I have a parent folder which contains more than 100 sub-folders. I want a text file which contain sub-folders and their size. Could you please help me to build the batch program?
Only for the files name without the size you can use this code-
dir *.* /b /s >> C:\ListOfFile.txt
Change your "C:\" path to whenever you want to save your file.
Although you did not show any effort to try it on your own, I decided to help you, because the task might not be that particularly trivial to accomplish...
Have you ever seen the output of dir /S (the command to list files in a specified directory and all its sub-directories)? It summarises the total count of files at the end, including also the overall size:
D:\TEMP>dir /S /-C
Volume in drive D is DATA
Volume Serial Number is XXXX-XXXX
Directory of D:\TEMP
2016/05/12 12:00 <DIR> .
2016/05/12 12:00 <DIR> ..
0 File(s) 0 bytes
Total Files Listed:
0 File(s) 0 bytes
2 Dir(s) ?????????? bytes free
So we can do a dir /S command for every directory at the given location, capture its output using a for /F loop, retrieve the line before the last one and extract the size value.
The following pure batch-file script -- let us call it folder_sizes.bat -- does exactly these steps:
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
rem // Get provided arguments:
set "FOLDER=%~1"
set "LOG=%~2"
rem // Check provided arguments:
if not defined LOG set "LOG=con"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
>&2 (
if not defined FOLDER (
echo(ERROR: no directory specified!
exit /B 1
) else if not exist "!FOLDER!\" (
rem /* (trailing "\" to check for directory) */
echo(ERROR: directory not found!
exit /B 1
rem // Process all sub-directories of given directory:
> "!LOG!" (
for /D %%D in ("!FOLDER!\*") do (
for /F "skip=10 tokens=3" %%F in ('
dir /S /-C "%%~fD"
') do (
set "VALUE=%%F"
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
set "ITEM=%%~nxD"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem // Return name and size of sub-directory:
echo(!ITEM! !BYTES!
exit /B
To run this script on a certain directory -- for instance D:\TEMP -- and to write the log data to the file folder_sizes.log in the current directory, use the following command line:
folder_sizes.bat "D:\TEMP" ".\folder_sizes.log"
In the script, delayed expansion is toggled in order to avoid problems with (sub-)directories containing exclamantion marks (!) in their names.
Notice that the output of the dir /S command is language-dependent, so the script might not provide the expected results on systems other than English ones. In such situations, the option string "skip=10 tokens=3" of the for /F loop, particularly the token option, needs to be adapted accordingly.
This code can did the trick :
#echo off
Title Get Size of Folder and its subfolders
set "Folder=C:\temp"
Set Log=Folder_Size.txt
echo The size of "%Folder%" is
Call :GetSize "%Folder%"
)> "%Log%"
For /f "delims=" %%a in ('Dir "%Folder%" /AD /b /s') do (
echo The size of "%%a" is
Call :GetSize "%%a"
)>> "%Log%"
start "" "%Log%"
echo wscript.echo GetSize("%~1"^)
echo Function GetSize(MyFolder^)
echo Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"^)
echo Set objFolder= fso.GetFolder(MyFolder^)
echo GetSize = FormatSize(objFolder.Size^)
echo End Function
echo '*******************************************************************
echo 'Function to format a number into typical size scales
echo Function FormatSize(iSize^)
echo aLabel = Array("bytes", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB"^)
echo For i = 0 to 4
echo If iSize ^> 1024 Then
echo iSize = iSize / 1024
echo Else
echo Exit For
echo End If
echo Next
echo FormatSize = Round(iSize,2^) ^& " " ^& aLabel(i^)
echo End Function
echo '*******************************************************************
Cscript /NoLogo %tmp%\Size.vbs
Del %tmp%\Size.vbs
Exit /b
I am trying to compare the number of files on a local folder to that of the source folder which is in a server.
I have the following lines in a batch file below but i always get the same value for both no matter what.
#for /f %%a in ('2^>nul dir "%local_folder%" /a/b/-o/-p/s^|find /v /c ""') do set n=%%a
echo Total files in Local Folder: %n%
#for /f %%a in ('2^>nul dir "%source_folder%" /a/b/-o/-p/s^|find /v /c ""') do set m=%%a
echo Total files in Source Folder: %m%
if %n%==%m% (copy update_folder local_folder.\ && goto end) else (goto copy_all_files)
I am getting the same value for when I try to count the files in the separate locations. I only want to count the visible files with extension *.wav on each folder.
