Angular Meteor - Blaze is not defined - angularjs

I want to use blaze from my angular controller, similar use as
Blaze.render(Template.loginButtons, element[0]);
When I try that from my own directive I get - "ReferenceError: Blaze is not defined".
My angular app decleration includes angular-meteor and I also tried to call angular-blaze-template but it's still not being recognized.
I'm not sure why it's working on accounts-ui-angular directive and not on mine


Is there any alternative to UpgradeAdapter.registerForNg1Tests?

I have an Angular hybrid app which use UpgradeModule. The AngularJS components depend on Angular services downgraded by downgradeInjectable. When I unit test the components, I saw this error.
Error: Error while instantiating injectable 'MyService': Not a valid '#angular/upgrade' application.
Did you forget to downgrade an Angular module or include it in the AngularJS application?
I found UpgradeAdapter.registerForNg1Tests and it solved this error. I love this function but the module UpgradeAdapter is said deprecated. I would like to use some alternative function which is not deprecated if exists.

Attribute Directive written in angular2 cannot be used from angular 1 app with downgrade?

This is strange, I was downgrading a lot of components from Angular 2 to Angular 1 app and everything working great. I was thinking directive will work too, but seems they don't?
This is my downgrade of directive:
.directive('tooltip', downgradeComponent({component: TooltipDirective, inputs: ['tooltip', 'placement']}) as angular.IDirectiveFactory);
Thats not helping. I know that directive is a component without a template, but it still a component.

why Angular JS is named Angular JS?

Please don't insult if I ask that in the bad website or bad section with the bad tags but I would like to know .
why the javascript framework angularJS has been named angularJS?
Just googled: "why is angular js called angular".
Because HTML has Angular brackets and "ng" sounds like "Angular".
Because Angular JS can be written inside the angle brackets of HTML that is why it is known as Angular JS .
The use of 'ng' commonly in all its directives is to make the browser understand that this html page is making use of aNGular JS(Note the capital Letters)
Because html has angular brackets and ng rhymes with angular, ng = next generation, as in angular is the next generation of html

AuthService with AngularJS not work

Hi friends i am new with angular js.
i try to create login and register with angular js.
i used this tutorials for authentication.Click here
i got this error i don't know why i think i forgot to include any authentication js file.
please how to resolve this error.
i think you are using $routeProvider for your angular app. but in your example angular app is using $ you have to install angular-ui-router.js and give reference to it to the index.html .
and also you have to put dependency 'ui.router' in to app.js
Stop the Javascript based authentication and opt for a token based approach using server-side language like PHP coupled with AJAX.

testing Angular directive scope with jQuery loaded

When I have an Angular directive that uses a controller I've been able to access the directive's scope in my tests by doing this:
element = angular.element('<my-directive></my-directive>');
element = $compile(element)($rootScope);
scope = element.scope();
That enables me to set/get scope properties and directly call functions defined by the directive's controller.
However, as soon as I introduced jQuery to the project (required by another dependency I want to use) this stopped working. Specifically in the test element.scope() is returning undefined. Using dev tools I can see that this is not the case when the app is running for real – i.e. I can do $('.blah').scope() and get back a non-undefined value.
Anyone got an idea why this wouldn't work? I've added jQuery to my karma.conf.js (I'm using the Yeoman Angular generator) in the same order as it's included in the HTML file.
I found the problem. I'm running my tests in PhantomJS and was pulling in jQuery 2.0.3. Downgrading to jQuery 1.10.2 made everything work again. I'm kind of surprised that PhantomJS would have a compatibility issue but that seems to have been the problem.
