Can we use angularjs for job portals? [closed] - angularjs

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Closed 6 years ago.
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For job portals, do we make SEO? If we use angularjs for jobportal site, will it make any issues on SEO?
Kindly help me to get an idea on this. Thanks in advance

you can use angular for sure where ever you like its a JavaScript framework for applications. Now about SEO, earlier when angular came out there was not much stuff on SEO but If you do proper research (Google it) you will find tons of good articles about how to make your APP SEO friendly.
Since May 2014 Google crawlers now executes JavaScript - you can use the Google Webmaster Tools to better understand how your sites are rendered by Google.
you could use PushState which changes the URL in the top browser bar without reloading the page. Say you have a page containing tabs. The tabs hide and show content, and the content is inserted dynamically, either using AJAX or by simply setting display:none and display:block to hide and show the correct tab content.
When the tabs are clicked, use pushState to update the url in the address bar. When the page is rendered, use the value in the address bar to determine which tab to show. Angular routing will do this for you automatically.
Don't use HashBangs #!
Hashbang urls were an ugly stopgap requiring the developer to provide a pre-rendered version of the site at a special location. They still work, but you don't need to use them.
Hashbang URLs look like this:!path/to/resource
This would be paired with a metatag like this:
<meta name="fragment" content="!">
Google will not index them in this form, but will instead pull a static version of the site from the _escaped_fragments_ URL and index that.
Pushstate URLs look like any ordinary URL:
This question is already answered in detail by #superluminary If you click the following link you will find the original post and more useful stuff.
How do search engines deal with AngularJS applications?


How does Stackoverflow highlight the answers with the sharable link with pagination for answers?

When we get a sharable link for an answer here, It gives the link with a hash parameter and when the link is loaded, it scrolls down and highlights the particular answer with a color. It works even if there are a lot of answers with pagination enabled. It automatically goes to the page and highlights the answer. How does that work?
I am working on a project where the situation is kind of the same as this and I have managed to achieve this without pagination. I have used React JS(along with react-router-dom for routes) for the front end and Django Rest Framework for the backend.
I have a server-side pagination enabled list of answers and I can travel through pages in the front-end as well. But like earlier it does not highlight a particular answer with the hash parameter in the url if that answer is not on the front page. I have to manually give the page number where the answer exists and that is the only way it works for now.
Is there any way to travel though pages and find the answer automatically and highlight it?
Can I do the same thing as it does here in Stackoverflow with these frameworks and if yes, how?
Any answer would be great!
Thank you!

How can I link custom community visualization to other pages in a report?

I built a community visualization with various fields. One field that I'm adding is a URL, composed as the documentation suggests, that links to a filter in another page.
While the URL is fine and working, I cannot use it in a normal link or a form because the iframe in which the community visualization is embedded is sandboxed to allow only scripts.
Is there another way to change the top frame navigation, or switch to another page from within the visualization? Maybe through a javascript call?
Community Visualizations do not allow links to external resources, so there's no way to make the visualization act as a link to a filter on another page.

Angular.js: Is there any disadvantage of hash in url with respect to SEO?

I am making a website using AngularJS, I am curious to know that is there any disadvantage of hash in url with respect to seo ?
I'll appreciate any contribution.
If we go back to the basics, HASH # means a DIV ID in your HTML, and to talk in more details Google ignores anything after the HASH.
Example, this page is similar to
This is an advanced technique some marketers are using it to track their campaign without using parameters like UTMs to avoid content duplication.
To make sure your page is loading without any errors, try to disable the JS from your browsers using "Web Developer Tool" and then load your page, i think you will get a white page without content and this is the way Google and most of the search engines see your pages.
Also there is another way to test it by going to Search Console "Webmaster tool" and use fetch as Google, here you will see exactly how Google view your page.

Edit content at URL in Drupal 7

I'm a complete COMPLETE noob at Drupal.
I've been handed a large very customized Drupal 7 site after our admin quit. I have tons of WP experience, but zilch in Drupal.
I've been asked to edit a page that exists at:[page]
The page functions only to redirect to:
But, I need to change part of the way it redirects. Normally (as in, the one other time I did it) to edit a Drupal page, I just go to the page logged in as an admin and click "edit". Since this is a redirect page, I can't really do this. The /admin/content section has 83 pages of 25 items each with no way for me to search on anything and no way to tell from what the guy called the page as to what page actually does this redirect. I'll be a monkey's uncle if I'm going to click on every darn one of them and then click the "URL path settings" tab at the bottom to see which one of these suckers is the page I'm after.
Surely this is simple for even a typical Drupal novice... like I said though, complete noob.
Any ideas? Thanks!
There are a few modules that can handle redirection or even simple editing of a path.
You can look at pathauto
On that page you should find other recommendations such as the Global Redirect & Redirect modules. I'm pretty sure some of these modules will simplify your task. You should be able to take an existing path and redirect it to wherever you wish, without having to dig in each URL alias on the node edit page.
It's always difficult to give specific advice without knowing more, but , for instance, Pathauto can help you change the path of a specific content type to a specific pattern. That can come very handy if you need to change a bunch of pages with a similar structure.

Hosted mobile web app to the app store? [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a mobile web app hosted on a server currently. I would like to submit this to the Apple, Google, and Microsoft app stores, but all the PhoneGap samples involve packaging up all the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files and wrapping it. I want to make it even simplier by leaving the mobile web app hosted on the server and use PhoneGap only as an iframe to view the hosted app. That way, I can make updates that would propagate to all the devices without having to update through the app store. Also the main reason for me wanting to do this is because I have about 20GB's of audio and video files that I obviously can't packaging up into PhoneGap and place in the app store. Any help or advise would be greatly appreciated!
Simply put, you can't do that.
For one, like you said, PhoneGap needs the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files, they can't be hosted and still be packaged. Also, Apple does not allow you to make updates without going through them, it's one of their rules, so you would not be able to make updates like you asked. Last, I also know that if it is something that could work as just a mobile web app, then it will most likely get rejected when submitted. And I guarantee you that if you only put an iframe that links to your current app it will not be let through.
The whole point of PhoneGap is not let you put web apps into mobile app stores, it's to allow you to use such technologies as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build hybrid apps that also give you access native features through plugins.
It already sounds like you have something working and have no need for PhoneGap. Simply tell your users to add your site to their home screen, it will give you the power you're looking for to push updates without forcing your users to update through an app store.
