Converting HH:MM String into Time Object - angularjs

In my Ionic AngularJS Project, I have a string called startingTime set as 08:30
I will have a ng-repeat loop which will then make a series of items with an increasing time.
For example , the first item in the list will have 08:30, second item in the list 09:00 etc ( the increment will depend on another variable so its not 30mins every loop )
The problem is I cant seem to turn the string into a Time Object and i get null displayed most of the time if i try the following
$scope.newStartTime = moment(startTime).format('HH-MM');
$scope.newStartTime = var date = new Date(startTime);
So my 2 main questions are.
How do i convert a string "08:30" into a time object ?
After its a time object, how can i make a loop so the time increases by minutes after every loop ?
Thank you.

This method work for me, that transform your startingTime into a MomentObject :
var startingTime = "8:30";
var date = moment(startingTime, "HHmm");`
plunker demo
For create your timer you can make something like that :
$scope.timer = moment(startingTime,"HHmm");
$scope.setInterval = setInterval(function () { $scope.myTimer(); }, 1000);
$scope.myTimer = function () {
$scope.timer = $scope.timer.add('s', 1);


API doesn't call with a variable. React.js, moment-business-days

I have been stuck on this problem for a while now, so I think it is time to ask my cool worldwide geniuses.
What I am trying to do: Create An array of arrays that pairs a date and data automatically (through a loop). Complicating factors including trying to get dates of only weekdays and exclude holidays.
Problem: When I use a variable, the API data doesn't display. This particular line is the problem arrayOfDateAndPrice.push(data[2].data['Time Series (Daily)'][today]['4. close'])
the 'data' holds the API that I am fetching. I am digging through the JSON in data[2].data['Time Series'] etc. When I insert the date with a variable (i.e date I got from the loop, I checked, it fetches the correct date in string format). it doesn't work. BUT, when I insert a stringed normal date (i.e. '2022-03-04') it displays the data!? What the heck am I missing?
Error: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'data[2].data['Time Series (Daily)'][today]['4. close']')
const calculateBusinessDay = (data) => {
const presDay = '02-21-2022';
const goodFri = '04-15-2022';
const memDay = '05-30-2022';
const junTeenth = '06-20-2022';
const july4th = '07-04-2022';
const laborDay = '09-05-2022';
const thanksGiving = '11-24-2022';
const xMas = '12-26-2022';
var today;
var arrayOfDateAndPrice = [];
const arrayOfAllData = [];
const weekdays = momentBusiness
weekdays.updateLocale('us', {
holidays: [mlk, presDay, goodFri, memDay, junTeenth, july4th, laborDay, thanksGiving, xMas],
holidayFormat: 'MM-DD-YYYY',
workingWeekdays: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
for (let i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
today = weekdays().subtract(i, 'days').format('YYYY-MM-DD')
if (weekdays(today).isBusinessDay() && !weekdays(today).isHoliday() == true) {
arrayOfDateAndPrice.push(data[2].data['Time Series (Daily)'][today]['4. close'])
arrayOfDateAndPrice = [];
return (
I figured it out?!?! It was because my 'i' variable started the day from "today" which was Japan time. No market data for Japan time since we are "ahead" in time lol. Oh gosh. That feels good...
The 'i' had to start at i=1, to subtract one day from today and start the loop.

Implementing a 15 minute timeout in React issues

I'm implementing a Save feature on a form I'm creating in React. When a User clicks save on a form, I want them to type the username/password. The next time that same user tries to save, if it's been under 15 minutes, I want them to not have to sign the save username/password. If it's over 15, I want them to authenticate again.
I stumbled across this code on a different stackoverflow question about timeouts.
calculateHours(date1 , expireTime){
const dateOne = date1;
const dateTwo = new Date();
const dateOneObj = new Date(dateOne);
const dateTwoObj = new Date(dateTwo);
const hours = Math.abs(dateTwoObj - dateOneObj)/ 36e5;
const minutes = hours/ 36e5;
return expireTime > hours ? true : false
Code for defining the 15 minute timeout currently.
if(this.calculateHours(localStore.time , 15)){
This is for a 15 minute timeout, but the code is really sloppy and ugly and I was wondering if anyone has a better way of implementing this?
Unless you use a library to handle time, it is not so easy to get better code: You can do some better naming, but the operation is similar:
const isExpired = (startDate, minutes) => {
startDate = startDate instanceof Date ? startDate : new Date(startDate)
const diff = new Date() - new Date(startDate)
const minutesDiff = Math.floor((diff/1000)/60);
return minutesDiff >= minutes
You can use setTimeout. The function will execute after a given time
setTimeout(() => {
...your necessary code for requiring user to enter username & password...
}, 15 * 60 * 1000) // since time is to be written in milliseconds
When dealing with time, I always use Date().getTime() then plus 15 minutes is (15*60*1000) milliseconds to be epochExpiresAt kept somewhere(redux?) And then you use the isExpired Function to check every time user click save.
const isExpired = (epochExpiresAt) => epochExpiresAt > new Date().getTime()

