syncing variable across pages using angularJs - angularjs

I have a html page with a link as follows:
<div ng-if="!adminCtrl.valid">
<div><a target="_blank" ng-href="">Authorize to Instagram</a><br/></div>
This goes to redirect page on success where the code is
<div ng-controller="AdminController">
<h2>You can close this tab/window</h2>
The control is same for both pages as follows:
app.controller('AdminController', ['$scope','$routeParams','$location', function($scope,$routeParams,$location){
var actrl = this;
actrl.valid = false;
var token = $location.absUrl();
if(token.indexOf('access_token') > -1){
console.log('found token so will do special');
actrl.valid = true;
I am expecting the link to disappear once the new page opens as i am updating the valid variable value.
i know the flaw seems to be the cross page communication. so how to deal with it?

Controllers are 'flushed' when you change views. To keep data from a view/controller to another, store your data within a Service.
app.controller('AdminController', [
'$scope', '$routeParams', '$location', 'ExampleService', function ($scope, $routeParams, $location, ExampleService) {
var actrl = this;
// Watches the service's value for changes and applies it to the controller
$scope.$watch(function(){return ExampleService.valid}, function(newValidValue){
actrl.valid = ExampleService.valid;
var token = $location.absUrl();
if (token.indexOf('access_token') > -1) {
console.log('found token so will do special');
ExampleService.valid = true;
// No need for this
// $scope.$apply();
app.service('ExampleService', [
function () {
//All properties here are kept through-out your app's life time
this.valid = false; // Init to false

To share data between Controllers in Angular JS, use a named Service to encapsulate the data. In your case, I would typically define an Auth service that provides a few methods for getting and setting the access_token for a user:
module.factory('Auth', function(){
return {
isValid: function(){ /* Check that a User is authenticated... */ },
setToken: function(token){ /* Store the token somewhere... */ },
getToken: function(){ /* Fetch the token from somewhere... */ }
To share data across "pages" -- tabs or windows in your browser -- even in a Single Page Application (SPA) like this, store the data in cookies or localStorage. You can use angular-local-storage by grevory (GitHub) to abstract the details of using localStorage with a cookie fall-back in non-compatible browsers.
The reason that one page cannot see the valid value defined in the other is because each page gets a separate instance of AdminController, each of which get their own separate instance of $scope tied to their respective DOM elements. Setting valid on the $scope of the redirect landing page has not effect on the completely detached $scope instance in the originating page.
You'd encounter similar difficulties with a trivial same-page example (CodePen):
angular.module('scope-example', [])
.controller('ExampleCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.value = 'Initial Value';
<script src=""></script>
<form class="pure-form" ng-app="scope-example">
<fieldset ng-controller="ExampleCtrl">
First instance of <code>ExampleCtrl</code>:
<input ng-model="value">
<fieldset ng-controller="ExampleCtrl">
Second instance of <code>ExampleCtrl</code>:
<input ng-model="value">
<fieldset ng-controller="ExampleCtrl">
Third instance of <code>ExampleCtrl</code>:
<input ng-model="value">
Even though each of the <fieldset> elements have identical ng-controller directives associated, each gets its own instance of ExampleCtrl and $scope, so the value property isn't shared between them. This holds true for any directive.


Laravel angular js get Login Customer name

I am using Laravel and angular js
I follwed this Link tutorial everthing is working fine but my problem is i don't know how to display Login customer name and mail id
(function() {
'use strict';
.controller('UserController', UserController);
function UserController($http) {
var vm = this;
vm.getUsers = function() {
// This request will hit the index method in the AuthenticateController
// on the Laravel side and will return the list of users
$http.get('api/authenticate').success(function(users) {
vm.users = users;
}).error(function(error) {
vm.error = error;
You need to access to vm.users object.
First, you have to alias your controller in your view.
<div ng-controller="UserController as user">
Your controller (this) becomes accessible with user.
Then you have to iterate your users object with ngRepeat directive.
<span ng-repeat="iteratedUser in user.users">
Full view code:
<div ng-controller="UserController as user">
<span ng-repeat="iteratedUser in user.users">
Name: {{}}
If you need more explanations, tell me in comments :)
Edit: Don't forget to call your getUsers function! Else, data won't be fetched.

