database design - least amount of space to make a lookup table - database

got a little database design question here - I want opinions and discussion about the correct way to go about this as the actual problem is one I've hit more than once.
So I've invented a new game. In this game you can receive a penalty of either 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 penalty score. Depending on the penalty score depends how many referees need to agree. So if you get a 10 penalty score, just 1 referee 'steve' needs to agree, if 20, 2 referees 'steve' and 'alan' will agree.
How can this be arranged in a database table so I can look up which referees and how many need to agree?
A non-ideal solution :
I thought about having the headings
penScore | Ref1 | Ref2 | Ref3 | Ref4 | Ref5
10 steve
20 steve alan
30 steve alan scott
The problem with this is it leaves a lot of empty cells which is messy.
Can you come up with a better solution?

Empty cells do not take up a lot of space. It depends on which Database product you are using, but most of them have a very succinct way of expressing "nothing here". The usual way of representing "nothing here" is the SQL NULL.
The real mess begins when you start doing Boolean logic on cells that contain an SQL NULL. When you get into logical operations on NULLS, you get into SQL's three valued logic. This is really obscure stuff compared to ordinary two valued logic.
The solution you outline is not normalized. This may or may not cause problems, depending on what you are going to do with the data.
There is no one best practice. It depends on the case.

The straightforward design is:
--player PLAYER gets penalty score SCORE from referee REFEREE
Penalty(player, score, referee)
UNIQUE NOT NULL (player, score, referee)
CHECK (score in (10, 20, 30, 40, 50))


Algorithm sorting details, but without excluding

I have come across a problem.
I’m not asking for help how to construct what I’m searching for, but only to guide me to what I’m looking for! 😊
The thing I want to create is some sort of ‘Sorting Algorithm/Mechanism’.
Imagine I have a database with over 1000 pictures of different vehicles.
A person sees a vehicle, he now tries to get as much information and details about that vehicle, such as:
number of wheels
number and shape of windows
number and shape of light(s)
number and shape of exhaust(s)
He then gives me all information about that vehicle he saw. BUT! Without telling me anything about:
Make and model.
I will now take that information and tell my database to sort out every vehicle so that it arranges all 1000 vehicle by best match, based by the description it have been given.
But it should NOT exclude any vehicle!
If the person tells me that the vehicle only has 4 wheels, but in reality it has 5 (he might not have seen the fifth wheel) it should just get a bad score in the # of wheels.
But if every other aspect matches that vehicle perfect it will still get a high score.
That way we don’t exclude the vehicle that he has seen, and we still have a change to find the correct vehicle.
The whole aspect of this mechanism is to, as said, sort out the most, so instead of looking through 1000 vehicles we only need to sort through the best matches which is 10 to maybe 50 vehicles out of a 1000 (hopefully).
I tried to describe it the best I could in a language that isn’t ‘my father’s tongue’. So bear with me.
Again, I’m not looking for anybody telling me how to make this algorithm, I’m pretty sure nobody even wants of have the time to do that for me, without getting paid somehow...
But I just need to know where to look regarding learning and understanding how to create this mess of a mechanism.
Kind regards
Assuming that all your pictures have been indexed with the relevant fields (number of wheels, window shapes...), and given that they are not too numerous (a thousand is peanuts for a computer), you can proceed as follows:
for every criterion, weight the possible discrepancies (e.g. one wheel too much costs 5, one wheel too few costs 10, bad window shape costs 8...). Make this in a coherent way so that the costs of the criteria are well balanced.
to perform a search, evaluate the total discrepancy cost of every car, and sort the values increasingly. Report the first ten.
Technically, what you are after is called a "nearest neighbor search" in a high dimensional space. This problem has been well studied. There are fast solutions but they are extremely complex, and in your case are absolutely not worth using.
The default way of doing this for example in artificial intelligence is to encode all properties as a vector and applying certain weights to each property. The distance can then be calculated using any metric you like. In your case manhatten-distance should be fine. So in pseudocode:
distance(first_car, second_car):
return abs(first_car.n_wheels - second_car.n_wheels) * wheels_weight+ ... +
abs(first_car.n_windows - second_car.n_windows) * windows_weight
This works fine for simple properties like the number of wheels. For more complex properties like the shape of a window you'll probably need to split it up into multiple attributes depending on your requirements on similarity.
Weights are usually picked in such a way as to normalize all values, if their range is known. Optionally an additional factor can be multiplied to increase the impact of a specific attribute on the overall distance.

