Handle exception from load balancer only once (when failover is exhausted) - apache-camel

My code consumes jms queue and through lb redirects to external http client.
I need to log original message for every failed delivery to local directory.
Problem is that onException is caught by each failover.
Is there any way how to achieve this?
Pseudo code:
.recipientList("dynamic url")
.recipientList("dynamic url")

I have not tested this logic with multiple to statements, but when I have my list of endpoints in an array this logic functions just fine. I will attempt to deliver to the first endpoint, if I cannot I will attempt to deliver this to the second endpoint. If an exception occurs at the second endpoint it will propagate back to the route's error handler. If you need it to round robin instead, change the last false on the failover statement to a true.
String[] endpointList = {"direct:end1", "direct:end2"};
.loadbalance().failover(endpointList.length-1, false, false)


Camel - onException & redelivery

I am trying to implement an error handler & re-oauth mechanism for a Route which performs a GraphQL API call. However, I seem to be misunderstanding the usage of the onException handler and can't seem to get it to work.
Here's the scenario I am trying to cover:
Execute a Route which performs a GraphQL API call (including the setting of variables etc.). The API call itself will always respond with a HTTP 200.
Once the response is received, check the response payload for any error records
If errors exist with a code 401, throw an AuthorizationException
The onException handler catches the exception and is supposed to:
trigger the oauth route to refresh the token (updating the exchangeProperty)
re-run the Route (re-executing the GraphQL call)
After reaching the configured maximumRedeliveries in the onException handler, fail the execution.
Here's the code I have so far:
.to(ROUTE_OAUTH_URI) // updates the token (?)
.to(ROUTE_QUERY_URI) // re-executes the route (?)
.process(exchange -> {
...set variables
.setProperty("graphqlResponseErrors").jsonpath("$.errors.length()", true)
.setProperty("graphqlResponseCode").jsonpath("$.errors[0].code", true)
.throwException(new AuthorizationException(
"Authorization exception"))
I have tried a few different combinations, including onRedeliver instead of the oauth route, remove the useOriginalMessage and re-trigger the route again but I couldn't get it to work.
Any help or hints would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Adding the below code to the onException, does retrieve and set a new token, however now the route seems go into an infinite loop:
.onRedelivery(exchange -> {
ProducerTemplate producerTemplate = exchange.getContext().createProducerTemplate();
Exchange oauthExchange = producerTemplate.send(ROUTE_OAUTH_URI, exchange);
exchange.setProperty("accessToken", oauthExchange.getProperty("accessToken"));

Camel, end rest-based route, returning from choice in loop

I'm trying to add error handling to my parallel processing:
.multicast(new GroupedMessageAggregationStrategy())
.when(simple("${body.errorOcurred} == true"))
//TODO:: end route returning current body
//after split, if no error occurred
I can't seem to figure out though how to return/ end the route (and pass back the current body as the rest response body) within the choice in the split. end() and endRest() seem to cause issues...
It is also not clear as how many end()s I need; Adding an end() for the split causes an exception and makes Spring fail to boot.
For those in the future, I ended up making a bean to turn the list into a single message, and then do a choice based on that.
Not very 'camel', but needed to be wrapped up

Having access to entire soap:body when service call returns soap:fault

I'm building a route that sends a SOAP request to a webservice. For achieving that, I wrote this code.
.log("Response WHEN OKAY: ${body}")
.log("Response ON ERROR FAULT: ${body}")
Everything goes as planned when the service response is "okay". Otherwise, when the service response is a soap:Fault, I'm not having access to all of the response (I am using soapUI to mock the soap:Fault response).
I can access a tiny fraction of the soap:fault by getting the EXCEPTION_CAUGHT property.
The instruction
.log("Response ON ERROR FAULT: ${body}")
Has no data at all.
What can I do differently to have access to all the instead of only the faultstring?
Exception exception = exchange.getProperty(Exchange.EXCEPTION_CAUGHT,
According to this answer, Camel's CXF component not catching onException(Exception.class):
Camel's onException only triggeres if there is an exception. A SOAP
Fault is represented as a Message with the fault flag = true.
What you can do is to set handleFault=true on CamelContext, then it
will turn SOAP fault messages into an exception that the onException
can react upon.
Assuming you have not configured handleFault=true, then it's odd that your exception handler is running at all. It could be that some other exception, not the Fault you're looking for, is occurring which causes the exception handler to run.
If you have already configured handleFault=true, I don't have any advice except inspect the data objects in a debugger to see if you can find out what's going on. (If you don't know, to do this you can add a Processor to your exception handler and insert a break point inside the Processor. Break points don't work in route definition because route definitions are only run on initialization.)

Camel - Stop processing a route on exception

I have a camel route which processes hl7 messages. After the processing succeeds I would like to pass it to another endpoint b to do further processing.
But if any exception happens in processHL7, I have a catch block which does some processing. I want to stop processing when I go into the doCatch and encounter end, but this is not happening. Whatever happens the flow is going to endpoint b. How do i stop when I go into the doCatch block?
This should work.
You can use stop() to stop the route from further processing.

Camel errorHandler / deadLetterChannel REST response

I have a Camel rest endpoint (Jetty) which validates and processes incoming requests. Besides specific Exception handlers (onException) it uses a DLQ error handler (errorHandler(deadLetterChannel...)) which is setup to retry 3 times - if unsuccessful the message is moved to the DLQ.
My question is, how do I still return a user friendly error message back to the client if an unexpected Exception occurs rather than the full Exception body? Is there some config I'm missing on the errorHandler?
I've tried to find some examples on the camel unit tests (DeadLetterChannelHandledExampleTest) and camel in action 2 (Chapter 11) but none seemed to have specific examples for this scenario.
Code is:
.onPrepareFailure(new FailureProcessor())
.bean(ParcelProcessor.class, "process");
Thank you for your help!
Use a 2nd route as the DLQ, eg direct:dead and then send the message first to the real DLQ, and then do the message transformation afterwards to return a friendly response.
.transform(constant("Sorry something was wrong"));