Angular: Service to Pass Data To Another Controlelr

So, I have a ng-repeated list of items as such.
<li><a ng-click="{{}}">Name of Person</a></li>
I would like to create a service wherein, on click, I can collect that and pass it to another controller in a different route.
This would normally be very simple by just using the url and route params, however, in this case it is important that the not be exposed within the browser url.
-- More Context
Whether service or not, I am needing to extract a {{person.Id}} that is data available via an ng-repeat on a list page of persons.
On click, I move from a persons controller to a new route with a "person" controller. I need that "person" controller to be able to pull the {{Person.ID}} that was clicked on the previous route in order to look up that person in a DB.
Any help would be really great!
Services aren't meant to interact directly with DOM elements. DOM should interact with directives/controllers. Controller should interact with models.
This example below demonstrates sending data from controller 1 to myFactory and then controller 2 gets it the value from myFactory.
.module('app', [])
.factory('myFactory', myFactory)
.controller('myCtrl1', myCtrl1)
.controller('myCtrl2', myCtrl2);
function myFactory() {
var fromSender = null;
return {
setSender: function(sender) {
fromSender = sender;
getSender: function() {
return fromSender;
function myCtrl1(myFactory) {
var vm = this;
vm.setSender = myFactory.setSender;
function myCtrl2(myFactory) {
var vm = this;
vm.getSender = myFactory.getSender;
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="app">
<div ng-controller="myCtrl1 as ctrl1">
Controller 1: <br>
<button ng-click="ctrl1.setSender('from controller 1')">Send to myFactory</button>
<div ng-controller="myCtrl2 as ctrl2">
Controller 2: <br>
value from ctrl1 via myFactory: {{ctrl2.getSender()}}
All services in Angular are singletons. So if you inject personService or something like that, in multiple controllers, then those controllers will be using the exact same object. So if you set a value on that service, then the other controllers will be able to see it.
With more code and context, I'll be able to give a more specific example.

Angular - Template not refreshed with data bound from two different scopes to the same service

I bind data of two different scopes to the same common service data. When I update the data through controller 1, the data in controller 2 is not refreshed in template.
Example showing the issue :
<body ng-app="demoShareBindApp">
<div ng-controller="FirstCtrl as first">
Set share data to : <a href ng-click="setShareDataTo('Me')">"Me"</a>
- <a href ng-click="setShareDataTo('Myself')">"Myself"</a>
- <a href ng-click="setShareDataTo('I')">"and I"</a>
<div ng-controller="SecondCtrl as second">
Text entered : {{sShareData}}
<br><a href ng-click="revealShareData()">Reveal data</a>
<script src="bower_components/angular/angular.js"></script>
.module('demoShareBindApp', [])
.service('myService', function () {
return {
shareData: null
.controller('FirstCtrl', ['$scope', 'myService', function ($scope, myService) {
$scope.setShareDataTo = function(content) {
myService.shareData = content;
.controller('SecondCtrl', ['$scope', 'myService', function ($scope, myService) {
$scope.sShareData = myService.shareData;
$scope.revealShareData = function() {
The Text entered : {{sShareData}} is never updated whereas clicking "Reveal data" shows the right share data in console.
I can't find any clue in other SO post on this particular subject. I guess it could be a matter of "$watch/$digest" but I can't figure out what is really going on here.
Any detailed explanation welcome !
You are sharing data through service. When data in changed under first controller, you set this updated data to service but second controller does not know that shared data referenced by service has changed, so we need to notify the second controller that data has changed or we can shared data through events
I created a fiddle, check it,js,output
First approach. Using service
$scope.setShareDataTo = function(content) {
myService.shareData = content;
In second cntroller
$rootScope.$on('dataChanged', function(){
// get updated data
$scope.sShareData = myService.shareData;
Other way is that, we do not need to use service , we can simply pass that shared data using events
$scope.setShareDataTo = function(content) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('datacChanged', content);
And in Second controller
$rootScope.$on('dataChanged', function(event, data){
// get updated data
$scope.shareData = data;

Why does not work two controller in Angular JS?