Why is hash index slower using "Less than" in SQL

I've finished my first semester in a college-level SQL course where we used "SQL queries for Mere Mortals" 3rd edition.
Long term I want to work in data governance or as a data scientist, so digging deeper is needed and I found the Stanford SQL course. Today taking the first mini quiz, I got the answers right but on these two I'm not understanding WHY I got the answers right.
My 'SQL for Mere Mortals' book doesn't even cover hash or tree-based indexes so I've been searching online for them.
I mostly guessed based on what she said but it feels more like luck than "I solidly understand why". So I've ordered "Introduction to Algorithms" 3rd edition by Thomas Cormen and it arrived last week but it will take me a while to read through all 1,229 pages.
Found that book in this other stackoverflow link =>
Stanford Course =>
I thought a hash index on College.enrollment would not speed up because they limit it to less than a number vs an actual number ?? I'm guessing per this link Better to use "less than equal" or "in" in sql query that the query would be faster if we used "<=" rather than "<" ?
This one was just a process of elimination as it mentions the first item after the WHERE clause, but then was confusing as it mentions the last part of Apply.cName = College.cName.
My questions:
I'm guessing that similar to algebra having numerators and denominators, quotients, and many other terms that specifically describe part of an equation using technical terms. How would you use technical terms to describe why these answers are correct.
On the second question, why is the first part of the second line referenced and the last part of the same line referenced as the answers. Why didn't they pick the first part of each of the last part of each?
For context, most of my SQL queries are written for PostgreSQL now within PyCharm on python but I do a lot of practice using the PgAgmin4 or MySqlWorkbench desktop platforms.
I welcome any recommendations you have on paper books or pdf's that have step-by-step tutorials as many, many websites have holes or reference technical details that are confusing.
1. A hash index is only useful for equality matches, whereas a tree index can be used for inequality (< or >= etc).
With this in mind, College.enrollment < 5000 cannot use a hash index, as it is an inequality. All other options are exact equality matches.
This is why most RDBMSs only let you create tree-based indexes.
2. This one is pretty much up in the air.
"the first item after the WHERE clause" is not relevant. Most RDBMSs will reorder the joins and filters as they see fit in order to match indexes and table statistics.
I note that the query as given is poorly written. It should use proper JOIN syntax, which is much clearer, and has been in use for 30 years already.
SELECT * -- you should really specify exact columns
FROM Student AS s -- use aliases
JOIN [Apply] AS a ON a.sID = s.sID -- Apply is a reserved keyword in many RDBMS
JOIN College AS c ON c.cName = a.aName
WHERE s.GPA > 1.5 AND c.cName < 'Cornell';
Now it's hard to say what a compiler would do here. A lot depends on the cardinalities (size of tables) in absolute terms and relative to each other, as well as the data skew in s.GPA and c.cName.
It also depends on whether secondary key (or indeed INCLUDE) columns are added, this is clearly not being considered.
Given the options for indexes you have above, and no other indexes (not realistic obviously), we could guesstimate:
Student.sID, College.cName