UPDATE: RESOLUTION I found is below,
set folder_cf=".\folder-A\*.wav"
set folder_lib="\\folder-B\*.wav"
dir %folder_cf% > A.txt
dir %folder_lib% > B.txt
set count_cf=0
for /f %%x in (A.txt) do set /a count_cf+=1
set count_lib=0
for /f %%y in (B.txt) do set /a count_lib+=1
set data_lines=5
set /A count_cf = %count_cf%-%data_lines%
set /A count_lib = %count_lib%-%data_lines%
echo Checking Sound folder...
echo Sound files on CF card = %count_cf%
echo Sound files on library = %count_lib%
del "A.txt" "B.txt"
set /a difference_count=%count_lib%-%count_cf%
if %difference_count% EQU 0 (echo Ok && goto wav_update) else (echo Detected missing files and correcting && goto copy_all_wav)
Hope someone finds this useful.
Trying to get this to work.
Getting this line from dir: 3 File(s) 7,332,731,128 bytes and trying to just get the number of files to use for addition.
#Echo ON
dir %1 /a:h | find "File(s)" > hidden.txt
dir %1 | find "File(s)" > reg.txt
set /p hidden=<hidden.txt
echo %hidden%
IF /I "%hidden%"=="File Not Found" (
Set hidden = 0
) Else (
Set hidden=%hidden~-29%)
echo %hidden%
Set /p reg=<reg.txt
IF /I "%hidden%"=="File Not Found" (
set reg = 0
) ELSE (
Set reg=%reg~-29%)
set /a total = %reg% + %hidden%
Echo The total number of files in the %1 directory is: %total%. This includes hidden files.
Echo The total number of non-hidden files in the %1 directory is: %reg%.
Echo The total number of hidden files in the %1 directory is: %hidden%
you don't need temp files which only will slow down your script:
if you want to count the hidden files try this
#echo off
set counter=0
for /f %%# in ('dir /a:h-d "%~1"') do (
set /a counter=counter+1
echo hidden files=%counter%
to count all files
#echo off
set counter=0
for /f %%# in ('dir /a:-d "%~1"') do (
set /a counter=counter+1
echo all files=%counter%
This is just another For loop option:
#For /F %%A In ('Dir/AH-D-L "%~1" 2^>Nul') Do #If Not "%%A"=="0" Set "fileCount=%%A"
#Echo %fileCount%
Remove -L, if you wish not to exclude junction points from your file count.
I've got the same result with just two FOR loops. Using sentences between single quotes inside the parentheses we can execute commands and store results.
I've left the same Result Text just to let you compare and see if this is what you're looking for:
#echo off
for /f %%A in ('dir "%~1" /a-h-d /b ^| find /V /C ""') do set "visCount=%%A"
for /f %%A in ('dir "%~1" /ah-d /b ^| find /V /C ""') do set "hidCount=%%A"
set /a totalCount = visCount + hidCount
echo The total number of files in the %1 directory is: %totalCount%. This includes hidden files.
echo The total number of non-hidden files in the %1 directory is: %visCount%.
echo The total number of hidden files in the %1 directory is: %hidCount%
With /B parameter of DIR command I only get one line per file and no more text, and with /A I can select Hidden or not files and no directories.
Then SET /A command let us use arithmetics operations.
I need to move few files from one folder to sub folder. My folder structure is already ready.
File current folder: D:\AB\*.*
The file name is: SS-AA-Report-Temp File for Script Testing-Daily-31March.txt
Destination folder: D:\AB\Pm 1.1 File For Script\Daily\
How to check file name substring with folder name substring and move?
