Correct way to remove key from react state - reactjs

I am using the state of a react (v0.14) view to hold key value pairs of unsaved user ids and user objects. For example:
onChange = (user, field) => {
return (event) => {
let newUser = _.clone(this.state[user.uuid] || user);
_.assign(newUser, {[field]:});
[user.uuid]: newUser
render() {
let usersJsx =, i) => {
return <div key={i}>
<input type="text" value={}
onChange={this.onChange(user, 'name')}/>
let numberUnsavedUsers = _.keys(this.state).length;
// ... etc
This all works perfectly until I come to the save method:
persistUsers = (event) => {
let unsavedUsers = _.toArray(this.state);
updateUsers(unsavedUsers, {
onSuccessCb: (savedUsers) => {
// Would prefer to remove these two lines and replace
// with `this.setState({});` but this doesn't work... i.e.
// the state is left untouched rather than being
// replaced with `{}`. This makes sense. I guess I was hoping
// someone might point me towards a this.replaceState()
// alternative.
this.setState({nothing: true}); // triggers a state change event.
this.state = {}; // wipes out the state.
I've searched around but only found people modifying nested objects or arrays and not top level key values.

You need to use replaceState instead of setState
Update: replaceState is being deprecated. You should follow the recommendation and use setState with null values.
You should name the data and use setState so you can more easily work with it.
instead of:
[user.uuid]: newUser
newUser: {uuid: user.uuid}
If your state was {unsavedUsers: {userData}} instead of {userData} then you could easily setState({unsavedUsers: {}}) without introducing replaceState.
replaceState is an anti-pattern because it is uncommonly used.
Original Answer:
Like setState() but deletes any pre-existing state keys that are not in the newState object.
this.replaceState({}) will remove all the objects.


React setState hook not updating dependent element if passed a variable as opposed to explicit text

I'm right on the verge of tossing React and just using vanilla JS but thought I'd check here first. I'm simply trying to pass the contents of a variable, which contains an object, into state and have that update the element that depends upon it. If I pass setState a variable containing the object, it doesn't work. If I pass it the explicit text of the object it does.
Using React v 18.0.0
function buttonHandler(e) {
let tmpObject = {...chartData}
tmpObject.datasets[0].data = => entry['3'])
tmpObject.datasets[1].data ={fastEma}) => fastEma)
tmpObject.datasets[2].data ={slowEma}) => slowEma)
tmpObject.labels = => new Date(entry.timestamp).toLocaleTimeString())
console.log("from button:", tmpObject)
setChartData(prevState => {
return tmpObject
return <div>
<button onClick={buttonHandler}>Update</button>
<Line options={chartOptions} data={chartData}/>
When I run the above, the output of the console.log is exactly as it should be but the element does not update. If I copy the object output from the console and paste it explicitly into the code it does work.
function buttonHandler(e) {
I've tried every imaginable variation on the below statement to no avail...
return {...prevState, ...tmpObject}
I'd greatly appreciate any suggestions.
As another test, I added the following HTML element to see if it got updated. It gets updated and shows the expected data. Still, I'm having a hard time understanding why the chart will update if I pass it explicit text but will not if I pass it a variable.
<p>{`${new Date().toLocaleTimeString()} {JSON.stringify(chartData)}`</p>
The issue is that of state mutation. Even though you've shallow copied the chartData state you should keep in mind that this is a copy by reference. Each property is still a reference back into the original chartData object.
function buttonHandler(e) {
let tmpObject = { ...chartData }; // <-- shallow copy ok
tmpObject.datasets[0].data = => entry['3']); // <-- mutation!!
tmpObject.datasets[1].data ={ fastEma }) => fastEma); // <-- mutation!!
tmpObject.datasets[2].data ={ slowEma }) => slowEma); // <-- mutation!!
tmpObject.labels =
entry => new Date(entry.timestamp).toLocaleTimeString()
console.log("from button:", tmpObject);
setChartData(prevState => {
return tmpObject;
In React not only does the next state need to be a new object reference, but so does any nested state that is being update.
See Immutable Update Pattern - It's a Redux doc but really explains why using mutable updates is key in React.
function buttonHandler(e) {
setChartData(chartData => {
const newChartData = {
...chartData, // <-- shallow copy previous state
entry => new Date(entry.timestamp).toLocaleTimeString()
datasets: chartData.datasets.slice(), // <-- new datasets array
newChartData.datasets[0] = {
...newChartData.datasets[0], // <-- shallow copy
data: => entry['3']), // <-- then update
newChartData.datasets[1] = {
...newChartData.datasets[1], // <-- shallow copy
data:{ fastEma }) => fastEma), // <-- then update
newChartData.datasets[2] = {
newChartData.datasets[2], // <-- shallow copy
data:{ slowEma }) => slowEma), // <-- then update
return newChartData;
Check your work with an useEffect hook with a dependency on the chartData state:
useEffect(() => {
console.log({ chartData });
}, [chartData]);
If there's still updating issue then check the code of the Line component to see if it's doing any sort of mounting memoization of the passed data prop.

