What is the difference between server-side and client-side rendering? - reactjs

That question has a lot of articles around the web discussing it, but given how recent I am to web dev I think I am missing a few pieces to get the full picture.
My understanding is as follows:
Let us assume we have a Node.js server and we're using express for our web app. Client rendering is when I don't enter a URL in the web browser that creates an HTTP request to my server. Instead, the client requests comes from a JS script(that was loaded from the server initially when I accessed the application using the root route for example: http://localhost:SOME_PORT/). So, let's say my request is to fetch some information about a certain user from a database. Instead of going through the server, the JS script(using AJAX) for example does an XMLHTTPRequest directly to the database(say I trigger this by a button called Fetch) instead of going through my server and then the client(the browser) will get a response and in turn will create an HTML document and render it. As opposed to server-side rendering, where I for example enter a URL in the browser, and the server intercepts the request, and prepares the HTML document along with the data requested(if any) and sends it back in HTML form for the browser to render(hence server-side, no work was done on the client-side but actually displaying the page).
Is this accurate? What am I missing in my understanding of both and when to utilize either style?

Let us assume we have a Node.js server and we're using express for our web app.
It doesn't really matter what software you use on the server, but we'll use that for the example.
Client rendering is when I don't enter a URL in the web browser that creates an HTTP request to my server. Instead, the client requests comes from a JS script (that was loaded from the server initially when I accessed the application using the root route for example: http://localhost:SOME_PORT/).
That would have loaded an HTML document which loaded the JS with a script element. You wouldn't load the script directly.
So, let's say my request is to fetch some information about a certain user from a database. Instead of going through the server, the JS script(using AJAX) for example does an XMLHTTPRequest directly to the database
No. You still make an HTTP request to the HTTP server.
(say I trigger this by a button called Fetch) instead of going through my server and then the client(the browser) will get a response and in turn will create an HTML document and render it.
The client already has an HTML document. With client side rendering, the DOM generated from that document is modified (usually with new data requested from the server).
As opposed to server-side rendering, where I for example enter a URL in the browser
To keep the scenario as close to the Client-side rendering example as possible, let's say you click a link instead of entering a URL.
, and the server intercepts the request,
The request is explicitly made to the server, it isn't intercepted. That would imply it was intended for somewhere else.
and prepares the HTML document along with the data requested(if any) and sends it back in HTML form for the browser to render(hence server-side, no work was done on the client-side but actually displaying the page).
The short version is:
With server side rendering, a complete HTML document is prepared on the server and delivered to the browser.
With client side rendering, the DOM is manipulated on the client to produce the same document.


Next Js: How to call external REST API without showing the request on the client side(Network tab)

I am creating an application in Next.js(Frontend) and Php(Backend: REST API). Now what I want is whenever the user submits the form I want to get the form data from react js and post it to the REST API developed in Php. But I don't want to show the request on the Network tab as the request contains some sensitive data like token's etc. Is there a way that I can achieve this ? I am able to get the initial data using getServerSideProps().
You cannot hide the data in the Network tab. If you are dealing with sensible data you can encrypt the data before it gets send to the server and decrypt the data afterwards in the backend (PHP code).

How to track a service whose response is keep changing after a minute in angular JS?

I am working with angular js (1.x).
I need to display some data which is coming from backend. For that I am calling a service.
Problem is that the response keep changing periodically. But still I didnt use setTimeInterval as this may overload backend due to continuously sending request from UI. So I let user to manually refresh the page to update the data.
Is there any way in which I can auto-update the data without having to use setTimeInterval?
What is a websocket?
WebSockets is an advanced technology that makes it possible to open an interactive communication session between the user's browser and a server. With this API, you can send messages to a server and receive event-driven responses without having to poll the server for a reply.
Src: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebSockets_API
AngularJs + Websockets
You can use ng-websocket for angularjs
AngularJS WebSocket Service Example

No response from server when angular service gets a redirect

I have a redirect set up made with Switcheroo that redirect calls from an api server to my local one. The redirect is something like mydomain.com/api/* to localhost:3000/api/. The web app is implemented using angular and all the calls are made by angular services. I don't think angular is involved btw.
The calls are redirected to a Nodejs local server.
When I directly use to browser and I point it to the redirected api url (mydomain.com/api/somedata) I get the correct response. The network panel show me the first call to mydomain.com with a 307 Internal Redirect response, and then the second call to my local server with 200 OK response. Everything works fine and I can see the response in the Response panel of the redirected call..
When I go online I see the exact same two calls but I apparently do not receive any data from the server since the response panel is just showing "The request has no response data available". I know for sure that the redirect is landing to my local server since I see the server logs and when I change the response status the browser receives it.
What can I do? Could be an angular problem since the calls are made by anguar services? I really don't think so but I really don't understand why this happen.
Thanks for your consideration.

working with $http.post function

I want to save data using AngularJS and RestApi. I am sending an object in data parameter.
I tried both $http.post() direct method and $http() method , but non of these are working.
Always the error coming is "Method not allowed-405"
I am running on local machine.
Eventually by doing some modifications like I specified "localhost:xxx" before the 'api/abc', now I am getting the error as "The requested resource does not support the http method 'POST'".
The reason is that the API you're using does not support POST requests to the URL you're trying to POST to
More info from http://www.checkupdown.com/status/E405.html below
All Web servers can be configured to allow or disallow any method. For example if a Web server is 'read-only' (no client can modify URL resources on the Web server), then it could be set up to disallow the PUT and DELETE methods. Similarly if there is no user input (all the Web pages are static), then the POST method could be disallowed. So 405 errors can arise because the Web server is not configured to take data from the client at all.

Gunicorn, Heroku, and pushState/HTML5 History API support

If I run gunicorn can I support pushState and the HTML History API on my Heroku-hosted app?
I would like to not have hashes in my Backbone/Marionette app.
Unless I'm mistaken, gunicorn will have nothing to do with this. To use pushState, your server must return a valid page for any URL your client-side application generates.
For example, if your Marionette app has a "/articles/5/comments" URL, the server MUST respond with valid content when it receives that URL.
That said, your server can systematically return the same content (e.g. via a catch all route) that simply contains your complete Marionette app. Then, the client side app will take over, aprsing the route, and loading the data.