Note I have multiple files like this.
set Path1= d:\AB
Pushd %Path1%
echo %Path1%
for %%i in (*.*) do SET "FName=%%~ni"
For /F "Tokens=4-5 Delims=-" %%A In ("%FName%") Do (
Set "FoldOne=%%A"
Set "FoldTwo=%%B"
echo out %RDate%
mkdir %Path1%\"%FoldOne%"\"%FoldTwo%"\%RDate%
move %Path1%\"%FName%".* %Path1%\"%FoldOne%"\"%FoldTwo%"\%RDate%\
File names format:
A-A-Format-Here First connectivity install on Day 0 regurlarly-Daily-All-2017-03-27-09-31-16.xls
A-A-Format-Already First connectivity with 10 days created-Weekly-All-2016-11-28-10-01-02.csv
A-A-Report-withname 1.2 Sample Report (Network Plan Report)-Daily-Detail-2017-01-03-23-53.xls
A-A-Report-Nextreport 1.2 Sample Report (Network Plan Report)-Weekly-Detail-2017-01-03-23-02-53.csv
Now my folder structure is:
D:\AB\Pm 1.1 First connectivity install on Day 0\Daily\05042017
D:\AB\Pm 2.1 First connectivity with 10 days\Weekly\29032017
D:\AB\Pm 1.2 Sample Report\Daily\05042017
D:\AB\Pm 1.2 Sample Report\Weekly\29032017
And here is the batch file I have already:
set Path1= d:\AB
Pushd %Path1%
echo %Path1%
for %%i in (*.*) do SET "FName=%%~ni"
For /F "Tokens=4-5 Delims=-" %%A In ("%FName%") Do (
Set "FoldOne=%%A"
Set "FoldTwo=%%B"
echo 1 %FoldOne%
echo 3 %FoldTwo%
IF %FoldTwo% == Daily (
echo here Daily
For /F UseBackQ %%A In (
`PowerShell "(Get-Date).AddDays(-1).ToString('ddMMyyyy')"`
) Do (Set "RDate=%%A"
echo ffor %RDate%
IF %FoldTwo% == Weekly (
Echo Weekly
For /F UseBackQ %%A In (
`PowerShell "(Get-Date).AddDays(-7).ToString('ddMMyyyy')"`
) Do (Set "RDate=%%A"
echo %RDate%
mkdir %Path1%\"%FoldOne%"\"%FoldTwo%"\%RDate%
move %Path1%\"%FName%".* %Path1%\"%FoldOne%"\"%FoldTwo%"\%RDate%\
Pushd d:\
The logic for matching file name substrings with folder name is still very fuzzy.
However, I coded two possible solutions doing both the same using partly different methods.
The first complete batch code:
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
cd /D "D:\AB"
rem Get name of each subfolder starting with string Pm, a space, two single
rem digit numbers separated by a dot, one more space and more characters to
rem indexed environment variables for later usage. And assign the substring
rem after the first 7 characters of each folder name also to an index
rem environment variable.
set FolderIndex=0
for /D %%I in ("Pm ?.? *") do (
set "FolderName!FolderIndex!=%%I"
set "CurrentPath=%%I
set "FolderPart!FolderIndex!=!CurrentPath:~7!"
set /A FolderIndex+=1
set "FolderCount=%FolderIndex%"
rem set Folder
rem Get date of yesterday and date of a week ago.
for /F "usebackq" %%I in (`PowerShell.exe "(Get-Date).AddDays(-1).ToString('ddMMyyyy')"`) do set "DateDaily=%%I"
for /F "usebackq" %%I in (`PowerShell.exe "(Get-Date).AddDays(-7).ToString('ddMMyyyy')"`) do set "DateWeekly=%%I"
rem set Date
rem Process now each file matching the wildcard pattern below in
rem current folder and calling a subroutine with current file name.
set "FileNotMoved=0"
for %%I in (*-*-*-*-*) do call :MoveToFolder "%%I"
endlocal & if not %FileNotMoved% == 0 pause
goto :EOF
rem This subroutine first gets fourth and fifth dash delimited part from
rem each passed double quoted file name.
rem Then it replaces in each fourth file name part each folder name part
rem by an empty string until either all folder name parts are processed
rem or the string substitution was successful meaning the file name part
rem really contains the folder name part.
rem Note: The substitution does not work correct if any folder name part
rem contains an equal sign as this character is the delimiter
rem between string to find and replace string for substitution.
rem In second case with substitution being successful the folder for
rem the file could be determined and the file is moved to the found
rem folder if also time part could be determined from file name.