What is proper way to call function from onClick so it don't trigger wrong one?

When I click on button then onClick triggers correct function, run half through and jumps to other function which is not related to it and run through half of it and jumps back to first function, runs half trough again and drops error
Uncaught TypeError: _this.state.searchValue.toLowerCase is not a function
Interesting part is that I click other button before which triggers this function with toLowerCase() and there is no errors.
I dont have any idea whats going on here but so far i was trying to remove few lines to see which line cause it because I dont think that line with toLowerCase() realy is the reason. Everything works when I remove lines where is first this.setState.
Here is my function:
( Alerts is used to track where function is at, that how i know
that it run half through only. It never reach alert("DDD").
This function is which is triggered with button onClick like it should be )
onSelect = (e) => {
const data ='data-id');
const itemId ='data-id');
const itemIdState = !this.state['data-id')];
this.setState(state => { // <--- Somehow problem comes from this setState function
const newState = {};
for (const dataId in state) {
newState[dataId] = dataId === data
return newState
this.setState(State => ({
[itemId]: itemIdState,
}), function() {
if(this.state[itemId] === true){
this.setState({isAnySelected: true})
}else if(this.state[itemId] === false){
this.setState({isAnySelected: false})
This is other function which is triggered by mistake and is not related to other. It is just returning component which is displayed and when I press on its button then i have this issue.
filterSearch = (id, title, path) => {
let name = title.toLowerCase()
let filter = this.state.searchValue.toLowerCase()
return <SearchResult key={id} data-id={id} pName={path} onClick={this.onSelect} selected={this.state[id]} />
And here is from where filterSearch is triggered. Behind this.props.searchResult is Redux.
{this.props.searchResult ? =>
this.filterSearch(, category.title, category.path)
) : null
I think I see what the problem is: in your problematic this.setState, you cast everything in your state to a boolean:
this.setState(state => {
const newState = {};
for (const dataId in state) {
newState[dataId] = dataId === data
return newState
Your for() statement ends up comparing searchValue to data (some kind of ID), which I imagine more often than not will not be the case, so searchValue ends up getting set to false.
And what happens when you try to do .toLowerCase() on a Boolean?
To fix this, consider structuring your state like this:
this.state = {
searchValue: '',
ids: {},
Then, replace your problematic this.setState with something like this:
this.setState((state) => {
const newIDs = {
// Create a clone of your current IDs
Object.keys(newIDs).forEach(key => {
newIDs[key] = key === data
return {
// searchValue will remain untouched
// Only update your IDs
ids: newIDs,
What exactly are you wanting to do here?
this.setState(state => {
const newState = {}; // You are initializing an object
for (const dataId in state) {
newState[dataId] = dataId === data // You are putting in an array every property of state that is equal to data
return newState
So irrevocably, your this.state.searchValue property will be changed to something else, which is of boolean type. So toLowerCase being a function for string.prototype, you will get an error.
You should describe what you where aiming to get here.

React state is updating without calling setState

My state is changed even i have created new variable and without calling setState.
This is my code
changeName = (event, id) => {
const persons = [...this.state.persons]; // Create a copy of array using spread operator
const person = persons.find(cur => === id); =;
render() {
let allPersonsArr = => {
return <Person name={} age={cur.age} job={cur.job} key={} change={(event) => this.changeName(event,}/>;
the state.persons has changed upon checking into the console after using = even though i'm pointing to the new array persons
Spread syntax just creates a one level deep copy of the array and not a deep copy and since you have objects inside your arrays, setting changes the original object
changeName = (event, id) => {
const persons = this.state.persons(person => {
if ( === id) {
return {...person, name:}
return persons;
this.setState({ persons })
Your code actually not change the main object of your state. It just edits a (not deep) copy of the state.
To have an original update you should call setState. Also to be sure that your updates do not effect on a copy, you can use React Immutability Helpers.