This may result in an efficient backwards scan on College starting from 'Cornell', but Apply would need to be joined with a hash or a naive nested loop (scanning the index each time).
The index on Student would mean an efficient nested loop with an index seek.
Student.sID, Student.GPA
Is this one index or two? If it's two separate indexes, the second will be used, and the first is obviously going to be useless. Apply and College will still need heavy joins.
Apply.cName, College.cName
This would probably get you a merge-join on those two columns, but Student would need a big join.
Apply.sID, Student.GPA
Student could be efficiently scanned from 1.5, and Apply could be seeked, but College requires a big join.
Of these options, the first or the last is probably better, but it's very hard to say without further info.
In a real system, I would have indexes on all tables, and use INCLUDE columns wisely in order to avoid key-lookups. You would want to try to get a better feel for which tables are the ones that need to be filtered early etc.
First question
A hash-index is not linearly-searchable (see Slide 7), that is, you cannot perform range-comparisons with a hash-index. This is because (in general terms) hash functions are one-way: given the output of a hash function you cannot determine the input, and the output will be in apparently random order (having a random order is good for ensuring an even load over the set of hashtable bins).
Now, for a contrived and oversimplified example:
Supposing you have these rows:
PK | Enrollment
1 | 1
2 | 10
3 | 100
4 | 1000
5 | 10000
A perfect hash index of this table would look something like this:
Assuming that the hash of 1 is 0xF822AA896F34253E and the hash of 10 is 0xB383A8BBDAA41F98, and so on...
EnrollmentHash | PhysicalRowPointer
0xF822AA896F34253E | 1
0xB383A8BBDAA41F98 | 2
0xA60DCD4E78869C9C | 3
0x49B0AF769E6B1EB3 | 4
0x724FD1728666B90B | 5
So given this hashtable index, looking at the hashes you cannot determine which hash represents larger enrollment values vs. smaller values. But a hashtable index does give you O(1) lookup for single specific values, which is why it works best for discrete, non-continuous, data values, especially columns used in JOIN criteria.
Whereas a tree-hash does preserve relative ordering information about values, but with O( log n ) lookup time.
Second question
First, I need to rewrite the query to use modern JOIN syntax. The old style (using commas) has been obsolete since SQL-92 in 1992, that's almost 30 years ago.
INNER JOIN Student ON Student.sID = Apply.sID
INNER JOIN College ON Apply.cName = Apply.cName
Student.GPA > 1.5
College.cName < 'Cornell'
Now, generally speaking the best way to answer this kind of question would be to know what the STATISTICS (cardinality, value distribution, etc) of the tables are. But without that I can still make some guesses.
I assume that College is the smallest table (~500 rows?), Student will have maybe 1-2m rows, and assuming every Student makes 4-5 applications then the Apply table will have ~5m rows.
...armed with that inference, we can deduce:
Student.sID = Apply.sID is an ID match - so a hash-index would be better in most cases (excepting if the PK clustering matters, but I won't digress).
Student.GPA > 1.5 - this is a range search so having a tree-based index here helps.
College.cName < 'Cornell' - again, this is a range comparison so a tree-based index here helps too.
So the best indexes would be Student.GPA and College.cName, but that isn't an option - so let's see what the benefits of each option are...
(As I was writing this, I saw that #charlieface posted their answer which already covers this, so I'll just link to theirs to save my time: )