for /F "tokens=4,5 delims=-" %%A in ("%~1") do set "NamePart=%%A" & set "NameTime=%%B"
set "FolderIndex=0"
if %FolderIndex% == %FolderCount% (
set "FileNotMoved=1"
echo Found no folder for: %1
goto :EOF
call set "CurrentPart=%%FolderPart%FolderIndex%%%"
if "!NamePart:%CurrentPart%=!" == "!NamePart!" (
set /A FolderIndex+=1
goto FindFolder
call set "CurrentFolder=%%FolderName%FolderIndex%%%"
if /I "%NameTime%" == "Daily" (
set "FolderTime=%DateDaily%"
) else if /I "%NameTime%" == "Weekly" (
set "FolderTime=%DateWeekly%"
) else (
set "FileNotMoved=1"
echo Undefined time for: %1
goto :EOF
mkdir "%CurrentFolder%\%NameTime%\%FolderTime%" 2>nul
move "%~1" "%CurrentFolder%\%NameTime%\%FolderTime%\" >nul
if errorlevel 1 (
set "FileNotMoved=1"
echo Failed to move file: %1
goto :EOF
The second batch code differs from first solution only on how subroutine MoveToFolder is coded for finding the corresponding folder for current file name. For that reason just the code of the subroutine is posted below.
for /F "tokens=4,5 delims=-" %%A in ("%~1") do set "NamePart=%%A" & set "NameTime=%%B"
for /F "tokens=1* delims==" %%X in ('set FolderPart') do (
if not "!NamePart:%%Y=!" == "%NamePart%" (
set "FolderName=%%X"
goto FoundFolder
set "FileNotMoved=1"
echo Found no folder for: %1
goto :EOF
if /I "%NameTime%" == "Daily" (
set "FolderTime=%DateDaily%"
) else if /I "%NameTime%" == "Weekly" (
set "FolderTime=%DateWeekly%"
) else (
set "FileNotMoved=1"
echo Undefined time for: %1
goto :EOF
set "FolderIndex=%FolderName:~10%"
call set "CurrentFolder=%%FolderName%FolderIndex%%%"
mkdir "%CurrentFolder%\%NameTime%\%FolderTime%" 2>nul
move %1 "%CurrentFolder%\%NameTime%\%FolderTime%\" >nul
if errorlevel 1 (
set "FileNotMoved=1"
echo Failed to move file: %1
goto :EOF
For understanding the used commands and how they work, open a command prompt window, execute there the following commands, and read entirely all help pages displayed for each command very carefully.
call /?
cd /?
echo /?
endlocal /?
for /?
goto /?
if /?
mkdir /?
move /?
pause /?
rem /?
set /?
setlocal /?
Read also the Microsoft article about Using Command Redirection Operators for an explanation of 2>nul and >nul and answer on question Single line with multiple commands using Windows batch file for meaning of operator & on Windows command lines.
Right now I've got a batch script that is used to go through a bunch of subfolders, and zip up the logfiles therein, the folder structure is basically like this:
| +---ExclusionFolder
| | +---LimitlessFolders
| | +---MoreFolders
| | \---SoManyFolders
| +---logs1
| +---logs2
| +---logs3
| +---logs4
| +---logs5
| \---logs6
Each of these subfolders must be traversed, and their subfolders traversed as well. This script has to avoid one specific folder, and it does avoid it, but it uses %| find /v. Although in this example, ExclusionFolder is at the top of the list, in the real folder structure it is not.
Here is how I do it now:
FOR /F "delims=" %%A IN (
'DIR "%LogsFilespec%" /B /S ^| find /v "ExclusionFolder"'
) DO CALL :DoZip "%%~dpnA" "%%~fA" "%zipCommand%" "%zipParams%" %ProcessLog%
Inside ExclusionFolder, there are more subfolders, with potentially many more subfolders, so it would slow down the scripts execution having to go into each of them.
SO: Is there a faster way to exclude a folder from a dir call without |find ?
Or do I have to come up with a totally different way to do this?
Edit Sorry, %LogsFileSpecâ„… refers to the target file. My original edit was right, and my second edit was wrong.