React/Redux controlled input with validation

Lets imagine we want an input for a "product" (stored in redux) price value.
I'm struggle to come up with the best way to handle input constraints. For simplicity, lets just focus on the constraint that product.price cannot be empty.
It seems like the 2 options are:
1: Controlled
Implementation: The input value is bound to product.price. On change dispatches the changePrice() action.
The main issue here is that if we want to prevent an empty price from entering the product store, we essentially block the user from clearing the input field. This isn't ideal as it makes it very hard to change the first digit of the number (you have to select it and replace it)!
2: Using defaultValue
Implementation: We set the price initially using input defaultValue, that allows us to control when we want to actually dispatch changePrice() actions and we can do validation handling in the onChange handler.
This works well, unless the product.price is ever updated from somewhere other than the input change event (for example, an applyDiscount action). Since defaultValue doesn't cause rerenders, the product.price and the input are now out of sync!
So what am I missing?
There must be a simple & elegant solution to this problem but I just can't seem to find it!
What I have done in the past is to use redux-thunk and joi to solve input constraints/validation using controlled inputs.
In general I like to have one update action that will handle all the field updating. So for example if you have two inputs for a form, it would looks something like this:
render() {
const { product, updateProduct } = this.props;
return (
onChange={() => updateProduct({...product, name:})}
onChange={() => updateProduct({...product, price:})}
Having one function/action here simplifies my forms a great deal. The updateProject action would then be a thunk action that handles side effects. Here is our Joi Schema(based off your one requirement) and updateProduct Action mentioned above. As a side note, I also tend to just let the user make the mistake. So if they don't enter anything for price I would just make the submit button inactive or something, but still store away null/empty string in the redux store.
const projectSchema = Joi.object().keys({
name: Joi.number().string(),
price: Joi.integer().required(), // price is a required integer. so null, "", and undefined would throw an error.
const updateProduct = (product) => {
return (dispatch, getState) {
Joi.validate(product, productSchema, {}, (err, product) => {
if (err) {
// flip/dispatch some view state related flag and pass error message to view and disable form submission;
dispatch(update(product)); // go ahead and let the user make the mistake, but disable submission
I stopped using uncontrolled inputs, simply because I like to capture the entire state of an application. I have very little local component state in my projects. Keep in mind this is sudo code and probably won't work if directly copy pasted. Hope it helps.
So I think I've figure out a decent solution. Basically I needed to:
Create separate component that can control the input with local state.
Pass an onChange handler into the props that I can use to dispatch my changePrice action conditionally
Use componentWillReceiveProps to keep the local value state in sync with the redux store
Code (simplified and in typescript):
interface INumberInputProps {
value: number;
onChange: (val: number) => void;
interface INumberInputState {
value: number;
export class NumberInput extends React.Component<INumberInputProps, INumberInputState> {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {value: props.value};
public handleChange = (value: number) => {
//keeps local state in sync with redux store
public componentWillReceiveProps(props: INumberInputProps){
if (props.value !== this.state.value) {
this.setState({value: props.value});
public render() {
return <input value={this.state.value} onChange={this.handleChange} />
In my Product Component:
//conditionally dispatch action if meets valadations
public handlePriceChange = (price: number) => {
if (price < this.props.product.standardPrice &&
price > this.props.product.preferredPrice &&
!isNaN(price) &&
lineItem.price !== price){
this.props.dispatch(updatePrice(this.props.product, price));
public render() {
return <NumberInput value={this.props.product.price} onChange={this.handlePriceChange} />
What i would do in this case is to validate the input onBlur instead of onChange.
For example consider these validations in the flowing snippet:
The input can't be empty.
The input should not contain "foo".
class App extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
myVal: '',
error: ''
setError = error => {
this.setState({ error });
onChange = ({ target: { value } }) => {
this.setState({ myVal: value })
validateInput = ({ target: { value } }) => {
let nextError = '';
if (!value.trim() || value.length < 1) {
nextError = ("Input cannot be empty!")
} else if (~value.indexOf("foo")) {
nextError = ('foo is not alowed!');
render() {
const { myVal, error } = this.state;
return (
<input value={myVal} onChange={this.onChange} onBlur={this.validateInput} />
{error && <div>{error}</div>}
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="root"></div>
As a followup to your comments.
To make this solution more generic, i would pass the component a predicate function as a prop, only when the function will return a valid result i would call the onChange that passed from the parent or whatever method you pass that updating the store.
This way you can reuse this pattern in other components and places on your app (or even other projects).