React function generating available time slots doesn't generate the correct time slots

Hi I want to make a function that generates available time slots. It should generate the time slots while keeping in mind that the time slot can't overlap with an already made appointment.Before the time slots are generated a user can specify which kind of appointment to schedule. Each appointment sort has a duration. So it should also check if the time slot added with the duration doesn't overlap.
I'm struggling to make this all working so far I get time slots but it seems to only checks the start of an already made appointment. I'm kind of running in circles here and would love for some advice or part solutions that I can implement to make my idea work
const GenerateAvailableTimeSlots = (start, serviceObject, allAppointments) => {
const moment = extendMoment(Moment);
var x = {
nextSlot: 15,
appointmentsOfThatDay: [],
startTime: '8:00',
endTime: '20:00'
// function to filter only the appointment that occur on specified day --> ( start )
let filterAppointments = (allAppointments, start) => {
let results = [];
let filterAppoinments = allAppointments.filter(appoinment => === start.format('MMMM Do YYYY')); => results.push([appoinment.start.format('HH:mm'), appoinment.end.format('HH:mm')]))
console.log("results", results);
return results;
x.appointmentsOfThatDay = filterAppointments(allAppointments, start)
console.log("appointmentsOfThatDay", x.appointmentsOfThatDay)
var slotTime = moment(x.startTime, "HH:mm");
var endTime = moment(x.endTime, "HH:mm");
// function to check time slot overlaps with already made appointments
function OverlapsScheduledAppointment(slotTime, appointments) {
//added duration to timeslot so I could check if a suggested timeslot + the duration also doesn't overlap with already made appointment
var slotTimeWithDuration = slotTime.clone().add(serviceObject.hours, 'hours').add(serviceObject.minutes, 'minutes');
// I don't know where I also could check for slotTimeWithDuration overlap
return appointments.some((br) => {
console.log(slotTime >= moment(br[0], "HH:mm") && slotTime < moment(br[1], "HH:mm"));
return (slotTime >= moment(br[0], "HH:mm") && slotTime < moment(br[1], "HH:mm"));
let times = [];
while (slotTime < endTime) {
if (!OverlapsScheduledAppointment(slotTime, x.appointmentsOfThatDay)) {
slotTime = slotTime.add(x.nextSlot, 'minutes');
return times;
I've found the answer to my question.
I was going in the right direction with the above code but in order for generating available time slots that keep in mind the duration of the service you want to schedule and the appointment that are already scheduled.
I had to change this line of code:
// this line just pushes the filtered appointment for a specific day => results.push([appoinment.start.format('HH:mm'), appoinment.end.format('HH:mm')]))
To this
// this line filters the appointment for a specific day and also adds the duration of a service to the start time of an already scheduled appointment. This way when I check if a generated time slot for a service will overlap with an already scheduled appointment it filters out the ones that will overlap => results.push([appoinment.start.clone().subtract(serviceObject.hours, 'hours').subtract(serviceObject.minutes, 'minutes').format('HH:mm'), appoinment.end.format('HH:mm')]))

In a form, I need to populate the contents of same spreadsheet column like 50 times. Is there a way to script this logic with fewer iterations

