how make ng repeat run only 10 times - angularjs

I have to modify the UI for a Leshan Client. Currently the way it is setup, it displays every instance of the client in the browser. How do i make it display only 10 clients, although I will be still creating hundreds of them? I tried to modify the code below for ng repeat and ng click but the only thing that changes is that I stop displaying any of the clients.
<tr ng-repeat="client in clients" ng-click="showClient(client)">
<td><a ng-href="#/clients/{{client.endpoint}}"> <strong>{{client.endpoint}}</strong></a> </td>
<td>{{client.registrationDate | date:'medium'}}</td>
<td>{{client.lastUpdate | date:'medium'}}</td>
<td><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign" tooltip-html-unsafe="{{clientTooltip(client)}}"></i></td>
<td><span ng-class="{hidden: == false}" class="glyphicon glyphicon-lock" tooltip-html-unsafe="Communication over DTLS"></span></td>

<tr ng-repeat="client in clients | limitTo:10" ng-click="showClient(client)">
<td><a ng-href="#/clients/{{client.endpoint}}"> <strong>{{client.endpoint}}</strong></a> </td>
<td>{{client.registrationDate | date:'medium'}}</td>
<td>{{client.lastUpdate | date:'medium'}}</td>
<td><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign" tooltip-html-unsafe="{{clientTooltip(client)}}"></i></td>
<td><span ng-class="{hidden: == false}" class="glyphicon glyphicon-lock" tooltip-html-unsafe="Communication over DTLS"></span></td>

use ng-if
<div ng-repeat="i in values">
<div ng-if="i < 3">Hello</div>
working example
or use an auxiliar variable just to display the results you want


How to get multiple <td> values in single xpath in selenium

I am stuck in creating xpath which is under TR tag and
i want to get the value of td[2], td[3], td[4] and td[5] from each TR tag. See below HTML.
<tr role="row" class="odd">
<td><img src="/Content/Uploaded//Profile//MasterAdmin/ashishadmin/95.jpg" class="profilepic img-responsive img-circle"></td>
<td>Ashish A Admin</td>
<td><label class="chkcontainer pointer-none"><input type="checkbox" class="chk" checked="checked"><span class="checkmark"></span> </label></td>
<td><i class="fa fa-circle text-warning"></i></td>
<tr role="row" class="even">
<td><img src="/Content/Uploaded//Profile//MasterAdmin/shpatel/download.jpg" class="profilepic img-responsive img-circle"></td>
<td>Shree A Patel</td>
<td><label class="chkcontainer pointer-none"><input type="checkbox" class="chk" checked="checked"><span class="checkmark"></span> </label></td>
<td><i class="fa fa-circle text-warning"></i></td>
<tr role="row" class="odd">
<td><img src="/content/custom/img/default-user.jpg" class="profilepic img-responsive img-circle"></td>
<td>Ashish G Savaliya</td>
<td><label class="chkcontainer pointer-none"><input type="checkbox" class="chk" checked="checked"><span class="checkmark"></span> </label></td>
<td><i class="fa fa-circle text-warning"></i></td>
Want to create xpath of the only 2,3,4, and 5 TD values from each row. see below image of all the required data which i want to print using the xpath.
//tr/td[position() >= 2 and position() <= 5]

Protractor find element inside parent

I have a protractor test where I create a user and it is then added into a table of users. I then want to find the user that was created and click the edit/delete buttons. The user could be in any of the rows so I don't want to hardcode the test to a specific row just in case it's not in the specified row.
<tr ng-repeat="user in users | orderBy:sortType:sortReverse | filter:query track by $index">
<td class="text-center" title="{{$index + 1}}"><span class="section-index" id="index">{{$index + 1}}</span></td>
<td title="{{user.username}}">{{user.username}}</td>
<td title="{{}}">{{}}</td>
<td title="Role">
<span class="label" ng-class="{'admin': == 'ROLE_ADMIN',
'user': == 'ROLE_USER', 'trainer': == 'ROLE_TRAINER',
'reviewer': == 'ROLE_REVIEWER'}">
{{ | roleFilter: true}}
<td title="Created">{{user.creationDate | date:"dd MMM yyyy"}}</td>
<td class="text-center" title="Edit">
<span class="btn-details standard pull-right" ng-click="editUserClicked(">Edit</span>
<td title="Delete">
<span class="btn-details warning pull-right" ng-click="deleteUserClicked(user)">Delete</span>
var editedUserCell = element(by.css('td[title="' + EDITED_EMAIL + '"]')).getWebElement();
var deleteButton = editedUserCell.getDriver().findElement(by.css('[ng-click="deleteUserClicked(user)"]'));
Using the example from, it finds the first button on the page and not the one inside the parent, can anyone help?