I have controller is named "UserController" in top of page:
<div ng-controller="UserController"><input type="text" ng-model="search"></div>
Also the same controller in bottom page from directive ng-view:
<div class="bottom" ng-controller="UserController">{{search}}</div>
Why I dont get value {{search}} in bottom part, when I fill field input in top?
Can I use one controller two times in a page?
Yes, you can use two controllers in AngularJs, Here is a demo.
What happens when I use ng-controller?
When you add ng-controller to a DOM element, angular create an instance of controller function and attaches it with that DOM, and thats why there is no two way data-binding between those divs.
How can I use data binding to share data between controllers?
You can use $rootScope variable or you can use services.
you can create service and inject in controller as dependency, so you can access its property with two way binding feature.
As said by JB Nizet, you need to have everything in the same "div".
<div ng-controller="UserController">
<input type="text" ng-model="search">
<div id="search-query">{{search}}</div>
Having the search-query at the bottom of the page is a matter of CSS, not Angular.
Controllers are not singletons. You have one controller for the top div, a second controller for the second div. One scope for the top div, one scope for the bottom div.
Both controllers have the same name, but you are ultimatally calling you controller function twice.
Some options you might want to consider to solve your problem:
Option 1) Use parent scope.
Option 2) Use root scope.
Option 3) Store the value in a service.
Services are singletons. If you type = $, then that value can read from the other controller.
You wont be able to watch a service variable, so perhaps you want to use the observer pattern here.
app.service("search", function() {
var listerners = [];
this.register = function(listener) {
this.update = function(searchValue) {
for(var i in listerners) {
app.controller("UserController", function($timeout, search){
search.register(function(searchValue) {
$ = searchValue;
$scope.$watch('search', function (newVal, oldVal, scope) {
Option 4) Broadcast the new value.
$scope.$watch('search', function (newVal, oldVal, scope) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('search', newVal);
$scope.$on('search', function(event, data) {
$ = data;
You can have multiple instances of the same controller in your page. They share the same functionality. But every instance of that controller is getting his own $scope. So in your first controller $ can be 'mySearch', but the second controller won't get this, because it's another $scope.
You can do two things:
You can put the controller on a containing element, let's say the body, so both your input and your div are within the same $scope.
OR, if you want them to be seperate, you can use a service to share the search.
Your HTML:
<div ng-app="myApp">
<div ng-controller="UserController">
<input type="text" ng-model="search.mySearch"/>
<div ng-controller="UserController">
Your Javascript:
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
myApp.factory('Data', function(){
return { mySearch: '' };
myApp.controller('UserController', function( $scope, Data ){
$ = Data;
See Fiddle

Obtaining scope variable from separate HTML file

I have an Angular template that pulls in two HTML pages ...
In content.html I use a controller to make an API call that gives a true/false response and based on that response I render different text. Is there a way that I can gain access to the same true/false response from within sidebar.html? I would rather not duplicate the API call done in the controller for content.html.
<div data-ng-controller="AuthorizeController">
<div ng-if="isUserAuthorized">
text if User is authorized ...
<div ng-if="!isUserAuthorized">
text if User is NOT authorized ...
(function () {
var dependencies = [
module.controller('AuthorizeController', dependencies);
function AuthorizeController($scope) {
// Code to determine if authorized omitted for brevity
if (true) {
$scope.isUserAuthorized = true;
} else {
$scope.isUserAuthorized = false;
I should add that the portion of the controller that is determining if the user is authenticated does so via an API call. I am hoping to make the API call only once.
Use an angular service (?) to share the authentication logic between your controllers.
var app = angular.module('app', []);
app.controller('mainCtrl',function($scope, authenticationService) {
$scope.isAuthenticated = authenticationService.isAuthenticated();
app.controller('sidebarCtrl',function($scope, authenticationService) {
$scope.isAuthenticated = authenticationService.isAuthenticated();
app.factory('authenticationService',function() {
return {
isAuthenticated: isAuthenticated
function isAuthenticated(){
// Place your logic here
return true;
<body ng-app="app">
<h1>Obtaining scope variable from separate HTML file</h1>
<div ng-controller="mainCtrl">
{{ isAuthenticated }}
<div ng-controller="sidebarCtrl">
{{ isAuthenticated }}
There are three options:
1st solution:
Move the logic of Auth to a service, and use dependency injection to inject the service into AuthorizeController and SidebarController.
2nd solution:
Use $broadcast/$emit from AuthorizeController and $on on the SidebarController. Although this is not a good solution because then you will have two controllers tightly coupled.
3rd solution: (Even better than the 1st)
Write the sidebar as a directive and inject the Auth Service to that.