SET LogsLocation="G:\fakeG\Data\Logs"
SET LogsName="trace*%targetDate%.log"
SET LogsFilespec="%LogsLocation%\%LogsName%"
Sorry for not giving more of the script, I figured the question didn't need much.
Edit2 The process :DoZip works like this:
:: Parameter 1 = Filename without .EXT for Archive Name
:: Parameter 2 = Target file specifics
:: Parameter 3 = Zip Command (Winzip/7zip64/7zip32)
:: Parameter 4 = Zip Parameters (a -tzip, -a)
:: Parameter 5 = ProcessLog
SET archiveName=%~1
SET SourceFileSpec=%~2
SET zipCommand=%~3
SET zipParms=%~4
SET RunLog=%~5
ECHO %TIME% Archiving %SourceFileSpec%...
ECHO %TIME% Archiving %SourceFileSpec%... >> %RunLog%
ECHO "%zipCommand%" %zipParms% "%archiveName%.zip" "%SourceFileSpec%"
ECHO "%zipCommand%" %zipParms% "%archiveName%.zip" "%SourceFileSpec%" >> %RunLog%
"%zipCommand%" %zipParms% "%archiveName%.zip" "%SourceFileSpec%" >> %RunLog%
:: Check errorlevel of executed command
:: If errorlevel != 0, set EC with the errorlevel and echo that there was an error in archival
ECHO ***ERROR archiving %SourceFileSpec% >> %RunLog%
) ELSE (
:: Otherwise, delete the file
ECHO. >> %RunLog%
ECHO. >> %RunLog%
ECHO %TIME% Deleting %SourceFileSpec%...
ECHO %TIME% Deleting %SourceFileSpec%... >> %RunLog%
::Quietly delete the file
DEL /Q %SourceFileSpec%
:: Set ErrorLevel to capture the Delete command result.
Edit 3 Here is zipCommand
SET PathWinZip=C:\Program Files\WinZip\wzzip.exe
SET Path7Zip_64bit=C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe
SET Path7Zip_32bit=C:\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip\7z.exe
:: Check for WinZip
IF EXIST "%PathWinZip%" SET zipCommand=%PathWinZip% & SET zipParms=-a
:: Check for 32-bit version of 7-Zip. If found, configure
:: its command line parameter to produce a .zip file
IF EXIST "%Path7Zip_32bit%" SET zipCommand=%Path7Zip_32bit% & SET zipParms=a -tzip
:: Check for 64-bit version of 7-Zip. If found, configure
:: its command line parameter to produce a .zip file
IF EXIST "%Path7Zip_64bit%" SET zipCommand=%Path7Zip_64bit% & SET zipParms=a -tzip
I believe that the following should exclude the subtree in question:
FOR /F "delims=" %%X IN (
'DIR /B /ad ') DO IF /i "%%X" neq "ExclusionFolder" FOR /F "delims=" %%A IN (
'DIR /B /S "%%X\%LogsFilespec%"'
) DO CALL :DoZip "%%~dpnA" "%%~fA" "%zipCommand%" "%zipParams%" %ProcessLog%
That is, perform a directory-name scan of the target; if the directory found is not the exclude-name, then do the remainder for that subdirectory.
This approach could be a bit faster:
pushd "%LogsFilespec%"
rem get subfolders of first level only
for /f "tokens=*" %%p in (
'DIR "%LogsFilespec%" /B /AD ^| find /v "ExclusionFolder"'
) do (
rem treat each (here will not be excluded one)
FOR /F "delims=" %%A IN (
'DIR "%%~p" /B /S'
) DO CALL :DoZip "%%~dpnA" "%%~fA" "%zipCommand%" "%zipParams%" %ProcessLog%
goto :eof
The solution below don't use a single FIND command nor a FOR /F ... one (that requires the execution of a copy of cmd.exe), so I think it should run faster:
#echo off
rem Enter to the base folder
cd "%LogsFilespec%"
rem Start the recursive process
call :processThisDir
goto :EOF
rem Process the files in this folder
for %%A in (*.*) do CALL :DoZip "%%~dpnA" "%%~fA" "%zipCommand%" "%zipParams%" %ProcessLog%
rem Process nested subfolders, but omit "ExclusionFolder"
for /D %%a in (*) do (
if "%%a" neq "ExclusionFolder" (
cd "%%a"
call :processThisDir
cd ..
exit /B
I am creating this batch file, that works with handbrakecli, to batch convert avi to mp4.
