open SalesForce Lead Url from website - salesforce

I have a external website. When the User clicks on a button from external website it should open an new window showing salesforce lead detail from Salesforce website. How can I do it?
I should be able to pass the LeadId as argument to the salesforce url.

If you want generate URL to lead page (for example, like this ""), you need to know two things:
Salesforce Lead ID
Salesforce Base URL to your instance (like "")
Both things you can get from Salesforce API. Possible your website store Leads ID, so you can add configurable parameter for Base URL, which admins should to populate, and you will be able generate Leads URL without using of Salesforce API.


Create a post on facebook on users behalf using new Sharing Products feature

My scenario:
I have an application within which users keep their own journals. For some of the journal records, i want to enable them to post to their facebook timeline.
It was rather straightforward with an old api (obtaining token and posting) but with a new Sharing Product, it seems impossible because its intended to use ograph data and backlink from facebook post to the page within the app but since the journal post itself is for logged user only, i don't see a way how could it work.
So, the question is:
How to enable users to share (actually, "replicate" is more accurate word) content from their authorization protected area within my application to their facebook timeline?
I am aware of solutions like: Auto post (user behalf) on facebook but that's an old api.
You can not create new content like this any more in any automated way, you can only let your users share links.
But you can point the Share button to any URL you like (parameter href), it does not have to be that of the current page.
Facebook will follow whatever you have set as og:url or canonical, so that would have to be the version without authorization then.
That would also be the URL that users clicking on the link in that post would be redirected to.

How to get Contact PhotoUrl in Salesforce?

In Salesforce I have created a few Contacts. And linked some of the contacts with LinkedIn profile. As soon as I link the contacts, the image display in Salesforce changes the profile image to that provided by LinkedIn. Basically I think it would work the same way if I linked it to Facebook or other social sites.
Now my requirement is to get the the PhotoUrl of the Contact. I went through this documentation Contacts Standard Object. It shows there is a field "PhotoUrl", but when I make a query in SOQL using SOAP API, like "Select Name, PhotoUrl From Contact", this query fails and the response message tells that there is no such field as "PhotoUrl".
What am I missing? Is there any way I cant get the Photo?
Change the version of salesforce API. It works for me in 30.0 and not in 29.0..
If it is in a visualforce page, set your standard controller to Contact and then {!contact.PhotoUrl} will return the url.

Lack of security for sites?

I am exposing a page with a standardcontroller="account" to a site facing the public. This page displays account specific data to the clients. Now when a customer logs in to my website I want him to have access to his account's data and only his account data. Here is the problem; the url for a page with a standardcontroller has a Id field, such as "https//". If a user changes a few keys on the Id, it is very easy for him to access other people's account page and bypass the login process. How can I prevent that.
I opened a ticket with salesforce but they told me its working as intended. I don't think a vulnerability to a trivial brute force attack should be intended so I want to know if there are any fixes?
Create one StandardController extension and check if the logged user in your website has the permission to view that account.
What you are looking for is URL rewriting for site.
For example, let's say that you have a blog site. Without URL rewriting, a blog entry's URL might look like this:
With URL rewriting, your users can access blog posts by date and
title, say, instead of by record ID. The URL for one of your New
Year's Eve posts might be:

Get user name and basic detail without using facebook graph api

I am working on a website, I have one problem ..
I have facebook users id in my database, now I want to get their names using their ids but without using graph api..
Is there any way to do so..
I assume you want to do this programaticaly... Short answer is - you can't.
If you want to do it manually you can simply navigate to this url:{USERS_ID}It will give you the users profile page where you can see their name IF their profile is publicly available.
Essentially you should request the users names and store them in your database when the users authenticate your application.

How to add the user name in the url for a Chrome extension?

I am working on a chrome bookmarking extension with google app engine as the backend. I am the only user now but I thought that if in the future there are other users the url needs to include the user name for the extension to interact with the backend. So I was thinking to change
where "user_name" is the gmail user id.
But I looked at twitter url and I see that they have!/user_name/
What is the purpose of "#!"? Is my scheme good enough in this case?
The # in a URL signifies the 'fragment identifier'. Historically this has been used to identify a part of a document identified by an 'anchor' tag, but recently webapp developers have begun to use it to pass information about the page state to Javascript code running in the page. This is used because it's possible for Javascript code to modify the fragment of the current page without causing the page to reload - meaning it can update as you browse through the webapp, and go right back to where you were when you reload the page.
The fragment is not sent to the server when the browser loads a page, so Twitter's server just sees a request for; it's up to the Javascript code in the page to examine the fragment and determine what to do after that.
In your particular case, assuming you're using the App Engine User service to authenticate users, you have a number of options for how to distinguish users in your URLs:
Use their email address. In theory this can change, and users may not want their address in a URL they will share. If the URLs are private, this is more or less a moot point.
Use their user_id. This is opaque and reveals no useful information about the user, so it's safe, but it's also meaningless and hard to remember.
Let users pick a nickname for their URLs, like Facebook and other services do, on a first-in, first-served basis.