Optimizing ID generation in a particular format

I am looking to generate IDs in a particular format. The format is this:
X | {N, S, E, W} | {A-Z} | {YY} | {0-9} {0-9} {0-9} {0-9} {0-9}
The part with "X" is a fixed character, the second part can be any of the 4 values N, S, E, W (North, South, East, West zones) based on the signup form data, the third part is an alphabet from the set {A-Z} and it is not related to the input data in anyway (can be randomly assigned), YY are the last 2 digits of the current year and the last part is a 5 digit number from 00000 to 99999.
I am planning to construct this ID by generating all 5 parts and concatenating the results into a final string. The steps for generating each part:
This is fixed as "X"
This part will be one of "N", "S", "E", "W" based on the input data
Generate a random alphabet from {A-Z}
Last 2 digits of current year
Generate 5 random digits
This format gives me 26 x 10^5 = 26, 00, 000 unique IDs each year for a particular zone, which is enough for my use case.
For handling collisions, I plan to query the database and generate a new ID if the ID already exists in the DB. This will continue until I generate an ID which doesnt exist in the DB.
Is this strategy good or should I use something else? When the DB has a lot of entries of a particular zone in a particular year, what would be the approximate probability of collision or expected number of DB calls?
Should I instead use, sequential IDs like this:
Start from "A" in part 3 and "00000" in part 5
Increment part 3 to "B", when "99999" has been used in part 5
If I do use this strategy, is there a way I can implement this without looking into the DB to first find the last inserted ID?
Or some other way to generate the IDs in this format. My main concern is that the process should be fast (not too many DB calls)
If there's no way around DB calls, should I use a cache like Redis for making this a little faster? How exactly will this work?
For handling collisions, I plan to query the database and generate a
new ID if the ID already exists in the DB. This will continue until I
generate an ID which doesnt exist in the DB.
What if you make 10 such DB calls because of this. The problem with randomness is that collisions will occur even though the probability is low. In a production system with high load, doing a check with random data is dangerous.
This format gives me 26 x 10^5 = 26, 00, 000 unique IDs each year for
a particular zone, which is enough for my use case.
Your range is small, no doubt. But you need to see tahat the probability of collision will be 1 / 26 * 10^5 which is not that great!.
So, if the hash size is not a concern, read about UUID, Twitter snowflake etc.
If there's no way around DB calls, should I use a cache like Redis for
making this a little faster? How exactly will this work?
Using a cache is a good idea. Again, the problem here is the persistence. If you are looking for consistency, then Redis uses LRU and keys would get lost in time.
Here's how I would solve this issue:
So, I would first write write a mapper range for characters.
Ex: N goes from A to F, S from G to M etc.
This ensures that there is some consistency among the zones.
After this, we can do the randomized approach itself but with indexing.
So, suppose let's say there is a chance for collision. We can significantly reduce this value.
Make the unique hash in your table as indexable.
This means that your search is much faster.
When you want to insert, generate 2 random hashes and do a single IN query - something like "select hash from table where hash in (hash1,hash2)". If this does not work, next time, you need to generate 4 random hashes and do the same query. If it works , use the hash. Keep increasing the exponential value to avoid collisions.
Again this is speculative, better approcahes may be there.