react input cursor moves to the end after update

When I update the value in my input field, the cursor moves to the end of the field, but I want it to stay where it is. What could be causing this issue?
where Input is a component for the text input field, and getOnChange is:
const getOnChange = (index) =>
(event) => props.onChangeTest(event, index);
This is then carried over to the parent component, where I dispatch to update the state via Redux. I can see that the state is being updated fine, but the problem is the cursor is not staying in position, and is always moving to the end of the text
If the cursor jumps to the end of the field it usually means that your component is remounting. It can happen because of key property change on each update of the value somewhere in your parent or changes in your components tree. It's hard to tell without seeing more code. Prevent remounting and the cursor should stop jumping.
Use this effect to track mounting/unmounting
useEffect(() => {
return () => {
}, []);
I would suggest using hooks to solve this
const Component = ({ onChange }) => {
const [text, setText] = useState("");
const isInitialRun = useRef(false);
useEffect(() => {
if (isInitialRun.current) {
} else {
isInitialRun.current = true;
}, [text]);
// or if you want to have a delay
useEffect(() => {
if (isInitialRun.current) {
const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => onChange(text), 500);
return () => clearTimeout(timeoutId);
} else {
isInitialRun.current = true;
}, [text])
return (
To prevent initial call, when nothing changed isInitialRun used
This is the downside of the controlled component design pattern. I've been facing this problem for a long time and just lived with it. But there's an idea that I wanted to try in my spare time but end up never trying it (yet). Perhaps continuing with my idea could help you come up with the solution you need?
// From props.onChangeTest
const onChangeTest = (event, index) => {
// TODO: Memorize the position of the cursor
this.setState({ testVal: })
// Because setState is asynchronous
setTimeout(() => {
// TODO:
// Programmatically move cursor back to the saved position
// BUT it must increase/decrease based on number of characters added/removed
// At the same time considering if the characters were removed before or after the position
// Theoretically do-able, but it's very mind-blowing
// to come up with a solution that can actually 'nail it'
}, 0)
★ If this is taking too much time and you just want to get work done and ship your app, you might wanna consider using the uncontrolled component design pattern instead.
I was facing same issue, it was due to 2 sequential setState statements. changing to single setState resolved the issue. Might be helpful for someone.
Code before fix:
const onChange = (val) => {
// Some processing here
this.setState({firstName: val}, () => {
const updateParentNode = (val) => {
this.setState({selectedPerson: {firstName: val}})
Code After Fix
const onChange = (val) => {
// Some processing here
const updateParentNode = (val) => {
this.setState({selectedPerson: {firstName: val}, firstName: val})
You have two options.
make it an uncontrolled input (you can not change the input value later)
make it a properly controlled input
There is code missing here, so I can't say what the problem is.
setState is not the issue:
If you use setState in the callback React should preserve the cursor position.
Can you give a more complete example?
Is testVal a property that is manipulated from outside the component?
This totally worked for me (the other solutions did not):
const handleChange = (e, path, data) => {
let value = _.isObject(data) ? data.value : data;
let clonedState = { ...originalState };
// save position of cursor
const savedPos =;
_.set(clonedState, path, value); // setter from lodash/underscore
// this wil move cursor to the end
setState({ ...clonedState }); // some use state setter
setTimeout(() => {
// restore cursor position, savedPos);
}, 0)
Have this on my template (using semantic-ui):
onChange={(e, data) => {
handleChange(e, "field", data);
For me, I was having a <ComponentBasedOnType> and that was the issue, I changed my logic and render my components with a condition && in the parent component.
The cursor on an input will be pushed to the end when you dynamically update the input value through code, which it seems like you are doing because I can see value={testVal} :)
This is a common issue on fields that use input masking!