However I am stuck in how to continue the loop and skip the current file inside a loop.
FOR /R "%somepath%" %%G in (*.avi) DO (
rem skip if filename contains word trailer
rem skip if file name contains word sample
rem do conversion
This currently doesn't work in skipping the files that contain trailer or sample
I have tried using find or findstr and both fail to skip.
echo "%%G" | c:\windows\system32\findstr /i "trailer" > NUL
If %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 1 set skip Yes
Here is for sample.
echo "%%G" | c:\windows\system32\findstr /i "sample" > NUL
If %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 1 set skip Yes
If a file contains either trailer or sample, I do not want to do any handbrakecli conversions, but to just skip it.
I do echo's to display which files get converted, and it does include files with Sample or sample in the name.
I have tried using find or findstr and both fail to set skip to yes
if skip == No do ( rem do conversion )
I only want to convert non-trailer/sample avi files.
Thank you for your time.
try this, put your conversion commands in the loop and remove the word echo before handbrakecli if the output is OK:
#echo off &setlocal
FOR /R "%somepath%" %%G in (*.avi) DO (
set "fpath=%%G"
set "fname=%%~nG"
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if "!fname!"=="!fname:trailer=!" if "!fname!"=="!fname:sample=!" (
echo handbrakecli.exe "!fpath!" &rem put your conversion command here
>>"logfile.log" echo !fname!
The file name+file path is in the variable "!fpath!".
Added some code concerning the needs of the OP:
#echo off &setlocal
rem replace avi with mp4 files in my movie folder
rem grab 4 random folders with avi in them and no mp4
rem Settings for this Batch File
set "moviepath=H:\Movies"
set "logfile=C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\LogFiles\avi_converter.log"
rem check if log file exists
if not exist "%logfile%" echo(>"%logfile%"
rem create empty convert file
copy nul "convert_movies.bat" >nul 2>&1
rem add echo off
echo #echo off >>"convert_movies.bat"
rem set counter
FOR /R "%moviepath%" %%G in (*.avi) DO (
set "fpath=%%~fG"
set "fname=%%~nG"
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
rem check if count greater than 4
if !COUNT! gtr 4 goto:eof
if "!fname!"=="!fname:trailer=!" if "!fname!"=="!fname:sample=!" (
rem echo handbrakecli.exe "!fpath!" &rem put your conversion command here
rem Send File To HandBrakeCLI
CALL :DOHandBrakeCLI "!fpath!"
rem Delete File
CALL :DeleteOldFile "!fpath!"
rem Add Log Entry
CALL :LogEntry "!fpath!"
rem add line break space
echo( >>"convert_movies.bat"
rem increment counter
) else endlocal
rem end main program, to close cmd window replace it with EXIT
rem skip if the parameter is empty
IF "%~1"=="" goto:eof
For %%A in ("%~1") do (
Set "Folder=%%~dpA"
Set "Name=%%~nxA"
rem echo %Folder%%Name%
echo start /b "" "c:\handbrakecli\HandBrakeCLI.exe" -i "%~1" -o "%Folder%%~n1.mp4" --preset="High Profile">>"convert_movies.bat"
exit /b
rem skip if the parameter is empty
IF "%~1"=="" goto:eof
For %%A in ("%~1") do (
Set "Folder=%%~dpA"
Set "Name=%%~nxA"
rem sends parameters to deletefile which will make sure new file exists before deleting old one
echo c:\projects\deletefile.bat "%~1" "%Folder%%~n1.mp4">>"convert_movies.bat"
exit /b
rem skip if the parameter is empty
IF "%~1"=="" goto:eof
echo "%~1">>"%logfile%"
exit /b
This should work:
#echo off
FOR /R "%somepath%" %%G in (*.avi) DO (
echo "%%~nG" |findstr /i "trailer sample">nul || (
rem do conversion
It's difficult to see where your post is pseudocode and where actual code.
The first sample contains only REM statements, so it's not surprising it apparently does nothing.