Data structure or algorithm for second degree lookups in sub-linear time?

Is there any way to select a subset from a large set based on a property or predicate in less than O(n) time?
For a simple example, say I have a large set of authors. Each author has a one-to-many relationship with a set of books, and a one-to-one relationship with a city of birth.
Is there a way to efficiently do a query like "get all books by authors who were born in Chicago"? The only way I can think of is to first select all authors from the city (fast with a good index), then iterate through them and accumulate all their books (O(n) where n is the number of authors from Chicago).
I know databases do something like this in certain joins, and Endeca claims to be able to do this "fast" using what they call "Record Relationship Navigation", but I haven't been able to find anything about the actual algorithms used or even their computational complexity.
I'm not particularly concerned with the exact data structure... I'd be jazzed to learn about how to do this in a RDBMS, or a key/value repository, or just about anything.
Also, what about third or fourth degree requests of this nature? (Get me all the books written by authors living in cities with immigrant populations greater than 10,000...) Is there a generalized n-degree algorithm, and what is its performance characteristics?
I am probably just really dense, but I don't see how the inverted index suggestion helps. For example, say I had the following data:
1. Milton England
2. Shakespeare England
3. Twain USA
4. Milton Paridise Lost
5. Shakespeare Hamlet
6. Shakespeare Othello
7. Twain Tom Sawyer
8. Twain Huck Finn
"Milton" (1, 4)
"Shakespeare" (2, 5, 6)
"Twain" (3, 7, 8)
"Paridise Lost" (4)
"Hamlet" (5)
"Othello" (6)
"Tom Sawyer" (7)
"Huck Finn" (8)
"England" (1, 2)
"USA" (3)
Say I did my query on "books by authors from England". Very quickly, in O(1) time via a hashtable, I could get my list of authors from England: (1, 2). But then, for the next step, in order retrieve the books, I'd have to, for EACH of the set {1, 2}, do ANOTHER O(1) lookup: 1 -> {4}, 2 -> {5, 6} then do a union of the results {4, 5, 6}.
Or am I missing something? Perhaps you meant I should explicitly store an index entry linking Book to Country. That works for very small data sets. But for a large data set, the number of indexes required to match any possible combination of queries would make the index grow exponentially.
For joins like this on large data sets, a modern RDBMS will often use an algorithm called a list merge. Using your example:
Prepare a list, A, of all authors who live in Chicago and sort them by author in O(Nlog(N)) time.*
Prepare a list, B, of all (author, book name) pairs and sort them by author in O(Mlog(M)) time.*
Place these two lists "side by side", and compare the authors from the "top" (lexicographically minimum) element in each pile.
Are they the same? If so:
Output the (author, book name) pair from top(B)
Remove the top element of the B pile
Goto 3.
Otherwise, is top(A).author < top(B).author? If so:
Remove the top element of the A pile
Goto 3.
Otherwise, it must be that top(A).author > top(B).author:
Remove the top element of the B pile
Goto 3.
* (Or O(0) time if the table is already sorted by author, or has an index which is.)
The loop continues removing one item at a time until both piles are empty, thus taking O(N + M) steps, where N and M are the sizes of piles A and B respectively. Because the two "piles" are sorted by author, this algorithm will discover every matching pair. It does not require an index (although the presence of indexes may remove the need for one or both sort operations at the start).
Note that the RDBMS may well choose a different algorithm (e.g. the simple one you mentioned) if it estimates that it would be faster to do so. The RDBMS's query analyser generally estimates the costs in terms of disk accesses and CPU time for many thousands of different approaches, possibly taking into account such information as the statistical distributions of values in the relevant tables, and selects the best.
SELECT a.*, b.*
FROM Authors AS a, Books AS b
WHERE a.author_id = b.author_id
AND a.birth_city = "Chicago"
AND a.birth_state = "IL";
A good optimizer will process that in less than the time it would take to read the whole list of authors and the whole list of books, which is sub-linear time, therefore. (If you have another definition of what you mean by sub-linear, speak out.)
Note that the optimizer should be able to choose the order in which to process the tables that is most advantageous. And this applies to N-level sets of queries.
Generally speaking, RDBMSes handle these types of queries very well. Both commercial and open source database engines have evolved over decades using all the reasonable computing algorithms applicable, to do just this task as fast as possible.
I would venture a guess that the only way you would beat RDBMS in speed is, if your data is specifically organized and require specific algorithms. Some RDBSes let you specify which of the underlying algorithms you can use for manipulating data, and with open-source ones, you can always rewrite or implement a new algorithm, if needed.
However, unless your case is very special, I believe it might be a serious overkill. For most cases, I would say putting the data in RDBMS and manipulating it via SQL should work well enough so that you don't have to worry abouut underlying algorithms.
Inverted Index.
Since this has a loop, I'm sure it fails the O(n) test. However, when your result set has n rows, it's impossible to avoid iterating over the result set. The query, however, is two hash lookups.
from collections import defaultdict
country = [ "England", "USA" ]
author= [ ("Milton", "England"), ("Shakespeare","England"), ("Twain","USA") ]
title = [ ("Milton", "Paradise Lost"),
("Shakespeare", "Hamlet"),
("Shakespeare", "Othello"),
("Twain","Tom Sawyer"),
("Twain","Huck Finn"),
inv_country = {}
for id,c in enumerate(country):
inv_country[c]['country'].append( id )
inv_author= {}
for id,row in enumerate(author):
a,c = row
inv_author[a]['author'].append( id )
inv_country[c]['author'].append( id )
inv_title= {}
for id,row in enumerate(title):
a,t = row
inv_title[t]['title'].append( id )
inv_author[a]['author'].append( id )
#Books by authors from England
for t in inv_country['England']['author']:
print title[t]

