Can I make a #define macro throw a conditional warning? - c-preprocessor

I have two preprocessor macros like this:
#define MyFullMacro(arg1, arg2) ; doSomething(prefix##arg1, arg2);
#define MyMacro(arg2) ; doSomething(prefixDefault, arg2);
When MyFullMacro is called and explicitly given Default for arg1, I want to throw a compile warning saying something like "You're using the default argument; please use MyMacro() instead." Is this possible?
This will be used in Objective-C compiled with LLVM. Preferable answers should work in any language compiled with GCC/Clang/LLVM.


static assert for C90 on gcc

static_assert() is a pretty great capability available since C11.
For pre-C11 compilers though, this capability must be emulated.
It's not too hard, there are many examples available over Internet.
For example :
typedef char static_assert_##MSG[(CONDITION)?1:-1]
This makes it possible to transfer an error message in the condition, which is handy to explain what's going wrong if it ever gets triggered.
However, this MSG is a lot different from the one in C11's static_assert() :
It must be a single word
It must use only identifier characters
It cannot be a string with double quotes
This is so different from C11's static_assert() that it seems impossible to create a macro which would switch transparently between the C11 and the C90 version depending on the compiler.
In an effort to accept an error message which "looks like C11", aka a string with double quote, I've tested a new macro :
typedef char static_assert[((void)(MSG), ((CONDITION)?1:-1))]
Using the , comma operator, this macro should accept MSG as a string, and just disregard it. But it will be displayed in case of error, which is the intention.
It works fine on clang, but not of gcc : error: variably modified at file scope.
I'm trying to understand why, and if there is a work around
If you replace the typedef-array-trick with the enum-trick, then you will get something that seems to work with both clang and gcc:
#define CONDITION 1
#define TOKENPASTE(a, b) a ## b // "##" is the "Token Pasting Operator"
#define TOKENPASTE2(a,b) TOKENPASTE(a, b) // expand then paste
#define static_assert(x, msg) enum { TOKENPASTE2(ASSERT_line_,__LINE__) \
= 1 / (msg && (x)) }
static_assert( CONDITION, "This should pass");
static_assert(!CONDITION, "This should fail");
This gives me, with gcc for example, on line 9 of foo.c:
foo.c:9: warning: division by zero [-Wdiv-by-zero]
static_assert(!CONDITION, "This should fail");
foo.c:9: error: enumerator value for 'ASSERT_line_9' is not an integer constant
static_assert(!CONDITION, "This should fail");
(Here the gcc switch -ftrack-macro-expansion=0 is used, as the extra error messages are not that helpful and just add noise.)
Note that some mangling of the name is still necessary, which you omitted. Here the text ASSERT_line_ is combined with the variable __LINE__. This ensures a unique name, provided:
You don't use it twice on a single line.
You don't use it in header files (or trust to luck).
Your code doesn't happen to use the identifiers like ASSERT_line_9 elsewhere.
For header files, you will need to add somewhere a single word with only identifier characters. For example:
#define static_assert3(x, msg, file) enum { TOKENPASTE2(file,__LINE__) = \
1 / (msg && (x)) }
#define static_assert(x, msg) static_assert3(x, msg, my_header_h_)
If this fails on line 17, gcc will give an error such as:
error: enumerator value for 'my_header_h_17' is not an integer constant
An alternative for the mangling in header files is to replace __LINE__ with __COUNTER__. I've not used it, because it is non-standard and because clang was slow to adopt it. But now it has been in gcc, msvc, and clang for about five years.
You could try the same modification with your typedef-array idea, and replace the comma operator with &&. Then your gcc error changes into a warning. For example, modifying your godbolt example to:
typedef char static_assert_2["hello world!" && (CONDITION) ? 1 : -1];
gives the unwanted warning: variably modified 'static_assert_2' at file scope for gcc.
#define STATIC_ASSERT(CONDITION, MSG) { typedef char test[(CONDITION)?1:-1]; (void)(test*) #MSG; } (void)0

Eclipse CDT syntax error for macro using _Generic keyword

I'm using Oxygen with CDT 9.3.0 built-in.
When I use a macro I defined that uses _Generic, all those macro uses are underlined with "syntax error", but the project compiles fine (which is setup to use my makefiles).
After reading a similar so question, and since _Generic begin from C11 possibly not supported by eclipse's code analysis, I tried defining a symbol for my macro definition to empty but it didn't work. (At project settings, C/C++ General->Paths and Symbols->Symbols Tab, GNU C, added symbol CONVERT(...) without a value and added a symbol CONVERT(X), and CONVERT() and CONVERT without a value).
For example my macro is:
#define FIRST_(_1, ...) _1
#define FIRST(...) FIRST_(__VA_ARGS__, _1, _2, _3)
#define CONVERT(...) \
_Generic((FIRST(__VA_ARGS__)), \
char* : toText, \
int : toInt, \
) (__VA_ARGS__)
and usage point, that gives the syntax error:
void* test = CONVERT("testme");
As #ErikW pointed out, _Generic is a C11 feature that Eclipse CDT's parser does not support yet. This bug tracks adding support for it.
(By the way, contributions to Eclipse CDT's C11 support are very welcome!)
It is possible to work around this using macros.
The problem with trying to define another version of the CONVERT(...) macro in "Paths and Symbols" is that the macros defined there are treated as if you wrote them at the very top of your file. A subsequent redefinition in your actual code overwrites the definition from "Paths and Symbols".
I can think of two approaches to go about this:
Approach 1
CDT defines a special macro __CDT_PARSER__ which evaluates to true when it's parsing the code, but false when the code is actually compiled.
You can take advantage of this to define a different version of CONVERT(...) for CDT's purposes:
#ifdef __CDT_PARSER__
#define CONVERT(...)
#define CONVERT(...) \
_Generic((FIRST(__VA_ARGS__)), \
char* : toText, \
int : toInt, \
) (__VA_ARGS__)
This almost works, but not quite. We still get a syntax error, because this line:
void* test = CONVERT("testme", 42);
will now expand to:
void* test = ;
As you can see, we don't actually want an empty expansion for CONVERT(...). We want an expansion that will parse as a variable's initializer. 0 will work:
#ifdef __CDT_PARSER__
#define CONVERT(...) 0
Approach 2
Instead of defining a different version of CONVERT(...), we could define _Generic(...) itself to be a macro for CDT's purposes.
This time, we can do it in "Paths and Symbols", because there is no redefinition of _Generic(...) in the code that would mess it up.
So let's define a symbol in "Paths and Symbols", with _Generic(...) as the name and an empty value.
Now, this line:
void* test = CONVERT("testme", 42);
will expand to:
void* test = _Generic((FIRST("testme", 42)), \
char* : toText, \
int : toInt, \
) ("testme", 42)
which will in turn expand to:
void* test = ("testme", 42);
which parses (("testme", 42) parses as a parenthesized comma-expression and is thus a valid initializer).
This approach has the advantage that you don't need to modify your actual code, and that it handles all uses of the _Generic macro rather than just the one in CONVERT.
On the other hand, it's possible that for some other uses of the _Generic macro, this particular expansion won't parse. If that's the case, you might be able to come up with a different expansion that will parse for all uses, or else you can go with Approach 1.

Print a deprecation warning when using a macro in a #if statement

I want to deprecate a macro in such a way that it will print a nice warning even if used inside of a #if statement.
This answer is very nearly what I want, but it throws an error when the macro is accessed from within a #if statement.
#include <stdio.h>
#define DEPRECATED_CONSTANT _Pragma ("GCC warning \"Deprecated constant!\"") 0
#define DEPRECATED_FUNCTION(...) _Pragma ("GCC warning \"Deprecated function!\"") printf(__VA_ARGS__)
int main() {
// Prints a warning (good)
// Prints a warning (good)
// Throws an error (bad)
return 1;
return 2;
The error is:
error: missing binary operator before token "("
Bonus points if you can find me a cross-platform compatible solution!
I'm trying to handle a breaking change in a library gracefully - I want users to have a nice, clear warning (or error) whenever they use an old macro, so it will be clear that they need to migrate their code to using the new macro. These pragma solutions only work if the value of that constant is used in code, not if the value is accessed in a preprocessor directive.
According to the answers provided below, it seems like there's not a solution to this problem (except possibly when using clang?). Thanks, everyone.
I want to deprecate a macro in such a way that it will print a nice
warning even if used inside of a #if statement.
I was going to suggest the comma operator, but that doesn't seem to work because the _Pragma macro probably yields no real code. Also, gcc, at least, explicitly says you can't do what you suggested with _Pragma():
The standard is unclear on where a _Pragma operator can appear. The
preprocessor does not accept it within a preprocessing conditional
directive like ‘#if’. To be safe, you are probably best keeping it out
of directives other than ‘#define’, and putting it on a line of its
PS - clang 8.1.0 didn't error on your program and gave the warnings you want ...
As #jschultz410 mentions, what you are trying to do is explicitly forbidden in gcc (see
Nested macros seem appropriate for such a use case:
#include <stdio.h>
#define DEPRECATED_CONSTANT _Pragma ("GCC warning \"Deprecated constant!\"") DEPRECATED_CONSTANT_VALUE
#define DEPRECATED_FUNCTION(...) _Pragma ("GCC warning \"Deprecated function!\"") printf(__VA_ARGS__)
int main() {
// Prints a warning (good)
// Prints a warning (good)
// Throws an error (bad)
return 1;
return 2;
Yes, this is kind of gross, but in the land of preprocessor logic we're already giving up on any kind of design elegance in the first place. At least this way the macro interface is maintained in non-preprocessor code. (Yes, this would not print the preprocessor warning in the #if statement, but unfortunately that's not possible with gcc).

What does #define __UNUSED__ do?

I am going through a C code and I found something like this:
#define __UNUSED__
char buf[MAX_BUF_LENGHT];
int errors=0;
What does this mean?
I am not aware that __UNUSED__ is a predefined preprocessor symbol. So it must be a user defined symbol.
I myself have sometimes (test) code or obsolete code in a c-file that I mark-out with #ifdef BLIEP (and BLIEP is normally not defined), but can put it back into compilation by placing a #define BLIEP. Probably the original author of this code did something similar with __UNUSED__.

gcc warnings for no-effect statements.

I have a logging macro which in release mode becomes:
#define LOG (void)
So statement
LOG("foobar %d", 0xbabecafe);
is expanded to
(void)("foobar %d", 0xbabecafe);
The problem is that the last expression produces an warning under gcc:
warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect [-Wunused-value]
How can I change the logging macro such that no warning is issued? (Note, that I don't want to add compiling flag -Wunused-value).
EDIT I see already a couple of answers involving (...). The same file is compiled under Minix which doesn't support variadic macros. The best would be to have a C89 conforming solution. While your answer is correct (and I upvoted it), it is my fault that I didn't include this small detail.
I think the old school way of dealing with this is to take advantage of double parens. Something like this:
LOG(("message: %d", 10));
Then for your macro, you define it like this:
#define LOG(x) printf x
#define LOG(x) (void)0
Because of the double parens, the pre-processor treats the whole inner paren as a single parameter. This at least used to work in visual studio.
EDIT: I did a quick test, it works with gcc with -ansi, so it should be good:
gcc -DNDEBUG -ansi -pedantic -W -Wall test.c -o test
#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef NDEBUG
#define LOG(x) printf x
#define LOG(x) (void)0
int main() {
LOG(("message: %d\n", 10));
return 0;
The easiest should be
#define LOG(...) (void)0
(gcc supports the C99 variadic macros and most other compilers also do these days) That will discard the arguments list, which has two advantages:
it does not create statements with no effect and
the arguments are not evaluated at all (if you call non-inline functions in the argument list, in your version the compiler can't eliminate them, while with the variadic macro, the compiler won't see them at all.
#define LOG(...) seems to do the trick.
For your problems with a non-conforming C implementation (not even C89?) you could do something like
static void LOG(char *format, ...) { /* empty */ }
even a completely dumb compiler should be able to optimize that out.
I've used
#define LOG( t) t
for the development version and
#define LOG( t)
for the release version, with a typical use being
LOG( printf( "here\n"));