I'm working on a form where I need to pull the contents of a spreadsheet column like 50 times, to try to input multiple items from a list. I see that I can do this by defining a few variables and redoing a small piece of Script again and again. I want to see if anyone can help me overcome this lengthy script to make it smaller with fewer iterations. Thanks.
function updateForm(){
// call the form and connect to the drop-down items
var Form_SQ = FormApp.openById("FORM ID");
var SQ_IT01_List = Form_SQ.getItemById("ITEM 01").asListItem();
var SQ_IT02_List = Form_SQ.getItemById("ITEM 02").asListItem();
//Similarly defining upto 50 dropdown lists.
var SS01 = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var SQ_IT01_Names = SS01.getSheetByName("Sheet2");
var SQ_IT02_Names = SS01.getSheetByName("Sheet2");
//Similarly defining upto 50 names lists.
// Item_01 Part Number Dropdown
var SQ_IT01_Values = SQ_IT01_Names.getRange(2, 1, SQ_IT01_Names.getMaxRows() - 1).getValues();
var SQ_IT01_Items = [];
for(var i = 0; i < SQ_IT01_Values.length; i++)
if(SQ_IT01_Values[i][0] != "")
SQ_IT01_Items[i] = SQ_IT01_Values[i][0];
// Item_02 Part Number Dropdown
var SQ_IT02_Values = SQ_IT01_Names.getRange(2, 1, SQ_IT02_Names.getMaxRows() - 1).getValues();
var SQ_IT02_Items = [];
for(var i = 0; i < SQ_IT02_Values.length; i++)
if(SQ_IT02_Values[i][0] != "")
SQ_IT02_Items[i] = SQ_IT02_Values[i][0];
//Similarly defining upto 50 lookup lists.
Reusing code and making use of loops. Scripting is all about efficiency (see DRY principle): make as little assignments and same-functionality coding as possible - use loops, move reusable code snippets to functions that can be called on demand, etc.
This sample makes several assumptions:
SQ_IT01_Names is different for each item (in your sample it always is Sheet2 - if this is the case, you don't have to reassign it 50 times, one variable assignment will do just fine).
You intended to do something when a value is an empty string (the sample just filters them out). As you use the [index] notation, those values in the resulting Array will be undefined (and that's not something one would want in an Array of choice values).
All items are choice items (if you need id filtering, the sample is easily expanded).
function updateForm() {
var form = FormApp.openById("FORM ID");
//access every item;
var items = form.getItems();
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
//loop over items;
var namesSheet = ss.getSheetByName('Sheet'+i); //assuming this is diff each time;
var namesRange = namesSheet.getRange(2,1,namesSheet.getLastRow());
var namesValues = namesRange.getValues();
//map values to first column;
namesValues ={
return value[0];
//filter out undefined (undefined and false functional equivalence);
namesValues = namesValues.filter(function(value){
return value;
Please, use closures {} with loops and if statements, this way you'll be able to keep track of which statements are enclosed in it and save yourself debugging time when looping / conditioning multiple statements.
Since you only need rows that have data in them, use the getLastRow() method instead of the getMaxRows()-1 calc you have to perform in your script.
forEach() method reference;
filter() method reference;
map() method reference;
getLastRow() method reference;

How to make a command time counter

My question is: how can I make a command clock (when you execute !count and after 4 minutes you type !time and it says 4 minutes!) in discord.js
const Discord = require('discord.js'); = (client, message) => {
var af = 0;
a = setInterval(function(){
af = af+1;
if(af == 25){
}, 60000);
}; = {
name: 'time',
description: 'time?',
usage: 'time'
I would do it like this: when you execute !count you save the server time, when you execute !time you send back the difference between those two dates.
var date;
if (command == 'count') {
date = new Date();
if (command == 'time') {
let result = require('pretty-ms')(date ? (new Date() - date) : 0);
I'm using the pretty-ms npm package to format milliseconds: docs & live demo.
When someone calls !count, store the current Date somewhere. new Date() - date will give you the difference between the current time and the time you stored, in milliseconds.
Please note that if the commands are in different files, as it seems by the code you posted, you'll need to store the date in a location accessible to both files: one of the solutions is to store the date as a global variable.
// by '...' I mean that you can put it wherever you want in the global object
global['...'].date = new Date():
new Date() - global['...'].date
Edit: Date class explanation
When you create a new Date, it saves the time at the moment you create it. It's like saying "!count was executed at 04:20". When you want to check how much time has passed, you need to calculate the first date minus the current date: "!count was executed at 04:20. Now it's 05:40, so the difference is 05:40 - 04:20 = 01:20: it's 1 hour and 20 minutes since you first executed !count". That translates to new Date() - past_date = time_passed.
Since dates are stored in milliseconds that difference is in milliseconds: if you want to make it more readable, you can format it by using a function as the 'pretty-ms' package, or similar ones.
The key concept is:
When !count is called, you save a new Date() to lock that point in time
When !time is called, you get the difference by doing new Date() - past_date
