How to use reactjs to query and display content from webpage - reactjs

I am trying to build an app with reactjs and I need to query information from a webpage. I am having a hard time finding any info online to help with my problem.
Edit: I figured it out, I need to use Jquery Ajax calls
A big thank you to Chris for helping me through this problem

Without much information this is the best that comes to mind.


How to integrate Go.js's floorplan with React.js

I wanted to create a react project allowing a user to annotate floorplan thanks to Go.js's floorplanner here is the link If you look visit that link and down below you will see the scripts that were used to create floorplanner. But instead of creating the floorplanner with vanilla JS I wanted to use React.js. Can someone help with the integration of Go.js's floorplanner with React?
This question is too vague for an easy answer. You should look at the react example:
And modify it to your liking. This can involve taking large parts of all of the floor planner sample, though if you have no practice with GoJS this it may be worth taking the time to learn everything involved in the sample, before any integration.

How can you build React on top of Drupal?

I've never used Drupal, but have been looking up tutorials online. My client would really like the adaptability of React and to have more flexibility in terms of design. I could make my own database and React app, but I have not studied security (I'm a team of one, so no one for security on my end, either). Security and access to a content management system was the main reason we decided to go with Drupal. However, I would still like to be able to code in React/something I'm familiar with to produce a site I am proud to say I made.
I've been Googling and Youtubing tutorials and help, but not having anyone to ask specific questions is making this difficult.
If anyone knows of a relatively easy way to build a React app on Drupal, I would really appreciate the advice. Or if there is a better way I should go about beginning a project as I've briefly mentioned above, I would also be open to that. Thank you in advance and sorry for the long message!
What you are asking is quite broad in concept and not easy to answer in just one answer post. Try to look for Headless / Decoupled Drupal.
What this essentially means is that all the services and the content management are handled by Drupal while the core user experience or the way the site is displayed in a browser is controlled via a JavaScript framework such as React.js or backbone.js. This is achieved via Drupal’s RESTful API service.
Hope this helps.

Using AngularJS with Oracle Apex

I was wondering if anyone who uses AngularJS with Oracle Apex could recommend some resources or tutorials on integrating the two please?
I have found a Dan McGhan presentation and a Codersaurus video but unfortunately these don't go into sufficient detail to start me off.
Any help or advice would be gratefully received. Thanks in advance.
A quick Google search gave me this Guide from Dan McGhan. In part 3 he shows a nice way how to embed the neccessary files, even that you will need to take care of the allow-file-access-from-files property.

Creating an updating GUI, IE Video or Blog service in Winforms

First of all I would like to thank everyone on this forum, as you have made some of my friends greatest projects successful and I was hoping one of these projects can be done without them.
Now I want to expand to other services. I want to make an app in WinForms or WPF (But im still learning XAML so if you can it would help to answer for winforms) that constantly updates data and displays pictures or video in a row/rows. Like almost Moviebox for iPhone or Showbox for android. How movies are updated constantly without updating the app. (Im not promting piracy, its just the best example I could think of). And when you click on the movie(Which is a picture) it gives a description and picture and even a youtube video.
It kinda would work like a blog reader.... I think?
I think I will need a server and I will probably need a database. But sadly , i'm still a beginner, but willing to learn. Thanks and if you need any more info, please just ask. :) The answer! I think? Any helpers? This MSDN example explained everything I needed in full!

Cakephp 2.X Website Looks Cached

I am trying to spin up a web application but Im having a really small problem and Im not sure how to handle it. I have did it before a long time ago but forgot (CLUTZ). When I try to access my application I see the login screen but it looks cached. I see a white page and I can see the links. The layout doesn't load for some reason. Like I said, this is a very small issue that I know someone can assist me with. If you give an answer please explain so that I can learn from it. Thanks a mil!
It sounds like what you're describing is CSS not loading. Doublecheck your <link href="…" rel="stylesheet"/> tags to ensure that they're pointing to the correct files.