Your second and third sample are effectively identical - the only difference is the target string. It's not surprising that the variable skip isn't set to Yes since the correct syntax is
if %errorlevel% equ 0 set skip=Yes
The syntax you've posted will REPORT that skip is not defined - it ignores the Yes
HOWEVER this syntax is only usable OUTSIDE of a "block statement" - that is, a multiple-instruction statement (enclosed in parentheses) or cascaded&by&ersands. Batch first PARSES a complete statement - from the FOR or if through to the appropriate closing-parenthesis and THEN executes it. As part of the PARSING phase, any %var% - including %errorlevel% is replaced by its value as it stands at the time the entire statement is parsed - not as it changes due to the operation of the for.
In order to use the value as it changes, you need to use
if errorlevel 1 (do_something) else (do_something_else)
where do_something and do_something_else) may themselves be compound statements.
if defined variable (do_something) else (do_something_else)
where the variable either is defined or not
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if !errorlevel! equ x (do_something) else (do_something_else)
if !var! neq something (do_something) else (do_something_else)
But it's quite possible that
FOR /R "%somepath%" %%G in (*.avi) DO (
echo(%%G|findstr /i "sample trailer" >nul
if errorlevel 1 echo %%G
will give you an appropriate skeleton.
Echo the filename through FINDSTR and look for "sample" or "trailer" /i case-insensitive. Findstr sets errorlevel 0 if either target string is found, 1 otherwise - and the if errorlevel x syntax works on the dynamic value of errorlevel within a loop.
REM This script was inspired by Endoro's expanded script
REM This batch script will recursively search for all .mp4 files that don't
have (x265) in the file name. Any valid results will be encoded with x265
using FFmpeg. The original .mp4 file will remain unchanged in it's original
folder with the new x265 version.
REM Example: %PATH%\A.mp4 > %PATH%\A(x265).mp4
REM If you don't have ffmpeg.exe on your PC you must download or build it
with Microsoft Visual Studios. I recommend you download and run media
autobuild suite on GitHub: (https://github.com/jb-alvarado/media-
REM Once ffmpeg is compiled/downloaded make sure to set it's folder path as
an environmental variable in Windows before running the script. Change the
script's working directory to your .mp4 files root folder using the "cd"
cd /d %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Vids\
REM or perhaps use [cd /d %OneDrive%\Desktop\Vids]
REM Set mp4PATH to the root folder you wish to recursively search.
SET "mp4PATH=%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Vids\"
REM Create empty convert file.
COPY NUL "convert_movies.bat" >NUL 2>&1
REM Add ECHO off.
ECHO #ECHO off >>"convert_movies.bat"
REM Recursively search root folder.
FOR /R "%mp4PATH%" %%G IN (*.mp4) DO (
SET "fpath=%%~fG"
SET "fname=%%~nG"
SETLOCAL enabledelayedexpansion
REM Ignore all files that have "(x265)" in the file name.
IF "!fname!"=="!fname:*(x265)=!" (
CALL :DO_FFmpeg_CLI "!fpath!"
REM CALL variables for use in FFmpeg's command line.
IF "%~1"=="" GOTO:EOF
FOR %%I IN ("%~1") DO (
SET "Folder=%%~dpI"
SET "Name=%%~nxI"
REM Export info to "convert_movies.bat and run ffmpeg.exe's command line in the cmd.exe window.
ECHO ffmpeg -y -i "%~1" -c:v libx265 -preset slow -crf
18 -c:a aac "%Folder%%~n1(x265).mp4">>"convert_movies.bat" && ffmpeg |
ffmpeg -y -i "%~1" -c:v libx265 -preset slow
-crf 18 -c:a aac "%Folder%%~n1(x265).mp4"
The Batch file below solve the original question AND limit the number of converted files to a given number (that does not appear in the original question):
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem Insert in the next line the list of files to skip
set skip=/trailer/sample/
set count=0
FOR /R "%somepath%" %%G in (*.avi) DO (
if /I "!skip:/%%~nG/=!" equ "%skip%" (
echo Current file name is not in skip variable
echo Do conversion on: %%G
set /A count+=1
if !count! equ 20 goto :endLoop
echo Converted files: %count%