What is fuzzy logic?

I'm working with a couple of AI algorithms at school and I find people use the words Fuzzy Logic to explain any situation that they can solve with a couple of cases. When I go back to the books I just read about how instead of a state going from On to Off it's a diagonal line and something can be in both states but in different "levels".
I've read the wikipedia entry and a couple of tutorials and even programmed stuff that "uses fuzzy logic" (an edge detector and a 1-wheel self-controlled robot) and still I find it very confusing going from Theory to Code... for you, in the less complicated definition, what is fuzzy logic?
Fuzzy logic is logic where state membership is, essentially, a float with range 0..1 instead of an int 0 or 1. The mileage you get out of it is that things like, for example, the changes you make in a control system are somewhat naturally more fine-tuned than what you'd get with naive binary logic.
An example might be logic that throttles back system activity based on active TCP connections. Say you define "a little bit too many" TCP connections on your machine as 1000 and "a lot too many" as 2000. At any given time, your system has a "too many TCP connections" state from 0 (<= 1000) to 1 (>= 2000), which you can use as a coefficient in applying whatever throttling mechanisms you have available. This is much more forgiving and responsive to system behavior than naive binary logic that only knows how to determine "too many", and throttle completely, or "not too many", and not throttle at all.
I'd like to add to the answers (that have been modded up) that, a good way to visualize fuzzy logic is follows:
Traditionally, with binary logic you would have a graph whose membership function is true or false whereas in a fuzzy logic system, the membership function is not.
| /\
| / \
| / \
0|/ \
a b c d
Assume for a second that the function is "likes peanuts"
a. kinda likes peanuts
b. really likes peanuts
c. kinda likes peanuts
d. doesn't like peanuts
The function itself doesn't have to be triangular and often isn't (it's just easier with ascii art).
A fuzzy system will likely have many of these, some even overlapping (even opposites) like so:
1| A B
| /\ /\ A = Likes Peanuts
| / \/ \ B = Doesn't Like Peanuts
| / /\ \
0|/ / \ \
a b c d
so now c is "kind likes peanuts, kinda doesn't like peanuts" and d is "really doesn't like peanuts"
And you can program accordingly based on that info.
Hope this helps for the visual learners out there.
The best definition of fuzzy logic is given by its inventor Lotfi Zadeh:
“Fuzzy logic means of representing problems to computers in a way akin to the way human solve them and the essence of fuzzy logic is that everything is a matter of degree.”
The meaning of solving problems with computers akin to the way human solve can easily be explained with a simple example from a basketball game; if a player wants to guard another player firstly he should consider how tall he is and how his playing skills are. Simply if the player that he wants to guard is tall and plays very slow relative to him then he will use his instinct to determine to consider if he should guard that player as there is an uncertainty for him. In this example the important point is the properties are relative to the player and there is a degree for the height and playing skill for the rival player. Fuzzy logic provides a deterministic way for this uncertain situation.
There are some steps to process the fuzzy logic (Figure-1). These steps are; firstly fuzzification where crisp inputs get converted to fuzzy inputs secondly these inputs get processed with fuzzy rules to create fuzzy output and lastly defuzzification which results with degree of result as in fuzzy logic there can be more than one result with different degrees.
Figure 1 – Fuzzy Process Steps (David M. Bourg P.192)
To exemplify the fuzzy process steps, the previous basketball game situation could be used. As mentioned in the example the rival player is tall with 1.87 meters which is quite tall relative to our player and can dribble with 3 m/s which is slow relative to our player. Addition to these data some rules are needed to consider which are called fuzzy rules such as;
if player is short but not fast then guard,
if player is fast but not short then don’t guard
If player is tall then don’t guard
If player is average tall and average fast guard
Figure 2 – how tall
Figure 3- how fast
According to the rules and the input data an output will be created by fuzzy system such as; the degree for guard is 0.7, degree for sometimes guard is 0.4 and never guard is 0.2.
Figure 4-output fuzzy sets
On the last step, defuzzication, is using for creating a crisp output which is a number which may determine the energy that we should use to guard the player during game. The centre of mass is a common method to create the output. On this phase the weights to calculate the mean point is totally depends on the implementation. On this application it is considered to give high weight to guard or not guard but low weight given to sometimes guard. (David M. Bourg, 2004)
Figure 5- fuzzy output (David M. Bourg P.204)
Output = [0.7 * (-10) + 0.4 * 1 + 0.2 * 10] / (0.7 + 0.4 + 0.2) ≈ -3.5
As a result fuzzy logic is using under uncertainty to make a decision and to find out the degree of decision. The problem of fuzzy logic is as the number of inputs increase the number of rules increase exponential.
For more information and its possible application in a game I wrote a little article check this out
To build off of chaos' answer, a formal logic is nothing but an inductively defined set that maps sentences to a valuation. At least, that's how a model theorist thinks of logic. In the case of a sentential boolean logic:
(basis clause) For all A, v(A) in {0,1}
(iterative) For the following connectives,
v(!A) = 1 - v(A)
v(A & B) = min{v(A), v(B)}
v(A | B) = max{v(A), v(B)}
(closure) All sentences in a boolean sentential logic are evaluated per above.
