How do we do it? Especially when part of the path is a param (:someParam). I can't find anything in the documentation.
It's now recommended to use react-router 3 for this scenario
For anyone having this problem with react-router 2.x:
You may use browserHistory to support relative routes, instead of using the Link component.
// assuming http://site/myanimals
// configure router for hosting in subdirectory
const history = useRouterHistory(createHistory)({
basename: '/myanimals'
// then use it ...
import {browserHistory} from 'react-router';
// or, for a configured route with 'animal/:id' you can use
// <Route path={'animal:id'} .../>
I hope this helps!
I want to create dynamic pages in gatsby but I don't know what the full url name would be.
path: '/account/orders/:id',
matchPath: '/account/orders/:id',
component: path.resolve('./src/templates/order.tsx'),
I thought the code written would be okay to visit page with any value of 'id' but while building the development bundle it gives an error
account\orders\:id contains invalid WIN32 path characters
The ':id' value can be anything so I dont want to use looping method to create the page. What could be done?
Taking into account that:
You don't want to loop through pages
You will never know the value of the id
Your only chance is to use client-only routes through the file system route API.
In your case, assuming that your "unknown" page will be under /account/orders you should create a folder structure such: src/pages/account/orders/[...].js. The [...].js notation stands for the file system route for an undefined value.
In the [...].js file you can just create something like:
import React from "react"
import { Router } from "#reach/router"
import Layout from "../components/Layout"
import Profile from "../components/Profile"
import Default from "../components/Default"
import CustomOrderComponent from "../components/CustomOrderComponent"
const Orders = () => {
return (
<Router basepath="/account/orders">
<Profile path="/profile" />
<CustomOrderComponent path='/:id' />
<Default path="/" />
export default Orders
From the docs:
Briefly, when a page loads, Reach Router looks at the path prop of
each component nested under <Router />, and chooses one to render
that best matches window.location (you can learn more about how
routing works from the #reach/router documentation). In the
case of the /orders/profile path, the Profile component will be
rendered, as its prefix matches the base path of /orders, and the
remaining part is identical to the child’s path.
In the above scenario, CustomOrderComponent will render your variable id (:id).
The new Relay hooks API has put a focus on the React pattern of "render-as-you-fetch" and so far I am really liking this. Relay's useQueryLoader and usePreloadedQuery hooks make implementing this most of the time pretty straight forward.
I am however, struggling to find a good pattern on how to implement this pattern when it comes to routing. There are two typical situations that I find makes this difficult to implement.
Situation A:
User loads a home page (
User go deep down one part of the app tree (
They then click on a link to take them to a totally unrelated part of their app (
Situation B:
User uses the URL bar to go to a section of the app instead of using a link (
With these examples there are two outcomes, either the user goes to a route ( either via a nest child component or directly via the URL. So the way we are fetching data for this route must support both of these approaches.
I assume we would want to trigger the fetch as early as possible for this route, so when the user clicks on the link or as soon as we detect this route on page load.
There are three ideas I can think of to implement this:
Use a fetch-then-render pattern instead (such as Relay's useLazyLoadQuery hook)
Store a function (say in Context) and have all links for this route call this function in their onClick method, and also have a useEffect for this route that calls the function if there is no data loaded, or the reference for the query is stale
Use render-as-you-fetch functions but implement them to support fetch-then-render also
Approach 1:
This defeats the purpose of render-as-you-fetch pattern however is an easy way out and more likely to be a "cleaner" way to implement fetching data for a route.
Approach 2:
In practice I have found this really hard to implement. Often the link to go to the route is disconnected from part of the component tree where the component renders the route is. And using a Context means that I have to manage different loadData functions for specific routes (which can be tricky when variables etc are involved).
Approach 3:
This is what I have been doing currently. In practice, it often results in being able to pass the load data function to a near by component, however if the route is accessed by a disconnected component, by the URL, or a page reload etc then the components falls back to calling the load data function in a useEffect hook.
Does anyone have any other ideas or examples on how they implemented this?
An update on this topic, React Router v6 recently introduced support for route loaders, allowing preload Relay queries based on routing.
import { StrictMode, Suspense } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom/client";
import {
} from "react-router-dom";
import graphql from "babel-plugin-relay/macro";
import {
} from "react-relay";
import { environment } from "./environment";
import { srcGetCurrentUserQuery } from "./__generated__/srcGetCurrentUserQuery.graphql";
const getCurrentUser = graphql`
query srcGetCurrentUserQuery {
viewer {
const Test = () => {
const data = usePreloadedQuery(getCurrentUser, preloadedQuery);
const preloadedQuery = useLoaderData() as PreloadedQuery<srcGetCurrentUserQuery>;
return (
<Suspense fallback={<>Loading...</>}>
<Viewer preloadedQuery={preloadedQuery} />
const router = createBrowserRouter([
element: (
{"index"} <br /> <Link to={"/test"}>Go test</Link>
path: "/",
element: <Test />,
path: "test",
loader: async () => {
return Promise.resolve(
loadQuery<srcGetCurrentUserQuery>(environment, getCurrentUser, {})
<RelayEnvironmentProvider environment={environment}>
<RouterProvider router={router} />
More information about React Router loaders here:
I've also been struggling with understanding this. I found these resources particularly helpful:
Ryan Solid explaining how to implement fetch-as-you-render
The ReactConf 2019 Relay demo
The Relay Issue Tracker example
What I understand they aim for you to achieve is:
Start loading your query before and outside of the render path
Start loading your component at the same time as the query (code splitting)
Pass the preloaded query reference into the component
The way it's solved in the Relay demo is through something they call an "Entrypoint". These are heavily integrated into their router (you can see this in the Issue Tracker example). They comprise the following components:
A route definition (e.g. /items)
A lazy component definition (e.g. () => import('./Items'))
A function that starts the query loading (e.g. () => preloadQuery(...))
When the router matches a new path, it starts the process of loading the lazy component, as well as the query. Then it passes both of these into a context object to get rendered by their RouterRenderer.
As for how to implement this, it seems like the most important rules are:
Don't request data inside components, request it at the routing or event level
Make sure data and lazy components are requested at the same time
A simple solution appears to be to create a component that is responsible for collecting the data, and then rendering the respective component. Something like:
const LazyItemDetails = React.lazy(() => import('./ItemDetails'))
export function ItemEntrypoint() {
const match = useMatch()
const relayEnvironment = useEnvironment()
const queryRef = loadQuery<ItemDetailsQuery>(relayEnvironment, ItemDetailsQuery, { itemId: match.itemId })
return <LazyItemDetails queryRef={queryRef} />
However there are potential issues that the Issue Tracker example adds solutions to:
The lazy component may have previously been requested so should be cached
The data fetching sits on the render path
Instead the Issue Tracker solution uses a router which does the component caching, and the data fetching at the same time as the route is matched (by listening to history change events). You could use this router in your own code, if you're comfortable with maintaining your own router.
In terms of off the shelf solutions, there doesn't appear to be a router that implements the patterns required to do fetch-as-you-render.
TL;DR Use the Relay Issue Tracker example router.
Bonus: I've written a blog post about my process of understanding this pattern
I'm using react-router-dom v4.3.1.
For example: I have the following URL
I need to replace only last route in URL: /url3 → /mynewroute3
How to do it with history?
Use history.push
someMethod = () => {
const { history } = this.props;
history.push(`/url1/url2/url_new`); // change url3 to "url_new"
this.props should have history in it if you were using withRouter in the root component.
SO: Using React Router withRouter
Programmatically navigate with React Router
When doing history.push(...) the Router picks up the change and acts on it.
Only change the last part of the URL;
location.pathname.split('/').slice(0,-1).join('/') + '/newPath'
location.pathname.replace(/[^/]*$/, newPath)
The above takes the current window location path, cut the part after the last / (including) and adds a new string (the new path)
I know this question is asked for React Router v4 but I was trying to perform same thing with React v5 and find this answer. For future reference, in React Router v5, I was able to perform this using the following;
history.push('./mynewroute3'); // Changes last part
history.push ('./../mynewroute3'); // /url1/url2/url3 => /url1/mynewroute3
I wonder what type of navigation works well with login authentication? Right now i use conditional rendering for certain pages or components to display and through
if (this.state.loggedIn) {
return <UI loggedIn={this.state.loggedIn} showUser=
{this.state.showUser} logout={this.logout.bind(this)} />;
i can render something after the validation. What would it look like if i wanted to render a couple of more different pages? Should i put a state on each page that will change on onclicks and cause the app to render desired page?
Thank you lads
This is an issue which nearly every modern application must tackle. Because of this, many libraries have already solved these issues for you. Take this code for example which uses react-router:
In my example I am showing you what the routes would look like in a routes.js file and then a separate file for what the acl would look like. The acl is a function which is passed into the onEnter of each route you want to protect. You can call it anything you like.
import React from 'react';
import { hashHistory, Router, Route, IndexRoute } from 'react-router';
import { acl } from './util/acl-util';
import AppContainer from './containers/app-container';
import DashboardPage from './pages/dashboard-page';
export default class Routes extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<Router history={hashHistory}>
<Route path="/" component={AppContainer}>
main: LoginPage,
aside: null,
header: this.getHeader,
components={{ main: DashboardPage }}
import { hasAuth } from './auth-util';
export function acl(nextState, replace) {
const { pathname, search } = nextState.location;
if (!hasAuth(theState)) {
'Please Log in!'
replace(`/login?loginRedirect=${encodeURIComponent(pathname + search)}`);
I threw this example together from cutting out part of my code that won't apply directly to this concept - and therefore this code won't run as is. You'll need to define your pages, and set up a store etc.
You'd need to define a hasAuth function which can look into your state and determine whether a user is authenticated. For my hasAuth function I am looking for a jwt token and parsing the date, if the date is still in the future, I know they are still authed and any subsequent rest api calls will work.
I know you weren't asking for a certain library, but I recommend this because the app I took this code from has dozens of routes and the acl function also implements a role matrix which looks at what a user can and cannot do based on their jwt token. Our application is pretty massive and this approach keeps it organized.
Without having something like react-router, you're right, you'd need to manually manage which page is showing and manually check for auth state in each component or make a parent component to do it. In my example the "parent component to manage it" is react-router and my onEnter method called acl. In traditional applications acl stands for access control list - you can expand the code in whichever way you like.
as someone mentioned in a comment about . Your frontend application is only as secure as the backend service it is grabbing data from or posting data to. In my example, the react code attempts to mirror the auth state in the jwt token. But, at the end of the day, your real security will only be provided by your back end services. Just because the frontend thinks a user can be logged in, shouldn't mean the backend should assume they are - you need backend authentication since all frontend application state can be modified by technical users.
I'm using react router in my redux web app when i try to update the route using
It adds a ? to the address like so
When it should look like this
This causes my single page application to reload.
Things i tried:
upgrading react router to latest (2.0.1, currently using 1.0.3) didn't help
we're using hash history, switching to browser history didn't help
Is it because you're using <form> with React, and it's submitting a form.
See this answer for a better explanation:
Try with this
import { Router, Route, BrowserHistory } from 'react-router';
let bHistory = BrowserHistory({
queryKey: false
It will diable the random string appearing in the route path.