Getting values of specific tr in table repeated through angular JS using filters

I am calling an API wich will return a json object. Based on some conditions I am getting values from this Json object and displaying them in a table which can be repeated using angular JS. Now I need to get data of each table but I don't know how as some data is filtered. Below is the table:
<table class="table">
<th>Date Of Birth
<th >In Hospital
<th >AMB & PM
<th > Total
<tr ng-repeat="member in CalculatorResponse">
<span ng-repeat=" InHosp in member.InHospital | filter:{strClassName: class.className}">
<td >
<span ng-repeat=" OutHosp in member.OutHospital | filter:{OptionType: Option_Select.type}">
<span ng-model="AMBPMVal" ng-repeat=" Benefits in OutHosp.Benefits | filter:{intExcess: CoBenefitsSelect.type}">
<td> Total value (unable to calculate it) {{InHosp.intClassValue}} + {{Benefits.intAMBPM}}
<input type="button" value="Generate" ng-click="Generate()"/>
So the main problem is that I am trying to get all values of the table when generate button is clicked, but I cannot get the filtered values;
I did this but it is not working:
<span ng-repeat=" OutHosp in (filteredHosp = (member.OutHospital | filter:{OptionType: Option_Select.type}))">
<span ng-repeat=" Benefits in (filteredBenefits = (OutHosp.Benefits | filter:{intExcess: CoBenefitsSelect.type}))"> {{Benefits.intAMBPM}} </span>
<%--{{filteredBenefits[0].intAMBPM}}--%> </span> <%--{{filteredHosp[0].Benefits}}--%>
--> filtered benefits and filteredHosp can be only accessed in the commented region, if you put them outside the 2 spans you will get nothing.
I am also trying also to calculate the total of In Hospital and AMB&M but I cannot as I don't know how to get their values after filter.
Any suggestion?
They are not available, not because of filter but because they are outside the scope of ng-repeat. You can either do your calculations inside ng-repeat or iterate through your list and do calculations in your controller.

ui-sref include parameter in ng-repeat loop

I have this table:
<table class="table tenant-table text-center">
<th class="text-center">
<i class="fa fa-per"></i> Date
<th class="text-center">
<i class="fa fa-calendar"></i> Result
<th> </th>
<tr ng-repeat="(k, v) in loanapps track by $index">
<td data-th="Date">{{v.ApplicationDate | date:'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'}}</td>
<td data-th="Result">
<a ng-if="v.LoanStatus == 'Approved'" ui-sref="approved({loanid: {{v.ApplicationId}}})" class="btn dark btn-sm btn-outline sbold uppercase">
<i class="fa fa-share"></i> View
I'm trying to include a parameter, the application id for the approved redirect but I'm not able to include that value in the url. Is the ui-sref approach I'm taking correct or I need to do some tweak?
Just had the same issue. Hopefully I figure out a better way to do it, but for now this will work:
approved({loanid: '{{v.ApplicationId}}'})

angularjs-disqus want to show topics comments count in top page

I am using angularjs and embedded disqus to successfully. however, I want to display the comment count of each topic comments on the top page or index page where topics are listed. like this
index/top page is listed like this
<tr ng-repeat="news_item in main_index_news track by $index">
<td class="headline_link">
<a href="{{ decodeURL(news_item.url) }}"
ng-click="ga_event(news_item)">{{ news_item.title }}</a>
<table class="post_info">
<td>created_at: {{ timeToLocal(news_item.time) | date:"yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm" }}</td>
<td>rate: {{ news_item.rate }}</td>
<a ng-href="/news/{{ news_item._id }}#disqus_thread"
title="{{ news_item.title }}">
I have followed this tutorial, but I cant get it right.
I hope I am making a sense, because I am clueless, and its my first time to use disqus and I am really amazed by it.