A fuzzy logic changes would be inductively defined:
(basis clause) For all A, v(A) between [0,1]
(iterative) For the following connectives,
v(!A) = 1 - v(A)
v(A & B) = min{v(A), v(B)}
v(A | B) = max{v(A), v(B)}
(closure) All sentences in a fuzzy sentential logic are evaluated per above.
Notice the only difference in the underlying logic is the permission to evaluate a sentence as having the "truth value" of 0.5. An important question for a fuzzy logic model is the threshold that counts for truth satisfaction. This is to ask: for a valuation v(A), for what value D it is the case the v(A) > D means that A is satisfied.
If you really want to found out more about non-classical logics like fuzzy logic, I would recommend either An Introduction to Non-Classical Logic: From If to Is or Possibilities and Paradox
Putting my coder hat back on, I would be careful with the use of fuzzy logic in real world programming, because of the tendency for a fuzzy logic to be undecidable. Maybe it's too much complexity for little gain. For instance a supervaluational logic may do just fine to help a program model vagueness. Or maybe probability would be good enough. In short, I need to be convinced that the domain model dovetails with a fuzzy logic.
Maybe an example clears up what the benefits can be:
Let's say you want to make a thermostat and you want it to be 24 degrees.
This is how you'd implement it using boolean logic:
Rule1: heat up at full power when
it's colder than 21 degrees.
cool down at full power when it's
warmer than 27 degrees.
Such a system will only once and a while be 24 degrees, and it will be very inefficient.
Now, using fuzzy logic, it would be like something like this:
Rule1: For each degree that it's colder than 24 degrees, turn up the heater one notch (0 at 24).
Rule2: For each degree that it's warmer than 24 degress, turn up the cooler one notch (0 at 24).
This system will always be somewhere around 24 degrees, and it only once and will only once and a while make a tiny adjustment. It will also be more energy-efficient.
Well, you could read the works of Bart Kosko, one of the 'founding fathers'. 'Fuzzy Thinking: The New Science of Fuzzy Logic' from 1994 is readable (and available quite cheaply secondhand via Amazon). Apparently, he has a newer book 'Noise' from 2006 which is also quite approachable.
Basically though (in my paraphrase - not having read the first of those books for several years now), fuzzy logic is about how to deal with the world where something is perhaps 10% cool, 50% warm, and 10% hot, where different decisions may be made on the degree to which the different states are true (and no, it wasn't entirely an accident that those percentages don't add up to 100% - though I'd accept correction if needed).
A very good explanation, with a help of Fuzzy Logic Washing Machines.
I know what you mean about it being difficult to go from concept to code. I'm writing a scoring system that looks at the values of sysinfo and /proc on Linux systems and comes up with a number between 0 and 10, 10 being the absolute worst. A simple example:
You have 3 load averages (1, 5, 15 minute) with (at least) three possible states, good, getting bad, bad. Expanding that, you could have six possible states per average, adding 'about to' to the three that I just noted. Yet, the result of all 18 possibilities can only deduct 1 from the score. Repeat that with swap consumed, actual VM allocated (committed) memory and other stuff .. and you have one big bowl of conditional spaghetti :)
Its as much a definition as it is an art, how you implement the decision making process is always more interesting than the paradigm itself .. whereas in a boolean world, its rather cut and dry.
It would be very easy for me to say if load1 < 2 deduct 1, but not very accurate at all.
If you can teach a program to do what you would do when evaluating some set of circumstances and keep the code readable, you have implemented a good example of fuzzy logic.
Fuzzy Logic is a problem-solving methodology that lends itself to implementation in systems ranging from simple, small, embedded micro-controllers to large, networked, multi-channel PC or workstation-based data acquisition and control systems. It can be implemented in hardware, software, or a combination of both. Fuzzy Logic provides a simple way to arrive at a definite conclusion based upon vague, ambiguous, imprecise, noisy, or missing input information. Fuzzy Logic approach to control problems mimics how a person would make decisions, only much faster.
Fuzzy logic has proved to be particularly useful in expert system and other artificial intelligence applications. It is also used in some spell checkers to suggest a list of probable words to replace a misspelled one.
To learn more, just check out:
The following is sort of an empirical answer.
A simple (possibly simplistic answer) is that "fuzzy logic" is any logic that returns values other than straight true / false, or 1 / 0. There are a lot of variations on this and they tend to be highly domain specific.
For example, in my previous life I did search engines that used "content similarity searching" as opposed to then common "boolean search". Our similarity system used the Cosine Coefficient of weighted-attribute vectors representing the query and the documents and produced values in the range 0..1. Users would supply "relevance feedback" which was used to shift the query vector in the direction of desirable documents. This is somewhat related to the training done in certain AI systems where the logic gets "rewarded" or "punished" for results of trial runs.
Right now Netflix is running a competition to find a better suggestion algorithm for their company. See Effectively all of the algorithms could be characterized as "fuzzy logic"
Fuzzy logic is calculating algorithm based on human like way of thinking. It is particularly useful when there is a large number of input variables. One online fuzzy logic calculator for two variables input is given:
