better. You will probably have an easier time finding it while your memories of the code are still fresh.
Another thing I have seen is bugs due to side effects in code snippets that only run in debug mode. These are clearly the developer's mistake but the sooner you notice it, the more likely that you will have an easier time fixing it.
Developing in release mode unless I need the debugger seems a little over the top to me. In debug mode you may get many useful checks in your third party libraries which in turn reduces your time spent on debugging.
In short: develop in debug mode but test regularly in release mode.
I always use the following argument: All code that is deployed, is optimized. So there is little point in hampering down the development process by unnecessarily using unoptimized code. Especially, it does not make sense to do any performance evaluation with unoptimized code. The only reason for switching off the optimizer is to be able to follow the program in a debugger, nothing else. If switching off optimization breaks the build, that's a nuisance, nothing more.
Much worse is the opposite effect where a program suddenly fails due to optimization. That is the effect you need to safeguard against, because that is the effect your users will get angry about. And due to the combination of clever optimizers and undefined behaviour in the language definition, this effect can happen quite easily.
So I try to do all my testing at least with -O2, and switch to -O0 only when I need to use the debugger.

What is wrong with using turbo C?

I always find that some people (a majority from India) are using turbo C.
I cannot find any reason to use such outdated compiler...
But I don't know what reasons to give when trying to tell them to use modern compiler(gcc,msvc,...).
Turbo C is a DOS only product. This means that it no longer runs "natively" on 64-bit versions of Windows, and must be run inside the XP compatibility penalty box.
While there are plenty of reasons not to use Turbo C (it's old, predates standards, generates 16-bit code, etc.), it's not valid to answer a question like "How do I do X in Turbo C?" with "Just use GCC". That would be like somebody asking "How do I do X with my 1992 Toyota?" and you saying "Just get a newer car".
People who are using Turbo C are probably doing so because it's a requirement, not because they don't know about anything better. Odds are it's for a programming class where the assignments they turn in have to work in that compiler. When I was grading C++ assignments, it didn't matter what compiler the students used, but they had to compile and run properly with the compiler I was using.
I would say support and standards compliance would be the two big issues for me.
Good luck even finding Borland/Inprise/Borland/Codegear/Embarcadero, or whatever they call themselves nowadays. Even more kudos if you can get them to admit these products exist (although I did at some point get them from the Borland museum on BDN).
Performance can be important but the vast majority of applications I write spend 90% of their time waiting for the user (I don't do genome sequencing, SETI analysis or protein folding - the market is pretty small).
Honestly, if I have the choice between two free products (where obviously money is not an issue), I'll always select the best (that would be GCC for me).
Turbo C generates 16-bit X86 code. Kiiinda nice when you're developing on a 16-bit x86 processor.
Been there. Done that.
The pragmatic reasons for changing are: gcc is under development, with bug-fixes. It deploys on modern operating systems and modern chips natively.
It was also my first compiler (4 yrs ago), though I switched to gcc soon enough when I learned it didn't follow latest standards and relied on features that are considered deprecated or bad practice. These were enough reasons for me to make the switch.
The most important reason you should use decent C compiler is performance. Since GCC optimizes the code aggressively, the compiled programs would have the performance tens of percents higher than before.
Turbo C is much simpler to configure & use, runs on old DOS machines. Also it is compact in size.I guess that is the reason.
However, it does take a very little advantage of modern processors.

C compiler producing lightweight executeables

I'm currently using MSVC for C++ but as I'm switching to C to write a very performance-intensive program (interpreter) I have to search for a fitting C compiler.
I've looked at some binaries produced by Turbo-C and even if its old they seem pretty straigthforward and optimized.
Now I don't know what the best compiler for building an interpreter is, but maybe you can help me.
I've considered GCC but as I don't know much about it, I can't be really sure.
99.9% a programs performance depends on the code you write and the language you choose.
you can safely ignore the performance of the the compiler.
Stick to MSVC...and dont waste time :)
If I were you, I would take the approach of worrying less about the compiler and worrying more about your own code. Write the code for the interpreter in a reasonable way. Then, profile it, and optimize spots based on how much time they take. That is more likely to produce a performance benefit than using a particular compiler.
If you want a lightweight program, it is not the compiler you need to worry about so much as the code you write and the libraries you use. Most compilers will produce similar results from the same source code.
For example, using C++ with MFC, a basic windows application used to start off at about 900kB and grow rapidly. Linking with the dynamic MFC dlls would get you down to a few hundred kB. But by dropping MFC totally - using Win32 APIs directly - and using a minimal C runtime it was relatively easy to implement the same thing in an .exe of about 25kB or less (IIRC - it's been a long time since I did this).
So ditch the libraries and get back to proper low level C (or even C++ if you don't use too many "clever" features), and you can easily write very compact applications.
I've just realised I was confused by the question title into talking about lightweight applications as opposed to concentrating on performance, which appears to be the real thrust of the question. If you want performance, then there is no specific need to use C, or move to a painful development environment - just write good, high performance code. Fundamentally this is about using the correct designs and algorithms and then profiling and optimising the resulting code to eliminate bottlenecks and inefficiencies. Note that these days you may achieve a much bugger bang for your buck by switching to a multithreaded approach than just concentrating on raw code optimisation - make sure you utilise the hardware well.
You can use GCC, through MingW, Eclipse CDT, or one of the other Windows ports. You can optimize for executable size, speed of resulting executable, or speed of compilation.
C++ was designed to be backward compatible with C. So any C++ compiler should be able to compile pure C. You might want to tell it that it's C and not C++, so compiler doesn't do name mangling, etc. If the compiler is very good with C++, it should be equally good, or better with C, because C is much simpler.
I would suggest sticking with MSVC. It's a very decent system. Though if you are not convinced - compare your options. Build the same program with multiple compilers, look at the assembly they produce, measure the resulting executable performance, etc.

C (or any) compilers deterministic performance

Whilst working on a recent project, I was visited by a customer QA representitive, who asked me a question that I hadn't really considered before:
How do you know that the compiler you are using generates machine code that matches the c code's functionality exactly and that the compiler is fully deterministic?
To this question I had absolutely no reply as I have always taken the compiler for granted. It takes in code and spews out machine code. How can I go about and test that the compiler isn't actually adding functionality that I haven't asked it for? or even more dangerously implementing code in a slightly different manner to that which I expect?
I am aware that this is perhapse not really an issue for everyone, and indeed the answer might just be... "you're over a barrel and deal with it". However, when working in an embedded environment, you trust your compiler implicitly. How can I prove to myself and QA that I am right in doing so?
You can apply that argument at any level: do you trust the third party libraries? do you trust the OS? do you trust the processor?
A good example of why this may be a valid concern of course, is how Ken Thompson put a backdoor into the original 'login' program ... and modified the C compiler so that even if you recompiled login you still got the backdoor. See this posting for more details.
Similar questions have been raised about encryption algorithms -- how do we know there isn't a backdoor in DES for the NSA to snoop through?
At the end of the you have to decide if you trust the infrastructure you are building on enough to not worry about it, otherwise you have to start developing your own silicon chips!
For safety critical embedded application certifying agencies require to satisfy the "proven-in-use" requirement for the compiler. There are typically certain requirements (kind of like "hours of operation") that need to be met and proven by detailed documentation. However, most people either cannot or don't want to meet these requirements because it can be very difficult especially on your first project with a new target/compiler.
One other approach is basically to NOT trust the compiler's output at all. Any compiler and even language-dependent (Appendix G of the C-90 standard, anyone?) deficiencies need to be covered by a strict set of static analysis, unit- and coverage testing in addition to the later functional testing.
A standard like MISRA-C can help to restrict the input to the compiler to a "safe" subset of the C language. Another approach is to restrict the input to a compiler to a subset of a language and test what the output for the entire subset is. If our application is only built of components from the subset it is assumed to be known what the output of the compiler will be. The usually goes by "qualification of the compiler".
The goal of all of this is to be able to answer the QA representative's question with "We don't just rely on determinism of the compiler but this is the way we prove it...".
You know by testing. When you test, you're testing your both code and the compiler.
You will find that the odds that you or the compiler writer have made an error are much smaller than the odds that you would make an error if you wrote the program in question in some assembly language.
There are compiler validation suits available.
The one I remember is "Perennial".
When I worked on a C compiler for a embedded SOC processor we had to validate the compiler against this and two other validation suits (that I forget the name of). Validating the compiler to a certain level of conformance to these test suits was part of the contract.
It all boils down to trust. Does your customer trust any compiler? Use that, or at least compare output code between yours and theirs.
If they don't trust any, is there a reference implementation for the language? Could you convince them to trust it? Then compare yours against the reference or use the reference.
This all assuming you actually verify the actual code you get from the vendor/provider and that you check the compiler has not been tampered with, which should be the first step.
Anyhow this still leaves the question about how would you verify, without having references, a compiler, from scratch. That certainly looks like a ton of work and requires a definition of the language, which not always is available, sometimes the definition is the compiler.
How do you know that the compiler you are using generates machine code that matches the c code's functionality exactly and that the compiler is fully deterministic?
You don't, that's why you test the resultant binary, and why you make sure to ship the same binary you tested with. And why when you make 'minor' software changes, you regression test to make sure none of the old functionality broke.
The only software I've certified is avionics. FAA certification isn't rigorous enough to prove the software works correctly, while at the same time it does force you to jump through a certain amount of hoops. The trick is to structure your 'process' so it improves quality as much as possible, with as little extraneous hoop-jumping as you can get away with. So anything that you know is worthless and won't actually find bugs, you can probably weasel out of. And anything you know you should do because it will find bugs that isn't explicitly asked for by the FAA, your best bet is to twist words until it sounds like you're giving the FAA/your QA people what they asked for.
This actually isn't as dishonest as I've made it sound, in general the FAA cares more about you being conscientious and confident that you're trying to do a good job, than about what exactly you do.
Some intellectual ammunition might be found in Crosstalk, a magazine for defense software engineers. This question is the kind of thing they spend many waking hours on. (If i can find my old notes from an old project, i'll be back here...)
You can never fully trust the compiler, even highly recommended ones. They could release an update that has a bug, and your code compiles the same. This problem is compounded when updating old code with the buggy compiler, doing testing and shipping out the goods only to have the customer ring you 3 months later with a problem.
It all comes back to testing, and if there is one thing I have learnt it is to thouroughly test after any non-trivial change. If the problem seems impossible to find have a look at the compiled assembler and check it's doing what it should be doing.
On several occasions I have found bugs in the compiler. One time there was a bug where 16 bit variables would get incremented but without carry and only if the 16 bit variable was part of an extern struct defined in a header file. trust your compiler implicitly
You'll stop doing that the first time you come across a compiler bug. ;-)
But ultimately this is what testing is for. It doesn't matter to your test regime how the bug got in to your product in the first place, all that matters is that it didn't pass your extensive testing regime.
Well.. you can't simply say that you trust your compiler's output - particularly if you work with embedded code. It is not hard to find discrepancies between the code generated when compiling the very same code with different compilers. This is the case because the C standard itself is too loose. Many details can be implemented differently by different compilers without breaking the standard. How do we deal with this stuff? We avoid compiler dependent constructs whenever possible. We may deal with it by choosing a safer subset of C like Misra-C as previously mentioned by the user cschol. I seldom have to inspect the code generated by the compiler but that has also happened to me at times. But, ultimately, you are relying on your tests in order to make sure that the code behaves as intended.
Is there a better option out there? Some people claim that there is. The other option is to write your code in SPARK/Ada. I have never written code in SPARK but my understanding is that you would still have to link it against routines written in C that would deal with the "bare metal" stuff. The beauty of SPARK/Ada is that you are absolutely guaranteed that the code generated by any compiler is always going to be the same. No ambiguity whatsoever. On top of that, the language allows you to annotate the code with explanations as to how the code is intended to behave. The SPARK toolset will use these annotations to formally prove that the code written does indeed do what the annotations have described. So I have been told that for critical systems, SPARK/Ada is a pretty good bet. I have never tried it myself though.
You don't know for sure that the compiler will do exactly what you expect. The reason is, of course, that a compiler is a peice of software, and is therefore susceptible to bugs.
Compiler writers have the advantage of working from a high quality spec, while the rest of us have to figure out what we're making as we go along. However, compiler specs also have bugs, and complex parts with subtle interactions. So, it's not exactly trivial to figure out what the compiler should be doing.
Still, once you decide what you think the language spec means, you can write a good, fast, automated test for every nuance. This is where compiler writing has a huge advantage over writing other kinds of software: in testing. Every bug becomes an automated test case, and the test suite can very thorough. Compiler vendors have a lot more budget to invest in verifying the correctness of the compiler than you do (you already have a day job, right?).
What does this mean for you? It means that you need to be open to the possibilities of bugs in your compiler, but chances are you won't find any yourself.
I would pick a compiler vendor that is not likely to go out of business any time soon, that has a history of high quality in their compilers, and that has demonstrated their ability to service (patch) their products. Compilers seem to get more correct over time, so I'd choose one that's been around a decade or two.
Focus your attention on getting your code right. If it's clear and simple, then when you do hit a compiler bug, you won't have to think really hard to decide where the problem lies. Write good unit tests, which will ensure that your code does what you expect it to do.
Try unit testing.
If that's not enough, use different compilers and compare the results of your unit tests. Compare strace outputs, run your tests in a VM, keep a log of disk and network I/O, then compare those.
Or propose to write your own compiler and tell them what it's going to cost.
The most you can easily certify is that you are using an untampered compiler from provider X. If they do not trust provider X, it's their problem (if X is reasonably trustworthy). If they do not trust any compiler provider, then they are totally unreasonable.
Answering their question: I make sure I'm using an untampered compiler from X through these means. X is well reputed, plus I have a nice set of tests that show our application behaves as expected.
Everything else is starting to open the can of worms. You have to stop somewhere, as Rob says.
Sometimes you do get behavioural changes when you request aggressive levels of optimisation.
And optimisation and floating point numbers? Forget it!
For most software development (think desktop applications) the answer is probably that you don't know and don't care.
In safety-critical systems (think nuclear power plants and commercial avionics) you do care and regulatory agencies will require you to prove it. In my experience, you can do this one of two ways:
Use a qualified compiler, where "qualified" means that it has been verified according to the standards set out by the regulatory agency.
Perform object code analysis. Essentially, you compile a piece of reference code and then manually analyze the output to demonstrate that the compiler has not inserted any instructions that can't be traced back to your source code.
You get the one Dijkstra wrote.
Select a formally verified compiler, like Compcert C compiler.
Changing the optimization level of the compiler will change the output.
Slight changes to a function may make the compiler inline or no longer inline a function.
Changes to the compiler (gcc versions for example) may change the output
Certain library functions may be instrinic (i.e., emit optimized assembly) while others most are not.
The good news is that for most things it really doesn't matter that much. Where it does, you may want to consider assembly if it really matters (e.g., in an ISR).
If you are concerned about unexpected machine code which doesn't produce visible results, the only way is probably to contact compiler vendor for certification of some sort which will satisfy your customer.
Otherwise you'll know it the same you know about bugs in your code - testing.
Machine code from modern compilers can be vastly different and totally incomprehensible for puny humans.
I think it's possible to reduce this problem to the Halting Problem somehow.
The most obvious problem is that if you use some kind of program to analyze the compiler and its determinism, how do you know that your program gets compiled correctly, and produces the correct result?
If you're using another, "safe" compiler though, I'm not sure. What I'm sure is writing a compiler from scratch would probably be an easier job.
Even a qualified or certified compiler can produce undesirable results. Keep your code simple and test, test, test. That or walk through the machine code by hand while not allowing any human error. PLus the operating system or whatever environment you are running on (preferably no operating system, just your program).
This problem has been solved in mission critical environments since software and compilers began. As many of the others who have responded also know. Each industry has its own rules from certified compilers to programming style (you must always program this way, never use this or that or the other), lots of testing and peer review. Verifying every execution path, etc.
If you are not in one of those industries, then you get what you get. A commercial program on a COTS operating system on COTS hardware. It will fail, that is a guarantee.
If your worried about malicious bugs in the compiler, one recommendation (IIRC, an NSA requirement for some projects) is that the compiler binary predate the writing of the code. At least then you know that no one has added bugs targeted at your program.
